Did you play it? I'm just curious why you think its a game for 12 year olds and why it is bad...
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He was sarcastic. He meant that 12 year kids wount understand this game and will call it "clone" of some other game. Because this game is not WoW,L2(jeez it's still exists?) or other mmorp. guild wars is not traditional mmorpg.Btw where are LOTS OF short movies on youtube about guild wars 2
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Used to play MMORPGs only but I got tired of endless grindfests (wow, lineage 2, etc). I doubt this will be different.
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your fanboi status has been revoked... please leave =P
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Because everyone says about every MMO it isn't a grindfest, and all of them ends up like one. You can't have a proper opinion based on the beta of an MMO. And because every time a person who played WoW is spotted, they are instantly labeled as 12 years olds.
Well guess what. I'm 22, I play WoW, I've played plenty of MMOs before, and aside from TERA, I think WoW is the best one.
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lol thats true I only played it and disliked it because no one wanted to quest with me at the lower levels. I wont deny the game is good just because I didn't like playing up to max level alone. It just didn't meet my social needs for an MMORPG when I played it for my first month. I even gave my 2 month game time card to a friend It just didn't stand up to Guild Wars for me. But it is a good game no doubt.
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I didn't say it will absolutely be, I just said I have my doubts. I highly doubt that you'll be able to get the best gear ingame by doing silly pop-up area quests. And by the way, you haven't seen the game either. At best you've played the beta weekends, which are obviously not an accurate representation of the full finished game, so you wouldn't know either. Talk to me after 3-4 months of playing and we'll see, maybe I'm wrong, who knows?
Finally, no, I'm not 12 years old. Just because I don't like your beloved game doesn't mean you have to act like a dick or that I don't have taste in games.
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It's not fine with me. I used to play MMORPGs for way longer than 4 months. Then I got bored of spending so much time doing nothing.
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" Like GW1 "valuable" gear is based on aesthetics or how cool the gear looks, basically prestige."
That gear for example. Yes, I know you don't need it, but if you are playing an MMO you want to look as cool as possible. And I'm sure that eventually you'll have to grind for stuff. I haven't played it so I don't know what that will be though.
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Ok, i have to agree with that, but, that "gear" is just cosmetic with stats, but it thne you equip new item like chest, it doesn't realy change your look. Basically you new armor set looks same as your main one. but shoulders or head does change your look. For "good" stuff where are party dungeons where you can find sets.
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Thats one of the cool things about GW1 that made it into GW2 is that "teh best gear" isn't hard to obtain you will easily have max stat gear without having to spend a lot of money or grind. Like GW1 "valuable" gear is based on aesthetics or how cool the gear looks, basically prestige.
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yea I have high hopes but I am sure there will eventually be a point where you end up grinding. I have 4 Beta weekend events under my belt and I haven't had to grind yet, but I am sure there will come a day.
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lol jumping puzzles are gonna be da best =P btw how can you stand the sound the female charr makes when she runs? If you are looking for a server let me know. If people return to our server we beat our 2 competing servers in WvWvW by triple the points or more, if you are looking for a good server for WvW.
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That is awesome to hear I only played Asura and Sylvari during the last beta and stress test, might have to reconsider my race choice
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I am, not sure about the server i will pick (will be an European one for sure XD, maybe Underworld).
I will probably choose mesmer or necromancer.
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I survived the Hunger games! I was on the Green team in the server I got thrown in and I was 1 of the 9 people left at the end of the beta. It was definitely a lot of fun
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<- this guy
i'll play a sylvari elementalist i guess
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I'm not. Out of my budget at the moment. And I have a long list of pending games in my steam library
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I have so many games left to play on my back log thanks to these sales, I think I might be addicted to buying cheap games... I hope you get the chance to play some day. maybe a free trial somewhere down the road.
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Certainly me preordered the game on www.g2play.net and got my key in like 2 seconds now gonna play the beta w00000t.
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You missed all the betas my friend lol and nice plug-in
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Yea it's a totally different game, Nightfall and prophecies were by far my favorite campaigns.
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well i won a copy of guild wars 2 from gamespot so im all good ,was worried i wouldnt have the money for it ;p
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I' m will play but not on release. I don't have the money and I am kind of waiting for a price drop. I played the last two beta weekends and had a lot of fun. Its not overly amazing like a lot of people say but I do like where it's going and think the game is good. I played on the Gates of madness sever as well and plan on sticking to it when I finally get the game.
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Yea I hear you but I don't think you will see a price drop any time soon unless the company who's selling it is willing to take the profit loss. I think the game is going to be successful for a while so they aren't going to drop the price. Probably not till there is an expansion.
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what didnt you like about the game? I totally think you are allowed your own opinion but i am just curious what putts you off the game. Can you get a refund? Obviously if you don't personally like it there is no point in you playing it. Maybe you can sell your account? I'm sure that's against the rules though. If you haven't linked your account to a gw1 account once someone links it it uses the login info for their existing gw1 account. Keep that in mind might be a good point in getting rid of it.
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honestly, i just don't like 3D mmo games to begin with. i bought it because my friends been telling me i should get it and i just gave it a shot but still a nope for me. as for refund, it's prepurchased so i doubt i can get a refund. i've thought about selling the account to some friends but turns out those who wanted to get the game also already prepurchased it. i have never played gw1 and the account i've activated it on is a new account i made.
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Ok I agree with you, I have an i7-920 6GB ram and a GTX 680 SC+ and I get like 20-40 fps. I'm gonna do a fresh install of windows before launch because that doesn't seem right to me.
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Eh I don't think that'll help the performance issues but I might speed up your computer everywhere else so why not. Also keep in mind they still have time to work on optimization. Hopefully that'll be done by release and if not, shortly after.
I personally didn't have any major performance issues outside of large volume combat, such as end events or in WvWvW. The rest ran fine to me. Though underwater can get cluster-fucky real fast, mostly due to X Y Z combat.
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I just don't get why people with significantly lower spec rigs playing on highest settings at 60+ fps but I am sure it will be playable.
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Even on the lowest settings I was having some problems, and there's no reason why it should run as poorly as it did. I'm not saying I should be able to run it on max settings flawlessly, but I've got enough to run it on low settings with great fps at the very least. Hopefully this last month of dev time will be mostly spent on optimizing.
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The reason it ran so poorly on BWEs was cause they hadn't optimized it yet. I don't know how it was on last BWE but during previous ones, GW2 wouldn't use full computer potential, but only one core on which it did everything, including work that should have been done by GPU. Thats gonna be fixed on release.
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The last BWE ran WORSE for me than the others, which was odd, since my CPU is where my comp is on the weaker side, and that was the weekend they claimed to have made it less CPU dependent. From what I was hearing on the forums, I wasn't the only one with that issue. I'm in no way regretting my purchase, but I am a little worried that maybe they should have pushed the release date back a bit.
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20 days till release!(for the people who prepurchased) I'll be playing an Asura Warrior and maybe a necro. A bunch of my friends and I are going to be doing our own little guild thing but we may try to find a bigger guild to tag a long with for WvW. It's going to be a blast!
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17,407 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CommissarCiaphasCain
I just wanted to see who all is going to be playing come release on August 28th or the 25th if you pre-purchased. Me and a few friends are going to be playing together on the North American server Gate of Madness. We even have a guild all planned out. Let me know if you want to join us in our adventures across Tyria. Also, feel free to tell us what server you are planning to play on and what race and profession you are looking forward to playing the most.
I'm probably going to end up playing a human ranger because I am boring, but every profession and race seems so interesting and significantly different.
Grave Digger
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