used to go every weekend in the city!!! even contenplated buying a couple of capsules
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shit, now thats hardcore. Always saw those sim capsules in magazines, never actually in real life.
Looking now at what mech2 would feel like in one of those... heh.. i dunno.. id probably still play it just for the soundtrack.
But honestly, check out MWO for that "sim" feel in current gen. FFS its good so far. Buddy of mine got in the beta, and the small bit of time ive played so far its exactly what BT fans have been clamoring for since mech3 launched.
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no way awesome... shit thats probably where the place i went to relocated. used to have the thick ass book with all the different classes and weapons so you could tell the counter guywhat class and weapons you wanted. nothing beat the feel in those things
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Used to play Battletech (the board/tabletop game), think I still have my old insignia, patches and some tin figures lying around somewhere.
But I'm not sure yet if I will try out MWO, didn't even know that it exists before I read this thread. Thanks for the heads-up.
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hey man, i have lead ral partha figures older than i am.
That was truly the way to play.
Also, if you are a TT fan, and dont get proper access to playing anymore, look into MegaMek. Free well supported and tested java client that runs a literal 1:1 translation of tabletop battletech rules playable online vs many opponents, or even skirmishing against bots. Built in campaign manager, etc etc. the entire experience from tt in one package. and free. :D I'd be willing to play some games with anyone who actually picks this up.
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Yes. I really, really am. At first, I was massively disappointed that a) FUCK YOU BASTARDS WHERE IS MY JADE FALCON CLAN and b) FUCK YOU WHORES WHERE IS MY TIMBER WOLF and c) that it got cancelled q.q. But what I'm seeing of MWO looks gorgeous and I'm actually really interested in playing out a scout class. Zipping around with nothing but a flamethrower will piss everyone off and it will be glorious.
Unfortunately, I never got into Battletech/MechWarrior as much as I wanted to. I was too young for its prime and finding working copies, especially of MW2 and MW2: Mercenaries (the two I favoured greatly), is surprisingly difficult. I do have a copy of MechWarrior 3 sitting next to me that I picked up a while back, but sadly, it's on a floppy disc and I have no drive any more.
Edit: HOLY SHIT. It's not a floppy disc?! It's a CD! With a box this huge, I thought there was no way it was from the CD-ROM era. D: Why did I never check until now?! I'm definitely giving this thing a test run soon!
Edit 2: CD and box contain addresses and phone numbers for a random American chick (anyone know what Alabama girls are like?) and a Welsh chick, from the looks of it, the owner's clan members. Excellent. A near-legendary game for me that I have a better chance of running than I did yesterday and secret contact information. This day just got a lot better.
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MechWarrior 3 is an excellent game. I am actually playing it right now (along with the Pirates Moon Expansion). Also, it worked on my Windows 7 64 bit machine right out of the box!
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Tbh, i have two retail copies of mechwarrior 2 original release, if its for the greater good, i could probably be convinced to send you a copy jade, as you've done so damn much for our community.
Regardless, im happy that you're going to be in MWO. I'm telling you, i spent about 8 hours on it, and its phenomenal. Weapons feel right, mechs look right, still fairly close to TT rules but with enough modernization to make it truly playable.
Also, dont worry, pay attention to the Dev Blogs. They are planning on bringing in the clans appx this time next year. Its following the real timeline of the BT world as if "today" was todays date but 3049. 3050 is when the clans first invaded fully, with the first reported "scouting party" skirmishes involving a Timberwolf/MadCat in 3049 vs Phelan Kell.
Supposedly the devs are gonna be introducing the clans themselves when the time comes. It's gonna be glorious.
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You have no idea how seriously I am considering that offer. Shouldn't have made it. ;)
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offer wouldn't have been made if it wasn't to be taken seriously.
Also, looking at the discs right now, i stand corrected. One is the ver 1.1 dos IBM-compatible release. The other is the netmech bundled, Mplayer/Kali ready edition. As though either of those services still exist. both are pre titanium edition or 3dfx remake. Take your pick man.
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I can't wait for this...signed up for beta forever ago.
SO WANT! Loved the old games so much, use to use a flight stick.
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I see this jade falcon flag getting toted around. Being a 15 year+ player of tabletop battletech, mechwarrior, and other FASA games, I'm interested in seeing if one of our other prominent members here is going to be stomping around in our old 3049 tech come august.
obligatory clanner scum comment, soon to be followed be obligatory freebirth comment, i'm sure.
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