All of my gaming/Steam communites died out and I am/was a "succesful" moderator. I enjoy helping people and playing games with me and I really enjoy making giveaways, however scarce they may be. I really want a good gaming community that I can stick with and support.
I hate mod abuse and stupid rules. Also- events that are meant to kick the leechers. (S.GiftsPrivateChat, really?)
Anyway, I really want to join and thank you for this offer!
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Interesting, I get a good vibe from you and it just so happens their are 2 mod slots open. so if all goes well perhaps it'll be yours. u sound like your looking for something worthy to commit to, maybe we r it? I hope to have a youtube channel up and running in a week or so to support this group and next a blog/website for game reviews, live streaming of unboxing of games and collectibles, and hopefully much more. Like I said a WIP, and it takes dedicated people to evolve a common group into a loved community. steam is a jumping off point. So, anyone committing to this journey at the least has nothing to loose and at most everything to gain/ meaning that it's all about perspective and goals. 1st batch of invites goes out in 24-48 hours depending on number of comments. You, being first to comment and seming sincere receive first invite. :)
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You seem like a very nice person and I will be glad to contribute!
I have no problems if you have other plans for the group, but like you said, this is a WIP!
Thank you for the invite and I will be glad to be a part of this community!
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It's actually a very good idea...
"If you have no interest in joining and/or nothing positive to say, then please keep it to yourself"
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[SARCASM NOTED] I like to be up front with people about expectations that I expect and that they as members should also expect. There are scam and gifting/lecher groups EVERYWHERE. So, if it strains your mind to much to read this, then don't. Also if not interested in joining, then your feedback is neither needed or wanted. Have a nice day. :)
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I've been getting a lot more active in steam groups recently, but I've also seen the unfortunate end of some(like Bronze said, SGPC for example). Always up for a group where I could meet new people and discuss whatever's going on atm (usually something related to gaming or school getting on my nerves), so as long as you fee it has a future, it's worth a shot :)
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Invite Sent; I do believe it has a future. It's up to people like you, BronzePage and others to pave the way. Don't worry I,m there to, lol but with the events and upcoming surprises i have in store, we have a good jumping point. Thats all I;ll say for now. ;)
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I would love to join this group. I hope to get some friends to game with, and perhaps I find someone in my own country ! Also, I love these kind of groups, but groups like " if you win a giveaway, create one afterwards, DERP " are just really annoying !
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Cool idea, I'm allready in a clan so I won't join. But good luck, hope it works out :)
(I've got to agree with some of these guys though, that's one big ass wall of text xD)
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Can't disagree there. But it had to be said, and if you can't take the time to read and know what this group is about, expects from members and members can expect from it then I would rather those people not be involved. Also, good luck with your clan. :)
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Sounds like a good group. I'd maybe like to try it out. See what its all about.
"Do you favor PC, as I do? Or maybe you prefer PS3 more, or maybe you prefer all platforms equally,(Fat Chance)lol."
^^ Also, I am a fan of all platforms. Platforms mean very little to me, it's the games that count. There is always a gem, or potential in every platform. How dare you assume otherwise!!! :p
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Good for you, seriously. I was being sarcastic in response to haters, hence the lol. One of our most important rule is no hating. We even have a sub forum for discussions for each major console(for now). I am fortunate enough to own all the major platforms and agree with your statement wholeheartedly. I appreciate the unbiased response.
invite sent :)
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Hey there! Your group looks interesting. I've never really been part of a group, or atleast an active one. I'd really like to join if you want. There seems to be some really nice people around here to play and chat with. In any case, have a great day, good sir! :)
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Sounds like a nice social group.
I don't know how many radioactive rodents you already have in the group, but I'm keen to join :)
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I like this idea, but I'm not the right person for such groups. Anyway, best wishes for your group, I'd like to see it become a nice community :) Impressive wall of text btw.
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I would love to join. I have donated $40 dollars worth of public and will try to donate something to the group ASAP, and I will try to make most if not all of my giveaways private. I've never been in an active steam group before so I don't really know how to answer that part, but I am looking forward to being in an active group and would like to meet new people. And I prefer equality, I have a Wii, a PS3, an XBOX 360, and of course, a PC.
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I see groups everywhere; Community Groups, Leeching Groups, Gifting Groups, Game Groups(both Official and Unofficial), Scams Groups, etc.. here a scam there a scam everywhere a scam scam,lol. But seriously,their are groups everywhere. Most are imo bad news, but not all are. Actually some are absolutely fantastic. Anyway, my name as you can see is Prolific and I've started a group as many others have done, are doing and will continue to do. I don't want your money or your gifts, not even donations or whatever other crap people ask or demand for. My number one goal is to change "SP_EC" (South Paw_Entertainment Containment) from just another empty abandoned husk of a group into an actual diverse community. I started this group just over a month ago and have paid for and hosted nearly half a dozen giveaways already. NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE IS REQUIRED TO DO OR HOST GIVEAWAYS! If a member would like to do a giveaway for the group, whether through or the group itself they are welcome too, but not required. No gifting will ever be solicited from members! Any gifting done by anyone other than me should and will be of their own free will and because they want to, not because they have to.
The spoken, or should I say official written language for this Group/Comm. is English. Regardless, I'm looking for people from all over the Global Net, Diversity is key! Do you favor PC, as I do? Or maybe you prefer PS3 more, or maybe you prefer all platforms equally,(Fat Chance)lol. Maybe you like RPGs, FPS's, P&C, maybe none of the above or all and more. The point is that it REALLY DOESN'T MATTER! Everyone is Welcome ATM. I want this group/comm to evolve to and beyond a place where people can meet and greet. Make new friends, find co-op partners, meet people with like minded interests, hobbies, and ideas. This is a "WIP"(work in progress) and I need good people to progress. I do realize that their will be lechers as in all groups. But I do have a plan and system to weed them out effectively. This group will remain Public until we reach over 100 members, then The group/comm. will become private until the lechers are removed. All I ask is for group participation. Leave a comment or suggestion, start a discussion or respond to one/ones already started. Everyone has a life outside of here but if your able, pop in once or several times a week. So far I'm disappointed as to the level of involvement by most members. The ones that do contribute in the way stated above do so often and sincerely and most of the ones that do not also don't participate in the giveaways.The ones that repeatedly enter giveaways and don't contribute to the group in the ways I've stated are the ones to be weeded out. Also, participation does not mean only comment or thank gifters as giveaways are happening. Participation should be at any given time, not just gift time.
If after reading(if you made it this far)this you think our group/comm is something you want to be a part of please leave a comment below telling me either #1.Why you think you'd be a good fit for this group/comm or #2.What you either like or dislike most about Steam groups. For ex: type of groups, group abuses, adm. or mod. abuses, helpful game groups, charity groups, etc..
PS- If you have no interest in joining and/or nothing positive to say, then please keep it to yourself.
PSS; For those of you who will receive invites , their is a "Potluck Giveaway" going on right now(Group Only) and ends tonight. In light of new members, I will leave the contest open no later than this Sunday, the 7th of October and no earlier than Friday 5th of October, 2012. I will Post a Group Announcement late this evening Eastern US time.
FYI: Members such as BronzePage for example, have the right kind of passionate attitudes and commitment that a group needs to become a Community. (Food for Thought)
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