Screw polls.
I went for the BTA. The only games I didn't have were Among The Sleep and realMyst and I think that's a good price for those alone.
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I also lack only those two, but not cheap enough for me. :P
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Both games never went lower than 5$ each. It's a steal for 5$ only for those two games.
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Can definitely recommend this bundle just for among the sleep and torchlight 2. Both amazing games that I really enjoyed!
Although i won't be buying because the only game I want that I don't already have is realMyst and the price is a bit high just for that.
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I'm still on the fence. I only need Among the Sleep... and I don't really feel like paying the BTA price for this game alone.
Edit: ok fine, I gave in. No, wait. I wanted to... but the MacStore/Paypal clearly doesn't want me to have Among the Sleep because when prompted to log into my paypal account, all I get is "To help protect your account, we logged you out. Click the refresh button in your browser window to log in again and start your transaction over". Refreshing the page won't do anything.
So... no Among the Sleep for me, I guess. I'm crying sad tears of sadness right meow.
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Hey, I didn't even think about that. I guess that'd be a good workaround, thanks for the suggestion! Buuut... now I'm back on the fence. ;) That part of me that is addicted to bundles screams to get it but the logical side of my brain constantly reminds me that I already have too many unplayed games so it'd be stupid to fork out more than $5 (yay for crappy exchange rates) simply to had another one to my backlog. Internal conflicts, I has them.
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Want me to tempt you? realMyst has some good valued cards... hehe :)
I was on the fence just like you. As you may have guessed, the addiction made me get it. My birthday's up soon and that will make some nice giveaways. Also, why not join some groups? Naza, you should really join some groups!! As far as I can see you're in none of my favourite groups. What a pity!
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Well, I don't need to buy the bundle anymore, I got Among the Sleep elsewhere. :3
Groups? But I am part of some groups! Not the ones you love, obviously. ;) Which one do you recommend?
Also... so your B-Day is near? I see. I guess I'll have to stock up on some neat cat-related gifs then. ;)
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To be perfectly honest, I'm not very active among the groups I'm in. I see them more as a way to keep me updated on bundles, deals and which games got steam keys & cards. I also don't enter group giveaways that often, because the GAs are usually not for games I really want. :o/ So yeah... I'm a pretty boring group member, I guess. ;) Maybe I'll be more involved in the future, who knows? I think that most of my groups aren't giveaway ones... but if I had to choose my favorite among those that are, I'd say Meow's Giveaways. Because cats, obviously. ;)
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Do the Daedelic Adventure come also with german language in the DRM-free version?
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I can not even get it to load,as i want at least the 1 Tier,if i did not have Torchlight II i might have gone for the BTA
Got it to load,download was eating up all the bandwidth lol
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You can't load the page? Try this one:
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hi all, i wanna ask, this my first time buy on here, my Purchase still on review... i buy on , but when i redeem (if my cc accepted) i redeem steam key or ?... because when i see game i buy on status purchased but when i click available on windows logo, the game not purchased is still available to buy, but when i open on is purchased but available on mac (not puchased), What is this have effect?...because i want to redeem on windows steam, i see all game bundle have win mac nodrm steam logo on every game.
Thank you
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Who is driving up this average price so high? I understand on Humble, where you can choose exactly how much goes to the devs, or to charity, and decide to be generous to one or both of those groups, but who would chose to give Win/MacGameStore $20-$30 for these?
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same question, and my Purchase already 13 hours elapsed still on review
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People who have money to give,people who want the games,people who think what they gave is a fair price??
Maybe that person supports that charity whenever they can.
Just like humble and others they have worked out something with the publishers.I suppose in the end everyone can pay what they want,and maybe they paid such a high price to give more to charity as most of the games are decent so still worth 30.00.And it does not really drive up the price as that is a small percentage of who BTA most will beat the going BTA not anymore.
The only reason i did not BTA is i had Torchlight and Cognition Game of the Year Edition was the only other game i wanted,so not worth it for me.
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if people are paying more than they can for charity, its kinda idiotic since the percentage is fixed to 10% unlike humble bundle. it would be better idea to donate SU2C directly. even if you're not direct donation kind of a guy, they're selling pretty cool tshirts and stuff. i think people want to support the devs. because if otherwise, it's very inefficient like i said.
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it is not idiotic just because they paid more then you think is fair and what not.
Would you like someone telling you what to pay and do with your money,i would think not.So how is that person a idiot for spending more then you think they should??
Maybe your just a cheap bastard and was butt hurt that it drove up the price some.On the other hand i am cheap and what is why i get bundles,so i guess that makes me a cheap bastard!
It i up over 40,00 so now you can say how stupid that is
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it IS idiotic if your intention is donating money. only 10% of the money you paid goes to the charity. learn to read.
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it IS idiotic if your intention is donating money. only 10% of the money you paid goes to the charity. learn to read.
but who would chose to give Win/MacGameStore $20-$30 for these?
The same people who choose to make sites like Humble money,as stuff bought from there store is only 10% of it donated to the charity so i guess who in there right mind would buy from the humble store and give humble all that extra how dare they.
Not all the money is going to the Win/Mac game store,they worked out some deal with the publisher like all the other sites due when they have bundles.
Either way it is up to the person giving the money to decide what it is worth not for you to decide they are wasting it.Saying someone is stupid because they wish to give more money then you ever would just out of being kind how dare they do that.
Granted it is only 10% of the sale but as i have said maybe they also wanted to give back to the publishers also,maybe they have plenty of money and thought the games where well worth the 30 bucks,maybe they are just foolish with there money,but still does not make them an idiotic for spending that much,it is there money to do what they want.
You can still find it stupid,and i can still not agree with it
Yes i know my typing skills suck and my English is a bit rough,so no need to point that out,your welcome
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i don't get why you're quoting (i mean, i guess you're trying to quote) someone else's words like i said? you discuss that with that guy. not with me. i never said people are paying $20-$30 to MacGameStore. i said they want to support the devs (hopefully). and i never said it's idiotic if their intention is paying to the devs, but to the charity. and like you didn't comprehend, i also mentioned donating to SU2C directly, or buying stuff from them. you can't compare a pwyw bundle with a game store. so talking about humble store is irrelevant. we're talking about how much to pay for a pwyw bundle. i hate to repeat myself but try to read it with your eyes this time.
i hope it's clear enough this time for you to understand.
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Pay what you want ($1 minimum) for:
The Night of The Rabbit
Edna & Harvey: Harveys New Eyes
1954 Alcatraz
Beat the Average: (Currently $4.59)
Cognition GOTY
Torchlight II
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition
Among The Sleep
All games are Steamplay so keys will work for either PC or Mac.
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