What's the point of the GA then? Why not just put the key in the forums like people already do...
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Because not all free games are free forever and it would give the chance to get the game to the ones that didn't have the chance to claim the game when it was free.
If no points , rep or slots are awarded ... can't see how this is bad. .
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don't think it was suggested.
but whats the point? you can drop it in the forums and that's it...
more work for cg, for no reason
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Forums aren't bad but not perfekt.
First of all users have to know that forums are used for free games... and there is no automatically connection to your wishlist ...and the creator has to pick some winner by hand... and all the other drawbacks that motivated the creation of the giveaway system.
Do not give reputation for free giveaways but allow to use the well established giveaway system with all its benefits.
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Leaving the keys on the forum works but most of the times 100 guys will try to claim it after it is already claimed so ... the regular GA system with no points, rep or slots to the creator would be fine.
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Better make free games visible in list of creation giveaway, but can't be picked. And add some info about "grey" games on page. But in the end would be very interesting with option create giveaway with random game, without any positive feedbacks for creator. But with limits just 1 slot with random game giveaway and with cost 30-50 point. Something like wheel of fortune. And people can put this free keys here.
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+1 for greyed out games so we understand why they don't show up and we aren't just idiots when new
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Aside from the above mentioned issues, when games are free in large amounts, they tend to overwhelm the site, both in visual clutter and performance.
Those that have been around for a while remember times when the whole front page was nothing but Dota 2 beta or The Ship, and the site came to a crawl.
Also, the admin would have to manually change the price of the game and prevent it from updating from the Steam API, something he doesn't currently have a tool for.
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Ok, thats a point. But without any reputation for those games i'm not sure if this would happen again.
Nevertheless i really like Bazilus suggestion - imho a typical low-hanging-fruit.
[...]Better make free games visible in list of creation giveaway, but can't be picked. And add some info about "grey" games on page[...]
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Another point: people creating giveaways for a game X, the game X is a free game but the creator didn't realize about it. Creator sending ticket to support asking why he didn't get CV. Repeat that Y times daily. Yay for a support team even more saturated than before!
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Hmm... but they would have to count towards giveaway feedback, right? I mean at least negative for sure. Some private groups scrutinize given:won ratio. Seems like it would be a bit of an ineloquent hack coding-wise to add a no-positive-feedback-only exception to free games.
If you view other giveaway sites that don't exclude free games you see them absolutely flooded with these giveaways, which unnecessarily strains the server and makes browsing the site a pain without filtering.
There is some merit to "free" games being added back on the site after their giveaway period has long passed. You could say that in order to avoid floods you could make it x weeks/months before a game can be given away without receiving credit, but if you then decide that after a much longer period these games can be given for bundle value again, you'd have to do another ugly hack that only counts value/feedback after a period of time that the game was marked as free.
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Sounds like a good idea. The giveaway system is much more convenient and fair than leaving keys in the forum and letting the quickest user/bot/script snatch them.
If server resources becomes an issue it's always possible to revert this change.
You have my vote, if it means anything.
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Yeah, I'd be happy entering 1P or 0P giveaways for games I couldn't bother to get free myself. They would flood the list though, it would need an extra filter or sub-page.
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Yes. Mostly because most of the games blocked on SG aren't actually free anymore and some of us are sitting on actual giftable real life steam copies of such games and aren't allowed to give them away because that would be exploiting the system... Somehow....
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And what about free games been give only if they're gifts?
I never seen free games been given in gifts [Only keys], neither a way to turn keys into gifts, and there's a lot of people who didn't get these games when they were free.
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Instead of black listing them why not create some place for them with special conditions. These special giveaway could be marked with a visual flag/icon and for 0 points. Or was this discussed already and i've missed that. Sorry in that case.
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