I've never heard of Fez, but I watched the video and that game, alone, sold me on this Humble.
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Its because the Average is high because only like 20 people bought it , so if one of them pay high , the average is getting really high , but after a lot of people buy the bundle (Like now) The average lowers , now its around 3.8$
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Welp, guess I gotta scrounge up $10+ for those BTA bonuses next week, since I was one of the first ones to buy it when it was at that price. Then again, I already have every game from the bundle (excluding the new Eets demo, of course), so it may have been a bit of a waste. But, I'm a sucker for soundtracks, so...
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Wow really good games! , Going to buy bta , but now its 12.57$ XD
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It's more the fact that you have to beat the average for them now, rather than every early adopter at $1 or more getting them, I guess
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Not like it wouldn't have anything to do with the greed of the users buying dozens of bundles for a dollar each. The worst scum would even sell them for profit for people who doesn't know about these bundles.
It is charity and all, but there has to be a limit to everything.
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It reduces it at least. Now people have to pay more than $1 to get all those games while before it was just $1 during the first week and you get pretty much everything.
I believe the policy change is due to the Origin bundle. So many people bought the bundle for $1 and then tried to flip it for $15-20. Some went the Ebay route others sticked to trading forums. Kotaku Australia made an article about it, Humble Bundle retweeted it and I believe the decision to gate the bonuses came out of that.
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People buys at 1 dollar - humble staff is greedy.
Seems legit.
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It defeated the purpose of extra games when anyone who paid $1 the first week got everything. Rather than revealed games convincing people to pay more to get those titles, you just increased the number of people who'd pay $1 up front.
Though I'd feel better about the policy change if it had happened with a bundle with a BTA selection that I cared about. I've owned FTL for a while, and have no interest in Fez.
It will take a while to see how the new pricing scheme pans out. The average will probably go a lot higher than previous Humble Bundles because you won't have the flood of $1 purchases (both from people wanting the bonus games, and people buying up multiple copies of the bundle to resell/trade/whatever parts of it).
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Well really the extra games were always meant to renew interest in the bundle after the interest has had time to diminish. Plus I think the main point of doing it that way was to get people to pay $1 early who otherwise might never even buy the bundle once they know what the extra games are.
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that has been the reason why i bought all humble game bundles in case any interesting games get added
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Anyone know which games get individual keys? I have most of these games but I might get the bundle for the games I don't have and I'd give away the ones I do have.
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Well, we're not the same. I'll probably give FTL a shot since I bought the bundle, and then, who knows.
Also, Brütal Legend itself worth 1 dollar. I bought it in the Humble Double Fine Bundle along with 3 other games for 5 bucks and it totally worth it (especially if you're into metal music).
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BTA is too low!! This bundle is worth $10 at least!!
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Don't worry, with the bonus games being BTA-only on this one, it will rise.
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196 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by ArtemB1988
Humble Support wrote on Twitter:
"You'll need to beat the average now in order to receive any games that are added later."
If you BTA after the games are added you will still get them, right? Some folks seem to be confused.
Humble Support wrote:
Trine 2: Complete Story
Mark of the Ninja
Eets Munchies Beta
Brütal Legend
Pay more than the average to unlock:
FTL: Faster Than Light
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
A Virus Named TOM
If the games don't show up in your library after redeeming: RESTART STEAM!
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