Otaku Bundle #20

9 Games + 1 DLC

15 April 2018 - 26 May 2018

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"3.2.1... Easter Sale Deal, Enjoy -20%" on All Bundles Using the coupon easter2018

Only from 01 April to 16 April 2018

Purchase options:

$1.49 per unit (if you buy x1)
$1.25 per unit (if you buy x2)
$0.80 per unit (if you buy x5)
$0.60 per unit (if you buy x10)

Ghoulboy - Dark Sword of Goblin keys have been revoked by the devs (including the ones from Fanatical - Hidden Gems 7 Bundle and Go Go Bundle #56

Game Ratings Cards Bundled Retail Price
The Secrets of The Forest No user reviews - 0 $10.99
War Hunter No user reviews - 0 $2.99 Release Date: April, 24
AIDEN No user reviews - 1 $4.99
Fantasyland No user reviews - 0 $8.99 Release Date: April, 21
Fantasyland All Heroes DLC No user reviews - 0 $1.99 Release Date: April, 21
Ghoulboy - Dark Sword of Goblin 82% of 23 reviews - 2 $3.99
Shotgun Legend 98% of 86 reviews 1 $4.99
Broken Armor 80% of 15 reviews 1 $4.99
Homeworld Defense No user reviews - 0 $3.99
SEGFAULT 65% of 17 reviews - 1 $7.99

Fantasyland All Heroes DLC does not have a store page yet.

☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.


  • $55.9


  • 7.1865 (after all the games will be released)

Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker

Group buys:

Kenshin - Otaku Bundle #20
[Manueluis - Otaku Bundle #20]()
PrinzVonBillAir - Otaku Bundle #20

Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!

Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!

This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.

6 years ago*

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Can you Defend your Broken Homeworld from Shotgun Armor?

View Results
The Secrets of The Purchase - only I know why I'm going for it.
GroupBuy Hunter
RebundleFAULT: not buying these since I own them already.
Wallet Defense: I say NO to this bundle.
In a Fantasyland, these bundles would have at least something interesting once every few months...

Cheers for the thread Shakti. Taking a punt on fantasyland.

6 years ago

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Thank you for thread and chart, Sensualshakti and have a nice Sunday! :-)

I was missing 4 games and a shiny DLC. ^^

6 years ago

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I just checked out the first game on Steam cause I was wondering about the actual price of $11 and I could not see anything that even remotely justifies that price. I kind of want to play it just to see how bad it really is but I have a feeling that I'd deeply regret it so I think I'll pass. Is it just me or are these bundles just keep getting worse and worse? o.o

6 years ago

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thanks, bought.. i've got a bad flu today so i'll check in the next hours or days the games to activate and those to give away :)

6 years ago

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It was the trading cards that used to tip the balance for me.
A lot of these bundles look very ropy with maybe one or two games that look interesting but you think , "oh ,they have lots of cards on the other games", so you'd grab it anyway..

But now it just doesn't seem worth bothering anymore .

6 years ago*

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It seems that Ghoulboy keys are getting revoked... even those coming from the Fanatical Hidden Gems 7 Bundle


Edit: from the linked thread, it appears the dev is giving replacement keys (cf also https://steamcommunity.com/app/752500/discussions/0/1781640738624917537/?ctp=2#c1781640738625149597 )

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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Yep, mine was revoked too. I'm not even upset, i have more than enough games to play. :D

6 years ago

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same here, just got a Steam message and Ghoulboy was revoked
though, the date shown on Steam says that I had activated it on April 11st, 2018 so it doesn't come from this bundle (which came out 4 days before) but most likely from the one you pointed out correctly

6 years ago

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dev says:
Revokes keys!!
Hi guys. Sorry for this revoke keys problem. This is my fault. I wanted to ban some keys because I thought it was being used without permission. But the keys that I gave it to bundle companies have been cancelled. I didn't know it would lead to such a conclusion. I emailed to steam how I remove revokes from keys. I hope they will help. Please understand. I had no bad intentions.

6 years ago

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goodbye to my shiny +1. ^^

6 years ago

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I had keys from both Otaku and Fanatical and all Ghoulboy keys have been banned :(

6 years ago

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