Hi, I have a question about steam: how long does it take to allow me to send a gift to a friend? After a time out I would like to do a giveaway, add the winner to my friends list and send them the gift, but I don't know if it takes more than a week for steam to let me do it. I ask since here we have a week to send the games, I don't want to make a mistake. Thank you.
PD: Sorry for my bad English.

4 years ago

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If payment went through successfully, the game should arrive instantly as it is an automated process.

4 years ago

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Even if he added the person just before? I think it's the case too but I guess that's what OP is asking about.

4 years ago

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It shouldn't be a problem no. Or at least, it never was from my experiences.

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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There is region restriction, unless you live in a country where the prices are normal.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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No problem.
I think Valve can solve this by make us choosing the person before buying the gift and convert the prices to local ones.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I did this several times before and never had a problem with it.

4 years ago

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I was always able to send the gift right after the winner accepted my friend request.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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is there still the option to send the steam gift through an email? or is now "friend list" the exclusive and only method?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Also, pay attention to price differences between regions.

4 years ago

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I live in Argentina, so my region is "South America". How can I know if there will be a price difference if the winner lives in another region? Are the price differences usually large?

4 years ago

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You can use SteamDB to check prices in different regions. I'd advise you don't use Steam itself for giveaways, at least without region locking them, since Argentinian prices are very low.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Nice page, did not know it. I will consider this, thanks.

4 years ago

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Yes, what Doshmaku said :)

4 years ago

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Beware, if you select South America, you will probably run into trouble. I had multiple instances where peruvians, venezuelans and others had to change their regions to Brazil or I had to cancel the giveaway altogether because of pricing differences. I suggest you select only Argentina and countries that have a maximum of 10% price variation on SteamDB compared to Argentina. That is the rule for Steam. I hope you manage to do the giveaways you want, have a beautiful weekend <3

4 years ago

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Mmmmm. I think I'm going to delete the giveaway and do it again, selecting the countries better. Thanks for the suggestion.

4 years ago

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hola, como leo que sos de argentina, te respondo yo que también soy de argentina.
regalos a través de steam, solo se lo vas a poder mandar a otro argentino, porque la diferencia de precios nos deja por debajo del resto de la región.

fíjate que hay juegos que podes comprar 2-pack o 4-pack.. esos juegos si los compras, te queda uno en tu biblioteca y los otros como gifts en tu inventario, y son transferibles a todos los países de Sudamérica, desde México hasta nosotros en el sur, todos, en la descripción del gif en tu inventario te van a figurar los países a los que podes enviar esos gif

otra forma de comprar a través de steam y hacer un giveaway en SG desconozco.
sino tendrías que comprar en alguna página, una key del juego que querés regalar, te recomiendo las más confiables, como humble bundle, indiegala, greenmangaming. salvo que asumas el riesgo de que la key, no te recomiendo comprar en lo que se conoce como el "mercado gris", que sería kinguin g2a, etc...
esas keys por lo general son Row y las podes enviar a qualquier persona de cualquier región.

4 years ago*

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Que raro encontrar a un ex taringuero por acá :P

Pero pará, ya me asustaste ¿no es suficiente con ponerle la restricción de región? ¿incluso dentro de la región puedo tener problemas para regalar un juego si lo compro en la tienda de steam?

4 years ago

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lo vas a tener que restringir a solamente argentina,
porque todos los países de nuestra región tienen precios que te bloquea al enviar el juego como regalo.
el tema es que si haces mal el ga. después no vas a poder pedir reroll ni nada.
también hay algunos grupos que son de usuarios con store argentina, podrías hacer el ga para algún grupo.

sino tenés que conseguir la key en alguna página, no queda otra, son las reglas de steam hace un tiempo ya.

edit. a Taringa no entro hace como dos años fácil... que no murió ese antro todavía?

4 years ago

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Supongo que borraré el sorteo y lo haré de vuelta solo para Argentina; quería comprar el juego con plata de steam que no uso para nada, prácticamente me salía gratis, no quiero poner la tarjeta :P

Aunque si encontrara alguna web que acepte bitcoins tal vez podría dejarlo, ¿sabés de alguna página que venda juegos por bitcoins y no te caguen?

¿conoces algún grupo activo de Argentina? estoy en uno pero no estoy seguro que sigan haciendo sorteos acá, falta nomas que lo haga ahí y no entre nadie.

Taringa murió hace rato. Con decirte que los posts llegan a destacados con 5 puntos o algo así te digo todo, no están ni los Botbol ahora, vendieron la página hace un par de años.

4 years ago

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pagina para pagar con bitcoin me mataste, ni idea, compro poco, y es con saldo básicamente
grupo de argentina activo, no conozco ninguno tampoco, yo en su momento hice un grupo acá para latinos, pero cayo en decadencia con el tiempo
Acordate de solicitar para cerrar el GA antes de que finalice! porque veo que le quedan 17hs

4 years ago

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Estaba chusmeando Indiegala y acepta bitcoins para pagar. Estaba pensando que podría jugármela, si resulta que gana alguien que no es argentino podría comprarlo ahí supongo, y si gana un argento lo pago con la plata de steam como tenía pensado. En caso de tener problema y no poder comprarlo de ningún modo, ¿no sabés que puede pasar si trato de cancelar el sorteo DESPUÉS de que termine? ¿alguna vez lo hiciste?

4 years ago

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una vez que termine te quedan dos caminos.
una es que le pidas amablemente al ganador que te deje solicitar eliminar el ga. el tiene que aceptar y dejar constancia en un mensaje, así los mods lo ven y te aceptan el trámite
la otra es que el ganador marque como "no recibido"

4 years ago

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Entiendo. Bueno, para hacerla mas fácil borré el sorteo mal hecho e hice uno nuevo solo para Argentina para ahorrarme problemas. Si querés metete, no sé si tendrás el juego :P

4 years ago

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I also recommend GamersGate as a trustworthy website for keys!

4 years ago

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Gifts don't have market holds, so it's immediate. On maybe two or thre occasions I've had to restart Steam to actually get the gift prompt, so it may be necessary to actually inform the recipient that they're getting a gift, if they don't appear to have noticed such on their own. Also, once a gift has actually been sent through Steam, your recipient actually has thirty days to claim it before Steam reverses the gift. As such, there's little risk of losing out on any sale pricing, so long as the gift is sent out before the sale ends.

If you're pressured on time before a sale ends, you can remind people who enter to send friend requests your way as they enter the giveaway, so that you can easily and reliably add the winner to Steam in time (and then just mass-ignore all other friend requests received). Given the unreliability of public entrants as far as reading descriptions, any sales which are that tight on time should perhaps be directed towards trusted groups or the like, instead.

As far as sales that aren't as tight on time, they're generally a bit more managable. If you do a flash public giveaway for a game that has a one week sale period and the sale is still fairly close to its start time, it's unlikely (given their previous behaviors) that staff won't just round up to a week, so long as you can give clear indication that you tried to give the game immediately and noted the time pressures in the giveaway description to begin with.

As a more critical reminder, do note (if you're not already aware) Steam's region restrictions on gifting, based on relative currency values. To avoid issues, you can load the intended gift up on SteamDB, which offers automatic currency comparisons between regions, and then just restrict out any regions with a currency value 10% or more higher in value than your purchasing currency. [In other words, if a game is $40 USD and also 40 Euro, and the adjusted value for Euro at that time puts it at over $44 USD, then you wouldn't be able to gift from the US to Europe.]

4 years ago

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Wow, good explanation. Thanks for taking the time to write it =)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thanks for your comments people, I will finally do a short giveaway with region restriction, I hope I have no problems and the winner responds quickly. Fingers crossed! :P

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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