Do you think you can fast for a month like Muslims do?
Happy Cakeday!
As for fasting, I'm not allowed to do so for medical reasons.
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Oh, no. It's epilepsy. Been on meds for it since I was 9 and I am not allowed to skip a meal because of it.
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Happy cakeday and happy Ramadan YumoS! And thank you for the giveaways. :) On Kimetsu no Yaiba - yes I agree! I'm finding it's soundtrack and sound design especially great so far, I'm loving the character (and special attack??) designs, and the protagonist feels different compared to the usual Shonen type too. Seems to be actually intelligent, thoughtful and capable of standing up to bullshit from the get go (like with that loud shouty Bakugou-like guy's shit earlier in the season). So used to the opposite in both regards for this type of stuff. It's been a welcome surprise.
Definitely more of a welcome surprise than the latest One Punch Man season huh...? :(
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Do you read the manga? It's even more painful to see how much they've failed to deliver when you know the greatness of the material they're using (and Murata's art). I'd say they've done just two parts justice in these 8 episodes: Garou vs Tanktop Master and Garou vs Golden Ball... I can only hope season 3 is done by a different studio since that's where the real meat of this arc is. And that they AT LEAST do a certain two upcoming fights justice as well... the whole Garou vs A Class and Garou vs Genos part (which has some of the most epic panels in the entire manga thus far). ...Though it saddens me that I don't think they'll even match the awesomeness of those old fan edits we got of the manga, like this one... Just watch 7:03-8:19... So FUCKING badass. J.C. Staff have so butchered Garou's character and moments like that.
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happy cake day, a peaceful ramadan and demon slayer is awesome!!!
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"Do you think you can fast for a month like Muslims do?"
Well... how do they do it? Partial fast, where you can only eat certain things? A complete no-food fast, but you can drink water?
I once did the latter for three and a half weeks. Had very little energy. Left my job for a bit. Lost a lot of weight.
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Well, thank you, that was informative, though I was hoping the OP would respond in their own way.
After reading the wikipedia article, one thing I find a bit confusing was the nature of the fast. No food or drink from sunrise to sunset... but you can eat/drink at night? Apparently even mosques sometimes provide such a service.
How does that play out? You starve yourself while the sun is out, but you can pig out once the sun is down? Are there further rules for night-time activity? Does the no-sex rule still apply at night?
Please don't interpret this as being rude--it's just that sometimes answers spur more questions.
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Rules-wise it's pretty simple, you abstain from food/drink from sunrise till sunset. At night you can eat as much as you want..
Now the whole point of fasting during Ramadan is to "feel" with the poor and less fortunate, and appreciate all the blessings one takes for granted. It teaches restraint and self-discipline and promotes equality. It is an opportunity to focus on spirituality, charity and doing good deeds in general.
There's more to Ramadan than just fasting, it's rooted in culture and traditions. Families come together, neighbors help each other and so on.
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Now the whole point of fasting during Ramadan is to "feel" with the poor and less fortunate, and appreciate all the blessings one takes for granted.
I actually talked to people who do the fast and mentioned exactly that reason for it, but basically never help the poor in any way. This was very strange to me. Doesn't really help the poor if we feel what they do, right? I am sure they'd appreciate actual food over empathy. ^^
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Doesn't really help the poor if we feel what they do, right?
Empathy can and often does lead to charity. i.e. You own a dog, you love your dog, you're more likely to donate to the ASPCA (or whatever other animal-related charities) than someone who has never owned a dog.
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Charity is in fact one of the five pillars of Islam (fasting during Ramadan being one of them too), and most people actually try to help the poor and needy even more so in the holy month of Ramadan (whether it is by donating money, food, clothes, etc).
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Fasting is just one aspect! If I recall correctly, there are tons of Muslim holidays and special occasions that call directly for giving to the poor. It's sort of the default way to celebrate. :)
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The individuals with whom you spoke may not make a point of helping the needy (which is possible, albeit very unusual), but they still have to pay Zakaat al-Fitr, regardless. Every Muslim has to pay the "poor tax" at the end of Ramadhaan. (In the U.S., it comes out to about $10 per person.) It is "paid" by giving that amount of food to a needy person. Local, Islamic organizations are set up to facilitate this, but there is nothing to prevent you from buying a bag of rice yourself and then handing it to a homeless person.
Of course, we are assuming that the people with whom you spoke are actually practicing Islam....
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Happy Ramadan :)
A fun fact about Ramadan in some of muslim countries: If u eat or drink something in public during Ramadan, Police will arrest u and the punishment is one or all of these punishments: jail, flogging and fines or mixed
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Happy Ramada!
That makes me sad to hear. A persons personal believes are not to be judged by others or even punished. That is more something cultural in my opinion because in my country noone does such thing as of some judgemental people giving you maybe a stare.
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Yeah, that's right. I have some muslim friends who are very nice, btw humanity matters nothing else :)
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congrats and peace, Yumo!
fasting for Ramadan? for a month or so? impossible. also hard: i have a bunch of muslim-friends and -often- happens that i want to eat pizza and then, awkward situation follows...
"just wait a few hours with us..." they usually say.
so, fasting for me is just a matter of hours thing (... minutes, at times)
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Happy cake day, Ramadan and everything else :) Thanks for the GAs!
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Happay cake day to you as well as happy Ramadan and upcoming Eid. :-)
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I guess you could say I sometimes fast by that definition, unintentionally, like skipping breakfast and lunch, only eating dinner. I know it's "bad for health" and usually I'm really hungry by that time. It would be way easier in the Winter though, when the sunrise and sunset times are close together, daylight lasts forever in the Summer.
Happy cake day!
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You might be surprised to learn that it's not bad for your health at all. :)
5 Incredible Benefits Of Time-Restricted Eating
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You were fasting in the sun, right? (You can eat after sunset.)
In my country, tomorrow evening.The period of Ramadan is end.
I wish you had a good time of year.
...?Or good training?
Speaking of fasting, there is something like this. until death.
Sokushinbutsu - Wikipedia
In any case, there seems to be a lot of quests for "living well and good" all over the world.
Kimetsu no Yaiba
=͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞[img]
more many AGIF? Here! The animation producer distributes it.
アニメ「鬼滅の刃」【公式】 | GIFMAGAZINE GIF作成&GIF検索 82142
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Apparently it is my Cakeday! I wanted to make a little giveaway for Ramadan and Eid. Good timing. Now i can make a thread for all three of them.
Here are only 2 games because i lack the enthusiasm i had from last year to create a big train and the budget. Feeling dizzy and hungry. Today was hot. But at least it is a Sunday.
One for everyone which was a freebie and one for people who can live up to my ridiculous requirements.
Looks like this game was also given away but i think it is a good little game and everyone should play it.
12 is better than 6
Giveaways from mijamal7
F.E.A.R, including the two DLC
Alicia Quatermain: Secrets Of The Lost Treasures
Alicia Quatermain 2: The Stone of Fate
12 Labours of Hercules
Happy Ramadan to everyone and upcoming Eid. Peace be upon us all and let us treat everyone like how we wanted to be treated.
Also i am currently watching an Anime called Kimetsu no Yaiba which is fantastic. go check it out if you like Animes
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