Think you could. Though buying things might be a problem because of VAC or whatever.
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Well if he lives in America or somewhere that isn't Australia, they might think he is trying to cheat the system buying buying games in America because they are cheaper.
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Thing is US games are waaay cheaper than AUS. So if they see the games being purchased in US and played in AUS they will suspect you using a VPN to buy in a region outside your own, which they dislike very, very much.
And per the TOS or SSA, you're not supposed to share login information.
So I wouldn't risk it.
Set him up an account. It's free, games are cheap, he can use SG to get more.
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They may pick up the alternating IPs and find it suspicious enough to ban.
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I have a friend that shares his with 20 people, still has his account, been doing that for years.
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I asked steam about it and yes, you're able to share your account.
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You can see the problem if you read the Terms of service.
Your account is no game disc.
If there was no problem, people could "loan" their games around the world. In seconds. Its obvious that its not allowed. Dont advise things that could bring trouble to people.
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Yes, it's ok. They said you just can't login with the same account in more than 1 place.
Use the google translate
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They say that, because you are responsible for any actions on your account. There are way top many stupid people out there, who let other people use their accounts for things, and then bitch when the person they shared with, steals their account, or does something to get the account banned. Most online companies will tell you not to share your password with anyone, for that reason only.
It if bull, if people think that a family needs to have a separate steam account for each person, and to buy a game once for each person. Since when do people find this an acceptable practice? If you were told that you couldn't share your console games with a friend or family member you would be dang right pissed. I think Steam needs to get it in gear, and put together some sort of sub-account feature anyways. They just need to make sure that there is never more than one person playing a single game at the same time.
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Actually, even with PSN and XBL they advise that each family member have their own profile. Because like you said in your first paragraph, each person is responsible for what happens on their account. So if you have an account on your console and your little brother goes in and cheats and gets you banned, it's your fault for letting him into your account.
And with consoles, there's also the fun of console bans. So if someone goes and mods the console without permission or does something so severe that the console is banned, no one can get online.
And when it comes to sharing console games, that only happens with physical ones (except for games with an online pass, they only get one pass per game, sucks to be you if you have multiple people playing because at least EA's online passes are $10 a piece) and other accounts may only access on one device. And don't forget that console games cost more. At least with Steam there are good sales and you can get four packs of games
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The only reason console game "cost more" is because of the additional cost of packaging, but even then on release games on steam, consoles, or simple pc disc, all cost relatively the same amount of money, and I can share any of the other games with my family.
Most online movie/tv companies have a limit of so many users at the same time. I don't know why more people do not demand the same treatment from online game distributers.
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No. There's something called royalties. Publishers have to pay to have a game on a console.
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That's why I have a second account. If I loose this one, it'll be ok :P
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I missed the sarcastic tone in his font as well.
In reality, there is a low chance the OP would agree and most people don't admit to begging (since it's against the rules), so it's safe to assume they're "being sarcastic". In most cases, it would depend on the OP's response as to whether the person was being serious or not.
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This is the interwebz sarcasm is illegal, a team has been dispatched to your location, have a nice day.
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What if you have him sign in once download all the games and then go into offline mode indefinitely.
maybe pop online very occasionally planed to be when you definitely aren't to download a new game and then go dark again. intervals wide enough it was plausible you were on vacation and flew down there or something
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Runescape: NEVER share your account info with anyone, not even your family members!
HAHAHA, yeah, I can't trust my brother that I've been living with for years.
I hate when these companies get all personal, I mean common they shouldn't control our lives saying we can't let our friends or family members play our games. It's our risk anyways.
It's like if a car company says nobody can drive your car except you. Not even your own brother because you never know he might drive off and steal your car. And then having cops pull you over and get your car confiscated if they find out the car is being shared. It's your own risk if you let your family members borrow your car anyways.
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Nope. Not at all comparable. A car manufacturer does not grant you ongoing access to your car. You buy the car and then it is your property. Your Steam account (or Runescape account, or whatever else) is NOT your personal property. You own neither your Steam account nor any of the games or applications on it. You are granted permission to use it until such time that the company wishes to no longer grant you access (and if you read the EULA for Steam or any video game they all include a section about how said company can choose to suspend your access indefinitely and without reason.)
Many vehicle insurance policies DO require that no one other than yourself (or no one below/above a certain age) drives your vehicle and upon violating that term your insurance premiums will increase or your policy will be completely terminated.
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Best analogy ever. And FYI many insurance companies don't let anyone but you to drive your car.
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Steam Subscriber Agreement says no.
Section 1, Paragraph 5, Sentence 4: You may not reveal, share or otherwise allow others to use your password or Account.
Section 1, Paragraph 5, Sentence 6: You may not sell or charge others for the right to use your Account, or otherwise transfer your Account, nor may you ...
Section 2F, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1: Valve hereby grants, and you accept, a limited, terminable, non-exclusive license and right to use the Software f̲o̲r̲ y̲o̲u̲r̲ p̲e̲r̲s̲o̲n̲a̲l̲ u̲s̲e̲\* in accordance with this Agreement, including the Subscription Terms
If you choose to do so in violation of steam subscriber agreement which you agreed to when you created your account, you should keep in mind that only one computer can be logged into a given steam account at a given time. That is to say, if you wish to log in on your laptop while your desktop is logged in, it will log out your desktop before allowing you to log in. I'm not sure what it will do if you've got a game running on the logged-in computer. (this is why I have an alternate account for my laptop; it allows me to use steam-chat on my laptop at school when my desktop is on at home)
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Ive had problems when living between the UK and Mexico. It was just me, but Steam did disable purchasing games on my account until i explained why one day i was logged in in the UK and the next, logged in in Mexico.
I think if it wasnt something he logged in to every week (make him download what he wants, then not connect for over a month, regardless of what else you want to do. You have one option incase you do log in near the same time - tell them your brother uses your PC in Oz as you have a house there together. Steam likes you to log in automatically, you can use that to your advantage.
However, now the fact that you asked this is in the wide open and you cant delete the thread.
Your choice, but I cant imagine they'd fuck you over for it, they have to show to be defending the right of the license holders, but I doubt they would ban you for it.
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Thing is, that I want to share my steam account with my brother, but he lives abroad (Australia) it is possible?
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