Well im sure u have learnt something like cyka blyat?
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How to to take leadership in dota:
Guys there can be one retard in team and thats me so pls concentrate.
Trust me im a legend.
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Well, after spending 4.2k hours in it I still have a load of stuff to learn, if you just want to go for pubs, dont bother, just go with the flow, now if you really want to learn, watch pro games or pro streamings thats all I can say that may help, but spending time wont do the trick (even hard work wont do the trick IMO)
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theres an old phrase pro ruskis say
drink votka play dotka glhf
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That would be the best, but not possible :D I like too much.
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Google: "Just do it!"
You can curse me later for the abomination you will go through
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It's interesting how Shia is the first result when seraching these word!
A little strange, but right he is, to be honest.
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I want to get better too, but with the new interface, I can't even find where to get a match anymore XD (I haven't played in a few months). Well, I found the place, but I don't know how to just get a normal random match with players on my level.
Also, I never understand what I'm supposed to do when others announce they're ganking something - does it mean they have it under control (skills high enough etc.?) and I should concentrate on something else or that they want everyone to come and join them? (I also haven't played much ^^)
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its on bottom right, everymode is there
also if your not level 13 in the source 1, u can't play rank now
so u have to grind to level 50 instead
n about player "your level", u dont have to worry about that cz its random really, but pretty much they will try to get the average skill together
so let's say a team of 5, they might consist of 1 newbie n 1 pro n the rest are average to make the game fair
about ganking, if they ping your lane, meaning they are coming, so be prepared to fight, also check your skill too, tell them if u dont have enough mana / skill cd, etc
u can do that by alt + left click on icons / hp/mp bar
n about helping, u should if they coming your lane, otherwise if u'r carry, just farm (not waste creeps though. i see a lot of carry wanna be do that)
if u r support, buy wards n bird / up, smoke, etc n u should watch how your mid lane doing too, if they lose lane, u should go help cz mid is the most important lane out of 3.
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Timing, zoning, hero,warding(good support which help you in lane that allow you to farm) and play style matters alot..... practically if you can get the right item to counter you will win the game and getting used to opponent movement, you will expect where they move and what they will cast immediately during the fight which will cause several differences towards the ending of the game(whether you win or lose).
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u should watch what others pick (not just enemy, your team too, unless u r 4k mmr n lower where its a game 1vs9)
so nvm that, take a chill pill n start the game
go the way the team play, if they troll, u can just do it with them, no reason to try hard unless u think your team can come back
also u might consider playing heroes that can take care of themself n not relied on team too much
such as tiny, clock, timber, bb, tusk, doom, ursa, razor, clinkz, brood, meepo, slark, puck, ss, lina, om, bane, necro, qop, dp , lesh, ds, invoker, od, visage, etc
ps. its a game 1vs9
pss. i also have alternate id where im playing mostly (now) cz my friend want a 5k mmr account.
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I learned a lot watching several Dota 2 channels at Twitch, you can follow many channels, especially to see tournaments, and you can also follow professionals players who make live broadcasts, you will learn techniques of farming, last hitting, and other stuff. Also follow Wagamama he loves share his secrets and is a nice guy. Hope this help you =)
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watching pro gamers play on stream and yt videos ussualy helps a lot.
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I've been playing Dota 2 since the closed beta.I spent a lot of time in this game,yet i'm still a 2k mmr player.
All my friends started a month before or after me.We were all bad except for one who used to teach us how to play this game properly because he played the original DOTA.All of them turned out to be really good in this game(4-5k MMR).......so how did they become better?
Well,First of all we didn't learn much from our friend that's why i'm against "coach" idea.They spent twice as much time as me in this game but that's not really the reason behind this.
Dota 2 is about trial and error.If you want to become good then the only possible way is to watch pro players on youtube/Twitch.You need to note down their tricks,movements,play style.techniques and start to ldo them in bot matches followed by live normal match.It'll take months at least in order to feel that you've accomplished something so patience is the key.I didn't have patience and that's why i'm way behind my friends.
Dota itself as a game is noob friendly.Sadly I can't say the same about the community but don't bother them.There're pretty neat ingame guides for leveling up and items so try as many as you can till you find the suitable strategy.Try to master farming and getting last hits.More importantly avoid picking super hard heroes as SF,Invoker,....etc till you watch enough gameplay and master them in bot matches.Also avoid spamming these easy heroes as sniper & rikki.You'll regret it later on when you find out that your best heroes are all soo easy which kinda ruin your profile and you might even change your account later on.The same thing goes for win/lose ration.
When you feel confident enough start playing ranked games in order to be matched with better players in normal games.Matches become longer and harder for sure but winning them will make you really satisfied plus you'll most likely gain some pro friends whom you can party with.
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My time management skills are way off, but I sent you an invite ;)
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He's referring to rounds.
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How to get better in 3 steps:
1.Uninstal dota
Trust me
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But I actually like the game. It's like a bitch girlfriend, mostly you hate it, but some of those sweet moments make up for it :)
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Trust me this game is shit now, in comparison to what it was 2 years ago, now it's just unbalanced trash game, like LoL.
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So many heroes are unbalanced and too many items are being added, map is changing in every big patch, so yeah, pretty much shit now. If you want to addapt every few months on a new game I wish you good luck with it.
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Find people who are willing to play seriously, but not too seriously. Funny companions who are like to do some thinking over the games they play together are the best way to practice in the beginning.
When by yourself, watch videos of pros playing and try to repeat some things they do, with time you will start doing some of those without even thinking about it.
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That's what I created this thread for. I really want to find people to play with who can preferably teach me something.
Videos I haven't watched, but watching others play games always has seemed so boring for me, I just rather play myself. But if its possible to improve by watching, I will strongly consider it.
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I really dig this game, sometimes I play good, sometimes I play bad, but I would like to play good every time, and I was hoping that maybe someone would be interested in coaching me a little bit :)
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