Yes. The games that are currently using GFWL will be moved to steam.
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"DLC: GFWL (fucked if you didn't already get it)" you wouldn't be able to own those DLCs "officially" anyway, would be no different from pirating them.
Also after GFWL dies there won't be any achievments, so it's no concern that you can't complete them.
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I'm not certain of how GFWL handles DLC you've already purchased on the Marketplace (since I've never bought any DLC on the Marketplace), but I had downloaded one of the free DLCs for Arkham Asylum years ago, and I can still download it. I don't know if that's because it's free (despite other formerly-free DLCs no longer being available) or because I already owned it.
Or were you quoting from a specific game? If so, which, so I can update.
On the achievements point, no concern to you. :)
Also, like Toy Soldiers, Arkham Asylum GOTY, and BioShock 2, the achievements may get converted to Steam if the developers bother.
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Obviously whether you own a DLC or not is stored in GFWL servers, nowhere else, so when GFWL completely shuts down, the fact that you own the DLC won't be registered anywhere, so it will be the same as you not owning it.
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I just feel good that GFWL is shutting them because before I felt bad for not getting the DLCs before the marketplace was shut down, now it doesn't matter. :P
Tho I still feel bad for losing all the achievements I got in Section 8 Prejudice. :(
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And yeah, maybe some people like completing achievement just so they know they completed them, I'm completing them just for the record, and if there's no record of it then I don't feel the need to complete them.
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No record? All your achievements will still be there under your "Live" account which is accessible through It doesnt matter whether they were gotten on Xbox or GfWL, they will still be stored.
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Wait, but if GFWL is going down doesn't its servers which contain the data go down as well? it would be weird to keep storing achievement when you can't get them anymore
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Your achievements are kept on your Live account (i.e. your hotmail/live/outlook e-mail address). This is all tied in with EVERYTHING Microsoft. Your old MSN Messenger, your XBox account, Skype etc etc. Basically, the achievements/Gamerscore are handled by, which is not going down anytime soon.
Comment has been collapsed. is just a site, the achievements and score for specific games could come from specific servers used for GFWL. Unless you have a source for what you say, it's hard to believe they'll keep and show data for something that is already dead.
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I honestly don't understand whether you are genuinely trying to be awkward and pessimistic, or just trolling me :-p
Your Live account will not be affected. All that is changing is that you wont be able to play GfWL games or earn any more achievements. Why would M$ selectively remove data that takes up a matter of kb from loyal users.
Read here. These people know more about how GS works, and not a single person mentions that achievements will be removed from their profile. Many of them do state that the loss of GfWL servers means that unlocked achievements cannot be sent to the servers to update.
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Why 'awkward'? And I'm not pessimistic or trolling. It simply doesn't make any sense to keep records of something that is dead and/or not supported.
Also again, it could easily be that they use a separate servers for related data to GFWL, and your live account just connected to it.
And the link you gave didn't really enlighten me on anything.
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"Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II / WH40K: DOW II - Chaos Rising (6725 MB, same download) (haven't gotten to it yet)
Extra info: THQ, RIP."
Depends, though. Relic updated Company of Heroes 1 to use Steamworks, when the original servers became too expensive to maintain, so there's a chance they'll patch out GFWL from the 40K games. It's slim, but possible, especially since Retribution is Steamworks only - theoretically the code is there, they just have to adapt it and remove the GFWL.
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I never knew it was optional.. when I open FO3 the continue and load options are greyed out until I get auto signed into Live/login manually. My brother told me the other day that he has never needed to login to Live for Fallout, which I found odd at the time, so it being optional makes sense now. So... would you or anyone else know how I can remove GFWL/gain access to my saves without needing to login anymore? It is a pain in the butt sometimes having to manually login and I don't care about achievements or anything in the slightest.
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I remember having the opposite problem, I started the game without GFWL installed and after I did that, my saves disappeared. Anyway, try moving your save files from
C:\Users[You]\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves[GFWL username]
C:\Users[You]\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves
And log out of GFWL.
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Also GTA's DRM and achievement will hopefully move to RGSC.
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This link might be of use GFWL games
I was playing Ace Combat: Assault Horizon last week with a friend and although the multiplayer is mostly dead, there is still a server and we did have someone join us for awhile. Achievements are GFWL only and I am not aware of any dlc.
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Where did you hear that "all games are still playable"?
The list you posted is a fraction of what actually relies on GFWL. AzatothAU's link shows numerous titles that use SSA, ZDPP or both.
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Have you heard of any that aren't?
Mostly, I included that so people don't freak out though, since there's (as of yet) no reason I'm aware of to do so.
To your second point, maybe that's why I had written "This isn't a comprehensive list of Steam GFWL titles [...]" ?...
(Additionally, the type of DRM used is irrelevant to my post -- if it wasn't, I'd have also mentioned the SecuROM on quite a few titles.)
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Halo 2's multiplayer has been taken down, but thats the only one as far as I know. You can still play single player on it though.
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Age of Empires Online will be shut down. "In August 2013, it was announced that the game will remain functional until July 1, 2014 when the Games for Windows - Live servers shut down."
Toy Soldiers uses SSA and as you've seen, they'e added the option of playing the GFWL version or not. Unfortunately I'm not sure that's the reason, but the game doesn't have multiplayer and only used GFWL for leaderboards, achievements and SSA so I feel it's a pretty safe assumption.
You may think the type of DRM is irrelevant, but as SSA and ZDPP are through GFWL, it's a safe bet when it goes offline that the DRM will no longer be able to verify the games. It would make sense as to why numerous devs have been switching their games from GFWL to Steam.
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GFWL sucks ass.
I have 35 games on GFWL, and most of them show 0 or very few achievements despite having played a lot or even beaten them. WHAT THE HELL. Presumably it's from GFWL losing connection all the time, then not recording my progress/achievements, it's pretty lame. Now, in the past couple weeks out of nowhere I can't even play my original SF4 anymore which is real annoying. Click on it and nothing happens, it's apparently because it's not hooking in to the GFWL client software, and every trick on the net does nothing to fix it. I can still play AE fine, but I have some friends only who only have the original =( It is nice that nothing new uses it anymore.
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GfWL should still have recorded your offline achievements the next time you logged on. They would just be marked as "time unlocked: offline"
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"Red Faction: Guerrilla (7906 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: two included free, one fucked if you didn't already get it
Server status: dead community / leaderboards"
the servers may be dead in general, but there is a steam group that randomly invited me (and I haven't gotten around to removing) that does multiplayer sessions twice a week. The group is called "Red Faction Guerrilla Community" so if you are really craving some multiplayer in the game you can join the group and check the event times. I think they are always on Wednesdays and Sundays, I'm not sure what times. (this is a steam group, by the way, off the top of my head I don't know if it supports cross-platform MP or not)
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I guess I still need to go and get the rest of those FO3 achievements while I can. And I forgot that I never did play the campaign prequel stuff in Red Faction: Guerrilla. Its a very satisfying game. I loved smashing the buildings with a hammer.
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It seems very, very unlikely that WB Games will do anything with the pre-GOTY version of Batman: Arkham Asylum, due to some complications. You see, Square-Enix was the original publisher of that game, whereas WB Games published the GOTY version themselves.
This means that, technically speaking, it would be Square-Enix that's responsible for patching and updating the non-GOTY version with proper Steamworks support. I don't think this is going to happen, so existing customers (like me, who bought the game at launch) are left out in the cold. Shitty customer service, but... you know. Big publishers.
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welcome to the problem of digital licenses that are tied to a platform, hopefully the law will catch up and theyd be required to give you a key for goty on steam or somwhere so you can play the game you bought, companies gone bust like THQ wouldnt be covered but WB games patently can sort you out a licence but have no reason to
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I know it's somewhat early (expected full shutdown being July 1st, 2014), but with the PC Marketplace gone, and download sizes being what they are, and achievement-hunting, time, and the length of some games, I've been going through my GFWL games seeing where they're all at right now.
Maybe you'll find some of this helpful, maybe not.
Thankfully, all games are currently still playable (some DLC content might not be), so mostly what I've concerned myself with are Achievements, DLC, Server Status, and whether or not I've registered the game to my Live account (in case that's used for some sort of verification of ownership for anything somehow when the service dies). This isn't a comprehensive list of Steam GFWL titles, but mostly only those I own and can personally check, so feel free to add others in comments if you can be bothered. Neither Arkham Origins or the new Street Fighter will be using GFWL.
Batman: Arkham Asylum (earlier non-GOTY version) (8612 MB) (needs re-checking after Oct 17th announcement)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: GFWL/console-exclusive (fucked if you didn't already get it)
Server status: leaderboards
Extra info: General Batman GFWL announcement on Steam (2013 Oct 17th) The console-exclusive DLCs for Asylum are the "Play As the Joker Challenge Map" and "Prey in the Darkness Map Pack" for PS3, and the "Dem Bones Challenge Map" and "Crime Alley Challenge Map" for the X360.
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY (8349 MB) (needs re-checking after Oct 17th announcement)
Achievements: GFWL? / inactive on Steam?
DLC: all DLC is included on Steam
Server status: haven't checked
Extra info: General Batman GFWL announcement on Steam (2013 Oct 17th)
Batman: Arkham City (earlier non-GOTY version) (17235 MB) (needs re-checking after Oct 17th announcement)
Achievements: Steam / GFWL (GFWL achievements are shared with the GOTY version)
DLC: formerly Steam/GFWL with some downloads from GFWL (for completion, the GOTY version is now your only real option)
Server status: leaderboards
Extra info: General Batman GFWL announcement on Steam (2013 Oct 17th) If you didn't already get some of the DLC for this version, you may not be able to until the transition to Steam is complete. If you do own the DLC, use the GFWL client to download the content. The basic Arkham City Skins pack (7 skins) and the Challenge Map Pack (3 maps) will work without GFWL, as will the always-included Catwoman DLC. Additionally, here's some old, but good info on the DLC in general, and how you were supposed to activate it back when the Marketplace still existed.
Batman: Arkham City GOTY (19099 MB) (needs re-checking after Oct 17th announcement)
Achievements: Steam / GFWL (GFWL achievements are shared with the non-GOTY version)
DLC: all DLC is included on Steam
Server status: haven't checked
Extra info: General Batman GFWL announcement on Steam (2013 Oct 17th)
Battlestations: Pacific (6703 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: GFWL (fucked if you didn't already get it)
Server status: online, dead community / LAN support
Extra info: Three DLC packs: Carrier Battles Map Pack / Volcano Map Pack / Mustang Unit Pack
BioShock 2 (13692 MB)
Achievements: Steam (GFWL achievements assumed to no longer be obtainable)
DLC: Steam / most included free
Server status: online, newly-renewed community
Extra info: As of October 3rd 2013, BioShock 2 is now fully integrated into Steam. The "Minerva's Den" single-player DLC was automatically included for those who already owned BioShock 2 and is available for purchase in the Steam store for everyone else. The other single-player DLC, "The Protector Trials" (formerly a free GFWL download) is automatically included, along with all multi-player DLC: the "Sinclair Solutions Tester Pack", the "Zigo & Blanche" character pack, the "Kill 'Em Kindly" game mode (formerly a free GFWL download), and the "Rapture Metro Pack"). If you already owned Minerva's Den on GFWL, you can use your GFWL key to redeem the DLC on Steam.
Dead Rising 2 (6894 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
Server status: leaderboards, haven't thoroughly checked the rest
Extra info: To play with others who own it, you are able to download the Ninja, Psycho, Soldier, and Sports Fan DLC content for free -- you just can't use it yourself without purchasing it. You may have issues with activating the game -- what finally worked for me was this method: Create a new Windows Admin account, start the game on that account to decrypt it, then you'll need to download an update (Alt-F4 to exit the game as requested), start the game again to activate the game on your GFWL account, then exit it and apply full security permissions for your main Windows account (you'll have to type in the login name) to Dead Rising 2. I just did the whole folder, though I may have only needed the deadrising2.exe.
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (6946 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: Steam
Server status: haven't thoroughly checked yet
DiRT 2 (10949 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: GFWL/unlocked via gameplay (not fucked if you didn't already get it! you just have to play the game...)
Server status: small active community; multiplayer mostly works, but DiRTnet is gone (no more tournaments, and at least two achievements are now impossible to get)
Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition (9035 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: GFWL or Steam (still available on either one)
Server status: NA
Extra info: GOTY or not, both use GFWL, but GFWL is optional. If you don't care about achievements, GFWL is not needed. Savegames between GFWL and offline version are separate, but are probably swappable while not in-game -- see comments. Disable GFWL auto sign-in to load the game in offline mode.
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage (4455 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
Server status: dead community / leaderboards
FUEL (4109 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
Server status: leaderboards / inactive community, but there's things like this
Gotham City Impostors (7146 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: formerly Steam/GFWL with GFWL downloads (you're screwed if you didn't already buy and download it)
Server status: leaderboards/up, but dead and abandoned on GFWL (didn't check the free-to-play version)
Extra info: although still technically playable through GFWL, the devs abandoned the platform long before the Marketplace shutdown in favor of a purely Steam-based implementation and a free-to-play model. The DLC from the paid version seems to carry over to the free-to-play version -- if for some reason it's not, here's the dev-supplied instructions for those migrating over.
Grand Theft Auto IV (15777 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
Server status: (hadn't been looking into it yet when I started this one)
Grand Theft Auto IV: Episodes From Liberty City (16622 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
Server status: (hadn't been looking into it yet when I started this one)
Extra info: this seems to register under GTA IV on despite being a separate entry on Steam, and despite being unable to launch it from the GTA IV menu that links to the two episodes (which instead directs you to the dead GFWMarketplace...)
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (2214 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
Server status: leaderboards
Extra info: Dev is happy about it, but removal may take months.
Iron Brigade (2468 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: included free
Server status: still active according to Steam forums
Extra info: The "Rise of the Martian Bear" DLC is automatically included. Also, Double Fine is aware of the GFWL news
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (7843 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: free, console-exclusive
Server status: dead community
Extra info: The console-exclusive DLC is "The Dope Bag" (four "Fragile Alliance" multiplayer scenarios: Clean Cut, Hookers' Trail, Flying High, and Hasta la Vista)
Red Faction: Guerrilla (7906 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: two included free, one fucked if you didn't already get it
Server status: leaderboards / mostly inactive, but Steam groups with regular play
Extra info: Two DLC packs are included automatically: the "Guerrilla Multiplayer Pack" including Bagman and Team Bagman modes and the maps Puncture and Remnant; and the "Demons of the Badlands" prequel campaign story. One DLC is no longer available: the "Guerrilla Smasher Pack" including the Wrecking Crew mode Behemoth which enabled walker vehicles, and some maps.
Section 8 (4553 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: fucked if you didn't already get it
Server status: (hadn't been looking into it yet when I started this one)
Extra info: The "Seek and Destroy Map Pack" included three new maps for multiplayer and ten new achievements. TimeGate filed for bankruptcy recently and their domain name seems to have expired without renewal; they probably have other things to worry about right now rather than getting their old games 100% there on Steam
Section 8: Prejudice (5364 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: Steam
Server status: (hadn't been looking into it yet when I started this one)
Street Fighter X Tekken (6143 MB)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: Steam
Server status: (hadn't been looking into it yet when I started this one)
Toy Soldiers (1797 MB)
Achievements: GFWL or Steam
DLC: included free
Server status: (hadn't been looking into it yet when I started this one)
Extra info: One of the best-converted games so far, it will ask you if you want to play "Toy Soldiers" or "Toy Soldiers Games For Windows - Live" on startup. The included DLCs are "The Kaiser's Battle" and "Invasion!".
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II / WH40K: DOW II - Chaos Rising (6725 MB, same download)
Achievements: GFWL
DLC: Steam
Server status: online, dead community / LAN support
Extra info: the publisher, THQ, is gone, but the developer, Relic, patched Company of Heroes 1 when those servers retired (ty Felicitous!)
Additionally, here's some nice links for looking up other GFWL games on Steam and similar status updates to what I've just posted:
The Big List of 3rd Party DRM on Steam#Games for Windows Live (formerly known as that flibitijibibo site :P :D) (listing of PC games only)
Wikipedia - List of Games for Windows – Live titles (ty AzatothAU!)
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