When you say lease, you mean the house one? Isn't there a way you can leave earlier then? Maybe explain the circumstances and try to find an agreement?
It sounds like moving back is a very good idea at the moment, especially since you already have a job there. I just don't know how this lease problem could be solved.
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Yeah, it is possible to leave early, we just have to be careful as they can get us to continue paying the rent until they find someone else to take over.
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I don't know the rules where you lives, but here if I would be in the same situation, I would try to find someone to take up my lease. Here if you find someone to take up your lease the landlord pretty much have to accept the person, unless they can't pay of course.
Thanks for the GA also and Good luck, I'm sure whatever decision you take will be the right one for you and work out in the end:)
Have a great weekend!
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Ah yeah, it's a little different here, we can find someone to take over the lease but they have to apply and won't necessarily get approved. It doesn't give them any extra chance. It's more up to the real estate and more so the owner. I'm sure it'll all work out though, thanks.
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I mean... it sounds like your only financially viable option is to just look for work until you can afford to move. Or if you're entirely confident that you can secure a decent paying job in your hometown, then take out a loan if you dislike the idea of a temporary job that much.
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I'm thinking I might just have to get a temporary job as I can't get a loan out :/
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Haha, yeah, picking a game to play is hard, let alone big real life decisions :/
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Yeah, it can be, just that's something the lease holder has to organise and until they get someone we can be up for continuing to pay rent. As for the belongings, alot of it we can't sell and/or isn't viable to sell and replace unfortunately. Was a good idea though.
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Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm going to try but I'm not getting my hopes up.
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Part of me wants to suggest you move now, but a lease can be a pretty nasty thing to break. Given the situation, here's my suggestion.
Talk to the lease holder. Explain the situation. See if they're willing to reach an agreement that might make it more feasible to leave early. While the contracts are pretty scary, often times you can negotiate a better deal; after all, they might be able to sign a contract with a better rate if your contract ends, so there might be money in it for them.
If they can't budge, then I would advise looking for a position with a staffing firm that handles seasonal/short term employment. There are some limitations of this approach, and many places only want employees who might be full time hires in the long term, but it's worth a shot.
Ultimately, without knowing the details, I can't provide great advice, but I'd weigh the options and talk to as many people as possible to see if you can work something out to make things a bit more feasible.
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Yeah I'm going to do that and see where we stand. Hopefully can come to some sort of agreement. If we can't organise the money to move will just have to try and get something for 6 months and keep the lease.
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Yeah, we've discussed it already. Just thought I'd get some outside opinions plus an excuse to make a giveaway :p
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Are you able to terminate your lease early? Some places will take your first and last month's rent in advance, so you can still walk away with 5ish months of rent.
If not, look for a minimal effort job and take a "break" for six months, enough to cover the rent.
If that's not an option look for another 6 month gig.
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Yeah, I'm going to talk to the lease holder and see what they say, otherwise I will have to look for something for 6 months.
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I'm out of advice right now, but I do wish you and your partner the best.
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All good, was partly an excuse for a giveaway anyway :)
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You don't like it, but it looks like you have a sound plan already. Safe too.
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I wish I had some good advice for this type of situation, but it seems that, while not ideal, you at least have an idea of what you need to do. I don't know what type of financial situation you are in, but with the holidays around the corner, I'm sure there will be a lot of places doing seasonal hiring, which could easily help you fill those 6 months. If that's not really an option, as others have said, it would probably be best to see if you could break the lease.
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Seasonal work might be a good idea, hadn't thought of the one. I'll look into it, thanks for the idea.
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Sucks to be sure. I know what it's like. The company I work for is closing my store in a few weeks too.
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Won't you get a redundancy payout from your current employer? Hope you can put that towards the cost of moving, as it sounds ideal to move back if there's a job waiting for you. Good luck! And thank you for Remember Me.
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I don't think I will be. It was only classed as casual so no leave or other benefits or anything.
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Hmm that's unfortunate. I think for financial security it's best to do as you think, and get the job to save some money for a few months. Sure it feels shitty doing a job you know you're gonna leave - but you've gotta do what you gotta do.
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Yeah unfortunately this is true. Not alot else I can do.
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Well, try not to let it get you down. You have a lot going on right now, it's best just to try and stay positive. Try and disconnect yourself from the temp job you take - remind yourself why you're doing it and just work your way through it. A tough few months for a definite outcome. Think about your life plan from when you have the money to move back, start a real job, and things will get better.
Stress is terrible. Take it easy, have a drink and enjoy the weekend :-)
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Yeah, I'll stay positive and won't let it get me down. Just hopefully I can find a temp job asap. A drink sounds good but gonna save it for next weekend. One plus side to this is u can actually go to the Halloween party I've been invited to haha.
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Hehe, got one already :) although he's about a year or so old now.
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Seems many have the same idea, ask regarding the lease to see if early termination of the lease is possible, assuming that was the only finance issue. If not and you truly need to be employed, if you are worried on how it would come across your leaving after 6 months then be upfront about it. Depending on the type of employment or location they could have a naturally high turnaround and would appreciate a candidate that would be committed for that long. Making the move early, if possible, would probably be the best bet, but potentially ruining yourselves in the process isn't the best idea. Talking with family and friends would be a much better idea than those who don't truly know you or your all of you situation.
Wish you luck in whatever you decide :)
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Yeah thanks, this is pretty much exactly what I'm thinking of doing. I will be up front with any job I apply for if that's the way I go. That's true that some places will be happy with 6 months, maybe I can find somewhere like that.
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Yeah, don't think much more can be said lol, thanks.
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So I just found out yesterday that I'll be made redundant in a weeks time, my workplace is shutting down. Due to this I probably won't be able to buy anymore games so giveaways from me might be a bit scarce for a little while.
On a more serious note, my partner and I were just discussing moving back to our hometown before I found this out, this would be a prime opportunity to move back, also have a job I can go back to in my hometown. The only real main issue is finance, we don't have to money to move at the moment so I'll probably have to try and get another job just to last for around 6 months, when I lease actually expires. I don't really like the idea of looking for a job knowing that I'll only want it for a short term, I like going into jobs with a plan of staying there long term.
What do you guys reckon I should do?
Obligatory Giveaway
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