It's looks interesting and so on but I'm curious if people are being really so in love with it or just afraid to have their own opinion coz Let's be honest it's it get nice commercial over the steam groups web but it's one of those games that will sonner or later end up in bundle, and probably groupees, indiegala at best. It's not game that will even reach HB tier 1$. Well still good luck to devs and wish you best of luck, I may consider purchase upon release but I'll pass on kickstarting this one tho.
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You should consider using punctuation in your first sentence. Did not get your intention.
And I doubt there is much impact from this promotion. The number of backers for the 1$/€ tier is still 139, what it was when I checked it about 7 hours ago. Also total backers was 470 with 19856 € pledged (is now 479 and 20027€). So there were only additional 171 € (with 9 people).
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Yea, probably i should. That's standard effect of quick typing.
Promo is already few days long not just 7 hours, and it still doesn't matter, more people heard about it which is cool and again it doesn't matter. Point here is that it looks like cool little game which shortly after release gonna be bundled. Despite promotions like this "1 euro now - 25 euro after release" audience won't grow that much. And finally 25 euro price tag will make it sell rather poor upon release.
That's it. Have a great evening.
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Funding Unsuccessful
This project's funding goal was not reached on October 7.
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Once you've looked at enough projects you know that there's practically no chance for a high $ campaign to fill in 80% of its goal in the last 2 weeks, especially considering that the biggest growth is at the start and that there isn't a story of reversals in Kickstarter.
Every game I thought wouldn't get funded thus far hasn't been. It's not hard to predict: If there hasn't been interest in a game unless someone famous can get people on board pretty which doesn't happen the game is not going to make it.
That is not to mean don't have hope, just have reasonable expectations and try to publicize and help the game succeed if it looks like it wouldn't.
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"practically no chance"
"not to mean don't have hope"
the sequel to Consortium failed its first run and was successful the second time; the devs of Woven apparently expect to still be able to make the game, despite this failure. i don't know what point you're trying to make besides "have reasonable expectation," but i never indicated that i had otherwise. all i said was that this discussion was a collective fail on the part of the community insofar as it not being kept visible; perhaps the reason why was due to a prevalent sense of hopelessness (/apathy/lack of interest), as i'm sure your thoughts on the whole situation are common.
shrug 's'whatever
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How about you try the game out before you give it such a whole hearted condemnation? There's this old saying: don't judge a book by its cover. Maybe you've heard it before?
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Interesting how you instantly blacklist me for that comment lol :)
Got burned 1 to many times by Kickstarter games to care for any @ this point sadly ...
Guess we find out who was right and who was wrong in a year if that even get released ...
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It's that kind of attitude that makes it impossible for these kind of titles (small indie projects with next to no finding outside of the community) to get out.
There's no right or wrong. My point is that you've judied this game incredibly harshly with very little reason behind it other than "This looks like a PS2 title." I've backed several games on Kickstarter and only been "burned" once, but was refunded my money by the developer. Perhaps it's your careless method of discerning what deserves to be published based purely on appearances that resulted in these burns.
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I mean I enjoy indie games way more then the AAA shit we seem to be getting nowadays, but there is no way you can know that.
I don't judge games purely on appearance tbh , there are 2 trailers showing game footage which I checked, I did skim trough the kick-starter page and then I made my comment. Tho there is no way you can know that either.
The only thing you did was see a negative comment towards a game that you may or may not have won't money on already and felt the urge to justify your spendings by blacklisting me (which is your right ofc) .... it's just kinda silly.
The game may be alright but asking 25$ for it is pushing it , especially when you kick-started the whole thing.
10$ ? Silly little game with a gimmicky mechanic to make difirintiate It self from this hundred similar games? Sure!
25 ? That's to much .
Anyway have a nice day I guess.
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Agreed, I ran away really fast when I looked at it the first time, and I'm completely unsurprised that it missed its goal (by miles).
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They're still trying to have a successful 'Plan B' in order to work on and release the game quicker. They spoke about it on their twitch channel the last day of the Kickstarter
Support the Team
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I participated, but I still think that the 1€ was a cheap move for communication, since the campaign was way too far from reaching its goal.
That's still a good looking game, though.
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Apologies everyone - I did not expect to see the topic bumped once the campaign ended. :-)
I have updated the title and original post to reflect these updates to avoid any more disappointment or confusion.
However, I will leave the topic open for the time being if others show an interest in this teams project and would like to support them.
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22 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Formidolosus
13 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by moronic
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355 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by aumeilo
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10,141 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by Sno1
1,913 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by DufWhite
55 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by pizzahut
117 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Devirk
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
This campaign has ended, unsuccessfully, however the Woven team is still looking to make their project a success.
They're still trying to have a successful 'Plan B' in order to work on and release the game quicker. They spoke about it on their twitch channel the last day of the Kickstarter
Support the Team
Credit to Eyvva- Thank you!
Pledge €1 on Kickstarter and get the full game.
Full details here:
How to Claim
Step 1: Pledge €1 or €15 on the Kickstarter page.
Step 2: Send an email to with the email that you pledged with, for cross reference.
Get the game for €1 (normally €25)
Pledge €1 (roughly $1.12) to receive a copy of the game which will retail for €25 (roughly $28).
Get the Deluxe Edition for €15
Pledge €15 (~$16.78) to receive a special Kickstarter exclusive Digital Deluxe version, which includes:
Soundtrack of the game
Digital copy of the Woven Art book
Developer audio commentary
Alpha & beta access of the game
Digital treasure map and an extra Steam key
Woven on Steam
You will notice Woven already has a store page on Steam, with a release date, however the devs have mentioned the below:
"Unfortunately Steam forces us a launch date if we wanted to set our Pre-alpha demo online.
That is why we have already set a "aproxx" date. The game is not finished, we need the kickstarter budget to be able to finish it! Steam approved our estimated launch time, because we needed to set our demo public. In the past developers were able to make a different demo store page, but this is not possible anymore."
They stream on Twitch, if you have any questions:
New details developed for the promo period:
This limited promotion will run to Monday 26 September 10.00 CET less than 3 days from now! Get into the deal NOW or miss out!
After that you will have to pledge at regular prices; 9,- for the game, 50,- for the digital deluxe game.
The kickstarter runs til the sixth of October, 14 days from now.
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