"Refusing someone on their behaviour in the community or other offensive content (e.g. avatars)"
This is one "rule" I would understand. If a person was a complete dick on the forums, wore a swastika as their avatar and posted a death threat on every giveaway he doesn't win, I would be, at the very least, hesitant to give them a game if he won my giveaways.
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They are examples that I thought off the top of my head. Feel free to add any you think are fair or not fair.
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how about "not gifting to people who have a private profile"
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well, even though I see nothing wrong with your avatar, you might wanna change it because of the fact that other people are dumb enough to interpret something racist into it
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Hey hey, I take offense to the whole Ginger thing...no no, I'm kidding. Lol, but really. It is the fault of the person who entered and won because it just shows people do not read and just blindly enter. If the guy made his own rule to say you needed it in your wishlist. They should of taken 3 seconds out of very very very busy schedule and put it in their wishlist.
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The guy who does this demands that the game have been in your wishlist for a period of time before the giveaway. He's ridiculous.
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I think that if you want to make certain rules for a giveaway you should make it a private giveaway, and then only invite those who meet your criteria. Anyone should be able to enter any public giveaway if they have enough points to enter it.
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I wouldn't have thought of this, but it does make a lot of sense. Still easy to get leaked, but at least it's less of a big deal if you refuse a winner their prize. This is a great idea!
And, obviously, the rules should be said beforehand.
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"Not gifting to people who haven't uploaded"
"Not gifting to people who refuse to comment in their giveaways/forums"
"Refusing someone on their behaviour in the community or other offensive content (e.g. avatars)",
"Refusing people on the grounds they've won too much",
"Refusing people who have no steam time on their account for ages",
"Refusing people who might be vac banned/assumed stolen account",
These are reasons I understand and if they are stated in the description.
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There would be no end to the drama if this behavior is allowed. I am completely against anything like this.
Either do a private giveaway and offer it to the people that meet your high standards or give the gifts no matter what. There should not be any alternatives to this.
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your missing a key point.... it is THEIR Gift to giveaway however they want too.
you may not agree with it in some way.... but ultimately, it is a game they paid for or earned in some way and are being generous enough to offer it up in a giveaway to people who meet a criteria that they decide on.
As long as they aren't being rude, racist or offensive in some way (other than feeling offended at the criteria).
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Moderately agreeing with the main point here. The most you could do without alienating potential gifters would for there to be a 'custom rules' flag you could check. It could then color in a little flag symbol or something somewhere on the giveaway page to make it more obvious there is something special here. Beyond something simple like that you really can't say 'you an not make giveaways with custom rules' without also saying 'you can not make giveaways'.
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Yes it is their gift, but you're missing a key point... they are submitting the gift on this site and thus have to obey the rules on this site. It is solely their decision to submit a gift, but as soon as the giveaway is started, it has to follow the public rules on this site. It would be fine, if there was an option to have additional criteria for the eligible entrants, but as long as that's not present, it shouldn't be ok to do sth like this.
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I think gifters should be able to enforce any (at least mildly reasonable by some logic) rule(s) they care to, honestly. Sometimes people are forgetting that this site is about charity, not about entitlement. :( Noone is obligated to gift anything, and noone would ever see anything except exploited keys and $0.01 humble bundles without people willing to make charitable donations.
If you don't like someone's rules, don't enter their give away -- simple as that. Remember that at the end of the day they're giving something they bought with Real Life Moneys away for free.
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If I had won a giveaway, and didn't happen to notice the "fine print" of what the gifter said his/her rules were...Then I would completely understand him/her not gifting the prize to me. Really, as someone above pointed out, it only takes a second to read their comment - it's RIGHT underneath the game picture...And, they're the ones putting up the RL Monies, while I only sacrificed points that were given to me for free. Nobody here can say that anyone HAS to give away a game after they put up a giveaway. Not gifting after a giveaway IS shady, but if they had a reason, and even STATED that reason before I ever entered the giveaway, then I'd believe they were in the right, and I was in the wrong for blindly clicking-to-enter (haste makes waste) instead of reading. "THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS."
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I think rules are fine, as long as they are stated in advance, in the description. Gifters should not be able to deny a gift for some random reason they came up with after the winner was chosen.
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Private giveaways are still not very easy to do and share. I think the biggest part of the reason people do these "rules" on their public giveaways is because they want people to enter, but they also want people to friggin read before they enter.
Either a better private system, or what someone mentioned above, a "flag" you can choose for custom rules would be a solution I figure.
Edit: That said, I don't really care for these 'rules' some people choose to implement, and I've never done it on any of my giveaways, but I think I understand the reason behind it.
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I just can't believe there are people agreeing to this ludicrous notion regarding public giveaways. This site is supposed to be a fun, relaxed place for people to share games and spread the joy. Not somewhere where you have to read dozens of rules on every giveaway, sign up on agreements to only to get booted out of giveaways you won so some smartass can claim that you messed up and not getting your price.
Do you love bureaucracy so much that you want more and more of it? Do you really want every user to put up a couple of dozen rules on every giveaway, rules that are written in crafty ways that can easily be misunderstood?
Lets pretend that this is a giveaway, is this really what you want to see on every game that interests you slightly:
Here are my rules lowlifes, obey them, or you are not getting my gifts, since even though it is a public giveaway it is my gift and I can ask whatever I want.
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Just let me get you a form request form so you can file a request for the appropriate complaint request forms to issue a formal complaint via the complaint issuing form. A response to your complaint shall be received in triplicate in 3 weeks time presuming you also fill out the immediate response form.
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in before someone does just this for a laugh, and to troll all the entrants.
Seriously though I'm less supporting it and more saying 'there is nothing saying you can not put in additional requirements, so why should they not be allowed?'. I will agree that there should be something done to this, but you also shouldn't force people with special rules in their giveaways to be private-only giveaways. There should be an option for public+rules or something.
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Bureaucracy? The rules in question here and not mandatory in any sense, and are created by the gifter themself... So... Not bureaucracy at all. Most of the people who put "rules" on their giveaways, there weren't a lot of rules, and the ones stated were quite simple. "Have a game on wishlist", "Post a comment on the giveaway". If people are incapable of doing even the latter (posting a comment), that is just sad.
Edit: That hypothetical giveaway you edited into your post.... Nobody has ever done such a ridiculous thing.. No, I wouldn't enter that giveaway, but who cares. I'd look at the gifter as a tool of sorts, but I wouldn't whine about not being able to enter his/her giveaway.
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Am I out of my mind? No. If a gifter decides, for whatever reason, that they are not going to gift me a game that I won in a giveaway, and I say something on the forums about it, I will be told - essentially - "quit your crying over not getting a free game, won with points that you didn't pay for."
How is that any different than now? You and I both know what this site is supposed to be about, but you're out of your mind if you think there isn't a good number of people who use it purely to snag free games, without any intent to return the favor. You cannot force charity - it stops being charity. You start telling users that they either have to a) only offer their game to the select few that they know, or b)offer the game to every Tom, Dick, and Harry and Chernobyl that registered on the site, and you will start seeing a helluva lot less games being offered (unless you're sociable enough to become invited to the bevvy of private giveaways that will occur).
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An example would be: "Only people that leave a "thanks!" in the comments will be recognized if they win." The people that don't give a shit about who's offering what, they just WANT whatever it is since it's free (the Free Sample effect) would only take 5 seconds to click twice, then move on. How heinous can it be to imagine that they might have to, I dunno, READ a sentence! Why not just throw rules for the site entirely out the window if we're going to inhibit how a person decides to give their game away.
WITH THAT BEING SAID, I'm not claiming that we should harbor things like, "Only people who can send me nude pics" / "No whites allowed" / "Only Redditors allowed" /etc. But something REASONABLE like wanting a gift to go to people that genuinely desire the game beforehand, or likewise is just that: reasonable. We already even have something like this in effect: No Entering Giveaways for DLC if you do not own the game. Isn't that a restriction that shouldn't be in place if we are to disallow user-created restrictions?
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This will be the last thing I'll say about this subject. I don't read, care, or recognize any rules outside the ones on FAQ and Guidelines. If a gifter refuses to give a gift to me, I'll mark it as undelivered, and refer that person as a fake gifter to the mods for their discretion.
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Honestly though if a gifter put up rules and didn't give it to you 'and' did not ask for the winner to be rerolled, they would deserve the not-received mark.
Speaking of which, if a new rules flag is created a 'request reroll' form would be great to have attached to those. Given how people will still manage to miss the rules even with a special flag waving.
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I think gift givers blaming people for not reading their rules didn't read the faq. The idea of saying I bought the game so I'll give it to whom I want is a really good one. But going on the streets saying I'm giving this away with a raffle and saying to the winner I don't want to give this to you is just rude. There are billions of other way to organize your giveaway with more obedient people, but if you use this one when you say you are going to giveaway, you do giveaway.
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Following your example. What would happen if the raffle had a clause where in order to win you had to be under 17 years of age? So would it still be rude to not give it to the 30-something who won the giveaway and not instead re-draw someone who hopefully fulfills these requirements?
It's not saying 'I do not want to give this to you', it's saying 'You did not read the rules and do not qualify to win this giveaway'.
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What would happen if the raffle had a clause where in order to win you had to be under 17 years of age?
That wouldn't be saying I won't gift it to you. My point is creating giveaways in this community web site is accepting that you will giveaway your game to the winner unless the winner somehow cheated on the rules of the website. So the rules apply to both parties.
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You also have to accept that right now there is no rule that says a gifter can not create additional terms and conditions on his giveaways. Thus it is perfectly acceptable for him to have his own additional rules. After all, if someone is being generous enough to give something away they should have the freedom to give it away how they want. And before anyone says the whole 'Well they should go post it someplace else' argument, why should we discourage people from posting giveaways on the site?
If you actually go for the idea of preventing gifters from creating their own set of rules if they so desire then you are essentially turning away potential quality community members.
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Not saying that you can't create your own rules doesn't mean that you can. I'm not saying that they can't have any freedom with their digital copies like the provider of that digital copies, I'm just saying that you can't create rules personally and expect everyone to adopt them.
If you want to giveaway your game to someone having it on their wishlist you must promote the idea on the forums, talk to the mods and try to convince the community. You can't just force them new rules. That would be a dangerous path to walk since it can easily go to trading games and all the other things that steam don't approve and the community can't handle.
As a small note, my idea of charity and generosity doesn't include benefactors doing "stuff" that I want.
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Thing is though you are not forcing new rules on the community, you are creating rules for your own personal giveaway that people accept through simple virtue of entering the giveaway.
I mean we could debate all week on if the fact there is not a rule specifically stating you can not apply custom rules to giveaways gives you the right therein to create custom rules. That's the kind of thing politics are made of. The only way I see to make sense of it is to take the rules as literally as possible, and when it is viable look into the spirit of the rules as well.
I don't see allowing custom rules as going against site policy or even the spirit of the sites policy (Saying that custom rules will eventually turn into trading games is just a poor argument I think. If someone wanted to trade games on steamgifts they'd be politely informed this site is not for trading games and to go to reddit or something similar to trade games, as has happened in the past)
Also, your personal beliefs really are not important in this argument. But on the subject of benefactors doing 'stuff' that you want isn't that exactly what you are propositioning for? Reducing the freedom of benefactors by not allowing them to decide what types of people they want to win their giveaways?
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At the end of the day you have entered your game as a gift onto a pubic (well private almost) international website that allocates the winner using a random selection algorithm.
Though I do believe that the gifter should have the right to deny a winner the prize if they so choose. Such as people begging for games on their community page etc, not having the game even though they entered into DLC etc etc
The hardest thing though would be to decide if the person is "dodgy" by the amount or lack of games, VAC bans on record etc.
Although requesting people to have the game in their most wanted wishlist is something I can agree with it is pretty absurd.
Regarding the winner not posting on the entry to say "thanks for the sub" etc I think that is a matter of manners... though people could argue that it has more to do with those who really want it versus those who blindly enter every competition they come by. BUT same could be said as how many people enter countless competitions and post anyway?
One thing I would look at though is worthiness. I might decide not to gift a game if the winner has a buttload of games in their account already (they aren't exactly poor enough not to buy one by the looks of things kind of way) or those who have won a serious amount of competitions on the site I would maybe prefer someone else to have the chance at winning.
My 2 cents
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I think the VAC ban thing is pretty good and so is the lack of games, if someone has a VAC ban it means they more than likely cheated, scammed, etc on a MP game to receive these bans, you want to give a game to someone like that? The lack of games just shows this person came to this site just to get FREE games(remind you free because you aren't spending anything the gifter is) and doesn't even care. Also, the rules just show how many people will actually READ the description and those who will blindly enter the giveaway. Learn to read the descriptions and I suggest there will be no problems.
Oh yeah as for the wishlist thing, I think it is good for a lot of the big name games. That is why we have a wishlist up on the site. People are just entering to enter, they don't care. They just want the game to be added to their collection of games so they can feel better about themselves.
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What about the concept of a Gifter having rules that are identical to the ones listed for the sight? Such as leaving a comment saying 'thanks'? I'm sure I saw a bullet point mentioning to thank the Gifter for the giveaway. So if I put up a giveaway, state that it will only be given to a winner that left a comment...Is that being bureaucratic? I don't understand why it isn't seen for the simplicity: I don't join giveaways for games I already own, and I don't join giveaways for DLC if I do not own the game...There's a restriction in place, and as such, no different than a user-specified restriction. Please notice the lack of a plural, btw. There's a definite line between allowing one restriction versus multiple (see: Reasonable restrictions). echoMateria's example is flawed, then, due to the fallacy of necessity ( that if we allow someone to imply a user-created restriction, we'd have to allow everyone to imply a user-created multi-restriction.)
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that's a bad idea to make people say "thanks" to enter. as a gifter i would prefer a bunch of colorful comments and maybe some questions, instead of a thousand of soulless "thanks" which i'll be bored to read through and might miss some good comments because of them.
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Nah, i guess another shitty idea is coming. Don't you think user avatars, forum posts, etc are their own business? Not yours, capisce? If you don't want to create a public giveaway, just create a private giveaway. Problems with that?
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A good counter point might be that private giveaways are significantly less visible than public giveaways of the same type. What if someone wants to give a game out but limit the game to a smaller portion of the public? How can you solve that?
After all if you create a private giveaway even if you post it on the forum you will not get nearly as much traffic as a public giveaway will.
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How can you solve that?
You don't. That's the trick. We don't have to solve every potential occurrence. We just need to set the basic. If gift givers want to select the entries they must use a private giveaway and be selective, if they want the public attention they need to make it public. Wanting everybody to obey some arbitrary rules they created because they own the game will slowly kill the generosity and replace it with narcissism.
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On the same hand, though, trying to convince people to give out games that are more than likely to go to people who really aren't interested in it, grateful for the freebie, etc., would also kill the generosity of the site and diminish contributions. If you were faced with giving away something you bought to a large mass of spoiled children, but of which there are several "good" kids, would you genuinely be inclined to throw it out to the mass? Private would be fine, if you knew who all to invite. If you don't, you're saying by default, then you just have to get used to the idea of handing it out to what will very likely be someone that could give a rat's ass that you even made the effort.
Charity can be, and is, at the discretion of the giver, however he/she wishes to give.
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373 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Furty
So just how much can a gifter discriminate?
[Do note that I won't be taking any side in this to try and keep this first post as unbias as possible]
Incase you're wondering what I mean here, I'm talking about a gifter refusing a gift to a person who has won their game.
Is it currently all rights are with the Gifter?
Are certain things allowed and some aren't (stay tuned for examples)?
Are winners final and any rules put in place by gifter ignored?
I ask this because a certain user (I won't give any names because that would be mean) was refusing to gift winners their games because they didn't have the games on the wish list.
Now the person stated in his rules that in order to win the games you have to follow the rules in his giveaways which included stating that one needed to have the games in the wishlist.
So should the fault be all on the person who enters a giveaway and not reads the rule or should there be no "sub" rules allowed by gifters.
Should gifters who duscrimante too harshly be banned or should the user feedback be the only punishment?
Let's see what the community says about this.
Apart from the example above here are some others that could come up.
"Not gifting to people who haven't uploaded"
"Not gifting to people who refuse to comment in their giveaways/forums"
"Refusing someone on their behaviour in the community or other offensive content (e.g. avatars)"
"Refusing people on the grounds they've won too much"
"Refusing people who make threads like these"
"Refusing people because they just don't plain like them"
"Refusing people who have no steam time on their account for ages"
"Refusing people who might be vac banned/assumed stolen account/Russian/Xenophobic/Ginger"
"Not gifting to people who have a private profile"
"You can't win my gifts if your profile pic isn't your actual picture."
"You can't win my gifts if your name includes numbers, or includes multiple words or starts with a non capital letter."
"You can't win my gifts if you are a member of other Steam Groups other than Steamgifts."
"You can't win my gifts if you have more games than me, why should I gift you if you are richer than me."
"You can't win my gifts if you have less than $100 worth of games on your Steam account, cause it means you are not serious about Steam!."
"You can't win my gifts if you have Killing Floor, because I suck at that game."
"You can't win my gifts if you don't let me kill you on TF2 ten times in a row first."
"You can't win my gifts if you haven't gifted an odd number of games on Steamgifst first."
"You can't win my gifts if you haven't gifted me a game."
"You can't win my gifts if you don't have Saintsrow 3 on top of your wishlist."
"You can't win my gifts if you don't have at least 30 games on your wishlist."
"You can't win my gifts if you don't post an embarrassing picture of yours on the forums."
"You can't win my gifts if you don't have all the achievements for this games sequel."
"You can't win my gifts if you are not of 20 or up."
"You can't win my gifts if you are a member of xxx race, because they suck."
"You can't win my gifts if you say that you are a girl, because I know that there are no girl gamers."
"You can't win my gifts if you are a leftie, you need to link me a video on Youtube to prove."
"You can't win my gifts if you don't have at least 256 posts on forums."
"Only people that leave a "thanks!" in the comments will be recognized if they win."
"Only people who can send me nude pics" / "No whites allowed" / "Only Redditors allowed"
"-.- some people r smartz"
Taken completely out of content for comedic appeal.
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