You've entered 20 Tropico 4 giveaways, each with thousands of other people entering too. You understand why you haven't won, right?
You can enter a another 20 giveaways for the same game, but dont get your hopes up too much.
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Oh yeah, forgot about that one. I'm pretty sure the giveaways still have tons of entries though.
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How do you exactly brag about something that you don't have?
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You said "than me bragging about not getting tropico", that does not make any sense, you cannot brag about something you don't have, that ruins the point of bragging.
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Its ok. Some people just forget that not everyone is fluent in English.
Everyone has games that they just keep entering, but can never seem to win. Usually, I'll either end up buying them or getting it in a bundle eventually. I know I've entered an obscene amount of Don't Starve giveaways. I've also lost giveaways with only 2 people.
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Who cares, It's free, if it will happen, it will happen.
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I usually do the same if I see a decent humble bundle game getting lots of giveaways. Also trying it with Fez, Skyrim, and occasionally Civ V DLC, but those ones are usually super popular, so I still have a fair amount of entries to go before I can even consider myself "unlucky" for not winning them lol.
Though the more I think about it, the more i realize that while winning Skyrim or a Civ DLC might technically be free, considering how many (additional) hours (or ya know, months) i would lose to the respective games, it just might be considered a loss. But I'm sure i'd live.
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Yes it did happen with me... and it happened with Tropico 4 also xD I was so close to buying the bug, but price went back when putting details in!
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20 entries
Please tell me you're kidding... Please?
Also, if you REALLY want a game, buy or trade for it. It was nearly free (pricing error) not that long ago, so it wouldn't be so hard. ;)
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I'm still out of luck with Assassin's Creed Black Flag and Bioshock Infinite. Specially with this last.
Let's see...
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For me, it used to be Mirror's Edge but then the daily deal happened so I bought it. Now it's Gunpoint, I should've bought it when it was the daily deal a couple days ago, but sadly my steam wallet was empty :(.
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Have some Tropico 3!
(And let me know if you take it)
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This must be some kind of key drop record. 24 minutes and no ninjas.
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Lol, taken 31 minutes after the drop, re-dropped, and continues to sit unclaimed. The whole internet must have grabbed the free Tropico 3 on Monday.
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Yeah. lol
I think everyone who wanted one did actually get one, that or they're either too lazy to click the link or don't know how. o_O
Oh well, it's there for someone, eventually. lol
Edit: The link has been claimed. o_O
Lets see if the person posts to thank you for posting it. o_O
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Congrats! :D
I entered a TON of giveaways for Papers Please myself (I'd say at least 150, maybe 200), before finally breaking down and buying it the last time it was on sale. lol
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I paid for it in a bundle and will probably never ever play it. :D
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Aw, that's a shame, it's actually a really fun game, that get's quite hard the more you progress! o_O
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lol It's insane right?!? o_O lol
I still haven't beaten the game, I have gotten through quite a bit of it though. Only my mother in-law died in my last play through. lol
Though that could have been because I refused to buy her medicine... -_- I figure, she's old and my son is young, his life is still ahead of him, while hers is behind her. o_O
That game turns you into a cynic VERY quickly! lol
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Maybe if I was less evil I could find at least one ending? lol
Oh well, I keep getting pulled back into playing games I've beaten numerous times, in the last 24 hours it's been FTL, which I've beaten with every ship at least once (including the Lanius cruiser and the Crystal ship) and I finally got to continue my first play through of Saints Row IV from when it was on free weekend. It took me more than a week to download the Game of the Century version with all the DLC... Damn my ISP for providing me with THE WORST internet service I've ever had in this country! >_<
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Thanks :P I did consider buying it myself (esp when it came out in bundles) but then I got into "I have to win this one" mode where I was like "I already entered so many GAs for this game, now I must win it in a GA or all those points will have been for nothing!" Illogical train of thought, I know, but hey, it worked out!
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Holy shit! o_O
I just checked your profile, you've won a lot of games! lol
You should play some of Papers, Please, it's such a quirky, fun game! :p
I'm off to play some more Saints Row IV, took me over a week to download it with my TERRIBLE internet connection and I'm really enjoying having super powers and playing around in "the matrix". lol (I just earned the ability to super sprint, super jump and glide, so I no longer have to drive cars, which is a pain in the ass with a keyboard and mouse. lol
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20 entries is an extremely insignificant number of entries...
There are games that I have hundreds of entries for and haven't won in the 2+ years I've been a member of this site.
Also, you've only been a member here for around 2 weeks and you only have 121 total giveaway entries, the odds of you winning a game with such low entries are next to 0%...
To even expect a win with such low numbers is almost insane. o_O
You should try creating some giveaways for non-bundled games to raise your contributor value, that way you'll be able to join CV giveaways with far less people in them, meaning better odds of winning. Though your odds will still be quite small.
This site is less about winning games and more about giving the gift of games to others and occasionally winning a game yourself, if you're very, very lucky. :D
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Ah, good.
As for your original question, I don't really have a game that I "must win" right now.
Maybe the first Sanctum, I guess. I have entered at least 100+ giveaways for it in the last 2 weeks or so, but I'm not really that mad that I haven't won it.
I have won quite a few games from this site (as well as other giveaway sites. I'm hovering around 190 or so games won on sites like this).
Plus I have a MASSIVE backlog of games I need to start or finish playing in my Steam library.
Quite a few that were gifts from some of my AWESOME friends, who will remain nameless to prevent beggars (not saying that you, ogpeiker, are a beggar, but others reading most likely are... >_< They're everywhere these days!).
I have the best friends in the world! :D
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If I really want to own a game, I do something crazy like buy it myself.
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That's just plan insane! o_O
Who "buys" games when there are so many free one?!? lol :p
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when you really want a game on steamgifts and you spend almost all of your points on those entries regarding to this game, but it seems as it will never happen?
These days I'm really hoping for a copy of tropico 4 and had spend my points at least on 20 entries but it just never happens :-)
I hope that anytime the within the next 20 bids I'll get my chance.
Do you guys had such a favour for one game here on steamgifts, too? If yes, please comment :-)
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