My first scammer appeared. And I think it's a pretty good scam, I didn't want to go any further with him ( and scam ) because I don't have time right now, but I really wanted to warn your guys about him or similiar players that aproach you and try to scam you. I'll link photos with the discussion.

No Steam mod/admin will ask you to join discord/add him on steam. Be carefull guys !
Edit 1 : He also has insane hours. 3800 - Dota 2 / 4700 - CSGO

4 years ago*

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So, to be scammed you are supposed to purchase a whole new item to give him?
It's a new scam for sure but damn that is inefficient lol

4 years ago

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My profile is public but inventory is private and I think the scam is. Add a person which has expensive items, ask him if he bought an item recently from market. Then proceed with this, that he's been reported and the item owner wants it back.

4 years ago

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I think, calling out someone and posting private messages with him is against Steamgift's guidelines

4 years ago

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I removed the photos. The name was removed too in photos.

4 years ago

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It's not calling out if you block off their name in the images, that removes the "calling out" problem. There is no personally identifying information on scammer messages, so it's not a breach of GDPR. It's good for other people to see the type of scams that are happening right now, so that they won't fall for it.

And make sure to report the scammer to Steam.

4 years ago

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His initial post looked different than it does now, he edited it afterwards. Like I mentioned before, I wasn't sure if what he posted was against the guidelines. I just know that calling someone out and posting the chat history is against Steamgift's rules. Though, you are right, if he posts the chat history without any indication of who the person, he is chatting with, is, then it should be alright.

4 years ago*

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Yeah, i didn't see how it was originally. He has removed the entire thing. Haha! XD

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Chat logs probably.

4 years ago

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Well in my case, the person gave me both a link to a Steam profile that did appear to belong to a Valve employee (at least that's what Steamrep said - I don't know how they get that kind of info and whether or not it's reliable) and to a Discord contact (which obviously can't be verified).
So I suppose the idea is the Steam profile is here to look legit but is +/- impossible to actually contact, so people try both and only get a reply from the scammer on Discord.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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That is why I do not add random people, especially when they play CS:GO 😅 that scaming and account stealing seems to be really popular.

4 years ago

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I read that as Steam Summer 2021 and got excited for a second.

4 years ago

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Same. I really want Summer to be here already I guess.

4 years ago

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this gamer chick just sent me this message in a comment of one of my screenshots.
"I know it's so random but I made a huge mistake towards you. Could you please add me as soon as possible? I have something to tell you and its really important . I just want to talk with you in private about this matter."
i think she likes me.

4 years ago

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Aww, young love is soooo adorable, congrats!

4 years ago

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Hey. She said the same thing to me! I think she may be two-timing us

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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no this one has a purple light in the background.
i gave her my steam ID and password so she could buy me a game.

4 years ago

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tfw scammers never target me, always thought it might be fun to interact with them but alas, no luck thus far. I should probably make my inventory private and idle like 2000h in csgo so that they'll think there's something of value hidden there.

4 years ago

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