oh damn...
Could have kept my cards at a higher price then, as the prices won't be dropping. :P
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I don't think these two are comparable :P Epic pays money for those free games, Valve earns money from all the market transactions these cards generate. Valve probably figured that the cards from using the discovery queue ended up being more of a problem than an asset for them, likely because it further encouraged bot accounts
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Bad decision from them, but not surprised by it. They should've at least lowered the purchase threshold per card drop to "compensate" but... yeah, not surprised they didn't. :D
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well, less server stress + more accurate data from discovery queues, but less (very small) profit from card/backgrounds/emoticons/ sales
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was clear they gonna close it soon wonder why they even did it in first place
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Ok, that's sad, but now I'm wondering how exactly this is beneficial to valve itself.
They must have always known that a lot of users simply took the free cards and either used them to craft badges or sell them to get some funds, but to steam this was no real expenditure at all, all of those funds came from other users wallets, not a cent came from valve's profits but rather it encouraged people to spend more money. What I'm trying to say is that this only ever benefited valve's bottom line, and that was why they implemented it in the first place, so why take it away now after so many years?
And about the alt accounts and farming bots, those also generated profits one way or another since in order to gain access to those cards drops an account needed to first spend some money to lift restrictions. This was a well thought out system that always benefited steam by draining the wallets of big spenders willing to drop lots of money to gain levels aka e-peen, it was just some classic whale hunting.
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not to mention, every card sold was 2-3 if not 4 cents into valves wallet since fees remained the same as other cards but no dev cut,
event cards sell in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands per day... that adds up pretty quickly.
this will also remove the incentive to check the discovery queue for many, so less people adding new things to wishlist or buying things they didn't know they wanted.
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Stickers for each Steam Awards category.
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Years ago there was a very clever "bank robber". They worked at a bank and would sweep the few extra pennies in all of the bank accounts into their own account. No one ever caught on because, as they say in accounting terms, it was a de minimus amount - too small to be worried about... Eventually the "bank robber/employee" retired with millions of dollars. All those pennies really added up over the years!
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It was a programmer in the bank's IT department at the dawn of digital age.. At this time there was no law in place to give him a go to jail card for his misdeeds. Also the bank was eager to keep this under the rug for fear of bad publicity.
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Wasn't it Gus Gorman (Richard Pryor) on Superman III???
Gorman is unemployed; not seeming to find long-term jobs. Having exhausted his welfare benefits, he sees an advert for a computer programming school and enrols. He shows an uncanny knack for information technology and graduates, finally managing to get a job at Webscoe Industries. Gorman's experience with honest work is less rewarding than he had hoped, as his first paycheck is only $143.80½. But after he learned that the other ½ cents are left in the megacorporation's database, Gorman hacked into the company's computer system and put them all into his next check, changing the amount to $85,789.90, (a crime that would be later be known in slang as "salami slicing").
Maybe it was in other movies too, though.
Oh, yeah, I remember now, there's at least one more in Office Space (great movie!). Gosh I'm old...
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Thanks, I'll check it out but have mostly spent my meager gift-fund already. Found a few gems on GG and Fanatical...
Every sale, I craft just the first level - collect the drops, sell extras and buy missing cards with the sale of card drops. I might spend $10-20 in steeply discounted games that have been on my wishlist for forever. But they won't be getting even that much anymore.
Stupid is as stupid does.
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Yep same here. It was just a nice way to mark the sale. I wasn't trading and buying cards to level up like crazy.
Resellers always have better discounts anyway. Sucks to be you, Steam.
Somehow I bet the cards will be back during the next sale. They're going to be missing that fee money on the cards sales.
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Sigh. Yet another case of "this is why we can't have nice things"...
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this'll last for one sale before they realise that cheap abundance makes more money than overpriced relative scarcity...
people only want a cheap way to boost levels.. they arent completing the sets because of prestige, or because the badges or items 'look good'...
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F cards sets from bots
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/1hfkj78/there_will_be_no_sale_cards_for_discovery_queue/
Steam: https://help.steampowered.com/pt-br/faqs/view/7238-6689-609B-881A
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