It is better to Give, then to Recieve.
Honestly, as much as I love the idea of receiving something from a giveaway... I enjoy more the excitement and hype from others than having said excitement and hype to myself. I often buy games just to giveaway with birthday/holiday money I've gotten. :) There's just something more satisfying about putting up a unique game and having others show their appreciation that makes it oh so satisfying!
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I'm sorta dyslexic, and sometimes I'm a little inebriated from my "meds".
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So. I joined this Site not so much for the Give aways, but for the Trades.
However, as a result of buying a ton of bundles so I would have trading stock,
I also have extra's that no one I'm trading with wants.
However, should I just throw them away? No? Give them Away? Yes!
I also do GA's for content like the Darksiders Franchise, but I must admit,
that it's because I want to increase my lvl so that I have greater access to other GA's.
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I end up buying a lot of what I want as well. Sadly I also seem to have bought a bunch of junk along with it T.T
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I'll give away equal to the amount of alcohol you guys supply me.
So none. :'(
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I enjoy winning very much. But I start feeling bad, when I win and haven't given away as much, since I can afford the one or another bundle from time to time. Therefore I will give away games, so I can enjoy winning =)
Hope that made sense somehow...
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Winning something I'm unlikely to use makes me feel guilty, so I don't enter giveaways on SG. In general I do enjoy winning though, in particular if there's some creativity involved (knowing that I was picked as a winner because someone enjoyed what I wrote), but even when it's just random. Gifting gives me a bit of pleasure too.
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I think everyone loves winning, especially if it is rare and they feel the win is deserved. Giving is also enjoyed by many, but perhaps the controlled form of it means it is less surprising and thrilling than unexpected wins.
But in both cases, a lot depends on the person and situation. Someone who is not used to winning or has been taught taking things for free is shameful might feel a certain guilt for winning or feel unworthy of it. Or they might enjoy it greatly, because their mindset or culture or upbringing (a combination of those, rather) is such that receiving something through luck is seen as a great thing.
At the same time, someone who might have high standards for games, but cannot give away expensive titles might feel their giveaways are not good enough. Or maybe they don't like the idea of users who won't appreciate the game or are kind of jerks winning it. On the other hand, they might have been shaped through life to greatly enjoy the act of giving away itself regardless of those things.
Personally and honestly, I like receiving. I do feel bad if I don't have the time to play everything right away, but not too bad, since I only enter giveaways for games that I want and will eventually play. Since I also don't have much money, I do not feel like I am receiving a privilege upon privilege. Giving away feels good, but it's very stressful for me. I need to make sure I do it well and when problems come up (currently trying to resolve one), the weight of that responsibility can become tiring and it is time-consuming to handle these situations well. It's more complicated than winning and the joy of potentially making someone happy is overshadowed by the stress that comes with. However, I still do it to the extent my time and money allow me, since I believe it is only fair someone gives back what they can for the opportunities they take. Whatever someone can spare is good.
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I like giving, but I'm not big on Thank you's unless It's for something really really cool.
I am wishing they had an option to disable comments on a GA. :-P
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Do you like making Give aways more then winning them? or is winning a Give away what you live for?
I'm genuinely curious, and yet could'nt care less either way.
That is to say, I want the truth not because I care which it is, but because I wish to know it for it's own sake.
I figured a poll was a decent way to find out.
Psychology tells us that we derive the greatest pleasure from short term gain vs longterm prosperity, and yet people often think of their longterm gains as their greatest acheivements.
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