Im a broke ass black student in an overpriced university

12 years ago*

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Definitely buy it, it will make you instantly forget all about money! :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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+OVER 9000

12 years ago

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Yes, if you like survival horror. I bought it last Christmas and it's awesome, waiting for a friend to get it to enjoy it even more. (And yeah, it's much more fun if you have people you know to play with.)

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Totally yes. It was the first game I pre-ordered on Steam and is the pre-order I was the most pleased at ever.

12 years ago

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Once you get it you'll be knee deep in dosh anyway, so why not? But really, it's a fantastic game. Way better than the L4D games.

12 years ago

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I agree with the dosh and L4D statement, but I don't think it is a fantastic game ^^ The community is better than in L4D, which is a plus to me.

12 years ago

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L4D2 is better imo, less boring in the end (even though it is boring after a while).

Though KF's community, like jurm02 said, is way better. People in l4d are trigger-happy when it comes to kicking people out just because you did something they consider stupid like getting caught twice by a special zombie type, and people are easily distributed into groups in l4d, so chances you might end up being alone vs everyone else in the server are pretty high (happens all the time with me on versus, it did happen 2 days ago after being away 1 year from l4d2, lol i'm so lucky...).

12 years ago

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You hit the nail on the head ^^ The exact reason why I like KF more, generally speaking (I do get bored after some time with KF and need to take a long break before I start playing again), is because the community sucks less ^^

In L4D they are often too competitive and serious about it. I do want to win, like anyone else, but if I lose, or someone is doing something "wrong", I don't rage quit or get bothered by it. Since I game to have fun, I don't touch L4D, unless I am prepared of people getting kicked or verbally abused.

And if people leave, you notice it a lot more than in KF (the amount of zeds spawning also depends on how many player there are). In KF, people often join the game. But whenever I played in L4D, the slots didn't get filled up, or only when you're lucky...if by then not more people quit because the team(s) are uneven.

12 years ago

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"and people are easily distributed into groups in l4d, so chances you might end up being alone vs everyone else in the server are pretty high"

WHAT? That's totally the opposite what I would say. Players in KF VERY VERY rarely wait for you, when you are buying, so if you are not fast or you came there late, they will just leave you, WITHOUT telling, where they went. In many cases it ends dying and loosing all money. Not to mention, that often they don't stick in group, especially when more than 1 players got lost / were late.

In L4D we see where other players are, and sticking together is the most important rule, to survive. Only noobs ignore it.

12 years ago

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Pardon me but, you should play versus in l4d2 more often and you will see what i mean.

Half of the games i join, i usually get kicked by a single raging cunt. When i'm a survivor i always tell my team "STICK TOGETHER AND RUSH MOST OF IT!", all i see now is rushing the first 10-25% of the map then everyone gets split and falls behind, i'm sort of the lone wolf type, i usually rush by myself and if i get caught i always tell people to ignore it and move on... This usually gets me kicked because i manage to rush to nearly the end by myself while they are being targetted and i end up being caught at like 75% or so.

Killing Floor players do that but it's always better doing that than kicking players from your team for a single thing someone didn't like. And when a votekicking starts, you usually are alone vs the server, which is pretty annoying as you get kicked and sometimes the other person is wrong, not you.

There are even people who join a match just to kick you and the others out, i saw this happen a few times already... People trolling all over the place in l4d2.

Oh and don't get me going with the teamkilling in l4d2 aswell, Killing Floor doesn't have that (or at least i recall not doing so), as you can see l4d2 ends up having the worst people to play with, there are nice people yeah. But alot of the people you find are assholes that ruin your game.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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its like an alternative for l4d , with survival rounds , i recommend it for sure , and more awesome with buddies :)

12 years ago

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No. At best, it can be used as filler in a $1 bundle. I don't understand what people like about it.

12 years ago

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I actually agree with you, its probably one of the only games I really regret purchasing.

12 years ago

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hell yea this game is worth it. check out if there are servers running in your area first though.

tbh the graphics are dated, but it really is a whole lot of fun. the progression system is pretty awesome too.

hope this is more useful than a yes / no answer

12 years ago

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yes, it is... KF is great game

12 years ago

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You gotta like the genre, but lotsa folks do, so odds are good.
Personally I got over it pretty fast, but maybe I missed some of the things others find so magnificent about it.

12 years ago

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In my opinion it is worth 50.5 means instabuy :D

12 years ago

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KF is the first game i bought in steam
and is the game which i played the most time
right now i have 170+ hours on it... so yeah 5$ for it is a STEAL

12 years ago

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yup if you have friends for coop. some uber mosters was in my dreams when i going to sleep after the game.

12 years ago

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they hunt on u. and in random party nobody can help. they kill u until the morning comes

12 years ago

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Almost 600 hours in it. Worth every penny, and more... :D

12 years ago

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No, unless you plan on playing with friends.

12 years ago

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of course it isn't!

12 years ago

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yes is a good game, but watch out, is hard to get used to it. is playing KF totally different to play L4D for example. so you probably are gonna ragequit until you get use to the gameplay.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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very good game. I bought it.

12 years ago

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I didnt really like it. Its not like a real game, more like a mode. Which it is I think.
For that money u can buy better stuff.

12 years ago

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i played kf more than 750 hours its very addictive, i recomment it

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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You need to answer three questions:

  • do I like grind, and said grind in large amounts?
  • do I like storyless shooters where 99% I do is shoot and move and shoot and sometimes slash brainless bots going straight at me from all sidee?
  • do I like coop shooters without any chance for playing competitive games?
    All YES, you can/should get it. One NO, think carefully. Two NOes, forget about it.
12 years ago

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12 years ago

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What I like about KF is that it is a simple, casual shooter. You can join any random game and play whatever class you want, any wave. The community is good enough that in general you can join any random party without getting grief or insults thrown at your head. Also, there are pretty much always dozens of servers to play on.

I like that it isn't competitive in nature (I dislike it when people are tense, stressed out and insulting, all because they are dead serious and highly competitive), but it may be a downside for others that it has no objective. Trying to survive is something you do in any game where you can die. So I don't consider it a valid goal. Especially not when you respawn after every wave (if someone lived).

It can become boring because of that (it is a shooting gallery). And grindy if you pay attention to your perks.

If I was DJGreggyGreg, I would watch gameplay and read some reviews first.
It is okay for $5, but in doubt, I would not purchase it.

12 years ago

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worth even 20$,new maps+new guns every once in a while...FOR FACKING FREE,thats why i love Tripwire,and yes KF was first a mod for UT and later made into a game,just like DayZ mod is gonna be WarZ game!

12 years ago

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DayZ and WarZ are from different if I'm correct...

12 years ago

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DayZ is not WarZ. DayZ will become game, but it will still be called DayZ. WarZ is completely different project.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by DJGreggyGreg.