I don't think so ..
maybe because i didn't got to a faker till now .. or especially care about them anyways..
i only know that it would annoy me , if i wanted to signup , and would need to wait until i can start a giveaway..
it even annoyed me that could only create 2 giveaways in the beginning ;)
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I bet 80% of the people in SG couldn't even be bothered to read the forums or the guidelines.
And i don't see why they would be bothered even if this was implemented.
This also doesn't prevent people who are just here to troll by creating fake giftaways.
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I'm not talking about troll-proof ideas, rather ideas to prevent against new users who genuinely don't know information since they haven't read it. If they were to create a giveaway before whatever time is needed before they are allowed, a message can pop up telling them about the rules and everything else they need to know. Nothing really can or will stop the trolls who just create fake giveaways just to create a fake giveaway.
Ultimately, there's a difference between a troll and somebody who just doesn't know the rules. This method could protect against the latter and wouldn't hurt anybody if it were implemented.
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There's no way to protect from every fake giveaway, but in the case of the giveaway you just mentioned would it really have hurt him if he needed to wait a week to give it away? All it would do is give him more time/coercion to read the rules
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Yeah, it got removed. Not sure what happened there.
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Got reported and deleted by mistake? :-)
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Alternate suggestion: create a slideshow with the various rules, paired images of what this means (or just written in different languages), for our non-english speakers. You must complete the slideshow and click "accept" after you sign up before you can do ANYTHING on the site.
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Anyone with even rudimentary knowledge of flash could make a flash animation that runs through some things, and then at the end there's a link which lets you proceed through to the website.
I'm not sure how effective it would actually be, but it would be a pretty simple addition.
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Yea, afaik there's nothing about the rules at all unless you check the forums and find the sticky. I was just trying to think of something that would get through to the "EULA? ski skip skip, Accept" people (like myself). Just as long as we get SOMETHING to inform people about the rules as they join.
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Better yet, put a 3 question or so quiz at the end to make sure they get it...
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Giant flashing warnings the first time you create a giveaway, accepting the rules of giveaways and explaining they need to purchase said gift.
Obv once you have a giveaway under your belt you'd never see this warning again.
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This has been suggested time and time and time again. The answer has and always will be no.
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The mods want to put no restrictions at all on giving away games.
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It's still not really a restriction. I'm sure there wouldn't be many complaints to a wait period since nothing is being lost. The game will still be in their inventory throughout the period; it's not like they'd never be able to give the game away.
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Do you honestly think that anything in this thread hasn't been said before? Lurk more.
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Forgive me for suggesting something that could save some users/mods time. Many suggestions across many sites, and even in actual companies/stores/etc., usually get implemented due to the recursion by seeing the amount of people that back it. Also, the user below me brings up a good point (BrutoDetests). You said that the mods wouldn't accept having a wait period, but I believe everybody would be fine with an extra warning when you click on "Create Giveaway" detailing the most necessary points in the FAQ and even provide a link.
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Bureaucracy. It isn't thing nice for new users, especially for well-intentioned ones. Just invite to read the FAQ, an extra step on first giveaway, or so, would better I think.
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Maybe if the first time someone tries to post a giveaway, they should have to tick a box that says they acknowledge that they have read and agree to the FAQ rules and understand that breaking these rules and/or not following through on gifting the winner may result in a permanent ban.
Also, when a user selects certain problematic games (such as SMNC and games from bundles currently being sold), there should be a warning reiterating the applicable FAQ rule(s) that they have to dismiss before posting.
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No, only a time-delay doesn't work.
I don't know how hard it is to develop, but I would suggest the following: In the first 30 days you can only create giveaways of items in your inventory. To do so, you have to select them in your inventory (compare the TF2Outpost site, which does so for TF2 items).
When you actually see your inventory by creating a giveaway, most people should get the hint that THEY give something away.
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That would require your inventory to be public. Once again, repeatedly asked for, repeatedly told no. The mods don't want to force people to give up their right to privacy. And before someone says the usual "You shouldn't have anything to hide if you haven't done anything wrong" bullshit, yes, they do. For example, I set my inventory to private a couple of weeks back as I don't want people seeing what games I have planned to giveaway so I can surprise them.
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Ok, we'll wait untill they have 2 months old and over 185 entries, then you'd be the one complaining you can't win anything.
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Can't you just make AWESOMELY BIG AND COLORFUL box that appears when first giveaway is made where it's written with big letters something like "remember, you WILL have to GIVE someone a NEW COPY of a game, you HAVE TO BUY it (or obtain in other way) and it CAN NOT be something you have in your account"?
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Why not just forward new users to the FAQ about giveaways when they make their first giveaway. Picture this, they sign up, and immediately run to the make giveaway page. They put in the info and then hit submit, BAM a pop-up showing the FAQ is shown and can NOT be closed for 15secs or so. After 15 secs, the "I have read blah blah" link appears and the giveaway goes through.
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We've been over this suggestion before, we have absolutely no plans to restrict the accounts of new members. We have other changes in mind, but until then, report, submit a support ticket if necessary, PM a mod when it's an emergency, and move along.
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Have you checked out the other suggestions like: "Why not just forward new users to the FAQ about giveaways when they make their first giveaway. Picture this, they sign up, and immediately run to the make giveaway page. They put in the info and then hit submit, BAM a pop-up showing the FAQ is shown and can NOT be closed for 15secs or so. After 15 secs, the "I have read blah blah" link appears and the giveaway goes through."
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111 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by SerenaM
We see this all the time, people who have just recently joined host giveaways that, big shocker, turn out to be fake. Either the person doesn't understand the concept as in they think they can gift a game out of their library, or they are just being jerks in general. In either case, I propose that there should be set amount of time that a user be registered before they are allowed to create a giveaway. This gives a user more time to read the rules/FAQs before hosting one and wasting others' time and points. What do you guys think?
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