Do you ever just...stop and look at yourself and the way you're acting and then, I suck.

Just now, I was so upset over a game that I liked getting pulled from Steam that I almost bawled my eyes out like a baby. I'm twenty five years old and I'm reacting like a big pussy to a freakin game. And it's not even like the game's gone forever, the devs said they'd repost the game on another website. And if I understand the website in question correctly, it'll be DRM-free and free in general so yay bonus.

And THEN I made a forum thread on a website where everyone's gonna be like "wow who dis bitch think she is?" when I start randomly dumping on them about how I almost cried about a game got pulled.

Because I like to think positively, I'll say that at least I don't burst into tears over petty stuff in public and/or at work. Heck, I technically don't even act like this at my house. I just act like this on the Internet, like I'm sure a lot of other people my age do. But still, I don't like it.

Oh well, what's done is done, I now know what I can look out for. Any advice to boost maturity levels from the good folks of SteamGifts would be much appreciated, however. Cuz I don't have as good a grasp on it as I thought I did.

If you didnt find the giveaway, its the "u" in the word "pussy"
And if you know/figure out what game I'm talking about, this whole post is going to seem even WORSE. I mean, I'm not going to apologize for liking it, naw screw that, I like what I like. But still.
This is still better than how I was around this time last year, instead of freaking out over my own immaturity I was depressed and meloncholy because I realized I was gonna die sooner or later and the foreverness of whatever the afterlife is like was just something I didn't want to have to face. I'm a melodramatic mess.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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dawwwwww that so precious, thank you! ^^
...weird aside, but i just realized ive never watched the harry potter movies

9 years ago

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I figured you could need a hug :)
That's fine, you don't have to if you don't want to, personally I really like Harry Potter though.

9 years ago

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I'm 39, my grey hair is coming in, my libido is WAY down. Maturity will catch up with you much faster than you want it to.

9 years ago

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You know you say that, but then I look at my mom who's in her sixties and still screams and covers her eyes at the scary parts of movies. Then again, she also will gladly state that she's immature and doesn't care, which strikes me as a sign of maturity in and of itself.

So yeah, you're right, i guess it'll happen whether I'm ready or not.

9 years ago

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a quick google news search gave me an idea of which game it was - and without reading into why, I'm surprised it got pulled.
Shouldn't feel bad for liking that game - a lot of people did. Personally it scared me crapless lol (only played 1st one on mobile - didn't wanna try the others lol)

9 years ago

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Not that game pulled off, but the RPG spinoff - I mean I just doubt that that scared you :)

9 years ago

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The original games are still up...and I'm sad to say, I've only played the first one halfway through.

This spinoff though was more up my alley, I like cute and goofy stuff with darker subtext than what meets the eye, not necessarily terrifying but more a feeling of "holy crap that was freaky and/or profound" more than horror games (not to say I don't like any of them, SOMA was frikkin amazing, but I'm getting sidetracked). So I think that was a lot of my problem, is that of all the games in the series to get pulled it was the one that resonated with me the most. Like going into an ice cream store that's filled with a lot of flavors you like, but the one you liked the most is just suddenly unavailable.

Plus it was the closest to a Chipper & Sons Lumber Co sequel that would most likely ever happen, and thats my fave mobile game of all time.

9 years ago

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So I think that was a lot of my problem, is that of all the games in the series to get pulled it was the one that resonated with me the most. Like going into an ice cream store that's filled with a lot of flavors you like, but the one you liked the most is just suddenly unavailable.

Oh man - I totally get that haha.
When I was a kid I really loved getting this Vietnamese peanut-butter based pastry at the grocery store... IT WAS REAL TASTY.
For some reason they don't sell them anywhere anymore... I always keep an eye out for it, but I know in my heart, they will live on in memory ;_;

9 years ago

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The destination doesn't matter, it's only about the trip. ;) You don't need to be mature, except towards your boss. Usually, a girlfriend/boyfriend works miracles though with people's attitudes and can help you mature. Friends can also help. But to be honest, I don't like being mature. xD

9 years ago

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Weirdly enough, I've been trying to wait until I was mature before finding me a boyfriend. Never even thought that the other way around could work.

And normally I don't care if I'm immature, but the theres just some days where stuff like this happens and then pbbbt I wish I was more mature. Then I calm down and go back to not caring, and the cycle repeats itself.

9 years ago

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But you must stop wishing being mature. It will happen in the way. ;) And people around you can help you change, that's why I said that.

9 years ago

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well... that's life.

i wish i had some kind of magical advice that would work out everytime, i would sell it >:D, but i dont, i can tell you what helped me, was exercising, i was sick and tired of being fat, so i did something about it, better myself, it was hard, really hard, but with enough will power and some nice people around, it worked out :D

I dont think you are immature or whatever for worrying about something you like, caring about things its normal, for some is people, for some are things, for some are goals, or projects, you shouldnt feel ashamed of caring, the most interesting people i meet cared lots about things and thats what made them interesting.

good luck :P

9 years ago*

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I've recently tried exercising regularly, by which I mean walking my dogs because I hate running and visiting gyms. It has helped some, and once I get into that regular habit I'm sure it'll improve my mood even more. It's that "regular habit" part that's so difficult. :-/

And I try to care about stuff (not just games, but also people and jobs and other related shenanigans). The problem is when I start caring too much, then stuff like this happens. But I guess it's better to care and freak out over it than to not care at all?

9 years ago

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Its Five Nights at Freddy's World, isn't it? I heard its being re-released and free, so there's that :D

9 years ago

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Yeah it is, and yeah it is. But I just saw it'd been pulled and my brain kinda shut down, and around the time I made this thread I'd just realized "its gonna be rereleased, its not like its gone FOREVER jeez get a grip."

But the game was just so damn cuuuuuuute i loved it

9 years ago

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So... What game?

9 years ago

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FNAF World.

Hence the mention that the situation would look worse if folks knew what game, cuz the FNAF franchise and fandom have some, um.....lets say, negative connotations. Some well-deserved, some blown out-of-proportion. And my reaction would have probably confirmed some of those connotations, oh well.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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You know, when I was a teenager I tried using that excuse on my mom. She said she'd tried the exact same excuse on her mom and that she could see right through me.

I still blame stuff on hormones anyway. :-)

9 years ago

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Blame it on your mom's genes :)

9 years ago

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We all have days when we fail to put things in perspective. It's simply how we function as people; it's not a personal failing to have something not go the way you wanted and get upset. Usually when something is really upsetting it's not necessarily even that it's a huge problem, rather, it can just be a culmination of things that add up and become overwhelming.

Last semester I got a B on a paper with no feedback and had a melt down for a few days. Logically, I know that a B on a paper is not a huge deal (I ended up getting an A- on the course, so it didn't even hurt my overall grade much) and that my GPA isn't going to determine the rest of my life, but I was in quite a funk. Finals were coming up, and all my stress culminated in the idea that it wasn't worth trying. Fortunately, I snapped out of it in time to save my grades, but for a while I was way more upset than I should have been.

A little bit of immaturity isn't a bad thing, it's just something that characterizes you. I'm not one for all the self-identification or "doing things my own way" stuff, but who you are is who you are, and if it doesn't hurt you, it's not worth worrying about whether you get upset.

9 years ago

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That's a good point, about the culmination of things adding up. I work retail, and we just finished up an insane holiday season. So that prob had a lot to do with it. Also, my sister is married to an asshole. That doesnt help.

But yeah, I do try to be myself. It's just that sometimes I want to be my BEST self, 24/7. Which is, now that I've calmed down and think back on it, a really ridiculous standard. Should shoot for 9/5 instead of 24/7, that seems more realistic.

Thank you for your wise words.

9 years ago

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At first I was like wow who dis bitch think she is? But then I remembered that pragmatism is overrated and that I, myself, freak out over ridiculously trivial things in obnoxiously bratty tantrums from time to time and I'm considered by most peers to be a full on grown up.
I fooled those suckers good, huh?

Chill out and do you. Don't let the world fool you into thinking you have to behave in a certain manner simply because of your age. Live life how you want, not how you think it's supposed to be lived.

9 years ago

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Sage advice, friend. Although I think my problem isn't so much that I try to fit into the world's standards, I try to fit into my own ridiculously hard-to-reach standards. The latter is about as bad as the former, and I really shouldn't do either. Either way, point still stands, I need to, as you said, live life how I want and not how I think it's supposed to be.

So easy to see this sort of thing when you're not in the middle of a freak out. xP

9 years ago

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First step to becoming mature is losing friends and family (with great hardship comes great responsibility, and responsibility=maturity). Therefore, you should kill everyone you've ever loved/liked/known. Who knows, maybe you'll become Batman. Second step is untie your emotions from all material things. An easy way to do that is become a Jedi. Third step is to start having a thousand mile stare every few feet you walk. This will make people think you're deep and refined. That's how you become mature, guaranteed.

9 years ago

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Read the first sentence, was going to say "I tried that already."

Read the second sentence onward, realized how beautiful a comment this truly is.

Thanks for the smile. ^^

9 years ago

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Thanks to everyone who's commented so far, you've all really helped cheer me up whether with wise words, funny remarks, cute gifs, and/or any combination of the three. I welcome you all to my whitelist. ^^

9 years ago

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wait, what was the game?

maybe (probably) you were right to be upset

9 years ago

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It was this one

so yeah, a good chunk of the internet would say i was not right to be as upset as i was, but idc those people are no-fun fuddie-duddies.

it was basically this cute, feel-good casual rpg that i just thought was the most adorable and happy thing, and it ended with this look into the relationship between an artist and his audience, and i really liked how it was done it was really neat

9 years ago

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looks fun,
and ignore ppl. most are idiots ;)

9 years ago

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oh, by the time you 'mature' you'll be facing your mid-life crisis which = not mature again, so don't stress over it:P Just learn to be at peace and comfortable with where you're at.

9 years ago

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oh lord, I didnt even think of that. Yeah, being chill with myself sounds like a better plan.

9 years ago

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