I'd take the first, but without the spam please. :·3
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when i first joined this place i made my first giveaway like 4 weeks long or something. i guess i thought it would be nice to have lots of people join it. but really the 1hr or day long ones are more fun to make and enter.
but yeah as others have said its their choice as its their giveaway.
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Oh look, someone that hasn't gifted anything complaining about others and their gifting habits. That's fresh and original! The fact is, it has nothing to do with epeen - it's to do with trying to attract as many entrants as possible, to give as much chance to as many people as (s)he can.
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This. I'm sorry, but you're coming off as a massive douchebag, bmh67wa, compounded by the fact that you haven't deigned to give anything away yourself yet you feel free to criticise others on their giveaways. It's their product, their rules, they don't have to answer to you about their methods and they're certainly not looking for "epeen" (as you keep spewing in this thread) when they give free games to people.
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I see a Contributor giveaway as a reward for prior gifting and fully understand the reason behind it. They are usually for less common games. Since a game like Magicka is more common and seems to have several new giveaways created for it daily, I don't see the logic in creating a month long Public giveaway and then have to remember to check back in a month to gift it to the winner.
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those who contribute tends to check the site often and won't have a problem forgetting about it.
but at a certain point, people will stop entering long giveaways because they see better chances from quick giveaways again like everybody said, it's at the giver's discretion
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Does it inflate the contributor's epeen when they see 4,000+ entries?
So, longer giveaways means giving more people are able to enter... did you think that, maybe, the creator just wants to give as many people as possible the chance to win?
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Most Contributor giveaways are for more expensive or less common games that people normally don't give away in a Public giveaway. When it's a game like Magicka, which has several others giving it away daily as well, I don't see why someone would make it a month long. It seems like more work to remember to come back in a month and honor the contribution so you don't lose your account.
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You don't have to "remember". If you ever make a giveaway, you'll find out that you get nagged incessantly by the blue bar until you give the game away.
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Personally, I want to give the gift as soon as possible so normally my public giveaways ends in less than 12 hours.
But I think sometimes is fun to have a giveaway with +4k entries. Even though my longest public was Homefront for 2 days with 3,484 entries.
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I prefer to make giveaway that last an hour and to hide them in random places in the forum so only who read it can enter(less entries and more chance to win for who want the game) but not all of us have the same way of thinking, maybe who makes longs giveaway only want to let anyone to enter so they not miss the opportunity of winning. Personally i don't care so much, anyone have to do it as he feels.
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I hope that you remember to come back in 4 weeks and honor that giveaway. I would hate to see someone get their account suspended because they were being an ass in a forum and forgot to honor their giveaway that they made to try to make some kind of point that only they understand.
It's because of people like you that I made that "epeen" comment. I hope that yours is inflated to your liking now.
Feel free to contribute something constructive to the conversation next time. This was an honest question (not a complaint) and I'm not the only person who had this question as indicated by some of the replies I have already received to the original post.
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As soon as you are questioning other people's practises it's not an honest question to me.
Live and let live.
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Nothing like a bit of gratitude for people giving games away. Besides, look at his track record. Does he REALLY strike you as the sort of person who knocks on doors, then runs away giggling? FFS.
What's wrong with a simple "thanks"?
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I say "thanks" when I enter giveaways. I'm not entering this one as I have no interest in it and the only reason why he made that giveaway was to troll my question.
Should I have said "thanks for being an ass and for not contributing anything constructive to my question" instead?
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Lecturing a guy who has successfully given away 25 games on honouring his giveaways seems a bit rich...
Lighten up anyway. He's just having a bit of fun.
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Actually, I haven't made a single complaint about this site or its members until I read some of the replies I have received in this thread. Most of the people replying seem more concerned about my epeen comment than answering the question so yes, now I have something to complain about.
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Out of 45 replies, only 3 (well, 4 now) mention anything about an "e-peen".
You've received plenty of serious replies, but have chosen to concentrate your replies on the troll answers. Perhaps that reveals something about what you were hoping to achieve by this thread?
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As I said, you got a lot of "straight answers", but mainly chose to respond to the ones which weren't, although I see you have gone back and rectified that :)
Personally I don't think it's anything to do with ego inflation. I would expect one of the main reasons would be to allow the maximum number of people to enter.
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I do it because I like to troll. I also set contrib as high as I possibly can, and make the giveaway for something as pointless as possible. Like a soundtrack! Then sometimes I also make it private and require you to do a stupid puzzle to get in!
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I have only been here for a week but plan on giving a game away soon. I was just trying to understand the logic in making a long Public giveaway for a game that everyone else either already has or dozens of other people are already trying to give away with much shorter times.
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Why not? Not everybody checks this site every half an hour to catch all the flash giveaways. Some people only sparingly log on, why not allow them a chance to win as well? Not to mention, some people plan giveaways around their real life. Vacations, month end bonuses, etc. I personally don't like to create long giveaways but I don't have a problem with other people doing so.
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Thank you for your response. Your "real life" comment makes a lot of sense. I don't have problems with them either. I just was trying to figure out why it was done with games that are already common daily giveaways and doing so publicly.
I think it would be cool if you could limit the entries in a Public giveaway to 100 (or any other number that you want) so that everyone has a 1% chance to win but I guess that Contributor and Private giveaways are the way to give people better chances to win.
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The problem with limiting entries is that these giveaways are exploitable by scripters who could (and probably would) create scripts to automatically enter these sort of giveaways.
If you want to limit entries then, as you suggest, private, group or contributor based giveaways are the way to go.
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True. I unfortunately have seen the results of what script kiddies have done to other similar sites. It's too bad that there always seems to be people out there who would rather get their kicks by ruining a good thing rather than contributing positively to it.
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Yeah - it's a real shame. The same with some of the puzzles and private giveaways on here which have been leaked.
It only takes a few ballbags to ruin it for everybody else.
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Sometimes I like to make them an hour, as a reward of sorts for people who are online at the same time as me, other times I make it a week or some to let everyone have a chance, its just whimsy
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That makes a lot of sense. I didn't even think about people who buy the games just to gift them later. I for some reason expected that most games that people give away here are just their extra copies that they are willing to share because they already had the game and received another copy in a bundle or something. Thank you for enlightening me. One of the best answers yet IMO. Appreciate your contributions too.
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What others have said, plus some folks make their giveaways longer to accommodate for the fact that free weekends can really screw over folks when it comes to entering giveaways.
Even if you haven't played a game that's free to play for a weekend, it still shows up in your games list sometimes, which makes it impossible for some people to enter giveaways for it until it's no longer listed in your owned games. And it usually takes about a week or so for those listings to disappear.
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I believe he meant to let other ppl bank their points. Let's imagine you accumulated 300p, but there isn't any giveaway you'd like to entry at that exact moment (maybe you join only private/group/contri GAs for a better chance, and there's nothing that interests you atm) - you may then enter few long-time GAs, so your points wouldn't go to waste, ad if you later need points for other GAs you just remove your entry and get the points back ;)
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I can understand Contributor giveaways being long as it gives more people who contribute a chance to win something, but why make a Public giveaway for a game like Magicka and leave it open for a month? Does it inflate the contributor's epeen when they see 4,000+ entries? Enlighten me wise SG members as I see no sense in this.
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