Going forward, history has a habit of collecting itself. We look back on those who have come before us and attempt to determine who they were and how they lived. I imagine that there will again be a time in the future when history will look back and try to decipher us. They may find their way into the remnants of computers left behind, and summarize us by their findings. Just as we do now, they will find phrases that repeat themselves and assign a meaning to them. They may find a simple set of words and put them on a plaque for time to remember us by; A set of words that they recognize as appreciation. An entire Era will be remembered by these words. And that plaque will read "Thanks for Skyrim".

12 years ago*

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i think you meant "thanks for skyrimz"

12 years ago

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I hope not.

12 years ago

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At least it won't be "THIS KEY FOR DEMO."

12 years ago

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Indeed. Though "Closed Beta Test" would be amusing.

12 years ago

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I think the future will look back at us and put us in teh same "DO NOT REPEAT" folder as using leeches as medicine and trying to make friends with cannibal forest tribes. Yes sir we certainly have alot that needn't ever occur again: Bieber, Nicki Minaj, the Friday song, Uwe Boll, Sergei Titov, EA, Al Gore and his little global warming band, the 2012 steam winter sale, the Paris Hilton sex tape, MTV, Twilight, and my personal favorite- fucking outsourced customer support.

12 years ago

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As a time traveller I can inform you that the world will be ruled by around 6 constantly warring indo-slavic tribal federations which gained power after the Neo-Nestorian Empire collapsed. These tribes (which speak a hybrid language of Latin, Somali and Norwegian) are able to enforce command over the region by controlling several key communication and manufacturing facilities which are deemed holy by the majority religion - Sufism.
This trend will continue for 50 years until a plague and a mini, yet rapid, ice age will force the majority of the population to find shelter in vast cave networks built by pan-european nationalists in the unsuccessful revolt against the O'Riley Khanate in 2154.

12 years ago

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"Can you believe that just 50 years ago gay people weren't allowed to get married? .___. "

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by EmeraldKithkin.