I just started playing Don't Starve Together a while back, and while I'm playing alone, it definitely seems like it would be an awesome game for playing with friends. Some of the weird stuff in that game's definitely good for a laugh.
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Hmm, going to have to give it a go with some friends then. Thanks, man. :D
I'll just leave Streets of Rogue here, too. Anddddddd it's half price right now.
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Doom Troopers: Mutant Chronicles, Battletoads, Adventures of Batman and Robin, Streets of rage 1,2,3, Remake, Contra Hard Corps, Double Dragon Neon, Red Alert 3, Far Cry 5, Dying Light, Dead Island, Dead Space 3, Dead Rising 2, Resident Evil 5, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist, Heroes of Might & Magic 3, Payday 2, Fortnite Battle Royale Duos mode, Lost World: Jurrasic Park. The Haunted, Hells Reach, Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead and 2, Portal 2, nothing else comes to mind coop wise.
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No need for PUBG when there is Fortnite Battle Royale, and soon this maybe = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbOskw8DbMA , Rust is not only in a early, bad, unfun spot in development, but it just sucks as a whole, only redeeming part is...the youtubers and the communities, hard to explain, look up Stimpee. Kind of the same goes with Ark, dont think its good enough for cooping but i mean, i guess it could work when this worked, maybe, = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efd-6Kt8VSI
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This is coop with pretty good ratings: Looterkings
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Divinity 1 and 2, Grim Dawn, Lego Games, Killing Floor, Portal 1 and 2, Dawn of War games!
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+1 for Divinity 2. I fucking hate Turn-Based Combat games & generally find them to be shit, but I decided to buy Divinity 2 & give it a go anyway. Holy shit. 25 hours in & I still haven't left the first damn island.
Also +1 for Grim Dawn. Fucking awesome game.
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Apart from seconding the Don't Starve Together recommendation above, here's a few more:
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Duck Game, Lethal League, Rocket League, Tricky Towers, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Battleblock Theater, Castle Crashers, Crimsonland, Frog Climbers, Gang Beasts, Helldivers, Moonhunters, Move or Die, Screencheat, Broforce, and Gauntlet are online friendly co op games I have installed and play semi-regularly that I rather enjoy. I do see you have some of these already.
To narrow it down a bit, are you looking for competitive co op or cooperative co op? Online or local play?
Psychoapeman's suggestion is a great tool. I've used it to tag my library with games that are primarily co op (local) and online play, which makes it a lot easier if I have friends over or am looking specifically for something online with a friend.
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Battleblock, Castle Crashers, Helldivers, Moonhunters, and Gauntlet are the ones to check from what I suggested. My number one spot of those would go to Moonhunters. You can get a team of up to four and play through the story in about an hour. But there's huge variety so there are many reasons to replay and you unlock extra characters/ items/ etc through each playthrough. Definitely worth checking out!
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You seem to have some of the genre terminology confused, which could hinder being able to respond to topics like these as their OP intends. Hopefully the following'll be of assistance to you. ^.^
- Multiplayer is any mode involving multiple players, and is primarily split into the following classifications:
- Competitive / PvP is any mode where one or more players faces off against one or more players. There may or may not also be environmental or AI challenges hindering the players.
- Cooperative / Co-op / PvE is a mode where two or more players face off against AI or environmental challenges, with no opposing players. (Ex)
- Competitive Co-op is a niche subgenre of co-op where two or more players face off against an AI or environmental challenges, while also competing against other players (or their main teammates) [and usually just for end score]. (Ex, Ex)
- Team Competitive / Team PvP is a subgenre of PvP where one group of players faces off against another group of players [and may or may not also have environmental or AI challenges]. (Ex, most any typical online-multiplayer FPS game.)
Several of the games you listed are neither co-op nor competitive co-op, but are in fact Team PvP. :)
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I second the Lego games and add Guacamelee, Trine 2 and the Lara Croft isometric games.
And if you're looking for info, news and detailed co-op reviews on co-op games, I recommend
They are primarily interested in cooperative co-op games so you won't find vs games there unless it's a mode in a coop game
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cooperative co-op games
As co-op is short for cooperative (as per my post above), this is confusingly redundant. :X
Co-optimus actually covers single every game that can be classified as co-op- that's their shtick, after all. While they've made rare recent mistakes, as a general rule of thumb, if a game is on Co-optimus it can be considered co-op- and if it isn't, then (assuming it wasn't simply overlooked) it presumably shouldn't be considered as such. It's an excellent resource, especially if you want details on what kind of co-op a game you're considering getting has.
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You are right, I guess it's an abuse of the term. And I totally agree on Co-optimus. I was very happy to find it, even though I do often rage at the large number of games that lose their co-op modes on the PC version vs the console version.
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the large number of games that lose their co-op modes on the PC version vs the console version.
Well, at least it's possible to somewhat get around that for 2005's Battlefront II campaign- but unfortunately, there's no workaround to get Galactic Conquest working for co-op. As you say, it's unfortunate how shoddy the ports for PC all-to-often are. Though, PC modders did get co-op working for Doom 3 (2004), which didn't have co-op to begin with, so that helped balance things out a small bit [who even releases a Doom game without co-op, in the first place? Given the last two games, one'd have to suspect that ID pushed out all the co-op appreciating staff members back in the late 90s. :S].
What really gets me is when a game advertises co-op, and co-optimus is all "Yeah, so, this is an extremely limited throw-on mode- sorry, readers". I mean, that's still far better than the games on steam which advertise co-op and only have team pvp, of course. Or the games that list single-player solely because they have a tutorial mode. Geesh. It's exhausting enough finding decent games on Steam "We'll Direct release any shit you've got™ without them misrepresenting what features they have.
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Used [newer] consoles run about a third the retail price, if that helps your considerations [with older consoles generally selling more in the range of $20~$40]. Not that that isn't still a rather absurd price, compared to just continuing to buy digital games on sale, but between Nintendo's unique offerings and Sony's [RPG, adventure game, etc] exclusives, it can still be rather compelling.
Alternatively, I hear emulation is still a thing..
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The Trine games are a delight, though it's really best to think of the third game as the first in the series, given its comparative depth to the first two games. They're easily my top PC recommendation for co-op.
Of course, Starcraft 2 recently made all its basic features- including most of its co-op mode- free, so that's a (very) low-budget consideration. Likewise, Diablo fans should give Path of Exile a go- in some ways, it's a weak example of the Diablo-like genre, in other ways it has lots of depth that other games in the genre don't have, but most of all it's free, so it's easy to find out for oneself if it's appreciable.
I haven't played the Divinity: Original Sin games yet, but the original Divinity games were good fun, and the OS series seems to blow many gaming expectations out of the water. They're definitely my most anticipated co-op games.
Behemoth (Castle Crashers, Battleblock Theater, Pit People) has some solid co-op games, though the games are filled to the brim with potty humor, which is off-putting to many gamers. Ibb & Obb is a fun and challenging co-op puzzle-platformer. Saint's Row 3 and 4 are excellent if you want co-op GTA-styled FPS gameplay. Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is pretty much nothing but bugs and regrets, but Lara Croft and Guardian of Light is a lot of fun (though it has its share of bugs as well, but they're mostly amusing, minor ones).
I adore the Lego games, but they're exclusively couch co-op, without any online capabilities.
Portal 2 is good for co-op, playing much like the single player Portal experience, though it's perhaps a bit on the short end for total gameplay length (then again, the Trine games are fairly short as well). While Dead Space 3 has some weird bugs and weird design decisions that can frustrate an individual run, the overall experience is fairly good, and comparable in some ways to a Gears of War [which is also available on PC] co-op experience. The Left 4 Dead games are a bit clunky in places, but one of the better options for co-oping with more than two players (and still above-average when co-oping with two).
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Battleblock Theater and Pit People are only 2-player (though their pvp modes allow for 4 players). Castle Crashers is the only one which allows for more in co-op and, honestly, I found it to play better with more players; however, the visual clutter that creates was off-putting for some of the friends I played with, so YMMV).
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I didn't see anybody mention Splinter Cell Blacklist. It is a good two-player co-op stealth action game.
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Shank 1,2, Resident Evil Revelations 2 (Online coop only on shadowplay), Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6 (forget about it), Trine 1-3, Divinity OS 1,2, Serious Sam, War in the North, Shadow Warrior 2, Saint Row, Aragami.
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This for sorting by tags. It's great
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shank 2, lost castle, Rampage Knights, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, JYDGE. Those are for local-coop game if you want some 4 player local that you can play versus friends for fun i have other game to suggest, trust me there is alot of local-coop game or just 4 player local game on steam, when alot of people think that the era of local gaming is dead, which is not true at all. ENJOY!
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Here's another site you could try.
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I'm an avid cooper myself and the game me and my mate have enjoyed the most are (in order of rough(playtime)) :
Borderlands Series, Civilization Series(Kinda RTS), Heroes of Might & Magic Series, Dying Light, Dead Island Series, Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II(RTS), Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity(RTS), Portal 2, Trials Fusion (for competetive urges), Saints Row IV, Left 4 Dead Series, Grim Dawn, Serious Sam Series, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, Magicka Series
That should be everything noteworthy ( 10h+ ).
Alright .. hope that helps broadening your horizon
Also Splinter Cell Blacklist + Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls
I also would like to apologize for my lack of linking .. but I'm a lazy bastard ..
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I've made a page trying to list any co-op game worth trying if you feel like going through the huge list.
Personally I recommend Borderlands games, Torchlight 2, Saints Row games. It all depends on your taste for games.
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A game I have been playing a lot coop with my brother is Lost Castle, I purchased that this winter sale when it was on sale, it is pretty fun coop again, but be warned it is or can be pretty difficult.
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Played lots of local coop (splitscreen) games with my sister (on a projector) lately, here's what we enjoyed:
Human Fall Flat
Goat Simulator
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Trine (1,2,3)
Lego games (all of them! Favorites were LotR & Super Heroes)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Neon Chrome
Nex Machina
Never Alone
Portal 2
Worms Revolution
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Dont know if this should be in Lets Play Together or not, but I am not looking for anyone to play with, just games.
I have alot of games in library. I wish there was a way I can sort all games with different options in my library. For example; Coop games, highest ratings.
But for the question. I need new games to play with my friends! We played Human Fall Flat and we really enjoyed it, ALOT. We also played We Were Here and enjoyed it. Diablo 3, Dungeon Defenders 2 is also kinda good games, not hour after hour but yeah.
Ask me anything and give me suggestions!
Thanks alot!
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