So, I just got an email from GOG telling me that I have $4.99 in my GOG wallet, which is interesting because:

(a) I didn't know there WAS a GOG wallet.
(b) I have no idea where it has come from and why it is still there - if I'd gotten a refund, I assume I would have spent it straight off.

Also, if I had ever checked my GOG Wallet(see point a) then I would not have immediately have seen ti because my wallet was defaulted to ££££, and the amount is in $$$$, so it doesn't show it in my dropdown from my name account name until I go into the GOG Wallet and select $$$$ where it then shows it....which is odd.

Also, it seems to have been there for a long time so either GOG rarely send these emails out or mine have previously ended up in spam or been auto-deleted by one of my rules, which I doubt.

Anyway, maybe others have a few dollars, yen, turkish lira.....whatever...that they can spend on some gaming goodness that they've forgotten about.

I shall save mine until there's something good on sale.

7 years ago

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Did you forget about your GOG wallet?

View Results
Just checked - YES, lovely jubbly spondoolicks for me.
Just checked - No, buggah!!
Not checked - I am independently wealthy and would never lower myself to such things as checking.....
I don't use GOG, you peasant!!

Lucky you though! :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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What games have you purchased on GOG - actually paid for, not gotten free? There are a handful of games on GOG that do use regional pricing and if you buy one of those and it's more expensive in your currency than the USD price they'll credit you difference.

As an example, my pre-order of The Witcher 3 gave me £6.50 in store credit.

7 years ago

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I have bought quite a number of games on GOG; it's hard to tell exactly how many without going through my purchase history, but I have well over 100 games on GOG and I would say that it's probably roughly 50/50 between paid for ON GOG and added to my library for free in one way or another.

However, given the number is $4.99, it looks like a refund to me - if it were a FOREX refund, I would expect a weird number. I also don't remember buying any high value games, although I have bought 6-7 games at a time in one purchase so it could have come from one order.

Maybe I'm getting so old and infirm that I don't remember requesting a refund....does the value of the refund go into your wallet, unlike Steam who refund to the purchase method?

7 years ago

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Check the wallet link in the previous comment and scroll to the bottom of the page and it'll give you an accounting of funds in/out of your wallet.

7 years ago

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It is interesting, and good, to see that four other people have responded positively to the survey question. I was half expecting to be the only person. Also, it's odd that they've just emailed me or this is the first time I've seen this particular type of email from them and I haven't bought anything of note for some time (3+months for anything more than $1 or so at a time).

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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I sent some $$$ to my wallet when they introduced it, spent part of it and the rest is just sitting there. I wouldn't remember but I've seen it just today on checkout as I was claiming a free game from gog.

7 years ago

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GOG has something called regional pricing which adds funds to your wallet when you buy some games.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Apparently i have 1.30€

7 years ago

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I got back a few quid when they refunded me gifts claimed by scammers.

I didn't even ask for that, mind you. They just asked me "hey, did you really intend to give this guy that game"? And after I verified that no, this guy's been added to a list of known scammers, they gave me back the money.

Yes, if I've got the choice, I'll buy my game on GOG first.

7 years ago

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0,35 wonder where that came from....probably some game regionally costing more....

7 years ago

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So, for those of a curious WAS a refund. And I now remember it.

Not so surprisingly, I was stupid enough to order Banished on Steam and GOG the same day AND then stupid enough to forget about it totally!!!

And us 'ere Wombles are meant to be smart, efficient and cost effective!!! I am a disgrace to my (imaginary)species........

7 years ago

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