Or, just like me, you don't have the heart to remove them even though you don't talk to them.
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I tend to make an activity feed post giving fair warning. I am lazy about it and can wait a solid year before sorting it, but i can't live with 100 people, I tend to look and struggle to find who I want to talk to, or worse get spam messages from people I don't have time to respond to. Then I feel really bad for not replying, so I spend 99% of my time trying to talk to EVERYONE.
Sometimes I like to remind people, its fun to chat and stuff, but it is primarily a gaming platform. I am on Steam to play games first of all, I'm glad I made friends through steam, i like having the occasional chat. Sometimes though I have met people who demand more attention than you can give.
That goes for double when skype becomes involved...SadisticChicken looking at you pal...;)
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I feel bad just straight up dropping them, but i like to make some notice that i want to clear things up. Some people just like seeing screenshots and stuff on activity feed so i feel bad if the quiet people who like that get removed. So i let them tell me if thats what they want.
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Just checked and seems like I'm living on the edge here. Currently got 97 people on my friends list.
(Usually it's lower; just added a bunch of people for a Secret Santa type of deal though)
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More than once someone has complained that I removed them as a friend, despite never talking ever, they have 500+ friends usually. I try and give people fair warning when I remove them, I'll ask if people want to stay in an open post, i'll talk to them specifically if they want. Lets be realistic here, not as a trader I'm not going to be able to give 650 people the attention they deserve. I doubt I'll give 650 the trades they deserve!
Each to their own though, if people like it then they can do what they like, its a little annoying when people get annoyed at you for not allowing yourself to be a number but I understand.
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O h . . . .
(mostly, I just thought Reading just had a bunch of unnecessary people reached the limit from trading)
Apparently I have 135. I try to keep my number down. 12 are from trading.. I must purge soon.
At least 60-75 are people I've relatively known in some way except for this guy... I don't know who he is!!
(I guess the rest are people I've played games with in the past or know from somewhere else. I guess about 10% are from trading that I will remove soon except for some that asked to stay)
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This is why I love the feature to give a second nickname to your friends
on your friend list, I usually give nicknames to the people I add just for
achievements on specific game or the people Idk
and the best part about it, is that it helps you remember whos that
faggot that changes the nickname everysingle second xD
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No, it's not 250 + 5*level, because my limit would be 650 then. I'm level 80 and my max limit is 700 (I only have 473 friends though). :P
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It's probably because the Facebook link no longer gives the 50 slot addition, or you unlinked your Facebook account.
Also, you had almost 700 (>690) friends before the trim.
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Leveling up my Steam account remains something foreign to my psychology.
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Just noticed this since someone said that they can't add me, and here's why:
Last time I checked, my max should be at 690. Now it's at 650. Anyone having the same problem?
EDIT: Since everyone was saying that the base is at 250 + 5*level, does that mean it was a bug when I had 690 maximum before?
I mean, how can you explain that I went over the maximum if it isn't lowered?
SOLUTION: Unlinking the Facebook steam link from your account will remove the additional friend slots (which is +50), and my link was apparently removed for some reason (and I didn't know that there was a certain bonus for that either). Thank you very much for your comments, especially from PlyrStar93 and SolidSnake3133 which led to the solution! :)
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