I don't know if it's just my Steamgifts going crazy, but something really strange happened to me a while ago. So what happened is I was trying to participate to one Shadowgrounds giveaway because there have been so many of them lately, I thought I would have a good chance at winning one. Suddenly Steamgift announced that I was unable to participate in that giveaway, and when I tried to search for another Shadowgrounds giveaway, I couldn't find any. There was at least 10 or 20 giveaways for Shadowgrounds but suddenly they were all gone. I also think that I got back all the points that I had spent on those giveaways, so I guess those giveaways were cancelled. Now there are more Shadowgrounds giveaways created, so I can participate in them again, but I just don't know what happened a while ago...

I was just wondering if the same happened to anyone else or if anyone knows what happened??

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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That would be, Hallelujah, Sir.

12 years ago

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About time, now to remove contributor points from that game

12 years ago

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No, we should ditch contributor status from SG entirely.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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lol @ leechers agreeing.

12 years ago

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+1, good catch lmao

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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thanks i wasnt sure how to spell it, i even searched google for it!

12 years ago

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Someone probably deleted them

12 years ago

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Same happened to me... And I was getting good vibes from one of them too XD But seriously, anyone know what happened?

12 years ago

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Perhaps they'll suspend everyone who was spamming them too.

12 years ago

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Suspend for giving away games on a game giveaway site? For sharing two great games with others? Oh my god, communists are among us ! Run to the hills !

12 years ago

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CG and support have already made their opinions known on this game. They did nothing this time around because they're working on a new system that will handle this kind of stuff automatically.

12 years ago

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Is there a a specific post where CG / the mods said Shadowground giveaways are not okay ?
I was looking for a policy sticky or a FAQ entry, but found nothing :/

12 years ago

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You know that police can send you to prison if you do something good for others but bring public disorder.

12 years ago

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stfu, ALL you've contributed is shadowgrounds, and ALL you had to do is click on the spin button

12 years ago

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Couldn't agree more. If he wanted to be so kind and shit, he would give it away on forums. But he wanted to take advantage of developer being nice to get into contributor giveaways. Like many others did.

12 years ago

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Imo they should suspend the whole contributor only system. SG should be about giving people with little money/etc a chance to win a game.

12 years ago

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If you kindly allow it, I'll decide myself who I'm giving to kk thx bye.

12 years ago

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Yeah, and let's choose who we want to eat at our restaurants and drink from our water fountains too.

(In all seriousness, the system is unfair to those with a limited budget and is easily circumventable......as such, it should be scrapped.)

12 years ago

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"choose who we want to eat at our restaurants" IT'S A ZOMBIE

12 years ago

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Actually restaurants have the right to refuse to serve anyone.
And how is it unfair? Those contributer giveaways could just as easily be private ones. Is that unfair?

12 years ago

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Maybe I should have said public gov't buildings/services?

And yes, it's unfair imo.....gifters may have the right to choose who they want to gift to but that right suddenly doesn't make their actions any less unfair in my eyes(Or at least[to me]it's no more fair than limiting giveaways to one based on their gender or skin color.)

12 years ago

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Government is funded by public money, taken from all of us under a social contract. Of course government should be blind to race/color/creed, but people through time have always segregated into groups. Its just how we are built. You say that the gifters have the right to do what they want with their games, including throwing them in the virtual trash if they wanted, but believe that they are unfair. I'm sorry, I do not agree at all. If other contributors want to do something for the people who give multiple thousands of dollars in gifts to this site, then they are free to do what they want with their own money. They dont take anything from you to provide to a minority; you are not harmed by their action, therefore you cannot force your opinion on their actions. You may argue that by not gifting to everyone, then you reduce the overall winnable gift pool for those who cannot enter. But that ignores the fact that they might of not given it away to begin with. So until you are directly harmed somehow by private/contributor giveaways, you have no right to tell people what to do with their gifts. There are still plenty of things to enter even if you have not contributed anything.

Also, I'm sort of offended that you would equate the struggle for equal rights for all genders/races to not being able to enter a giveaway for a video game.

12 years ago

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Thank you for this as I didn't have to write something similiar myself.

12 years ago

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I never forced my opinion on anyone.....I also didn't tell anyone what to do.....I merely said what I thought was unfair. I am free to have an opinion on things, I would think.

12 years ago

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Of course you are not. I'm just illustrating that if you did try to force people, It would impose yourself upon them.
Also, you are free not to make or use any contributor giveaways, and I would respect you for that.

12 years ago

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How is it unfair? If contributor giveaways go away, people will just go back to sitting in exclusive groups instead.

If you don't have money, you don't get as much stuff as someone who does. Welcome to the world. Pretty much every aspect of life in the entirety of human history has revolved around this simple fact in some way or another. If this is objectionable to you, where do you stand on society outside online gaming sites? Are you willing to take on the global economic system? Yeah...

12 years ago

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If you don't see how it's(SG contributor giveaways/system.) unfair then I don't know what to say to you.

Thing is, it(Life) IS unfair......people having more than others solely because they have more money/power/looks than another person is unfair. To say "That's how it is....welcome to the world." with such seemingly blind acceptance....I don't know whether to be mad at your words or pity you for believing them. I'm not saying I know the best solution to make everyone happy, or if it's even possible to......but I don't think the way things are now is fair, and as such i'm going to complain about it to whoever will listen until my last breath.

12 years ago

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I'm sorry. Complaining that things are 'unfair' that you are not allowed to enter a giveaway for a video game is a bit childish. There are things that are truly unfair in the world, real injustices that are done to people. Complaining that you are unable to get games for free is just a bit sad. You dont have to be on this site at all, if you have a problem with how its run. If you feel that the people who donate are 'elitist' or whatever, then dont enter their giveaways or use the site. Remember, that you can only make a contributor giveaway have a value of 2x what you have donated, so the contributor giveaways come from people who support the site.

12 years ago

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Just because you think it's childish to complain about such doesn't mean that everyone feels the same way, or that it truly is childish to complain about such....you know this, right?

And no, I don't have to be on this site at all, but then again those who don't like the "exploiters" don't have to be here either. I'm here because some of the giveaways are pretty good and are run in a way I agree with. It's like TV....you have multiple channels to watch & some might be run in ways you dislike and contain content you dislike. This doesn't mean you throw out your tv or cancel your cable just because a few channels are bad in your eyes.

12 years ago

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Thats why I said you are free to leave OR ignore them. But this site is probably going to keep contributor giveaways for the foreseeable future. And yes, it is childish. Sorry, but there are much worse injustices that once can devote one's efforts to fighting. If you want to say people should not exploit the contributor system, then that is a legitimate complaint, but saying that its hard on you not to be able to get free things is the persepective of a child.

12 years ago

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/thread. Brilliantly put :)

12 years ago

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The life is unfair, should it be scrapped too?

12 years ago

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If with life you mean the conditions under which humanity as whole operates, yes, actually it should, since it is a slippery slope in which a minority chooses the fates of the majority of people.

And, while i am certainly here for Giveaways, because of a more limited dispensable income (One wouldn't believe how much a family costs these days), i do think the majority is more concerned with the problems the contributor thing does, than they are concerned with "contributors wanting to give to other contributors".

The way i understand this system, if you want to pick and choose who you want to give it to, you can very well do it with a private group.

Doing a contributor only giveaway with a minimum requirement of 300+$, in my eyes is a waste of time or purposefully elitist in design. I think people that have 300+$ to give away to strangers certainly should be able to buy themselves any game they want, especially if its just a 20$ game.

On top of it being quite elitist in nature, and all about bragging rights in the end (if you really wanted to pick who you give it to you would make it a private thing and invite the people you wanted in it), it also just encourages people to search ways to abuse the system.

I've been coming here for the last 2 weeks, every day. And its astonishing how often you see stuff being reused. Dungeon Defenders DLCs for example. There are so many DLC already for this game, but oddly enough in the last couple weeks, its only the same DLCs that frequently pop up after they have ended.

So am i to believe now its a massive coincidence that people would pick only that DLC? Or is it more likely that more often than not, stuff is just being put back up, just to get a contributors tag and raise the $ people contributed?

And i know this is coming from someone that hasn't contributed yet, but seriously.. either they put in another filter to filter out the contributor giveaways or the problem will persist that you do have giveaways that are more like prestige thing (seriously, i saw a DLC giveaway the other day for nuclear war which required people to have contributed over 1000$) and of course people just exploiting the system until they get their price tag high enough.

Personally i think its more harmful to everyone involved, than it is useful, especially since there is a private giveaway system where you can actually chose who to give it too.

As it is, its a fence system, with the "elite" sitting on one side and the rest on the other site and both sites look down on each other, were as the "non-elite" searching ways to exploit the system to become "elite".

It might also end up in a couple months that only crappy giveaways are happening on the non contributor end, and everyone has moved over into the contributor sections. Which in return means, people that are new to this, like me, most likely just move on, and thus sending what seemed to be a good idea, where people can be doing stuff from the good of their heart for their fellow gamers, into more of a copy of our current reality where a bunch of people sit on one side of the fence looking down on everyone that hasn't or hasn't as much contributed as them.

Then again, considering where our gamer mentality wise seem to develop in recent years, maybe its pretty naive and idealistic to assume that as gamers we could actually try to be fair with each other, even if "life" is not.

12 years ago

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This.....100%. +1

12 years ago

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Well said sir ! +1

12 years ago

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The way I see it, the contributor system isn't there to make other people feel inadequate, but to instead increase your chance of winning when you may not necessarily know the person doing the gifting. A contributor giveaway is like a public giveaway but instead of giving it away to everybody, you are giving it to people who have already contributed (at least, theoretically). I really like the contributor system and I would hate for them to do away with it.

12 years ago

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After reading the first paragraph I refuse to read more, that other guy's opinions were utterly stupid and boring, but at least they were short. Now you hit with platitudes too but also with a wall of text. It doesn't make it any more interesting, you know.

12 years ago

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Oh why don't you go be daft and stubborn by burying your head in the sand somewhere else where we don't have to see it.

Stupid, boring.......great debating skills you have there.

12 years ago

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I have to agree with Gameranger. Its ok to hold a different opinion, but you should at least be willing to hear the other side. Lol it may need a tl;dr, but if the guy took the time to write all of that, he deserves to at least be heard.

12 years ago

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Don't worry, i don't mind you not reading my text.

Actually, i prefer you don't.

12 years ago

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So doing a private giveaway is ok, because people who cant join can't see it, but doing a contributor giveaway to thank the high gifting members is being elite? So would you prefer if SG hid the contributor giveaways you can't enter?
And they are implementing ways to better catch abusers to the system. Hopefully we can eliminate many of the exploiters.

12 years ago

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I am somewhat sure you want to purposefully missunderstand what i wrote, but thats fine. I summed up what i think peoples concerns with the system is, as it is.

And i think hiding the giveaways you cannot enter would certainly prevent much of the fence feeling where people might feel like they need high contribution scores in order to be getting anything but spare copies of Frozen Synapse, Nuclear Dawn and The Ship (which of course isn't the only thing and i genuinely believe thats the kind of game people ordinarily give away - the ones you can't give to your friends and family and that would just sit there in your inventory for no purpose).

But anyway, where there is a system such as this, with a visible fence, people want to be on the other side of the fence. Seeing games like Max Payne 3 being gifted only to contributors with 300+$, while its a nice thought, its also a strong encouragement for people to exploit the system. Especially if they are of a mindset of "must have that game at any cost!"

12 years ago

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I disagree on many points in your text.

1) I never saw contribution system as a bragging right but as a mechanism to direct giveaway to a certain group of people. In other words a filter. Though this is a personal opinion and seems to differ from person to person.

2) You haven't been here long so I'll take it that you don't know how things were around before contribution system. There were already elitist faction then and it was found in the private groups. What contribution system allowed is to make those previously private giveaways public thus actually narrowing the distance between elite and plebeian. It also makes previously hidden giveaways public which I see as a bonus.

3) Contribution system may encourage people to buy games and give them away. Gifter and winner would both benefit from this.

4) Private groups are in no way a fix nor a substitute for contribution. Simple example will hopefully suffice. Say I want to create a giveaway to people that have contributed anything, meaning 0.01 $ requirement. I would have to create group and invite everyone from site to it that meets that requirement. With over 160 000 members, and growing, it is a task that is not possible manually. The toll of bureaucracy would be too great.

5) People with high contribution status may be able to buy any game they want but they still have the right to try to win them as any other member. So if they want to have 1000 $ requirement for Fortix, have them. It is a bit naive to think that if there would not be contribution system, that Fortix would have been public and for everyone. It might have been but it certainly is not certain.

Your scenario of eliminating new users with high contribution requirements might be valid, but at the moment it seems that there is still plenty of giveaways without contribution requirement. Time will tell if this changes.

12 years ago

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I can certainly understand why you disagree and i think from your point of view its valid.

I'll only address the 2nd and 5th point of yours, as i think thats the only thing that really needs addressing, the rest, in my opinion, is perfectly valid.

You are right, i don't know what this site has been like before it. Its been there for as long as i have been here myself. But i think with dragging the problem out into the open its not going to go away. People that feel elitist usually basque in the light of the day, when they can show off how much better they are. Its not limited to the forums and some underhand private groups.

There is always an "i am better than you" mindset with humans involved, thats our current society right there. More reward for being better than someone else. Its perfectly normal for us to think that way, unless you happen to have been growing up with some rather spaced off parents in a tribal community or something like that. Some would say: Its the way it should be. Those that don't agree are socialists, communists or whatever which is in some countries actually an insult, but lets not get there.

All i am saying is, that i believe and concur with that opinion, that the contributor system as it is right now, is more harmful than good. And i believe that making it less "in your face", will actually allivate some of the problems, as people don't feel like they have to abuse the system to get a contribution tag.

If they would be not visible for you, you wouldn't know about them. You wouldn't feel like you need to go to another site, where they do free give aways of games, and then come here to raise your contributors price tag. It also would reduce the amount of those people who enter into giveaways of stuff they don't want, just to reenter the gifts a day or two later with a 7 days period in order to have higher contributor ratings.

And i am telling you, as someone that is new. Even i have been tempted to enter every single crappy giveaway just to get that 0.01$ contributor rating or to prevent being called a "leecher". Which i think defeats the purpose of the whole thing. Of course its also tempting to buy something just for that purpose, to give to the community. And i honestly think the system as it is right now, creates both. It creates those that go and buy something in a sale to give away and its those that exploit the system.

Lets get to point 5, as i fear it already is going to be a walltext at this point, i try to keep it brief:

I don't think anyone cares that you want to give away Fortix to people who have contributed 1000$. I don't even think thats the problem. I think people seeing it, can and is most likely be used by (always some, never all) people in order to create an elitist image. "Look i have contributed this much"

I don't really think people care that much that you don't want to give it to them. I think people only care about that right now, as it is, its worse than elitisem in a few private groups. Now its elitisem out in the open with visible fences for everyone to enjoy.

Its basically the country club with the homeless feeding right next to it, where you have the homeless sit there and dine on cheap games while next door, visible to them, they serve lobster on a silver plate. And just like in that example. Some people could go into the country club but choose to get the free food of the homeless and some just can't help being homeless and thus have to suffer from the guys who happen to be on the other side of the fence for whatever reason calling them bums leeching on peoples generosity as they chew. But i digress again.

So yeah, the rich and the (notso) beautiful certainly should have places where they can mingle and basque in their glory of being what they are, but does it really have to happen infront of the peanut gallery?

12 years ago

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What if there are people who don't want to give games to these 'low-budget' gamers aka Leechers?

12 years ago

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Private giveaways......people can easily limit who gets the link to the giveaway or a membership to the private group that's holding the giveaway. That solves the issue quite nicely.

12 years ago

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Except then you have to invite every individual you want to enter the giveaway, and risk the chance of it 'leaking out' to people you don't want to join.

12 years ago

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Not if it's a private group giveaway...then only those who are members of that group can enter.

12 years ago

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Still, then you either have a public group, which everyone can join, or a private one, which you need to invite people to. Its the exact same situation.

12 years ago

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Oh boo hoo. Quit being a leach.

12 years ago

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these keys were exploited. nobody paid even one cent for them

12 years ago

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Says the exploiter who ONLY contributed Shadowgrounds. LOL.

12 years ago

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Yeah, so ? Contributing Shadowgrounds is a criminal offense these days? Friendly tip : see about your own entries/contributions and leave everybody else do what they think it's best - it's none of your concern. Four people are grateful that they got Shadowgrounds from me, I'm glad they all got a chance and the keys I had didn't get ninja'd on forums. So yeah, it's a win-win situation that makes me happy.

12 years ago

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It's not a criminal offense, no. But, you exploited the system to raise your contribution score. I'm sure that made you happy. Also, you don't want ninjas? Fine. You can just give them seperately to people you know. You want to give it out randomly? Alright. Find 4 random people and give it to them. I'm sure that would make their day... But wait.. You wouldn't get that contribution score... That wouldn't make you happy, would it?

12 years ago

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Prove that he did it to get the contribution score.

12 years ago

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+1, god damn hypocrites these days

12 years ago

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Frozenbyte clearly said not to abuse the system, that's exactly what you did. Don't try to act cute.

12 years ago

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Right? I don't know why they're acting all high and mighty.

12 years ago

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I'm not going to lie, I abused the system too, but not add contributor points on this site.I'm currently awaiting feedback for a non-abused game. Instead I gave them away at another site to the people that wanted the game, I even told them about the site but they got fed up of not winning. Honestly, I don't see that as abused since I gained nothing from it, but these people do however. At first I really didn't care, but now that I see these are how these people act it bothers me.

12 years ago

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Oh, yeah. What you did is no problem. You gave away the game on a different site. You didn't have anything to gain. But the people that gave it away here gained contribution points, which means they abused the system. To be quite frank, I didn't care that these people exploited the system, either. I enjoyed gaining my 300p back every other hour(slight exaggeration). But how they act, as if they are doing the RIGHT thing is just absurd. It, as you said, bothers me too.

12 years ago

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Lokonopa happened.

12 years ago

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Suddenly a wild Shadowgrounds key appears: AH5JI-TNG4H-73YAG

12 years ago

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Thank you! Took it after 5 minutes you posted! :D

12 years ago

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Lazy ninjas. Seems it is time for more whipping.

12 years ago

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I had a shadowgrounds giveaway that was about 20mins from ending and it disappeared as if I had never created it just a second ago.

12 years ago

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want more ? lol

12 years ago

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Good. I got both, Shadowgrounds and it's sequel on summerseal.com. No need to flood SG with free stuff.

12 years ago

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summerseal.com is down, you can't get anymore free stuff

12 years ago

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it work for me

12 years ago

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*done Not down.

12 years ago

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are you sure, i cant access the site

12 years ago

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Funny enough it's both done and down currently.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Finally, it was for the good of the site.

12 years ago

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it's just you

12 years ago

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Excellent news, thank you SG support!

12 years ago

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Um, nope. There is still a fuckload of Shadowgrounds/DLC 'gifts'.

Sigh. How hard is it to just filter this scammers out?

12 years ago

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Ever heard of just ignoring it?

12 years ago

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Ever heard of just rules?

It's an exploit. People are abusing it. To the people that play by 'the rules', it's an injustice.

12 years ago

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The official rules, or the rules as interpreted by you/others like you?

Some people just like to complain for the sake of complaining about something it seems.
You want to fight injustice? Go fight world hunger or slavery then.

(Read Tristan451's reply above....he covers my opinion on this matter better than I do, I think.)

12 years ago

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Oh leave them be mate. Some people have a natural tendency to whine about random stuff, even if it doesn't involve themselves. How contributors get a game they give away is nobody's business. In the end there's still one happy winner, it;s within the rules of the site, so why be mad about that? Geez, such hate going on here on steamgifts these days...

12 years ago

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How contributors get a game they give away is nobody's business.
Except, you know, the admins of this site. Sorry buddy, this is a pretty basic concept. If you want to create your own variant of Steam Gifts where anything goes, exploits or not, go ahead. Otherwise deal with it.

12 years ago

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Typical elitist blather......"Hey newbie, we're in charge here and if you don't like it and play by our friends THE MOD'S rules you can suck eggs and GTFO! So nyah!"

12 years ago

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Glad you acknowledged I'm right. :)

12 years ago

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Am I elitist because I think like that too? There are other ways you can gift Steam games and just because people like to follow the rules doesn't make them an "elitist". No one is forcing you to stay here.

12 years ago

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The major complaint of those complaining about the Shadowgrounds gifters is that they can now get into other people's contributor only contests, while the ones hosting those contests don't want such "expliuters" to be able to take part in said contests. This could all be mitigated a good amount(if not entirely) if said people(Those mad at the Shadowgrounds gifters and/or those who gift games with contributor minimums.) just hosted such giveaways in private SG groups/threads.

But they don't do it, and instead claim/complain that the site/admin/powers that be should do their work for them. It reminds me of the whole "censor tv/games/etc" debacle where parents/etc wanted media censored so that they wouldn't have to take some responsibility do their job as parents and monitor/controls what their kids watched/read/did. In a way it's understandable.....many people naturally tend to gravitate towards the easy way of doing things, and many people like to complain about stuff. It doesn't make it right, however.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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If you get the SG Enhancement addon, it adds an "ignore" button.

The more you know ☆ミ

12 years ago

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You just called them scammers... How the fuck are they scamming?
You, sir, are an ignorant fool.

12 years ago

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I like how everyone's responding to this thread with "hallelujah teh skammerz got pwnt" when the OP was saying that he wanted a copy of this game.

I realize these games were issued by a spammable raffle, but you guys do know that said raffle was open for all of about, 12 hours right? So there's a good chunk of people who weren't even awake when keys were being given out?

And don't just say "lol he could've just gotten a key from teh forums" because the entire point of creating/entering giveaways is so that you don't have to be a ninja in order to get stuff.

12 years ago

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As Tristan said above, people could host private groups/giveaways if they wanted to give to certain people....they don't need contributor only giveaways to do that. Imo(and his) it's mostly about bragging rights/elitism when people make public contributor only giveaways....especially with minimums of 100-200 dollars.

Also, as I said above they should ditch the contributor system entirely....it's causing more harm than good.

12 years ago

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If you're going to complain about people scamming their way to inflated contributor statuses, don't also complain about people setting contributor values too high.

12 years ago

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I wasn't complaining about it. I actually think the contributor status system should be scrapped entirely, and people who want to give games to contributors/trusted friends should do so using private groups and giveaways.

12 years ago

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This requires being active enough in the community to regularly use the forums/chat, something that stll ends up being an elitism club (don't have time/interest in spending hours on this site? have fun making and entering thousand entry giveaways, lol) and already happens anyway.

12 years ago

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Then they should just set it to 0 contributor points rewarded for shadowgrounds and everything is fine in my opinion.

12 years ago

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If they do that they should also slash the contributor points for games given from keys bought on sale by the amount of the discount percentage.

12 years ago

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It's literally impossible to tell where and when a key or bundle gift came from, your idea wouldn't work.

What would work is setting contributor value equal to the number of points the giveaways you made cost (if you gave away a multi-copy giveaway, the points from that giveaway would be multiplied by the number of copies).

12 years ago

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The whole point is that if people hadn't exploited the keys en masse, he would've been able to get one himself via the developers site. The raffle ended quickly because idiots used it to get 50 keys each.

12 years ago

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And what about those who didn't know about the giveaway on that site, and those who couldn't go to that site for some reason? These giveaways give those people another chance.

12 years ago

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I can understand this mindset, but bear in mind that a lot of people don't visit the forums here unless they have a problem of some sort. If the OP is like that, he wouldn't have known the Summer Seal existed at all, and therefore wouldn't have been able to get keys directly from the devs anyway.

12 years ago

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That's where these giveaways come into play(the SG ones, not the ones in the forums.)...they give people like OP a chance to get a code for the game.

12 years ago

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Hence, my original post.

12 years ago

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it screws up the system

12 years ago

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I still see a ton of them.

12 years ago

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looks like an admin deleted a load, went quite for a good 30mins before the flood came back

12 years ago

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Yeah, I'm aware that Shadowgrounds giveaways are being created again. I'm just baffled because it seems that at one point all of there giveaways just disappeared, and I don't know what really happened. Well, I guess I shouldn't be complaining because now there are Shadowgrounds giveaways again so I can participate in them :).

12 years ago

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Well there goes my giveaway and willingness to give away more games

12 years ago

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This self-righteous comment seems kinda silly based on your profile (not that I'm much better :P)

12 years ago

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Am I the only one that isn't bothered by these giveaways? It's childish.
So what if these people join contributor giveaways? You can always increase the amount or create a rule to not allow people who have created a giveaways for the said games.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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It slowed down the whole site. That bothered me.

12 years ago

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Wouldn't a bunch of "normal" giveaways also slow down the site? And if that happened would you be complaining then as well?

12 years ago

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Were you even on the site yesterday? It was bad. We had a lot more giveaway than usual, and it was around the same time that all the giveaways were going on. I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to point out that allowing all of these keys has its disadvantages.

12 years ago

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People should be limited to giving away multiple game codes for the same game in one giveaway then.

12 years ago

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I don't know if that would make a difference, since it's still considered one giveaway. There needs to be an easier way, but it looks like everything has subdued from yesterday, so we don't really need to worry about it right now.

12 years ago

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Of course he was on the site yesterday, look at his profile. 20$ value in contributions, no Giveaways created. He was one of the people flooding the site with Shadowgrounds, that's why he's so pissed about them being removed now and practically replying to every person in this thread :V

12 years ago

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Proof? FWIW I actually gifted the ship.......

12 years ago

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It was DDoS level bad :/

That alone made me despise these 'gifters' :|

12 years ago

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Besides them slowing down the whole site. They were giving away something they got for free. So it wasn't really contributing.

12 years ago

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Sorry but all of this do looks like this

12 years ago

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so why were there so many exactly?

12 years ago

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Because you could get free keys from summerseal.com

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Marumisu.