Yeah I'm aware of that. It's bothering me because I don't know what the issue is. If he has a problem with me I wish he'd man up and tell me what is. I don't like playing games.
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I think one of the main problems a lot of people have is thinking everything happens because of them. Like you thinking your neighbor is acting strange because you did something wrong. Maybe he's just having a rough time. Who knows, maybe his wife left him, his dog died, he got fired... I wouldn't worry so much.
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This here. I think that most the time it is actually the other person(s) pulling away because they have something going on that they're giving their focus to. Everyone takes things too personal nowadays; it IS good to be cautious and wonder if you did something, but also be aware that it could be something to do with them. I tend to avoid people and get antisocial when I have a lot on my mind and a lot of things going on. It has zero to do with the other person and more to do with me just preferring to have some space while working on something or going through something.
Instead of waiting for him to come to you, with what you think is an problem with you, maybe go to HIM and ask if everything alright because you've noticed he's been quiet lately. Maybe he deals with depression and is going through a rough time and could use that extended hand, even if it is just a "hey, how are you?" That's just an example, because I deal with depression and anxiety, and for anyone else that deals with these, you will get this: when you hit a rough place, you fall into yourself and pull away from everyone and everything. It... is just one those weird things we do. We know there are others that care about us and want us around, but at the same time, we feel like there is no one and we feel helpless and alone as we sink into the inner darkness. So honestly, it could be anything with your neighbor friend. Go, talk to him, just ask how he's doing, wondering how he is since you noticed he's been rather quiet lately and you wanted to make sure everything was okay.
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I am starting regret making a thread here on Steam Gifts about it. I should have kept it to myself. I just felt like ranting about it.
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Pretty sure that your as(s)inine comment was one of the primary reasons the OP stated this.
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You know, maybe something is bothering him in HIS life and he might not want to burden you with it.
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Yeah I did consider that. If that is the case I wish he would just say I need some time to myself. I would understand but I can't help but think he has an issue with me the way he's been acting lately.
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Considering this topic, i also got an issue with you, and i don't even know you!
(seriously, give him a few days, then ask)
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Is this like a freestanding house or row housing / duplexes? Maybe someone's been blasting music his way and it sounds like it's coming from your direction.
Had that the last place we lived, thought for a couple months it was the old couple next door but it was a unit across the alley and four down from us. Noise travels funky sometimes :D
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That is weird behavior. It sucks that you don't have any reason behind it, as others have stated just give it some time. Maybe he just needs time alone.
I have a neighbor who can ne like that sometimes, i would text or call him and he'd ignore me (i assume) and we could go a few weeks without talking or without seeing each other and then suddenly he'll call me up and invite me over for coffee. People are just like that sometimes.
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are you voting for hillary? i would ignore you too :)
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Hell no I'm not voting for that corrupt shill. Funny that you mention that though... Last time I was over visiting with him me who I was voting for. I didn't answer him but we did talk Hillary briefly... I told him I don't like her.
I think he is voting Hillary. I know he hates Trump.
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It sounds like he realised from your previous conversation that your political views do not align with his. Maybe he made the decision not to engage with you anymore because of this.
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Possibly. I hate people that do that. The left are such massive hypocrites. Really pisses me off sometimes. They call the RIGHT intolerant while being Intolerant themselves! I will tolerate most views outside my own unless you believe in some really fucked up shit.
I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. -Thomas Jefferson.
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The whole planet hates Trump, that's hardly a reason to avoid you.
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I've seen people hate either of them with a passion, just as they both have their supporters.
Given the choice, I'd pick Hillary over Trump but as I've heard before it's about the same as picking between Cholera or Gonorrhea.
The democrats rigged things so the one good candidate they had wasn't picked, and the republicans picked the class clown to represent them.
They're screwed either way.
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well there you have your answer, you cant talk politics or religion these days unless you know there views ahead of time and agree with them if you want to make friends with someone,this nation is more divided then it ever has been on pretty much any topic you could think of..
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Blacklists you for liking Trump
Just joking on the blacklist thing., But seriously. NEVER talk politics with others. You never know how passionate they get.
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Just because he's been acting strange doesn't mean it's your fault. Maybe something bad happened to him recently... You can always try talking to him, but keep in mind he may not be ready to talk about it, if he will be at all. Still worth a shot, though.
It's also possible that you're blasting Iron Maiden too loud for him to handle. Whenever one listens to Iron Maiden, their neighbor does as well \m/
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No, that is not the reason, everybody loves Iron Maiden!
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He could have become a vampire or be called to duty by ISIS. (?)
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I think he found out that you have more games in steam library than he does and is a bit ashamed now :D
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Thanks guys. I guess I will just wait and see if he hits me up sometime... I just don't want animosity with my neighbors if I can help it... I have some other crazy neighbors that really are nuts. One was just arrested this week.
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Sometimes something you consider a nice chat for someone else can be very insulting because of a diferance of an opinion you didnt know or even can guessit could be that other than that i dont have any advice i never cared for neighboors really i am just polite with them. A friend i want to believe would never ignore you even if you had a small fight
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my neighbour was very nice until she saw me stroking one of her cats, then she started shouting at me and accusing me of trying to steal her cats and demanded that I stop because, and I quote, "you should not get enjoyment from something that you don't own" - not really sure what to say to that, but it was the first time I felt guilty about an early morning sunrise - I don't own it, but I sure get enjoyment out of it !!!!
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yeah - every time I see her now she complains about me stealing her cats, encouraging them into my home, and enjoying them when they are not mine to do so; even though she strokes my cat all the time (which to me is just fine) She even recently complained about a branch falling into her garden, and I appologised and said to throw it back over and I will gladly get rid of it for her, at which point she screamed that she used to like me once, but now that I am trying to steal her cats she hates me - in the end I just had to tell her that I really just don't care anymore; I cannot continue to be sad about it, when I cannot honestly see what I have done wrong :(
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I'm living back in my home town taking a year off college, this was like 10 years ago, and like any other college student I'm lazy as hell and me personally I'm constantly depressed and I never clean and I've always lived alone and for one reason or another I absolutely HAD to get rid of all the dirty dishes in my sink one day (landlord coming to inspect the next day or something --- can't remember --- not important). But because they had sat in the sink for so long and had gotten so nasty, and since I lived alone and no one was helping me, I decided to say F$^*() IT! and throw them in the trash. Plates, spoons, all dishes got bagged up and taken to the trash. Couple days later, I find out from my aunt that my neighbor had gone INTO MY GARBAGE CAN and taken out all my dishes that I had thrown out and taken them to my aunt to show her what a weirdo I was that I had thrown them all away.
This lady went through her neighbors garbage to expose THEM, the neighbor, ME, as the weirdo in the neighborhood. What she did is normal though. Digging through other people's garbage and then loading their garbage into your car and then driving that foul-smelling, disease-spreading garbage across town so that you can pull items out of the rancid-water-dripping garbage bags and show it to people you know, that's perfectly normal.
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It's ok dude :P I'm completely isolated from my neighbours even though I've been living here for quite a while. You can always find new neighbours to talk to :^)
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Throw a pizza on his roof (i recommend a cheap frozen one) make sure he sees you,
if he isn't angry or perplexed he's must be in some serious troubeloni.
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Okay I was good friends with my neighbor but he's acting really strange recently. He's just been avoiding me entirely. He's been ignoring my texts, earlier today I was coming home and saw him standing his porch as soon as he saw me he went back inside his house. It's starting to bother me because I don't know what the hell his problem is. I was over at his place about 4-5 days ago and I had a nice chat with him I honestly can't think of anything I've done wrong to him.
I just wanted to make a rant thread to get it off my chest. I'm starting become uncomfortable with situation.
Anyone else have any weird neighbors?
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