According to an announcement at you have until June, 25th to download your already purchased Minecraft: Story Mode game. Otherwise you might not be able to download it anymore.

The Announcement says:

“On behalf of the publisher, Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series, Season 1 and 2 will no longer be supported on June 25th, 2019. If you have purchased these seasons, please download all remaining episodes prior to the service being discontinued in June."

So if you own either season of Minecraft: Story Mode on Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Android, or iOS, you have until June 25th, 2019 to download the episodes. We’d recommend checking you have all the episodes downloaded!

5 years ago

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Not sure if this is a mistake, made by someone who doesn't know that you usually can keep your games even if they got removed from the stores, or if they really gonna remove your game completely ...

5 years ago

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Sorry, what? How is this not illegal?

"Sorry, you bought a product, but we ain't gonna give it to you anymore. Sincerely, fuck you!"

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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This is still in a grey area, but it should be regulated by the law as soon as possible. The TOS says that you don't actually own the games, but the store says BUY, not RENT. BUY implies ownership of the product. The TOS wouldn't stand an actual court.

5 years ago

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Customer protection seems to be very weak in this area. While this is nothing new for customers in the USA, who are accustomed to this sort of raw deal, it is surprising that the EU have not made more of an effort to protect the consumer in these sort of digital transaction scenarios, as the opportunities to stiff the end buyer represent rich pickings with little redress available for unscrupulous companies.

Dear mug customer: Pay a fixed amount for access to this service for an unspecified time period*. We can withdraw this service at any point, with no compensation available. Thank you for your unquestioning compliance and continued apathy. Without it, none of this would have been possible.

Darkspore: never forget...

5 years ago

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In my opinion this is illegal, yes. I have paid for the game so I should be able to keep it. They can't just take my money and then say "Well, thanks. Now we gonna remove the game. I'm Sorry. All the best ..."

Unfortunately this doesn't mean that it can't happen. As others already have said, in most stores you kind of rent the game you "purchase".
Also it's a bit like with online games when they close their servers. You have paid for the game, but can't play it anymore ...

That's why I prefer to buy my games drm free. That way you really own your game. Unfortunately not all games are available as drm free versions nowadays :(

5 years ago

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even if it were drm free, the Situation wouldn't change a bit..

5 years ago

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Well, of course you're right when you say it doesn't change, that you have to download your games until the said date. BUT the difference is you can keep your game after downloading. Burn it on DVD or whatever and install / play it whenever you like. With other "rental" services, chances are that your purchased game will disappear forever. And this makes a huge difference to me

5 years ago

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The online portions of games have always acted as a service. Meaning that they can be shut down after purchase. Doesn't make them morally right, but this also doesn't make them legally wrong. This has been tested in court before and that's been the result. Usually you agree to let them shut down their servers 30 days after giving the announcement of the shutdown. I don't agree with this idea though since it's in the developers abilities to make almost any online game into a single-player version or just give the ability to start your own servers.

But with single-player games they have no excuse. Minecraft's owned by Microsoft and so there's no copyright/trademark issues here. Server costs can't be bad either since upkeep for something like this is barely noticeable for someone like Mojang, not to even mention Microsoft.

I'm guessing it's some complicated Telltale liquidation stuff and some contractual Epic bullshittery. I guess we'll have to see if the game will be sold on Epic from now on or not.

No matter what the result here is, nothing's more evident than the fact that Mojang can't be trusted and that Telltale's games should literally never be bought again, unless something drastic happens and knowing their company, it won't. They'll stay in mediocrity for the rest of their limited existence.

5 years ago

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thats why pirate should be always as option.

5 years ago

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They are the real pirates.

5 years ago

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I would pretty much bet you that it will still be accessible since that's usually how it works. Also whoever wrote that loses credibility when they say Playstation Vita, it was never on that platform.

5 years ago

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Also, not Steam in that list (which I suppose is where most of the people here may have it)

EDIT: Perhaps is included in Windows? I assumed that was referring to Windows Store..

5 years ago

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What i suggested too. (somehow we needed a seperate thread).

5 years ago

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Simple question: Has Steam ever stopped providing downloads for a purchased game?

5 years ago*

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I not that in that case, it was a game that required the DRM servers to remain operational. Without the servers the game wouldn't work even if players downloaded it.

But Telltale games should remain operational. After all, we are talking about a game that was released on GOG. So I doubt it has any DRM beyond what other stores require.

If this game is being pulled from players libraries, I expect lawsuits. The EU courts will not be happy.

5 years ago

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Without the servers the game wouldn't work even if players downloaded it.

That's hardly relevant, the fact is there is precedent for it and it's not even the only way you could be locked out of the content.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Only free copies of that game was removed anyways. Those who paid for it, still have it.
(It was restored after few days or so)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I don't think so. I'm not aware of anybody getting the game back.

5 years ago

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I had the game.
when I activated the retail copy of order of war, it redeemed both games order of war and order of war challenge in my account.
then one day they deleted the second from my library.
in that moment I had downloaded the game on my hd, but as it was removed from the library the play button was not present any longer.
if I remember correctly, I tried to backup it, but i think it didn't work.
I hoped to have at least a cosmetic item to compensate the loss of the game, there was a discussion among the damaged people and I think somebody obtained a compensation after bothering steam support.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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challenge was the online version of the game.
the server quit so it was unplayable out of the box.
probably workarounds existed, the same in other online games when the official server goes out of business.
the easy solution was to stop selling it without removing it from libraries, the same they do with other games with the same issue of dead online server.
but they didn't.
they deleted it as it didn't exist before, even if it was an element of a paid game.
I totally preferred to have it in my account, even if unusable because of progress.

5 years ago*

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Not sure if this already happened in the past. But a Steam user contacted VAlve and got this reply:

于 6月3日上午6:49 来自 Steam 客服的信息 | 2 小时前

Thank you for contacting with steam support, we are more than happy to help you.

As shown in the store page, Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series is no longer available for sale on Steam.

Since its publisher is no longer in business, which unfortunately means that Minecraft: Story Mode will no longer be supported. If you have purchased these seasons, please download all remaining episodes prior to the service being discontinued in June.

You can check the information here:

Please let us know if you need further help.

Thanks for using Steam,


5 years ago

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this looks an incompetent valve employee. Game files stored on valve servers, not on third-party servers. I can download not existing games anymore what cant be played anymore because of closed servers, still, download works, game launch, just can't be played anymore.

5 years ago

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And Steam support is outsourced for third party for non-escalated tickets, so it's most likely not even valve employee.

5 years ago

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I'm just impressed the support member, whatever their background, was actually on-topic for a change.
That's absolutely not something I expect from Valve support. :P

5 years ago

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One game that no longer works at all is BloodGate, u cant play it at all anymore but the fluffers never made an offline patch before closing it. Steam should remove it and refund us all.

5 years ago

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You could buy games on the TT site directly. I guess those are the download servers they will shut down. I doubt the Steam or GOG versions are affected.

5 years ago

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GOG have already confirmed existing owners will (or at least should) retain access.

5 years ago

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Would be great if you continue the discussion in the related TellTale thread so that we don't talk about the same thing in two threads.

Thank you.

5 years ago

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I know PlayStation removed the option do download PT even if you owned the this is very possible

5 years ago

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That's a demo. PlayStation, Microsoft and many more publishers removed their demos from distribution many times in the past. That is okay, since they are trial versions of the game and nobody needed to pay for them to be downloaded and played. This, is VERY different situation. And a one, with a very possible lawsuit incoming.

5 years ago

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Even asset flips remain on Steam servers after removal so this should be fine.

5 years ago

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Even shady bitcoin farmers i think.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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you own the game when you pay for it, you pay for it and can do whatever you can do with it but you don't own the IP, thats the trade off the seller do when he sells you a product.
If you buy a PSX, you don't own the the design and the technology to produce it, but you do own the machine you bought, same with games.
You don't pay for a service here, its not WOW where you pay subscription fees every month to play the game.
Video games are goods and not a service, you buy games and you own them.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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EULA is not a legally binding contract until the courts decide that. you can write anything you want in the EULA but as soon it will reach the court it will be challenged, same way as it was with the refund policy of Valve.
anyone remember that Valve didn't had a refund policy until they were sued?
The big corporations tried just to feed us lies in order to encroach on our property rights, the biggest example is this and games as a service.

5 years ago

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I read it will still be available on GOG and Im not that worried it will be removed from steam. Otherwise Im sure they would have listed steam on the platforms that would be discontinued.

5 years ago

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I tested on my Xbox one. I "own" episode 1. I can still download episode 1 for safekeeping.

5 years ago

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You have till june 25th..

5 years ago

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Interesting part of the law history the patent was made as such to protect the people from loosing the knowlege before the patent if the owner of the knolege died and nobody else has known what he know the knowlede was lost with them. The patent allows people to use their knowlege without be worry about someone else can find out how it works and can sell this produkt cheaper ( no development costs). But on the other side when the protection time of the patent is gone anyone can use this know how for free and the know how is safed for the later generations.
NOW we allow to protect this games against pirates and agree to pay for the reight to use this game and not just take them on p2p network for free. But what we get for our agreement to accept that the developer has all reights for this game is NOTHING. When the developer wants they can remove for examlpe the musik from the game such it was in many GTA games or just remove the game itself. Our rights will be completli ignored.

5 years ago

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I managed to download both seasons today via Steam

5 years ago

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