I can't log in myself. What is really worrying is to see other people reporting that they are accessing other users' libraries instead of theirs. At least it seems they can't claim any keys and receive an error when trying to reveal them (not sure about already revealed keys)...
Other people being able to log in and reporting that their libraries are empty, half empty or a total chaos is not reassuring at all, either.
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My library is missing A LOT of stuff, and links are broken pointing to the wrong thing. Good thing that I had all feudalife keys backed up and I only had three yet to be redeemed keys from store purchases, all three being bonus keys and all Syberia 2.
Still, I was planning to make a giveaway with those Syberia keys last week and now if they come back I'm not sure if they'll still be trustworthy enough to use.
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Are you guys able to enter the giveaways / raffles? it gives me an error everytime
The error is [e260]This giveaway is no longer available.
But if i click on the giveaway /raffle itself it says i'm not logged in. Message error is Error:Please login to join this giveaway. (and yes i'm logged in lol)
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It's really at the worst time too (or my own bad timing) for wanting to gather up my games to test run on my Windows XP machine. Funny part is that it seems I can still access my library, but directly on the browser. Not the client. I'm ok with that, but it won't give me new stuff as usual. I can still keep myself occupied for the time being, but man!
Also, the archive site of 3D Realms is down as well, entering the second week. I have not seen an explanation for that, but I would not be surprised if it's the same story.
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Although some people managed to login somehow while clearing all cookies from all indiegala related sites and clear Local Storage something from Applications tab from Browser console.
So idk if that helps people to manage login with.
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Your link in the OP for The Last Hope goes to Tomato Jones.
Anyway thanks for maintaining the list, the Steam links are always handy to see if the game is good and to mark as owned on another platform.
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They're adding free games while people's libraries are a mess (the ones who can log in) and gifted bundles older than two months have gone poof? These guys should learn a bit about priorities...
They're also sending newsletters like nothing is happening and accepting purchases on their website. A ton of people is having problems with their new purchases and a lot of new users are finding themselves without access to something they bought.
I'm not sure who the "technicians" behind this chaos are, but I know what I would do if I were their boss...
IMHO, first thing they should have done is shut down the whole site and put a big maintenance notice until they could figure out what was happening, halting all transactions (purchases, giveaways, feudalife challenge,...).
Of course, a better thing to do would have been not to deploy anything on a production server in a live environment. It's like they're patching things up on the fly ๐
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To be honest I never understand why they did that since this maintainance thing started.
Like why don't just take site down for proper maintainance, or not even that.
Maybe delay a little about promoting the site for new freebies or new bundles/deals to buy while site is not funciotning correctly.
At least wait until normal features are working then proceed to promote as much as they want.
Instead leading to people spamming their emails just to notify about the issue non-stop and making it looks bad for their own.
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Some freebies were added, but only one is available for download (and download still broken).
So just for information:
Not available products:
Available product:
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Yep, like Dangerous Lands was added at Nov 06, but finally made available today.
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I'll update OP. I thought they didn't change the freebie download mechanics - clicking on freebie, usually lead to game's page where user can download it, but now it's opening Library and user need to search for the game to download it (I think it will be easier for new freebies since they will be on top, but old one will require searching the game
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I noticed some of the old GAs are not able to be downloaded anymore, like Where's My Helmet?
Plus recent issues of pages missing or not working to claim at all, not sure if it's part of their "site maintainance/rework" thing.
Only know they might be working after Indiegala sends their newsletter email including that freebie info.
Will observe for a while to see if that will become the new schedule/standard for Indiegala freebies or not.
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13 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Raggart
87 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by grez1
24 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by Pareidolistic
16,714 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by steveywonder75
10 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Akylen
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29,690 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Penuzi
992 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Codric
454 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by gus09
Figured instead of having a micro-topic each new giveaway, might as well make one topic to include all of them in the future to keep it a little tidier.
These are NOT Steam games. Steam link is included so you can check out the game itself or reviews.
Table can automatically show you which you already own with ReChart.
Games you add to your account can, since 5 April 2019 be found under https://www.indiegala.com/profile in the "Showcase Library" section, where once added you'll always be able to download them DRM free. Considering this started with Super Destronaut any titles added before that are not eligible for this function (although most have been re-released to be added to the library).
Devs showcase:
Their own game
P.S. Original thread by Hassat
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