Interesting. I didn't know that you could change wallet currency like that to go around the horrible pricing issue. Won't some still encounter region restrictions though?
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actually using a vpn only will get you banned if you buy directly in the steam store, outside your region.(like a european will buy in us store, or with british pounds instead of euro or in rubels. etc)
steam on the other hand doesnt care if you live in austria for example and have a swedish vpn, you still pay european taxes while purchase, so there is nothing illegal on it.
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Perfect 50% against US prices for "big" games, but became less and less profitable for "small" ones. I think, I even seen "anti-cheap" examples on latest sale - cheapest games was about 1$ for Russians, but about 0.45$ for Americans (Cthulhu saves the world, etc.) I can be wrong in last statement though. :)
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Yeah, you should find some paypal friends from both west and central(east?) europe (yup, prices in Germany and west like to be bigger then in Poland and eastern countries), UK and US - so you can look around and find best prices on this page then bug those friends for games - just like I do.
And that way I bought Bad Company 2 on Xmas sale few years back for 6-7 euro, not around 15 (US version was that much cheaper).
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check ?cc=ru and see they're actually ripping off anyone except russia. Even with $ prices at best you pay 2x more money and in some cases 3x more money compared to Rus steam prices. Well it's actually a bit annoying when you see that price and the price you pay and think game companies/steam make some profit even from russian prices, that means they're just ripping off other countries. To be honest the difference with Russian price is so much bigger compared to US-EU prices so I think that's a bigger issue..
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damn COD for only 28 usd, this is twice cheaper than in us. ,maybe publishers want different prices in different countries or maybe its something related to taxes and other things like provision from banks. but its really really stupid to have it that way because no matter from where you are you buy game on steam, its not in your pocket its digitally intangible they dont deliver it to your doors they dont pay to send it they just put it in your library to download and play it. What if sometime steam is closed, or hacked, you lose everything. And i just checked in one store near by, to buy COD on disc with cover instructions. etc... plus i get mouse free :D it cost 45 euro 15 less than on steam.
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and you can most likely add that game to steam library as a steam game
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Hey, Im russian, and in steam its very hight pricec for some games.
Well, COD MW 3 in shops cost here 500 rubles, in steam it cost 900 rubles!
All games from ea twice cheaper in origin, or in shop.
Also we got that prices only because piracies, dont you find that irony?
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It's a simple. You are actually sells air. Vacuum. Nothing. Info not cost you anything after it is made. So your best policy is to give maximum possible price to maximum amount of people - and Steam is quite great with it.
Not many Russians can buy game by "full" Steam price. Even by "Russian" Steam price it's mostly too expensive for me - as I am not in big city, and my (quite good for local condition) income is 700$. Per month! So, Steam still sells by maximum price - it's simply that our "maximum" is much lower than yours. :)
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ha than you are lucky one.
Check this.
You are in Russia and you have big income for your local ,you earn 700$ monthly and COD for you cost 29$
Im in Serbia and i have also big income for my region people here live with 200-250$ monthly and i earn about 400$ monthly and COD here cost 79$
And someone in Germany probably earn about 2000$ monthly and price there is also 79$.
That's, rip off.
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Just watch out for that region-lock thingy. I hear it can be a stickler.
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You have to take into account that this pricing is not purely made up by valve. Usually the big publishers all vary their pricing in several regions. Their excuses in the past were that they have a different logistics center and local branches are higher payed (due to social charges and so on) etc. Although there is no reason to have theses variations in the time of online-stores, the publishers didn't change their pricing.
Valve might have to pay the publisher differently if it sells a game in the US or in Europe.
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proxy wont allow you to buy stuff. it's called vpn
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I think that differences between EU and US prices is that you pay with euros in EU and with dollars in US
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its called that steam is the one that give out their suggestions to the price, and they make it equal, alot of topics on steam forums about it, even group on it that wants them to stop, that USD is not equal to EURO
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oh, man, you're complaining about prices in EURO and USD? just for fun - try to check Australian prices. I'm here already 1 year and all new games on Steam cost either 89 or 99 AUD (which is now equal to USD) so the prices are totally fucked in here. and anyone telling me that the minimum wage in here is higher - bullshit if you're a student. you need to be resident to get the right money.
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yeah, but at the same time my rent for one small room is $300 to $350, unless I wanna share with more people, than I pay "only" half of it. and if you need to use public transport couple times a week, its another $50 (just for one week)... and of course I could go on and on...
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I'd just like to have the same price as the others, not twice as expensive, thats all. why should I pay 22 USD for both Dead Space games when the rest of the world pays 10 USD? I don't earn twice as much money and so what I'm trying to say is - the multiplier for steam doesnt work at all...
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They've made a solid point of not giving a shit about how unfair thier conversion is.
Valve is just despicable. Their sole objective is screwing everyone they can for as much money as they can, and I endorse any actions at all which screw them on the grounds that it's impossible for hosing them back to not be justified.
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Actually, there are some exclusions. STALKER (for example) was "pure Russian" version for some time. Many retail copies have clear "marked" keys "RU", "UKR" or such that make it unusable for all others, etc. But yes, most "our" game actually "everyones" game, only cheaper. :)
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since always and on everything. for things so far on internet it wasn't matter from where i am they show me prices in any currency (i paid in bulgaria netherland germany usa countries canada english) and my bank automatically convert currency and make payment in their currency (and im from serbia we use Dinars here) so for me it wouldn't be problem to pay to steam in usd. its problem that steam show me eu. and i even don't have paypal because they don't work in my country.
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just for example - USA price of this weekend deal Dead Space is 9,99 USD, same thing in Czech Republic (or elsewhere in Europe) is 9,99 EUR (1,3 x more than US) and the exactly same thing in Australia is 21,24 USD (2,1 x more) so yes, it is a robbery...
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in Belarus (Eastern Europe) it offers dead space weekend deal for 5.25$ (and 2.75$ for each one of them). But we are poor there) And we have a bunch of games "Forbidden in your region" like russians have
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yeah, this sucks, I'm from Czech Republic and we are basically poor too, but we still have to pay the EUR price. anyway - these region restrictions are really stupid, are we like on a Mars or why these games are not allowed? I know the reason but still, very stupid...
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Yeah, I'd like to try Shift 2, but not for €50! Especially when all other NFS are so sh*tty... But it could be worse, e.g. Skyrim. I can't even buy it on Steam! Too bad that I live in middle Africa ...oh, wait, it's not Africa, it's EUROPE! -_-
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Did you know that there are differences between eu and us game prices on steam.
Steam is using ip location to tell you if price of the game will be in euro or in us dollar, what steam dont do is that they convert currencies properly on every game, for example i recently bought game for 19.99 euro and later i found out that game price in us is actually 19.99 dollar, since euro is about 25% stronger than us (i dont know exact word) i paid for game actually 25 us dollars.
Than i found out that you can go to shop and add this in url ?cc=us
and you can see prices in us instead of euro. This wont work on buying games directly or in steam client but you can add money to your wallet and buy games later. I added 10 usd to wallet and now i can buy game for 7.8 euro (10 usd) instead for 10 euro.
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