especially when you can see they've been on and active on the site
Due to Steam Community not retaining login for more than a few hours [YMMV? However it usually logs me out within 4 hours (I've had it log me out as quickly as 20 minutes), and nearly always within 3 days], this is actually pretty common for those of us who log in to Steam on mobile devices (ie, where we can't access client directly). I don't think the recent community login changes (that seem to now persist part, but not all of your login credentials, thus allowing you to continue to log in to community sites while not being able to access account elements) have changed that, either, since I think it still tries to reconfirm login on key entry?
If not, then I may be referencing an outdated circumstance. It was definitely a major factor in past instances, in any case. There's also the basic "we only have 10 seconds to check in, and don't have the time to activate a key" issue that many of us without more relaxed lives have. That's not to say that autojoiners aren't a big factor in things, as well, just that they're not necessarily the only reason for logins without redemptions.
Similarly, with this OP's issue, most of us ignore joins on Steam automatically, without thought. It's one thing if a GA creator has listed in their description that they're adding for a gift- then that's defintiely on the winner- but it's very, very easy to skip past considering that a GA creator has added you on Steam when going through blind Steam invites, if there's no prior indication that such was going to occur. That is to say, a winner should still check their steam friend requests against their SG wins before refusing them, if they come across the invites after realizing they have a win, but it's also very understandable if their very human and very fallible brain happens to overlook that matter due to them going through the motions after a tiring day.
I'll also note that it's both hypocritical and entitled to criticize someone for not being considerate, when the initial obligation for being considerate was on the criticizing individual themself and they themself failed to do such. In other words, GA creators who don't put special circumstances in their descriptions, and then complain about the fact that there's negative outcomes to that, are just.. a massive facepalm.
It's up to the GA creator to present the giveaway properly, and it's up to the entrant to respond to the GA creator properly. If the GA creator doesn't properly present the element that needs to be responded to, then the entirety of the subsequent outcome is on them. It's a mutual interaction of respect, and even if one party fails to follow through, that respect should still be given until there's reason not to give it (eg, when it's clarified that the failure was intentional). At the point where one party fails to properly interact, and then also fails to offer respectfulness, even though the initial failure was on them.. well, let's face it, the winner is decidedly not the issue there.
In short, it's your prereogative to be as frustrated on these matters as you feel suitable, but- as with most things in life where the other party has yet to be confirmed as unreasonable by nature or wicked by intent- do be considerate of the fact that there's still a possible other side to a given matter, as well as considerate of the fact that constructive interactions need proper consideration from both sides.
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Yeah i'm not too bothered by people not accepting friend requests, if you dont state its a steam gift in the giveaway thread and your friend request gets ignored I totally agree that it is the GA creators fault, although what i'm talking about is when you see the person on steamgifts joining giveaways while ignoring your key, even with reaching out to them you just get ghosted.
I do also understand the fact that people do have their own lifes and well its sort of like a two way street, the giveaway creator needs to put in the same effort as the one winning, although when the key has been sent out for a week and you've tried reaching out to someone with just ghosting of course i'd be sort of on edge, wondering if the key didnt work etc, it just sucks to be in that limbo zone without any contact.
Although I do agree most people don't have a sort of wicked agenda to purposefully make my life hell, it does seem sort of like dismissive to pass off the fact that the person giveaway something is just waiting on you to mark it as received or give out some sort of contact especially after a week or two. Although stuff may of came up in that time there will always be a sour taste in my mouth and although I can't really judge the person on that specifically, i'd rather not have to deal with a situation similar like that so making that button red is probably the best case scenario, no matter really what happens after I do finally get contact as said previously, id rather skip being in that limbo zone.
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when the key has been sent out for a week and you've tried reaching out to someone with just ghosting of course i'd be sort of on edge, wondering if the key didnt work etc, it just sucks to be in that limbo zone without any contact.
Exactly. It sucks in such cases and the part of autojoiners that do this are 95%, the part of normal users without time to react/wrong shown online times etc. are 5%.
Each time when i hunt down one of them, and he get a perma suspension, two new ones appear.
So i gave, mostly, up, a few weeks ago, with the reports.
The mods have no chance because cg don't support them with the needed things.
To write someone 1x in his old GAs (if he done at least one accessible one) is the max. that i do, if he don't claim his win after 7 days i let the mods reroll. I don't run behind someone on steam, email etc.. That days lay far behind me and the text on sg is the demanded "contact try" from the rules.
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as long as you leave a comment on the giveaway or some other place the winner can see, then usually it tips them off to expect it.
I remember, when i was new to this site, someone added me. They never said it was a gift or commented on profile about a win.
I was slow to add them. When I finally did, I said something like Hi i'm sorry i didn't realize who you were, I don't add people I don't know unless they comment due to scams.
I don't remember the exact words, but their reply was basically screaming at me. "So this is how you show gratitude. Take your damn gift"
After accepting and trying to reply they blocked me and blacklisted on SG.
The entire thing was surreal. To this day I don't think I've been able to make up with that person (but they could be long gone by now)
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To this day I don't think I've been able to make up with that person
Doesn't sound like the kind of person that's beneficial to have further interactions with. One facet of becoming an adult is learning to cut ties with toxic elements. If things work out, they work out, but definitely don't bother keeping it in mind more than you have to.
That point aside, my sincerest sympathies- those kind of interactions leave a bad taste for far too long.
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It can definitely be hard to work with Steam sales as far as gifting goes. The winner has 7 days after the GA ends to claim it and mark a status, so as much as you would like to deliver it sooner there's a chance it won't happen unfortunately. When it comes to Steam sales doing these types of giveaways is best when the sale is over a week long and doing them right at the start of it to give you the best chance at being able to deliver it to the winner. Also as I mentioned in my other comment, using region lock tags on SG to your region also would be a good idea to prevent any issues concerning that.
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3 days? Try 3 months. It was the absolutely worst experience I've ever had. They refused to communicate with me at all, I hate bots.
Just blacklist and move on.
A key I was giving away had an issue and it was impossible to give a replacement key.
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Sometimes I get friend requests from random people on Steam,. I reject them out of hand, because there's a good chance they are conmen and I don't use Steam for social stuff anyway.
So once in a blue moon when I win a giveaway and the giver adds me on Steam, I block them, not realizing that he was adding me to give me the game. Don't take it personally.
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May I suggest, you set your Steam library to public. It is always pretty painful to ask a winner to set it public or create a support ticket to ask if a winner has activated all their wins.
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As you have your reason to keep your library private others might have their reasons to keep their comment non-public.
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Nobody is forced to click on your library. Most active Steam users should know that clicking on libraries with several (tens of) thousand of games, might crash something on their end.
Let's assume you win a giveaway of mine. As your library is private, I have to either contact you and ask you to set it public for a short time or create a support ticket and bother SG's support staff, that they confirm to me that you have activated all your wins so far.
Both cases are additional work for me (or others), compared to "take a look at the winners SG profile, click on the SGTools non-activated/multiple wins links, send the key/gift if there is no infraction.
As your thread was about additional hassle getting the games to a giveaway's winner, I think mentioning a private library is a valid point.
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Your point is valid here, however I feel like asking someone to change your profile to public temporarily is by far easier than trying to get in contact with them initially.
Also I'm probably a bad example as I'm mostly on SG to give not take 😁
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Why use steam site to check library?
Try using something from this thread instead:
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I reported them for something far worse, it took steam 1,5 years to do anything about it. Then they almost instantly reinstated his account and he went right back at it. Took steam another year before they once more took actions against him. Then they almost instantly reinstated his account, and guess what happened next... Let's just say that I don't have much fate in Valve doing anything about bad actors after this incident.
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As soon as you block such a account, he can't write in your comments a second time.
I done this, as example, with a total crazy, well known, woman from sg. When writing or talking don't bring something then this is sometimes the best option to have freedom. If that person then create other accounts (yes she do that too) then you have from time to time a annoying sentence, till that accounts are blocked (+ reported) too. Nothing totally wild.
If someone would send me a death threat i would go to the police and let them handle that person.
Maybe it helps them to show that such actions have consequences.
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The big issue was that this guy had fans here on SG.
And the police won't do anything about someone from another country, let alone another continent. Sure I'm pretty certain he would not be able to do anything against me, but it still gets tiresome.
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hate those guys too, even if they private their steam, they still able to open SG and look up ABOVE to see if you're winning or not. there's even notif on email
nah... i'll just open SG, waiting for the gift to be send but never bother to open steam friend request.. sounds about right
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I highly respect gifters who do the "I'll buy & gift this game on Steam sale for you" thing, but this is why I totally get people who don't.
This post is one way users indirectly encourage gifters to do key-only or non-public giveaways :/
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Same. I very rarely do it, because one daft fool can throw a monkey wrench in those plans. I at least like having some sort of backup, like I did when Anachronox was on sale. There was also a sale on Humble, so I got one there, just in case. I also have an inventory copy that I could've used if rerolls went on past the sale. A backup for my backup, if you will.
Other than that? I'm not too comfortable getting games when they're only on sale on Steam.
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as long as you show proof that you already tried to contact the winner, you can just reroll if there is no action taken on their side after 7 days. since you can see the winner's email, you can try emailing them too as a proof.
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To make a matter worse, some of them also don't have any giveaway, so you can't just comment on their giveaway page to notify them about their win.
I had this problem once, took me near 2 weeks just to reach them yet they still ghosted me, i decided i had enough and made a ticket for reroll, blacklist and report them.
Since then i decided not to use gift anymore and prefer using keys.
Simple slap and done.
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You can send gift in email, there is no need to send a friend request.
Edit: i remember wrong, for a gift the winner must accept friend request.
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Sorry, i remember wrong, you can send steam gift only at steam friend, i remember i send via mail, probably was a key. Sorry for error.
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In the past was possible, i didn't notice the change.
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I am the complete opposite, I just won a game, and the gift creator has not posted the keys nor contacted me on Steam. I tried adding them as a friend on Steam and they reject my request
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If you can't comment on their Steam profile you can always comment on one of the GAs they've created letting them know the situation.
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There is email in winners section :)
I used it once or twice since I joined this site xD
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As others above have mentioned, email is an option. Sometimes you can comment on their screenshots or reviews as well. I know that it's not ideal, but you might be able to get their attention this way.
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Hate it when people win a Steam Gift on SG and then wait 3 days to deny my friend request on Steam, leaving me with no way to deliver the gift
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