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It's basically equivalent to !statusall
, just easier to parse. With it you could include e.g. store image of the appID that is being currently farmed, something like what IM does. Of course, only if you want.
I'll later take a deeper look and maybe integrate it with ASF source tree :3.
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You need to edit ASF.json, search for "SteamOwnerID" and change the value to your Steam64 ID, which is 76561198051318909 (
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i do not have "SteamOwnerID" on ASF.json
Sorry for my noobnes!
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Then add it with a final comma or download this ZIP and run ASF-ConfigGenerator in the same directory as ASF.
With that you can configure ASF and new/already created bots.
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ok, i did that, but why all the buttons are greyout, like the buttons for add key?
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You can put the appID and click "Play" it will farm that game. If you don't know the appID you can enter the game name and click "Own" it will return the appID.
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That's because the button already send the !XXX part, you only need to write the appIDs, keys and game names and select the correct bot at the bottom.
If you want to redeem a key just enter the key, select the bot and hit redeem. You can redeem multiple keys if you separate them with a comma or one key per line. This also works with the "owns", "play" and "addlicense" commands.
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You need the IP (or domain) of the server you are going to use to run ASF and then edit the value "WCFHostname" in ASF.json. You can also change the port if you want.
Then you can use this script to run ASF in the background. Edit if ! mono ASF.exe;
with if ! mono ASF.exe --server;
to start WCF. +info
Now in ASFui click on the wrench button to open the settings, select remote and insert http://<IP/domain>:<port>/ASF
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Will look at this when I get home after work, but I like the Daft Punk reference.
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Wow, very impressive!
I used ASF-GUI and I prefer this one better! Faster, more simple and with auto bot list generation!
The only thing I liked more about the GUI was the major space given to ASF text. The input box looks huge here, but I understand it, there may be the necessity to write a long command.
Maybe this UI will evolve and become the greatest one! I hope so!
Thank you alvr!
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v0.3.2 released:
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BAHH, Copyright!!! ;->
Just one thing, couldn't you have done this like 2 month earlier or so? Would have saved me a lot of time ;->
Glad to see that somebody invests time into this as well. Guess when I have time again in a month or so, I'll decide if I rework my stuff or just contribute my ideas here ;->
I saw that you read letter by letter as well, but you handle it more elegant afterwards.
I have a few ideas about leaving the "advanced outputwindow" to a more intuitive GUI.
Would you prefer if
-I keep out of your project and just rework/continue my stuff.*
-Just contribute via pull request (and you look at it then).
-Or hit you up with a feature description / painting and we discuss/work on it together
*My code is normally not that messy. The GUI was just a "get it working for me" project which means copying stuff from other projects that seems fitting and randomly edit it until it compiles^^ that was "promoted" to published with way to less time to properly refactor ;-> But I could understand if you don't want to read through maybe major additions and stuff.
Anyways, gonna have time for that in 1-2 month earliest anyways.
PS: My GUI is not buggy, as long as nothing unexpected happens it runs fine, and if something happens it just has a few "creative features" ;->
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Two months ago I didn't use ASF, but now that I do and I have a server so I decided to make my own version and to learn C#.
I planned to read the output line by line, but the process needed to be closed to display all, so instead it read char by char and when a return is read the complete line is shown.
You are free to do whatever you want, if you want to continue with your own project or if you want to collaborate with me, any help is welcome.
PS: I had some problems with clicking the buttons, sometimes they worked and sometimes not.
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Jeha, I ran into the same problem with the output (and still think that is pretty ugly) but I even update the textfield char by char and tried to figure out if input is needed by using the single chars. That is very ugly. Your approach is better, but I try to think of a more elegant way ;->
Hm... Not working buttons is wierd. The only thing I can think of (and which bothers me more than I want to admit) is, that commands are executed in the GUI thread. So if ASF takes a while (e.g. !2faok with many pending confimations) the GUI will not respond. But well, might be some constellation of circumstances that did not happend to me (so far) and some possible bug I haven't thought of.
Or I forgot to add a listener for a button I don't use ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But I guess the most annoying thing for you was to set the wcf URL everytime you start the GUI ^^
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Bump for all Idlemaster users. at least this got me to change for ASF.
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Thank you for your work, I am starting to love this. I noticed a small issue though: The settings and reload buttons have a rectangle instead of the appropriate icons. There's also a third greyed out button that's not displayed in your screenshot.
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Hi first off all thank you for your work second after the ASF update a day ago the api has changed and its now broken in your program i test it myself it works great on ASF and now on the latest version it does not work
Edit there is also no point in having the deactivate 2FA button anymore since it was removed from ASF
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It might make sense to update your WCF calls to use GetStatus() and deserialize JSON you get into data.
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didnt know whereto post
2016-08-24 10:50:40|INFO|b1|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2016-08-24 10:50:41|INFO|b1|Init() Success!
2016-08-24 10:50:41|FATAL|ASF|UnhandledExceptionHandler() System.Net.CookieException: The 'Value'='<null>' part of the cookie is invalid.
at System.Net.Cookie.VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant variant, Uri uri, Boolean isLocalDomain, String localDomain, Boolean set_default, Boolean isThrow)
at System.Net.CookieContainer.Add(Cookie cookie)
at ArchiSteamFarm.ArchiWebHandler.<Init>d20.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
at ArchiSteamFarm.Bot.<OnLoggedOn>d111.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__6_1(Object state)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()
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That seems to be a ASF bug, not ASFui. Do you have .NET Framework v4.6.1 installed?
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Try to run ASF.exe, not the GUI. If the problem persists then is not a ASFui bug, but ASF instead.
The problem is because, ASF can't save the cookie value, probably because it can't establish connection to Steam Community. Try to login with that bot account in a browser. If you can login then post the error to Archi.
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Same here, can't choose bots.
Tested ASF and the
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I'm using local.
I only have one bot though, if that's of any interest.
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It's ok. I found what I did wrong. Or actually what I didn't do.
After ASF updated itself I checked only the bot config, but not the main one so I forgot to set the SteamOwnerID.
Sorry for causing any worry. Great tool. Thanks!
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Hi there.
I just started using ASF just now and I was wondering on how to concealed the online status while ASF is running. I noticed there's a "FarmOffline" option but Steam shows I'm in-game when I switched between each option. It should be "True" or "False"?
Also, do the config save automatically after I adjust any of the settings, or do I need to press something or close it?
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If you don't want to show which game is ASF playing, "FarmOffline" should be true. If you are using ASF-ConfigGenerator is automatically saved, but if you are using a text editor like Notepad you must click File > Save.
After each change you do, you need to restart ASF.
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Ah, I see. Thanks for your help. Also, I just noticed that this is your UI thread instead of the main ASF thread, my bad ._.
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Sorry, I was wrong. That is for SteamMasterID
. Here is what SteamOwnerID
is for:
SteamOwnerID - ulong type with default value of 0. This property is similar to SteamMasterID property of given bot instance, but instead - it specifies steamID of the owner of the ASF process, which is - you. SteamMasterID has full control over his bot instance, but global commands such as !exit, !restart or !update are reserved for SteamOwnerID only. This is convenient, as you might want to run bots for your friends, while not allowing them to control ASF process, such as exiting it via !exit command. Default value of 0 specifies that there is no owner of ASF process, which means that nobody will be able to issue global ASF commands. Keep in mind that WCF works with SteamOwnerID, so if you want to use it you must provide a valid value here, which will be also the same on client machine.
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Yes, you need to enter your SteamMasterID
from your primary account in both bots.
SteamMasterID - ulong type with default value of 0. This property defines steamID in 64-bit form of bot master, which is (usually) you. Bot master has access to executing ASF commands that relates to the bot. If you're configuring primary account, and you're not going to execute any commands, then you don't need to put anything here and you can leave it with default value of 0. When you're configuring an alt account, or you're going to execute commands that relate to this bot instance, this property defines steamID which is allowed to control the bot. ASF will also accept friend requests, chat invites and all trades sent by SteamMasterID. This is also the steamID to which ASF is sending items through !loot command. You can check your steamID in 64-bit form e.g. here, by logging in and navigating to your profile. The example steamID we're looking for looks like this: 76561198006963719.
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The problem to that will be if you send a bunch of keys, delete only the ones that works. Because if you have multiple bots and want to redeem the unsuccessful you need to paste/write them again.
If you have the output to a successful redeem, could you please post it? I don't have now a spare key.
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Regarding keys - only 3 statuses definitely define a key:
case ArchiHandler.PurchaseResponseCallback.EPurchaseResult.DuplicatedKey:
case ArchiHandler.PurchaseResponseCallback.EPurchaseResult.InvalidKey:
case ArchiHandler.PurchaseResponseCallback.EPurchaseResult.OK:
Therefore, if alvr wants, he could grab results and remove keys that resulted in one of those 3 statuses. However, I wouldn't say it's intuitive, there are many cases when ASF can't guess state of the key (e.g. AlreadyOwned), and there are also cases when ASF intentionally won't attempt forwarding a key (e.g. if bot0 tried key, got AlreadyOwned with packageID XXX, then ASF won't try that key on any bot that owns that packageID already when forwarding or distributing - misc optimization).
In the end it's up to alvr how he wants to deal with that, but there are also fuckups he has to be aware of, e.g. Timeout error that might result in Volvo actually activating the key, just not returning any response. ASF is well aware of all of that trash, as I'm working on reliability since last year, but many tools that work with ASF must also be aware of the fact that Steam is big pile of spaghetti code, and ASF can't always tell what is right and what is wrong, it has to trust what Steam says to some degree (which might not be true and assuming that ASF is always right is just plain wrong, it only tries to be right, but very often Steam misleads it).
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Hi! Just tested the 0.3.6 and i have a little problem with !ownsall:
2016-09-26 17:56:11|INFO|ASF|HandleCommand() Answered to command: ownsall Bot1 Borderlands with: <Bot1> Not owned yet: Bot1<Bot2> Not owned yet: Bot1<Bot3> Not owned yet: Bot1
It can quickly become unreadable with many bots without line return, but it seems the first bot name was passed with the input... ^^'
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I noticed a bug, ownsall
doesn't need the username so I released a fix. You can see <Bot3> Not owned yet: Bot1
It should be Borderlands, not the bot name.
Regarding the problem, that's the output of ASF, so I can't do anything. It seems that when the game isn't owned, ASF doesn't append a new line. Here is my output.
<Alvaro_SG> Owned already: 382350 | Devil's Bluff
<Alvaro_SG> Owned already: 388870 | Devils Share
<Alvaro_SG> Owned already: 422970 | Devil Daggers<alvrbot> Not owned yet: devil<WorldDomination> Not owned yet: devil
EDIT: Tried with v2.1.5.3 and it is solved, so the next stable release of ASF will solve this problem.
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Hello again. So, I was wondering why that after the latest updates on both of ASF and ASFUI I can't use the UI anymore. When I run it the windows doesn't show up, although the icon appears in the tray. I have no idea on how to get it to work. ASF on it's own works fine though. Any ideas? Oh, and I don't have any special lines put in or anything, just the basics.
Love your work, btw <3
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You don't need to delete the settings folder every time. He had an error, maybe because the Location setting wasn't setup properly. In the next version the program will auto-update the settings to the newer version, so you don't need to re-enter the path every time a new version comes out.
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Could you delete folder, start ASFui (configure ASF path), then go to folder and inside there should be a folder called "ASFui.exe_Url_<randomNumbersAndLetters>" and inside that folder another with the number version and a file called "user.config". Post the content here or upload it to
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as many of you know there's a program to farm Steam cards. Some, may find difficult to use ASF because it's a console application, so I made an user interface for make it simpler.
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