Are you sick to death of users solving your puzzles by using google or other cheap methods as well?
Guys, come on! No one has ever heard of filthy Frank the fucking Zapper?
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If you tried a bit, maybe you could actually solve this!
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Umm, guys... If you solve it, I promise you we are going to reach nirvana tonight!
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Am I that dumb that I can't find hints or you forgot to post them?
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So does this have to do anything with Filthy Frank?
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While there are some great puzzles revolving around using google (not only on this site, but on internet in general, please check Notpron) , this isn't the one that relies on googling. As I said, it's made to test your music, internet culture knowledge and using your brain and to reward you if you succeed. Also, most of the "puzzles" on this site are trivia-like and that's fine, but if a person decided to make an actual puzzle and to add easy googlable questions or hints that will make them easy googlable, then I don't see the reason why that person even bothered creating a puzzle.
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I made a Word of Warcraft related puzzle with googlable questions while ago. I made it so those who play wow get a little nostalgia looking at the older contents, and those who don't play wow look at some of the contents and maybe get interested in it.
I'm pretty sure creators of most of these trivia-like puzzles with easy googlable questions want to increase the knowledge of people even if it's by using google. The theme of the puzzle is usually something that its creator is interested in, so even if 1 out of 50 people who solve the puzzle do a little research about the theme of the puzzle after solving it, the creator of the puzzle could still get 1 person interested in the puzzle's theme.
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Made a "small" correction. I hope you can see now what I wanted to say.
I'm sleepy as hell. Good night!
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I'll take my time to do this. I love music, but I'm not a fan of social networks... anyway thanks for this amazing puzzle! :D
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Before you judge this comment I should say that any puzzle maker has his/her own rules for their puzzle and I shall honor these rules.
But I still can't understand the rule not to use Google.
It's...hmmm...silly for a number of reasons:
Anyway good luck with the puzzle.
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I can understand why OP does not like people solving their puzzle with Google. For my puzzles (some of them, anyway) I wanted to discourage googling, too -- for the logic / lateral thinking part. But for the "prerequisites" or "knowledge" part ... not so much.
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Look here brother, don't you waste your time on me.
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All my puzzles so far have intentionally required Google or prior knowledge of the subject. I use them as a way to encourage people to go out and learn a little more about things that I enjoy. Maybe other people will enjoy them too that way. I had several people tell me that they went out and bought Vampire: the Masqerade - Bloodlines because they got excited about it through solving my puzzle. I find that much more satisfying than making a difficult puzzle with very few solvers.
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This is a simple, straight forward puzzle that will test your knowledge of music, internet culture and using your brain.
Some things you need to know:
Solve it here .
So yeah, why am I doing this?
This simple, straight forward puzzle is also designed to prevent users from using Google and other cheap methods because it's cheap, lame and it makes puzzles pointless. And as you can see, I'm sick to death of it. I realise that this isn't the easiest puzzle on this site, so I decided to reward people who solve it without any help and to add some punishment for those who needed some assistance. The bigger the help is, the crueler the punishment.
So yeah, have a beautiful day and please, do not use Google!
The answer to the puzzle was Cosmik Debris
So, how the hell was I supposed to conclude that?
It's simple actually!
Cosmik Debris is a song by a band called Frank Zappa . The first clue is in the title itself, hinting at the band name (Frank the Zapper = Frank Zappa) . I intentionally chose Filthy Frank as he is a well known internet figure and I thought it might mislead some of the poor souls trying to solve this. you have to admit, it mislead a lot you guys
About the google part, I just wanted to see how rebelious are you guys. No one stopped you from using google, not even me. Hell, I even bolded "do" in "please, do not use Google!" To add a bit more to that, I did not obey my own rules! No one was whitelisted, there was not a hint with a little extra challenge and I did not expose the puzzle on the last day. I think that should be hinting at the rebelious and rule disobeying nature of this puzzle. I added some hints tho, in a form of comment bumpage .
The picture of a puzzle was referring to following lyrics from Cosmik Debris:
I wrapped a newspaper 'round my head
So I looked like I was deep
The person with the newspapers on his head was an obvious clue and tumblr stands for the site for the really deep people.
On what you have to do song, I'll just quote Darude himself :
I don’t know when it started, but seeing it online where someone asks “song name?” and now somebody always replies “Darude – ‘Sandstorm’” or all these variations, I see it all over my YouTube pages
There ya go, I hope you had fun!
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