Funny (well I guess more a coincidence...), I just read an article on recent FaceBook whistleblower which brought up many times discussion of "what is good for public vs. what is good for FaceBook". There exists mechanisms for our personal safety (like a speed limit for example) but nothing for our mental safety. I don't use these apps nor do I have kids that do but I think there should be at least some form of regulation just in my opinion.
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Bring them to discord or a other messenger that don't combine FB + instagram + Whatsapp Infos and have and had massive privacy breaks in the past and present.
Not to speak from WA that copy all from your mobile phone (pictures, videos, phone numbers, written stuff etc.) to servers in the USA (with low privacy standards) without that you sent/want to send that stuff to someone.
They track where you are, which ones you have as friends etc..
ALL is better as that.
At least from my viewpoint
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Skype. Before some of my older family started using Facebook, their primary communication was Skype. It's pretty simple to use if all you want is a simple text chat and video calls. I had the app on my phone til recently.
Yeah I've been having issues with getting old people to move to Discord for a board game clan I have been in for years. Our forum engagement was low, so we thought that a Discord would improve things for tournaments and such. All the younger people moved. Many of the older ones find it too scary. LMAO.
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First thing, jump into discord and use it.
Or Signal or or or ... it give so much possibilities.
After that you can explain it easily to them.
You can make a server (for free) -you can make there channels as example one for chatting, one for animal pics and a talk channel.
Or you create a group chat and invite then all of them into it. So each one can write there or can talk or send pictures, whatever.
What you don't get are friends from friends recommendations, that someone can view into your private stuff (because your profile don't have much^^), millions of groups or games that want your attention.
Of course you can find discord servers for "all" but you need to search for it.
In the end result that in much lesser constant pressure and not the "you need to do" feeling (if you don't want).
Besides the huge privacy advantages.
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Bringing an old parent to discord sounds like a complete nightmare for both parties lol. Their generation aren't good with computer tech,they esp. aren't good with learning new tech.
I hear Signal is a good private messaging app,problem is getting everyone you know to care about privacy...
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They use FB ... so they know how to log into a site and type.
Other sites do and need the same.
Discord need a bit more as first setting but that can be done from the kids if they live near their parents.
Trust me i know from what i talk, i brought my family from FB/WA (partly) to discord.
And my parents are horrible with computer stuff and the know which button must be smashed to get me crazy :-D It would be better my parents never use something with a computer or a mobile phone..... but that isn't a option nowadays
And yes, privacy is not so a big thing for a part of my family, they come then around with "i have nothing to hide" and don't want to see the risks and the bad stuff with it.
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While I'm not arguing you on fucked up shit FB does with collecting data, I do have to disagree with "all is better as that"
Due to work and studies I've been in contact with hundreds of people for the past years. I have downloaded bunch of alternatives to whatsapp and FB. None have survived. They all seem to stay for one or two enthusiastic people, but most still choose to go for the most popular and easy to use. And in the end if you press on using something different - you are just making it difficult for yourself and everyone involved.
I personally dont use FB chat.. and have completely gotten rid of instagram, but whatsapp is a must... and I bet it will stay like that..
I think as with everything you need to use these apps with moderation.... We know they collect data - well, don't share data they can use.. Anything that matters will anyway be sent through email... I dont see what's so bad about FB collecting data with my absolutely idiotic convos with friends and colleagues .. or all the moronic memes we share. To be honest, I don't even care about targeted ads .. At least I don't see all the scammy shit that shows up if you don't get personalized ads.
Basically everything is down to ease of use... Nothing really beats the simplicity of whatsapp.. I love discord for example, but it's only handy to those who already use it. Most people still get back to using whatsapp..... due to simplicity which Discord simply doesn't offer. And like that most of convos I have outside whatsapp have died in about a week after starting to use it.
I definitely would LOOOOVE to see facebook abolished.. Im sick of freedom and exposure idiots have gotten through ir.. But you just can't argue the simplicity and wide usage of whatsapp for people to go to other chat apps.
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I can't argue about the simplicity of WA because i never used WA by myself and will never use WA.
Before i would do that i would chat/communicate online with none -of them-. That isn't a joke, i done that when all used WA in the past -for years-.
WA is a abomination and it give for me NO reason to use it if you are able to install and use something else.
As written above alone that WA copy all from your mobile phone (pictures, videos, phone numbers, written stuff etc.) to servers in the USA (with low privacy standards) without that you sent/want to send that stuff to someone is a absolute NO GO.
That include of course all infos about all persons that you saved in your mobile phone.
The tracking stuff and personal adds are the smallest stuff.
A very easy example how WA and FB share data (against their words they don't...).
A ex girlfriend from me used both, were in a lot of clans and on WA she don't know the real names of a lot of that people in the clans.
After a short period she got friends recommended where she known the Avatars from that WA groups (Clans). It was easy to see where FB had that infos from.
So she known then all details about that people that were accessible for "strangers".
In the most cases that included the complete names, a town/village, which school they visited, which job they have (and often where exactly), their friendlist and and and.
FB not only collect what you write with people, they collect which ones are friends of you, where pictures were made that you upload, which persons are on the picture, track them and you, save your pictures and after you deleted them, they aren't gone (a friend got deleted pictures years later back when they brought up the new feature "timeline" [and that would be impossible if they would really delete them...]), after you logged out of facebook they still track which sites you browsing in your browser, how long you are there, what you click etc., first a restart of the browser end that behavior.
And in the end, i don't care if discord or a other communication die then in 5 years. None can say that FB, WA or Instagram exists in 5 years in the form you know it now.
Of course are the chance higher that it exists in some form because they have much more money as the smaller companies but they don't made that money because they are so "good guys".
Much money lead to corruption.....
Come to the light side young padawan ;-)
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This. The amount of data Facebook collects, against their own customers's wishes is staggering.
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What I don't understand is why people care so much about that stuff. FB doesn't know what you don't post there and I couldn't care less about them knowing where I was on vacation last year (if that's what I choose to post, I don't even do that).
And you do know that the details your girlfriends found out about those people are the things they posted on their public Facebook profile, right? Where exactly is the problem? Maybe they wanted to be inkognito in the WA chat, but then again why would they use the same profile pic? And that's generally pretty silly if you have a public profile on FB.
People openly and knowingly share all these details on Facebook and then they complain about lack of privacy. That's ridiculous. If you don't want Facebook to know, don't post it. If you only want your friends to see it, don't make your profile public. And no, I can't see a non-public profile and evil Facebook won't show it to me or anyone else just because they're evil.
Facebook uses your data to make money. Tons of money. You can think that's immoral, for reasons I don't understand, but that's really all there is to it. There is no real harm done unless you are stupid and post stuff on social media you don't want anyone to know about, but that would be your fault.
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You clearly don't read all that i posted or you weren't able to understand my english sentences fully.
FB doesn't know what you don't post there
And that is the main problem for me.
WA/Instagram/FB share data that they said they will not share. They combine informations and in the case of WA they copy ALL (pictures, adressbook, phone numbers, email adresses, memos, movies etc.) of your mobile phone to servers in the USA (with very low privacy laws -or should i call them "not existant"^^-).
That WA/FB example from my girlfriend shown very clear that data got exchanged and it supports stalking behavior.
Of course someone, maybe, could find that persons on other ways too but normaly they don't get served on a silver plate.
Of course should none be surprised if a public profil part got seen, that isn't the problem for me on it.
[But they had data leaks because companies had access to millions of private data (profil parts) from people that DON'T had a public profile, only because they were friends from someone that accepted that companies stuff -and they payed high fines for that cases...-]
Giving FB data in your profile is your own decission but that they log what you do in your browser (which sites surfed, which pages opened for how long and so on), special after you logout of FB -till you restart the browser-, isn't a decission that you made because it is hidden stuff that they don't communicate and don't want that people know it.
Deleted pictures on FB aren't deleted because a friend seen his "deleted pictures" 5 years later appearing again when they brought the update with the timeline (years ago :-D ). So it is clear they store them somewhere for years (against laws and with VERY unclear reasons)
My few examples are only a tiny bit of the iceberg but i think they show very clear where the problem is.
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Even if that's true (and I seriously doubt they copy movies from my phone to servers in the US, I think I would have noticed that traffic by now...unless you mean movies I upload to my FB, which would be totally fine?), where is the harm? Did you girlfriend find out anything about these people they didn't want to share on their public profile? No, she didn't. And do you know anyone who was directly or indirectly harmed by Facebook in any shape or form? Yeah, me neither.
Sounds like the typical mix of unproven conspiracy theories and being upset about something just for the sake of being upset about something.
Nothing is free, Facebook isn't free, Twitter or Google (who are even worse than FB by the way) aren't free either. You pay with your data. But they don't sell it to criminals who want to rob your house, they use it to analyze everything you do so you spend more time with their apps, click on more ads and generate more money, money, MONEY for them. You are just a number among billions of other numbers for them, so calm down. It can be scary what big tech knows about you, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles and no one is forcing you to use any of this. Flush your smartpone down the toilet and you are free again.
And when I read that people suggest you use Discord or Telegram instead then that just makes me facepalm. It's the same thing, only with a different name.
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Yeah, whatever. Off-Facebook Activity is an old hat and has nothing to do with your conspiracy theories. You can even turn it off in Facebook itself. But you want to believe that Facebook is evil and wants to harm you (even though you can't even name a single person who was actually harmed...), so bring on your alu hat and have fun.
Oh, and maybe go and check Discord's privacy policy, because that's the alternative you suggested above. You might be in for a
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We use Facebook and Messenger for all event information and communication for my association at university, so I guess it's nice to not have my phone blowing up with stuff that needs to be done all the time? On the other hand I did choose to be active in the student life...
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Wow. never seen such a long outage. Very interested in what is going on
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Isn't it a massive co-incidence that this happens same day as the 60 seconds whistleblower interview? Could be overhauling some shit to cover tracks. I wouldn't put it past them. LOL.
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Very sus. Per
`The outage comes at a time of immense scrutiny for the social media giant. On Sunday, a whistleblower who provided documents that formed the foundation of The Wall Street Journalâs Facebook Files series went public. Frances Haugen, a former product manager at Facebook, said she acted to help prompt change at the social-media giant.
Facebook shares dropped more than 5% on Monday amid a broad-market selloff.
Users began reporting problems late Monday morning, according to Downdetector, a site that monitors website outages. A spokesperson at Downdetectorâs parent company, Ookla, said the outage to Facebook and its other companies was âwidespread and global in scale.â
Facebook appeared to have made a change Monday morning to its network routing information, said Doug Madory, director of internet analysis at the network monitoring firm Kentik.
This change affected the companyâs domain name system servers, which function as a kind of Internet lookup system. They link domain names such as to the numerical Internet Protocol addresses used by browsers and web servers.
The change made Facebookâs DNS servers unavailable, forcing its servicesâFacebook, WhatsApp and Instagramâoffline, Mr. Madory said.
Facebook wasnât immediately able to comment on the DNS issue.`
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Cloudfare posted a technical explanation about what happened:
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Externally, we saw the BGP and DNS problems outlined in this post but the problem actually began with a configuration change that affected the entire internal backbone. That cascaded into Facebook and other properties disappearing and staff internal to Facebook having difficulty getting service going again.
So somebody (either internally or externally) changed a configuration parameter, which brought down the entire infrastructure.
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Facebook has posted an update as well:
Our engineering teams have learned that configuration changes on the backbone routers that coordinate network traffic between our data centers caused issues that interrupted this communication. This disruption to network traffic had a cascading effect on the way our data centers communicate, bringing our services to a halt.
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According to
(And based on them not working for me and everyone I know)
Cloudfare post explaining what happened:
Facebook has posted an update as well:
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