Yes. But advisors telling things is one thing, having the backbone to make a decision like that and giving their name and faces for it in front of the masses is another. Both are equally cowards, too afraid of any consequences of their actions, even though Kim has nobody to take his place and Trump has no chance to get re-elected, so they technically have nothing to lose.
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I'm referring specifically to the sociological impact trump's had on the geopolitical spectrum, particularly in the degrees to which undesirable elements in this country have flocked to decaying banners of hatred and bigotry in the name of jingoistic hubris.
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ughhhh... I don't know.
The Trump administration definitely cut down on financial aid for college students. (That's a tangible consequence right... less people going to college means less skilled workers which means a worse economy which I would assume is a tangible consequence... because you can no longer touch those skilled workers... making it tangible!)
I'm set to get way less next semester than I have been getting for a while... hopefully I don't have to resort to student loans... those are evil!
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Instead of pointing the finger at Trump and his administration on financial aid, the finger should be squarely redirected at universities. The cost of tuition is beyond ridiculous. The whole university education system is effectively a cartel.
(Not that you're blaming anyone. Sounds more like you're just stating a fact. My comment is more generally directed.)
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Yeah, tuition costs are insane! It's no longer something one can pay by getting a summer job like in the 70s... unless the summer job is just being a millionaire.
Something definitely needs to be done because less US citizens are able to get a higher education which will spell disaster in a decade or two. Mostly because of the fact that there isn't going to be much use for workers in factories anymore due to automation. What we really need are skilled workers, and at this rate we are due to have a major shortage of skilled workers because we aren't investing in education as much as we need to.
So if nothing's done, America's economy will probably dive headfirst into the ground and roll into a major slump.
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it is not the universities fault. it is the republican politicians that have massively cut funding for universities.
so the universities have to raise fees to operate.
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I think your understanding is incorrect. State universities are subsidized by state taxes. Those taxes help cover subsidize operations and tuition of students who are residents of the state. Everyone else pays tuition that is at or close to rates charged by private universities. Yes, there are sometimes cuts, but that is in the context of overall state budgets and whether a state is in debt or not.
Private universities don't get state funding, but when you'll pulling in $40,000 a year on tuition alone, exclusive of all other sources of revenue, you shouldn't need funding.
Keep in mind that tuition is revenue, housing (dorms) generate revenue, and cafeterias / book stores / other retail outlets all generate revenue. Athletic programs and ticket sales generate revenue. In addition to that, many universities aggressively solicit donations from alumni.
That fact that people think a university that pulls in $40,000+ a year per student needs funding is just crazy!
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you don't understand. yes some funding comes from states, but the federal government provides money also.
feds provide pell grants for students and the republicans have been cutting them.
and state republican politicians have been screwing over state universities.
no duh Private uni don't get state funding. but the person above was not talking about private uni.
why do you think state college tuition has skyrocketed in the past 20 years?
you need broaden your mind and to look beyond your narrow view.
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Hey, you're the one who said "funding for universities". Anyway, chicken or egg. Universities have been increasing costs well beyond inflation. If the government has to provide grants to such a widespread degree, I still comfortably point the finger at the universities. The government should NOT be subsidizing student education for private universities, period, unless you want a correlating increase in taxes.
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US education is awful. It almost seems like our government takes funds away from it whenever they get the chance.
Whenever people call for cuts on government spending, education is the go-to cut for the government... which is not great for us students who are already struggling to get by. (Sometimes I can't afford to eat :D) But hey..... my college provides free wi-fi! Score!
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The problem is that the government has proven it is pretty incompetent at just about everything. That's why I favor limited government and privatizing what we can, with the occasional intervention on pricing and competition.
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republican politicians purposely strip funding so people will say "the problem is that the government has proven it is pretty incompetent"
republican politicians do this so they can get support to privatize government functions that their friends will make billions of dollars in profit doing worse providing.
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Republicans have proven just as inept as Democrats as managing operations and bureaucracy. It's just that they acknowledge it ... on paper. Frankly, both sides have continued to pile on debt and inefficiencies. Instead of fixing problems, they throw money at them and kick the can down to the next generation ... Social Security and Medicaid / Medicare being disturbing examples.
Good private companies are often, if not always, better at managing things than governments. What you're referring to is corruption and cronyism, in which case unqualified private companies get contracts. That's a completely different issue.
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Totally and utterly wrong!
"Good private companies are often, if not always, better at managing things than governments"
Companies are good at making goods and services to sell, ie clothes, electronics, automobiles. Companies are bad at armies, policing, fire protection, educating, healthcare, caring for disabled, etc.
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If you think the government has been doing a great job at all of those things, then we'll have to agree to disagree. No offense, but I don't understand how anyone, with a straight face, can point to the US education system and current form of healthcare as being things the government does well.
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The thing is that the government used to do education really well. Back in the 50s, tuition was completely free because the government was more involved in the education process. Back in that time, America was also doing really well economically (not socially though) and producing more skilled workers than most other nations. It was only after years of deregulation and budget cuts that this issue with the education system started to surface.
There is a really good documentary that goes into this whole thing called "Inequality for All". It's from a man named Robert Reich and he explains what happened to the American economy really well. I would highly recommend watching it because it is actually really interesting for a documentary about the economy.... which is incredible because economics is usually incredibly boring to the majority of people.
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I appreciate the recommendation and will try to take a look. Thank you.
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you need to read better. i didn't say that the US government does a great job. I said the republican politicians ON PURPOSE screw it all up and under fund it so it doesn't work so people like you will say these things about government sucks. If you open your eyes, there are other countries that have perfect working government healthcare and education.
also, US does not have government healthcare except slightly medicare, which works way better than insurance, EXCEPT it is underfunded. Guess who underfunded it? If you guessed republicans, you were right!
follow the money. this all goes back to corruption. money buys US politicians completely, they vote yes on bills that billionaire donors want and no on bills that citizens want.
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(1) I disagree with the claim that Republicans try to reduce funding for student loans for that purpose.
(2) I agree there are many countries that do healthcare and education better but hesitate at the word "perfect".
(3) Republicans are supposed to want smaller, efficient government and to reduce debt levels. Is that bad?
(4) Corruption is on both sides. Democrats just make themselves look nicer by giving away money.
Honestly, you need to stop pointing the finger at Republicans and redirect your frustration at BOTH sides. I can understand not agreeing on polarizing topics. But there is so much common ground that they could collaborate on and change for the good of the populace, and they CHOOSE not to do so. They'd rather posture and get nothing done and point fingers at each other than get the core elements of governing right. That really pisses me off.
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1) Where republicans can't get rid of a program they want to get rid of, they do a very good job at setting it up to fail. The Affordable Care Act is a great example - in states that embraced it, it did quite well but still needs some fixing, in states that worked against it, it was a disaster. The Trump administration has done a very good job of destabilizing the healthcare system, even if they weren't able to repeal the ACA, in a lot of not so noticeable ways.
2) all of western europe does both healthcare and education better than the U.S.
3) Republicans claim to want smaller, efficient government, so long as it doesn't cut their pet programs. They also don't want to reduce debt levels, they wan to reduce tax levels, which is does the opposite. Worth noting: the debt increased significantly faster under GWB (101%) and Reagan (186%) than it did under Obama (68%) or Clinton (32%)
4) ... you got me. The U.S. government has actually managed to legalize corruption. Among other things, insider trading is not illegal for members of congress. The former head of Shell Oil (U.S.) summed it up shortly after he quit the post. He'd be invited/subpoenaed for a hearing. On the way, a senator or congressman would talk to him in the hallway and ask if he donated to the senator/congressman's campaign. If the answer was yes, it was a few friendly questions and a short hearing. If the answer was no, he'd be grilled for hours.
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funny, i didn't see your post until I responded to his post. nice to see people on here are woke.
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This is not a both sides thing. It is not a Dem vs Rep thing. It is a money in politics thing!
But there are many more democrats politicians that are not corrupt and trying to pass laws that the majority want only to be stopped by billionaire bought corrupt politicians.
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I'm gonna counter this. While many politicians are corrupt, there are some republicans who truly believe in their platform - on both sides. I've met enough people on all ends of the political spectrum to believe that quite often it's just a different outlook, different things that are important.
But I will point out a great moment in a movie, Charlie Wilson's War, about a republican politician in Texas, who states that his constituency are 6 or 7 guys in New York who are his donors, not the thousands of people in his legislative district. It's a blink and you missed it moment, but the most accurate statement about American politics I've ever seen
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i was referring to federal Republicans politicians. there are some state Republicans reps that are not totally bought. how many Republicans politicians do you know?
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(2) I agree there are many countries that do healthcare and education better but hesitate at the word "perfect".
doesn't have to be perfect to be way, way better. the point is, the sheer thought that there are people in your country without healthcare sounds absolutely crazy to me. here everybody has healthcare. everybody. and it's mind boggling that a rich country like the US seems unable {or unwilling) to achieve the same.
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Right? It's fucking maddening.
We truly have the means to achieve a "higher society," but we instead let the strong cannibalize the weak for that sweet, sweet $$$$$. It's nauseating.
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yeah, and it is so depressing so see that currently republicans are trying to make it even worse for a lot of people.
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If I wanted so called "Democratic Socialism" I would move to one of those countries.
You don't have to put it in quotes, that's what its called. No one refers to your beliefs as "so-called Libertarianism." Also, dingbat is correct here, there are numerous European countries that have thrived under this type of socialism. Albeit, these countries do have much smaller populations to contend with.
Both Communism and Socialism is still on the same side of the Authoritarian Left Spectrum.
Both dirt and sand are on the same side of mud.
I rather have Libertarian left or right which is freedom, peace and prosperity if you put them both together.
A true Libertarian system is basically Deadwood. Initially, the unbounded freedom sounds awesome-- then the reality sets in. Think about this the next time you drive on a paved road, with regulated traffic laws, on your way to a restaurant with regulated hygiene standards. You may even pass law enforcement policing the streets, some EMTs saving lives, and perhaps a fire truck on its way to answer a distress call.
Also perhaps you should ask the Cuban Americans who fled Cuba tell you what path our country is coming to. Every single one I have asked has said Communism and have said it scares them.
You did that thing again. dingbat said "socialism" and you retorted about "communism." That said, as is the case with China's government, Cuba's flavor of "communism" is a different beast from the intended design.
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Nazis were never socialists. They were fascists and they executed socialists.
You don't seem to understand political science very well, you equate socialism with communism and fascism with socialism.
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you and I must have met very different cuban americans.
I'm all for freedom, peace, and prosperity. But that takes law and order, regulations and enforcement. Libertarianism only works in an ideal society, in small, somewhat homogeneous societies, and requires if not abundance then at least a lack of scarcity. It doesn't work so well on a large scale. oddly enough, the same can be said for communism
I believe in live and let live, but as long as there are people that don't, then we need a referee
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Liberal progressives fully believe in freedom and don't like or support authoritarianism.
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you are not describing liberal progressive people at all. there are other types of liberals.
oh and if you are referring to Berkley riot, those people are ANTIFA and are anarchists, not liberal or progressive.
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Again you are making false equivalencies. You are describing extremists, not all liberal progressives act like that. Please don't broad brush people, it is divisive.
That is like saying all right wingers are racist- it is not true at all. Only some extremists are rioters and/or racists and/or authoritarian.
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First of all- those are not mutually exclusive. You can live in a country that is Both a Constitutional Republic and have it be a Progressive Country. You are comparing oranges to apples.
A constitutional republic is a type of government. A progressive country would be the type of sociopolitical policy a country utilizes.
Why do you think progress(ives) would destroy the country? It was the progressives that allowed women and non-white people to vote, they enacted child labor laws and laws to prevent poisoning of food, water, and air- and many other things we enjoy.
I'm an independent so I know both sides of the argument but sometimes people need to give credit where credit is due- there is good and bad in both sides of the political spectrum.
People who walk into situations with a preconceived bias will always self satisfy their desire to be offended or irritated, but it takes an open mind to actually get things done. People say bad things about socialism but then they also enjoy socialist programs like social security, medicare, the military, education, roads, libraries and parks- all socialist programs that were once in the private sector where only select few could enjoy the services of. If your house caught on fire, the FD would show up and demand payment for their services. No payment, they let the house burn down- that is how private enterprise works.
With socialized programs things like that don't happen (as often), so we need to see the good and the bad in all views because as you said- no one is really wrong or really right.
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Medicare is a federally funded insurance program paid for by taxpayers to help the elderly get medical assistance. Medicaid is also a federally funded insurance program paid for by taxpayers to help poor people get medical assistance. This might help:
Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Workers Compensation benefits, Food Stamps, Education grants, Housing assistance, Subsidies for business and economic growth, Police and Fire Departments, the US Military, NASA, roads and infrastructure- these are all examples of 'socialist' programs.
Any social program that 'forces' you to pay (by taxes) for a benefit that 'others' may also enjoy is basic socialism in action.
I agree with most of your points, I also enjoy debating merits of political sciences.
I heard from many Canadians that their health care system is much better and more reliable there. They can go to any doctor they choose, and the only time they have to wait is for elective procedures. They also enjoy much less stress not having to worry about going bankrupt over medical bills.
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It's a systemic problem for both parties, but Republicans will meet with the most scrutiny at the moment as they are essentially "in the driver's seat." You saw the reverse occur during Obama's first term, when Dems held majority.
The issue with a two party system is the largest supporters of the system itself are the same two parties in question. It's in their best interest to let plebs bicker over "red team" versus "blue team," instead of examining the status quo.
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of federal Republican politicians 95 percent are corrupt. establishment democrats are corrupt too about 60 percent.
in this corrupt system,
the job of the Republican politicians is to pass terrible laws that hurt the citizens.
the democrats job is to make sure good people don't get elected that might stop the Republican politicians.
both Republican politicians and establishment corporate democrats are paid by the same billionaire donors.
just like professional wrestling. they play the people for fools.
there are more uncorrupt democrats than republicans. people need to vote for people that don't take corporate money.
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sorry to hear your trouble with ACA. that is why we need medicare for all. check out Bernie's plan.
check out Justice Democrats, they pledge to take no corporate donations.
there are some democrats that are not corrupt, please look into it.
There is a huge difference between corporate democrats (corrupt) and progressive democrats (not corrupt).
unfortunately there are only a few progressives in congress right now.
people need to get involved and we need to get corporate money out of politics.
corporations know they only need to bribe enough senators 60-70 and 230-250 house representatives to control congress. they need more than 51 percent because even bribed congress people will occasionally not follow donor orders.
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Hillary Clinton is NOT a progressive. not sure where you heard that from. she is a corporate establishment dem.
Medicare for all is not insurance. it is single payer. You are kind of boxing yourself in. saying insurance is bad, and government taxing for health coverage is bad. it is one or the other.
at least government doesn't have the profit motive like insurance companies do. insurance companies look for reasons to not cover you so they make more profit.
Not sure why you don't trust Bernie. He has a long record of being very consistent and wanting to help people.
take care.
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Ted Cruz didn't support Trump for two seconds, then the billionaire donors called and ordered him to.
Ted Cruz is now know for being one of the most spineless and pitiful.
I agree Bernie should have went independent, but Bernie made a promise that he would support whoever won the democrat nomination. He did it because he keeps his word. And Bernie was concerned Trump would win, ugh. Of course, the democratic party totally screwed him over, but that is because the leadership of the DNC are all corrupted by corporate donors.
Ross Perot was independent the whole election, he didn't have a primary and then switch in the general.
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Bernie's health plan doesn't work. Check the debate he had with Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz absolutely destroyed him. Bernie's problem is that he has all this idealistic ideas, but none of them work within the context of a proper budget. Apparently this is also what frustrated Hillary.
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Ted Cruz cannot destroy anyone. Ted Cruz is a huge liar and fake.
Yes all conservatives have been conditioned that US always has $100 billion extra laying around for military, but for healthcare no money, education no money.
Single payer doesn't work anywhere in the world right? And single payer doesn't cost less and cover all people, right? Oh wait, there are hard facts that it does in all these other countries that are way poorer than US.
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He is a little slimy, isn't he? That said, go watch the debate. It was brutal. Bernie totally looked flustered and exposed. He clearly had never done the math on his own plan, and that is completely irresponsible.
By the way, I think single payer is the way to go. Only with a single payer can one make healthcare effective, affordable and fiscally responsible. However, it's clear Bernie didn't do his homework. It was embarrassing.
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Bernie Sanders admitting that Single Payer would bankrupt the nation.
Socialism: It failed in the past, but it will work now. Trust us with your money.
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US has socialism already. Medicare, Medicade, Fire dept, Police dept, Military.
I love business. I have a business degree. But I understand the roll of business.
Business is good at making products that profit. In business we are taught not to make a better mouse trap. This is a famous story where a company made a mouse trap the was reusable and sales dropped. Customer loved it because they saved money. Company discontinued the product and brought the old trap back. Now we in business have many more opportunities for making profit like reduced regulation and tax loopholes.
Certain functions in society will turn out very badly if business is involved. Like healthcare.
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there is no free market.
thousands of years? civilization is way more complicated now and way more technologically advanced. it would take too long to explain to you.
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Those two like the children throwing snowball at each other...
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That war would literally last less than a week. Unless China and Russia got involved but China is trying to back out of their relationship with NK. NK can't do much besides bomb Japan or SK but all we have to do is drop some missiles on NK and the war is over.
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The thing is that THE INNOCENT PEOPLE must not die by that s... governments... That´s all. If they want to die, the politics can go and battle but not the common people that only wants PEACE. Starting another war (and a atomic one this time) is MADNESS and it´s totally and really s....
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It depends who matters :)
"The Pig War, so called because it was triggered by the shooting of a pig, is also called the Pig Episode, the Pig and Potato War, the San Juan Boundary Dispute or the Northwestern Boundary Dispute. With no shots exchanged and no human casualties, this dispute was a bloodless conflict."
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China is not trying to back out of the relationship at all. It's a public relations move.
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If the USA dropped nuclear weapons on NK, China and Russia would definitely get involved. The fallout would affect their countries and their people.
I don't think a war with NK would last a week. The US would not be able to use nukes, so it would have to send troops, which would mean a prolonged war. The US never won the Korean war to begin with, thinking it would easily roll over NK like it did Iraq would be folly.
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If they start the war we can say goodbye to our world. Look at what they are doing with that s... atomic practices... (only look at the hurricanes and the earthquakes in this month and you can see the problem). This two guys are THE PROBLEM. Not the people from USA / the people from North Korea that want to live in peace. They are trying to show power by doing s... things and only destroying our world.
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The majority didn't vote for him, but because of the electoral college distorting the results, he still got elected.
Then again, the opposing candidate wasn't that much better so people were pretty much choosing between the plague and AIDS.
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Democracy works, the obsolete US voting system doesn't. Even your guru called the electoral college "a disaster for democracy" until it favored him, then it suddenly became a good thing. Just because something has been there for a long time doesn't mean it's good. It's not healthy to be ignoring facts just because your sleazy politician won.
We have a similar problem here in Canada where our archaic voting system has become inadequate, but our government who rode to power on the promise of revamping it finally decided that it was okay the way it was since it put them where they are.
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Did you even read what he said?
Trump said the Electoral system was garbage.
"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." - Donald J. Trump
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And cowbell doesn't see it as a problem, even though a candidate he didn't like got elected with that system so I have to give him props for that.
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Sorry but that is entirely conjecture and not very rational. Have you ever voted? It is easier to purchase a gun in the US than it is to vote.
Maybe there are hundreds, but I doubt there are even thousands of illegal voters casting ballots. This is being investigated right now and as far as I know, there has been no evidence of major voting fraud or millions of illegal voters as President Trump has claimed.
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You never bought a gun. Going a medal in the Olympics is easier than buying a gun in some states. You don't know what you are talking about.
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Yes I have, in NY of all states, with some of the most absurd and strictest gun laws in the nation. Why would you make assumptions on my part?
And seriously, quoting as your source? Why not just use the National Inquirer and bring out some alien babies while you are at it? You are really not making a good argument, sorry.
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I don't know what your problem is, but keep your personal issues to yourself if you can't handle different viewpoints. Just say you lost instead of being a child. You don't know how things work and getting worked up is not good for either of us. You lost. Good day.
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I don't know you and you don't know me, so not sure why you would say that either of us would get worked up. You seem to be making rash assumptions again.
You want to devolve your argument into calling me names, that is on you. You want to make up facts and use false sources as points of reference, again that is on you. Good luck with that.
Really, why bother with debate if you are going to get angry and throw around insults when your point is refuted?
Anyways, if you have some credible sources that show millions of illegal voters, I'd be happy to continue this debate; but something tells me those sources don't exist and this is a waste of my time. ^^
Have a good one! =)
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It's not a matter of the "right" or "wrong" people getting elected. It's a matter of a system that ignores what the majority of voters want. Whether it's Obama, Trump, or anyone else that gets elected against the will of the people it shows the sign of a system that doesn't work correctly and needs to be updated.
And for what it's worth, you would have ended up with the same president in 2008 and 2012 even without the electoral college.
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Preemptive strike on NK, glass all of it, they are an enemy of freedom and our way of life and we must secure our inter- I mean stand up for freedom!
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That is pure fantasy.
If the US preemptively nuked Korea, the US would be at war with China, Russia, and the international community would turn it's back on the US. The US would be in violation of about 100 treaties, and the fallout radiation would poison our strongest allies in the area (Japan, SK).
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I think they are channeling their belligerent energies into mean words, it's a good outlet I guess 👀
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unlikely, as now nk has the nuclear deterrent. kim isn't stupid, didn't made the same mistake gaddafi did by renouncing the run to nuclear weapons to appease the international community (which ended up with a bullet in his head). here the real supid ass is trump and his foolish international policies. growing tension with russia after tightening of economic sanctions, billions of dollars of weapons sold to the saudi terrorist state (which is currently bombing the shit out of yemen in the total silence of the mnm media), compulsive licking of israel ass. he is basically continuing obama's job. almost the opposite of his international program during election campaign. the economic aggressions of the western block toward unaligned countries as syria, venezuela and iran resulted in china to come forward in their aid, creating what is now starting to look like an eastern block. how they will handle nk is yet to be seen. while russia is trying to push for a diplomatic resolution and china tries to look neutral as much as possible it should be taken into account that nor russia and nor china would like to have another usa satellite state as a new neighbor. the geopolitic scenario in that area is in constant evolution.
no doubt in all of this trump (and the whole west) for now goes out defeated, bullying a sovereign state while being fully aware that nothing can be done now that nk put their nuclear weapon on the table. trump and the usa media are probably (skillfully) riding the case to distract the public opinion from internal usa matters (like during that charlottesville rally a mounth ago - point 42)
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Hey, we agree on something!
Here's Trump, bitching at China for the past several months, and guess which country is North Korea's largest trading partner and has a seat on the security council? If we can't get China to go along, we can't do anything against North Korea
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So you're saying we should preemptively glass NK, just in case? Right?
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no one wins if russia and usa fight. world may not survive.
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wat? usa can destroy russian economy with one click of mouse by turning off from internet banking
also they r fighting already
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huh? the thread is about military war.
and that is what I thought you were saying by "fight"
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Russia never fights on the straight, it does it with the help of puppets
guess where from weapons in Korea
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You do realize that nuclear war is almost entirely theoretical at this point, right?
We have plenty of projections and simulations, but there are simply too many unknown variables to quantify. We've essentially been in a nuclear standoff since the 1980s.
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u realize its 2017 now, no one use weapons if its not guarantee winning
now economy wars more powerfull then weaponary
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Except it's not, that's the whole point.
We've been in a holding pattern since the Cold War, which did indeed shift aims toward economic warfare as opposed to militaristic. However, as evidenced by recent events, this is not a stable solution nor even close to an optimistic "status quo" of the world at large. As the "haves" increase their lead over the "have nots," the evening factors will ever-increasingly allude back to militaristic action. This is why having nukes matters. Again, this is now the theoretical age of warfare and at the moment any one power's endgame is simply owning nuclear weapons. The problem is that the "economy wars" as you put it, are an unstable solution to an unsolvable problem (especially when the same winners keep on winning). At some point the bottom will inevitably fall out.
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look at Qatar, it was great economy example how fast everything can be
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let's literally put kim and donald in a cage by themselves to fight and leave the rest of the world out of it.
hopefully they will both not win and both countries can get new leaders.
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There won't be a war.
Going to war with N. Korea is like going to war with China. China fully supports N. Korea like a parent supports their child.
USA cannot do that and hope to win.
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No, China don't like North Korea, period. China only support NK to stand up because they can't let fellow Leninist state to collapse and so they no longer have a buffer against America forces in SK. But they don't like NK to act like a brat that can do as they wish also, hence UN's sanctions.
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Despite what people say, I still don't believe Kim Jong Un would start a war with America by shooting rockets to US and/or their allies first. First is the keyword.
What Jong Un wants is his regime's survival, not a war which will undoubtedly turn his country to ashes. Sure he can bring down as many South Koreans and Japanese as he will definitely do by shooting his artillery, but that's not his main objective. What greatness can he accomplish by dying or be put on a trial as war criminal?
Contrary to what Americans believe, I see Pyongyang as quite rational. Shooting missiles over Japan only served as a show of force. Though if it exploded by mistake then NK would have been either blamed or attacked but that is 'alas!' scenario.
America and the world can do nothing to stop NK's nuclear program in the end, not without the causality of millions. At best they can deter, or severely limiting the impact of terror Jong Un will raise if he succeeds his nuclear rocket.
In Trump's defense, what he has been doing is merely a reality check. I still see him as rational president for, probably, the most powerful nation in the world, in this war of attrition. He hasn't launched any single rocket, unlike his NK counterpart. He merely is showing his military power and to scare Jong Un into taking more offensive provocation or move.
Then again, this is the event that will terrorize NK's neighbors including China for months to come. And that's the worst part, constant terror. Living in terror is no fun.
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What do you think another warr ?
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