Were you starting to lose faith that the event I promised would ever happen?
Glad that you liked it!
I'm hoping to do another Trash Tornadoβ’ event later this year or early next year. Stay tuned for that one.
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Fun game for the occasion, if you take suggestions, make the Bat Gun sound better.
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Sad to hear that you didn't like the sound there. I actually spent quite a bit of time on it. It's really two randomized, overlapping, concurrent sounds: an edited-down version of a colony of bats screeching out of a cave, and an actual recording of fluttering/flapping bat wings.
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I'm not an expert when it comes to sound, I just know it sounds annoying to me, making me want to avoid that power up. The triple shot and default weapon sounds were the most satisfying to me. At least it's only that one part that stood out to me as bad, everything else makes for a nice casual game.
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Wow, thanks for the event! I was a bit afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it as I suck at those, buuuut... it worked out :D
And I'll go and beat my highscore, I need more bats!
(Stored screenshot)
Thanks again for all the time and effort invested and thanks to jesuswarjesus for the contributions, too!
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Thanks for the Event. Managed to reach 50+ on a second playthrough
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I started teaching myself to code at 10 years old...when it was hard, back in the 80s (I'm kinda freakin' old now...lol) π€£π€. And my career has all been in IT (although I haven't written production code in a long time, as I got older and more experienced and got leadership positions). So, learning something like GameMaker was relatively natural for me.
You can learn the product pretty quickly, especially if you choose to create things with the point-and-click tools that are in it. That doesn't give you as much fine control over how the game works, but it'll get you started regarding how you need to think about creating games. I've gone the full-code route the entire time with GameMaker, which having a background in coding really helps a lot. But it's still quite a bit to learn, just because you have to learn the syntax specific to GM. But I think that I did a tutorial that took me a few hours and then spent the better part of a week in the evenings building my first game (that was "1954" for the PEW PEW PEW train that I did a couple of years back...you can find it in discussions and still download and play it if you'd like :) ).
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I genuinely appreciate the detailed reply, grez. I always fancied making something but didn't know if I had it in me. I'm kinda old myself so I don't know if it's worth it at this point (No IT background btw). I might mess around with GameGuruClassic (already have that one) and see how it goes.
Thanks again and awesome game btw. I'd honestly like to see it fleshed out and polished a bit, with achievements. It got me nostalgic so I played some Chicken Invaders 2 just now because of it :) I'll check 1954 for sure.
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GameGuru is a whole 'nother animal, but is also very doable for folks with no development background. I have yet to put together a game in it...have just clicked around to check it out. I also want to try out Clickteam Fusion and Platform Builder. Oh, and some day I'll actually cobble together an RPGMaker game. :D
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Not really...it just works completely differently. And it's primarily intended specifically for 3D first/third-person games. You can make 2D stuff with it (I think), but basically nobody does it. GameMaker can do 3D games, but people rarely use that functionality. It's really more focused on 2D games, and has its own programming language, etc. GameGuru has like a scripting language, but IMO it shouldn't be considered a full programming language (as you generally can't create objects with the language itself, etc.).
They're both pretty easy to start using, depending upon what you want to do. AppGameKit (which I used to do Halloween Blaster last year) is oriented a little more like GameMaker, but is a lot more primitive. It doesn't handle a lot of the aspects that GameMaker does, especially in terms of visual editors. It certainly accelerates game development, but it's almost strictly code-based, so it requires more effort to get the same result that you could get from GameMaker. So, I much prefer GameMaker. But, on the flip side, there's almost no way to avoid paying for GameMaker...AGK has been given away so many times it's not funny, and it pops up in bundles every once in a while for pennies on the dollar. So, it's super cheap to get into that engine if you're strapped for budget. Just get ready to spend some time studying the language, because there aren't many point-and-click ways to speed things up. But it does manage uploaded graphics/sprites pretty well, etc. So, it accelerates things from the standpoint of helping manage assets...but it doesn't have good ways of editing an animated sprite frame-by-frame or leveling uploaded sounds or anything like what you'd see in GM. Still, for free/cheap, it's better than having to do everything from scratch.
So many engines, so little time to play with them... :D
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Ah yes, I forgot that they added that...just note that it severely limits you on what you can build and, more importantly, how you can distribute it. It would likely work for something like this event. But you definitely couldn't make a game for Steam with it.
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This was fun! Wish there're more events like this!
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No access to any PC before then? It'll run on a potato machine. Somebody you're with has to have a PC. ;)
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Really sorry to hear that. I'm a little surprised that there isn't at least one gamer in the hostel with a gaming laptop. :(
You can't install anything on student PCs in the lab at school? Or, at least if you have access to a PC at school, you could fire up a virtual machine in Azure for free via a browser, and then install the game there.
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You're welcome - glad you liked it!
Oh, but please -- either delete the screen shot or obfuscate the train codes! Thanks!
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No worries...since people have to get a screen shot anyway, it's probably not that big of a deal, but thanks for deleting it. :)
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Glad you enjoyed it! I like those games, too. I grew up with old school, reaction-based video games. :)
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nice I can mute the music, but why doesn't it mute sounds as well?! I thought I was muted, I started playing and my ears started bleeding 'cause they got blasted with shooting noises :(
yeah yeah, I know I can mute it all in windows, I'll do that once my ears are healed it's just decieving when you have one explicit mute button that doesn't mute everything...
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K, I gave it a go. that was fun. tbh 'round lv15 I was starting to get a little bored but it picked up the pace around lv70 and started to be really fun! Like seriously - if you just made it start al lv50 speeds and continue from there I'd be all over it, but ngl I won't be replaying mainly because the snail-pace early on. The pickups are awfully uneven. The bomb is OP sure, but that's kinda the point. The other ones however... Bats could be neat but they seemed to miss more than they hit due to their bonkers fly patterns so even with increased dmg I felt like I got less DPS overall. The eyes felt like a cosmetic upgrade only and between increased speed and limited ammo they kinda failed to provide any impact. Candies on the other hand were a gamechanger especially later on the wide area they covered was just perfect for clearing the swarms of monsters! On the subject of monsters themselves - not having read the info here prior to playing I'm a seasoned gamer, I don't need manuals! I'll figure all as I go I was super scared of Cyclopses at first as it seemed to me they dash faster once they "lock onto you". I was gonna say that it's pretty rough to have such a deadly mechanic on like the second basic mob, but from what I understand reading your post now, their speed should be random, right? Can worms spawn on the player or did you put some preventions in place. Cause when I saw them pop-out of nowhere it was my constant fear that one will just appear right under me since I couldn't tell if there was any indicator of them spawning. Also their projectiles could be a little more pronounced. Sometimes later on with more monsters on screen I would only notice their shots while they were already passing me. I have never saw a 1up pickup :/ guess they're rare and I might reiterate my previous complaint - the mute button should mute both music and sfx. I know it was an express project and proper audio sliders would be a lot to ask for but please think of headphones users.
All in all this was loads of fun and I'm super impressed how much you've done in so little time! Thanks a lot for going through with this event and all those giveaways!
btw might I ask where did you get the zombie asset from? I feel like I've seen it before. Or maybe I've just seen too many zombies and they all look so similar...
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It's funny...I felt like the eyeballs were the most useful of the three guns. I can really clear out the screen with those things. I might add extra round of ammo to that powerup in higher levels, though. That may be one way to keep it from feeling too short of a powerup when there are like 60 critters on the screen.
The cyclops creatures have a routine that causes them to speed up and slow down, kind of in an accordion fashion. So, you never know how fast they're going to come at you, which makes them a bit unpredictable. Yeah, it was a little evil to introduce that early on, but to your point, the game was too easy to start, so I felt like we needed a decent baddie up front to make the gameplay at least a little compelling. In a perfect world, I'd introduce more monsters sooner, but have some specific wave patterns and the like where changing the composition is what makes things interesting. But doing things this fast and having everything being RNG-based means that I needed to write just some decent overarching algorithms that would continue to work throughout. :)
All of the enemies are designed not to spawn on top of the player. In fact, they have to be roughly 200 pixels away from the player if they spawn in the camera viewport. They also can't spawn completely outside of the game room (other than the reapers, which specifically spawn just outside of the room, so that we can see them slide in and have a chance to shoot them or move out of the way before they begin accelerating). So nope, you don't need to worry about the worms popping up right under you. :) But you're right...there's no indication of them spawning. I would honestly like to have some kind of indication of all of the monsters spawning, but again that was more coding than I had bandwidth for at this point. So I just made sure that they didn't spawn unfairly in terms of relative spacing to the player, which was fairly easy coding. lol
The Bat Gun requires some practice. When you get good with it, you can clear out a really nice path to run through to grab other powerups. It's especially helpful to get to invincibility/1up/bombs that are just out of reach. It's not super great at clearly out a whole room. The eyeball and candy guns are both pretty good at that. The eyeball works best if you're in a corner and can mostly shoot in a 90-100 degree pattern...in that scenario, it will clear out the monsters twice as fast as the candy gun. But if you're shooting across a high-degree area (like if you're in the middle of the room), then the candy gun is more useful, especially if you take advantage of knockback.
I hear what you're saying about the tunnel worm projectiles. I thought about making them bigger, but then this would also increase the chance that they'd hit the player, so I kept them fairly small. I suppose I could try growing them a bit, but manually force the hitbox to be a bit smaller so that the edges of the sprite don't kill you.
On the zombies: yes, I believe that came from a free, open community pack of graphics (some other things came from a couple of Fanatical game designer packs that I bought long ago), so it's likely pretty common. Most people don't properly animate them, though. That was actually something that took quite a bit of time in this little game...getting the creatures to look a bit better by animating them throughout their movement (and getting them to turn to face the player based upon relative position, etc.). Some of them have a lot of frames and, depending upon how the graphics were provided, I sometimes had to manually paste in a frame at a time and then do pixel-level movement to get all of them to line up.
All of the baddies and background graphics were assets that I either purchased or were free. I did quite a bit of manual editing to quite a few of them. The pickups were primarily scaled versions of base graphics, but then I did some editing (in Powerpoint, BTW) to create opaque "glow" around them to help them stand out a bit from the background objects. The default splatter pattern (red and green) was from a GameMaker template, but I obviously did a couple of tedious color-replacement versions for the ghosts/saucer demons and reaper. All of the logos/titles/buttons were graphics that I made from scratch.
Oh, and the game music track is actually four tracks that I editing together and did sound-leveling on to ensure the peaks and average levels were as close to the same as possible. But I figured that having a solid 5-6 minutes of varying music would keep it from becoming an annoying background music loop. π
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I mean, it's a music note, so... ππ€£
But I hear you...if I had more time, I'd add more options. I'd also have a help screen with the cobbled-together backstory and information on scoring/etc. right in the game. But that was more development cycles than I had time for if I wanted to get this out the door for the event.
And yes...it seems like the sound is fine on speakers, but people using headsets are complaining about it being loud. And what's funny is that I leveled everything and reduced the peak level on virtually all of the sound effects and music from where they all were by default. I compared playing the game with where I keep the volume for things like spotify and youtube, and it was right on par. But I was testing everything with speakers (both on my tower and a laptop), so there has to be some factor with headsets that have y'all keeping the relative master volume pretty high or something. π
In any case, sorry about your ears. I really did put a lot of effort into balancing the sound and bringing the default level down. It just goes to show how much effort is required for good sound editing in games.
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just got around to playing the game and I got over lvl 50 on my second try
it's definitely easier than the games I tried from older events, but still thanks for putting in the work organizing this event :)
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Yeah, I kinda went more with fun than challenging this year. If you try to get to really high levels, it starts getting really challenging. But otherwise, yeah, hitting level 50 is kind of a piece of cake. :D
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Please note that there is an updated version of the game! Please see notes at the bottom of this main post!
Alrighty, folks! Welcome to the super late 2022 Halloween Event:
Back To The Darkness From Whence Ye Came!
This is another video game event (since everyone here should be a gamer!), similar to the previous couple of Halloween events! This event has 101 giveaways in it! There is some trash, but a whole lot of treasure! All of the games are horror/scary/extradimensional-evil-being/Halloween-themed.
So, the last couple of years, I've done game-flips, which weren't just straight-up asset flips. I mean, I did go get new assets and replace ones in existing games, but I also ended up adding a lot of additional code to make those games better/more focused/the right length/whatever for our events. This year, however, I wrote a whole new game (similar to what I did back with the 1954 game for the PEW PEW PEW train a couple of years ago). I did start with some GameMaker template items to accelerate things a bit, but it's primarily all custom code. I also was using GameMaker 2 for the first time (since I got a 1-year subscription in a bundle somewhere), so there were a few things to learn there as to what's changed from the original one that I already knew at least fairly well.
Alright, alright, that's super...tell me about the actual game, dude.
Ok, fine, fine...I'll get to the good part.
Totally made-up, conveniently-timed background story: Halloween is over, but somehow all of the ghosts and monsters haven't returned to their own purgatorial dimension of darkness! Nope, they've decided that it's way better to stay here and just continue to terrorize the creatures of this dimension all year long. You, the never-rotting jack o' lantern hero, have to step up and blast these baddies back where they belong. That's right, strap on your weapons and scream toward the evil creatures of the night, "Back to the darkness from whence ye came!!!!!"
So, the game is an endless arena shooter and completely uncomplicated. Shoot everything that moves, and get as high of a score/level as possible. You can grab powerups to make this easier (more on that in just a bit), but otherwise you just need to run around, keeping yourself from getting hit by the monsters and kill as many of them as possible. You start with 3 lives and lose one each time you get hit. Also, when you get hit, you'll turn red with a glowing ring around your jack o' lantern, and you'll be invincible for 3 seconds -- move away from other monsters fast!
Levels and Scoring
This is super easy. For the first 20 levels, you'll level up for every 30 points you earn by shooting monsters. After that, it'll take 50 points per level. There are seven different types of baddies, and they score as follows:
Enemy spawns are pretty well-paced up through level 50...and then the gloves are off. Expect a pretty continuous onslaught at that point, and it will get slightly worse every 10 levels above that. π
Enemy Movement
This is easy. Point the crosshair mouse cursor where you want to shoot and hold down that left mouse button. To move, you can use either WASD or the arrow keys (to support both lefties and righties). Nope, sorry, you can't redefine the keys. Didn't have time to code that.
That sounds good, but you still haven't told me how I can win games
Oh yeah, that's kind of important. So, there are four trains with increasingly higher requirements to enter, but the games get increasingly better as well. All of the trains require you to have given at least something on SG before, and thus require a measly level 1 to enter, but this should help filter out at least some of the bots and extra-bad leechers.
FYI, this is honestly pretty easy to do. First "real" playthrough of the finished game, I made it to level 87. Second playthrough, I made level 138. 50 should be a piece of cake.
Once you've achieved any/all of these things, the code to enter that train will be available on the game over screen, clearly labeled along with your score.
In case you're not familiar with it, every giveaway on Steamgifts has a five-character code, and that's what's listed as the start of each train. All you need to do is write down your train codes, and insert them into the URL in your browser as follows:
All you have to do is replace "ABCDE" in the string above with your five-character code from the game, and POOF! MAGIC! You'll be looking at the first cart in that train. There is a sample graphic of what this looks like at the end of this description with obviously fake codes in it.
Important street cred for keys
The game in the last cart in each train, as well as the grand prize, were all donated by jesuswarjesus. So please take the time to say thanks to him, as he got me over the hump to get this from 96 GAs to the 101 that I wanted to make it.
Unfortunately necessary note about cheating and proof that you actually played
Don't do it. Play the game. It's not that hard, doesn't take that long, and should be at least some degree of fun. Anyone caught cheating, whether giving or receiving codes from the game without playing it, will get added to my blacklist. My blacklist is short...but once you're on it, you're probably never coming off. So, just resist being a douche canoe and play the game that I worked hard to bring you, ok? Alrighty. Enough about that.
The game doesn't save the high score to a file or anything (another thing that I ran out of time to do), so you'll need to get a screen shot. Please get a screen shot of the game over screen that shows all of the trains for which you're qualified, and have your profile up in Steamgifts in the background (I've provided a sample of what that should look like at the end of the instructions here). Please do not post it in this thread and show other people the train codes! Just keep it handy or go ahead and upload it to Imgur or something. I'll be spot-checking wins and all of the most valuable ones, including the grand prize. So be prepared to prove that you played or be ready for a re-roll.
Things that I would do if I had more time (and especially if I were going to release this game)
First and foremost, there would be some basic graphic options, key reassignment, and saving of settings/high score to at least a local file. I would also design specific waves of baddies with more varied patterns, as well as adding at least 4-5 more of them. I'd add at least a couple of more weapons. And most importantly, I'd have boss battles every 10-20 levels or so. But I was coding an entire game in a week of free time (while I was trying really hard not to let my super-busy life schedule fall off of a cliff), so I had to keep things pretty simple and focused for this go-around. Maybe I'll crack it back open later and enhance it. We'll see.
Ok, let's get going!
First things first: Download the game
Install the game (on Windows...sorry, no time to attempt multi-OS support here) and fire it up! Now, your browser and probably your anti-virus may complain that they don't know this file, that it's unsigned (or whatever other malarkey they come up with), and start panicking and tell you not to install it. It does not contain any trojans. The game does not communicate with any external servers or attempt to contact anything over the internet. It just runs on your machine. It's safe, I promise.
FYI...if you want to make the game full-screen, just hit alt-Enter to switch between that and windowed mode. You can also drag the corner of the window with your mouse to resize it manually.
Other stuff
The trains end at 11:59 pm on November 14st - Central Time, US, so you have time to finish up. And this year you have no excuse that Halloween got in the way since I delivered this so late. π€£
A couple of these keys (especially in the lower-level trains) are really freakin' old. So, please be cool and agree to a delete if they don't work for some reason. Being the swell guy that I am, I'll find some kind of replacement game for you of roughly equal value, so you won't go home empty-handed if you were supposed to win something.
EDIT 11/11
So, I just uploaded an updated version of the game (you can still use the link above). It is totally ok if you've already finished with the original version! I just made some minor convenience updates -- but nothing that will change anyone's ability to get a higher score nor change the difficulty level. If I tweak any of those things, it'll be after the event is done so that everyone was playing the same game at the same difficulty level. :)
Little things I added/changed:
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