Question says it all.

I am not talking about someone who is clearly overweight, I mean in a situation where you are genuinely wondering and you have a neutral relationship with them, just met them

11 years ago*

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Whenever a woman asks you if her pants make her look fat or asks you to guess their weight...IT'S A TRAP!!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Not any more or less rude than asking a man.

11 years ago

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Is it relevant?

Did you ask their waist and breast size as well?

11 years ago

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Just for the curiosity. If someone is small or w/e maybe Id like to know how much they weight. I also like to know how old someone is, just like how I like to know their name and maybe the general area that they live depending on context and relationship. Its all about context, the problem though, is that women are trained to find it rude to be asked some everyday questions, and yet have no trouble asking men these or much more private questions.

So peroxide, "Do you masturbate? Dont lie to me now!" "What? Im not going to tell you how old I am, RUDE!!".

11 years ago

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Of course context is everything and in this case, the OP states you have a neutral relationship with them, just met them.

Kinda off-topic, but the whole mentality of body weight and image is really warped in my opinion. If you're overweight it's a horrible thing and people shouldn't mention it, but if you're underweight, you'll get lots of "Wow, you're so skinny!" or "How'd you lose so much weight?". In some cases being underweight is what the person strives for, but it's not always under their control. A similar thing can be said about overweight people, they may not strive for it, but it can be out of their control as well.

11 years ago

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If someone is rude enough to ask me my age before we are decent friends, I let them know I have no interest in being friends with them. The POLITE thing to do, and the right thing to do (if you aren't an ageist, someone who discriminates based on age), is ask if they are either over 18 or over 21. Whichever is more important to you. Society has condemned any woman who doesn't look 20 at 40. Almost all women are aware of this and many are self conscious about it. Since it's basically men who have created this image and issue, its up to you not to screw us on this. I totally maintain, if a man needs to know more about my age than I am over 21, I have no use for them as a friend. Its very rude to ask a woman (or anyone for that matter) you just met their age, although a few of you said that's when you can ask, believe me, that's when you shouldn't. My age has no bearing on my relationships. Anyone who lets age (other than underage) dictate their relationships is an idiot, IMHO.

11 years ago

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So how old are you?

11 years ago

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That's kind of easy. How can anything change if everyone keeps thinking women's weight & age become embarrassing passed a certain point?

11 years ago

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From a guy happily married for 20 years this year, let me say this - women are full of crap. Women say men are dogs, that we lie, and have no respect for them, but they are such hypocrites. Women use push-up bras, high heels, makeup, etc., etc., ad nauseum, to hide their true selves - all while claiming it is a man's fault that they do this, while also simultaneously claiming that men can't make them do anything and they do it to make themselves feel better, while a small minority rightfully claim it is to compete with other women - while the majority of guys simply let themselves hang out (sometimes quite literally). When a woman cheats it is because the man didn't "provide" for them or "pay enough attention," when a man does it he's that dog again and any other despicable term they can come up with. When a man looks at another woman, again he's a dog - when a woman does it, "Why do you feel so insecure - be a man!"

So why the rant for such a simple question - this... It doesn't matter how old they are and never should, and it should work the same for us men - if you find a woman that is attractive to you, doesn't play mind games like a child, and seems to have their shit together mentally/physically, then WTF does it matter how old they are?

11 years ago

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I wear push-up bras and makeup because it is fun to get all dolled up. I don't give a fuck what that dude over there thinks about me being fake and that goes equally for any woman who might judge me. I do it for myself because I like it.

I wear high heels because I'm 5'0. Let me feel tall, dammit.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I did not watch the video, but my wife is Japanese...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Nah, just thought it a funny coincidence you posted that video.

11 years ago

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ah...because I really wondered what that post was about,if I had offended you somehow ...dunno ^^

11 years ago

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Wasn't offended at all in any sense of the word - besides, I have a rhino's hide for skin...

11 years ago

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My wife likes to wear them because she is short too - has nothing to do with the fact that I'm over 6 feet tall, it is a confidence/feel good thing - especially when there are other taller women around. Basically it is usually the same thing that makes a guy puff his chest out when he walks into a room with women in it - gotta prove he is the biggest cock in the roost.

11 years ago

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You know what they say about short women dont you?
Because I dont.

11 years ago

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lol, neither do I.

11 years ago

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Pushup bras are about looking good, or for some women a self confidence thing. it has nothing to do with 'hiding' who we are.
It's not that dissimilar from wearing a sports bra, just with opposite goals. We're not suddenly deciding to hide our breasts.

Makeup, I can't speak for anyone else but I LIKE makeup. It's fun. It's as much an art and a form of personal expression as it is anything else. And yes, I feel I look better with it but I'm not hiding who I am.
It's not as though I suddenly look like a different person. I'm the same person, I just look a little more put together and a little more attractive (I think)... this does not seem like a bad thing to me.

As for heels, I'm with Sparklepop. I'm short. I'm an inch shorter then she is even. Much as I'd like to be taller I'm probably not going to suddenly hit a growth spurt in my 20's. That sucks, but such is life. I feel better wearing them, I like being taller, and frankly I feel like I get more respect when everyone isn't staring over my head.
If that's a terrible thing, then look at it this way. At least I won't be annoying ppl in the grocery store asking someone to get me something off the top shelf.
Admittedly I think I look better wearing them, and that's a bonus and I won't deny that looking better plays a role... I certainly don't wear them at home after all. But if it was all about 'competing' with someone, or being fake or whatever else I'd be wearing stilettos, but I don't because they would kill me. Wedges are the greatest invention ever for short ppl.

I'm not sure what women you know, but neither I nor any other girls I know universally claim all men are dogs and like/cheat.
Nor am I claiming how I dress is dictated to me by you. Most of us are quite capable of judging people on an individual basis.

Answering the original question: I don't care if someone asks my age, I'll answer. Maybe if I was 50 I'd feel differently, I have no idea but I'm not and don't care who knows my age.
My weight isn't exactly a huge secret either, if a friend asks me I'll answer. If some random person I barely know asks me yeah I'd probably be a little annoyed... I'd not sure why they'd want to know, and it's a bit of an obnoxious question to just go around asking random ppl. But if you actually know me then... sure I guess, if you want to know that badly then ask.
Not terribly hard to guess fairly accurately just by looking at someone anyways.

11 years ago

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....more about hiding or disguising what they perceive as flaws or shortcomings in themselves (not hiding who they are per se) - no pun intended I assure you. I'd say more than half of women's fashion is geared towards this very purpose, regardless of why any individual women chooses to wear a particular item. Also, sure guys do it to a lesser extent too - toupees, platform shoes (my god some people STILL wear these - looking at you Chuck Norris :)), etc., but if a man were to stuff his shorts, well let's just say at the very least that women would give him crap when they found out. I actually prefer a woman's natural beauty - no makeup, but it is a losing battle in this day and age to convince a woman to go without. Oh well...

11 years ago

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I think every girl commonly hears from guys that they prefer 'natural beauty' and no makeup. At least in my experience most guys don't have a clue whatsoever whether a girl is wearing makeup unless it's very obvious. Which to be fair is understandable, guys don't wear makeup so they don't know anything about it. Sans the odd male makeup artist that is. Natural is often not what boys think it is.

Maybe your different, I'm generalizing here but this is true for most guys I've met. The male idea of 'natural' no makeup beauty takes more effort then they think.

Your skin has to look flawless (cue concealer, foundation blended within an inch of its life to invisibility) whilst still looking radiant (blusher, in just the right shade to give a "healthy glow"). Plus your eyes have to look bright and healthy - cue covering up any undereye bags from lack of sleep or whatever, evening out the quality of your eyelids with perhaps a nude shadow, darkening and elongating your lashes for a wide-awake look with mascara.

That's not a lot of makeup, but more effort that it sounds. But if you go out with that, blended and shaded most any guy in my experience will think you aren't wearing any makeup,you're naturally that beautiful and he will think you look a lot better then if you actually did go out bare-faced... like he thinks.

11 years ago

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I do know what natural is and fully appreciate it and I'd say that many men that I've spoken with understand it as well and appreciate it - yes, there are shallow men, but there are also many shallow women. The fact that a lot of women don't believe that their natural appearance can be attractive is once again proof that there is something wrong in our society, but I think this conversation can die now as there is no easy way to change people's perceptions on this topic or even influence opinion much.

11 years ago

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Fair enough. To some extent there is also the element that many girls myself included like makeup, and wear it regardless of any guys perception.

I like sitting down and practising and trying diff eye makeup even if no one besides myself is seeing it. Simply because we enjoy the artistic aspect of it. Trying diff. looks etc.

That aspect of it is little to do with any need or desire to impress any guy and everything to do with an interest or enjoyment of beauty and makeup in general.

11 years ago

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Nice generalization arsehole!

11 years ago

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It is in fact and I don't deny it - your point? The "rant" portion was just that, the true message was age shouldn't matter - in that particular post.

11 years ago

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I agree with the true message, age and weight shouldn't matter but it isn't fact that all women wear push-up bras, make-up and heels AND/OR that they do it to please men. I don't wear push-up bras, I have only ever worn make-up when I was a bridesmaid when I was very young and I don't wear heels nor do I wish for attention from men. Infact I prefer it when nobody pays me any attention. I know lots of females like this.

So no, that isn't a fact, it's an opinion. It would be a fact if you said SOME women but by saying 'women do this or that' you're saying that all women do it thus making it an opinion.

11 years ago

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Not sure where you got the "fact" from - no such word in that entire post, in fact... Lot of generalized statements, in fact I even offered up several contradictory ones. In fact, you could say that the "rant" was specifically targeted to point out those who fit/typify the very things I was stating, and that the statements themselves were not meant to stereotype all women in general.

I have three daughters that I've struggled for and with to make sure that they follow their own path and not that of their peers, the media, or anyone else; if they still choose to wear makeup or whatever, it will be their choice and I'm fine with that, as they will have the confidence to do it on their own terms for their own reasons. None of that invalidates the "generalizations" stated however, many women's magazines, TV shows, etc. show that many women struggle with those very issues all across the world on a daily basis.

Anywho - done for the night, now. Nothing changes, the world moves on, we're born, we die, big deal - live life. :)

11 years ago

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"It is in fact and I don't deny it - your point?" My apologies, I took that as you saying what you said was said in fact. Genuine misunderstanding there.

Indeed nothing changes, I have no issue with you :)

11 years ago

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Nor me with you - no need for apologies, I tend to rankle when the intent is to cause introspection - really bad habit of mine ;)

11 years ago

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:) The internet brings out the worst in people.

11 years ago

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I don't find it rude (assuming you are not addressing an elephant in the room [no pun intended]), maybe a little ankward/insensitive. Personally I don't mind answer to that question [M] but i never bother of asking about weight because:

  1. I don't care
  2. If i remotely give a fuck (plain curiosity), that information is pretty much useless anyway without even more ankward follow-up questions so go back to point 1.

To be honest i've always found it hilarious how women get insta-butthurt when asked about their weight.

11 years ago

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Screw that, ask for them bust

11 years ago

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I really don't see why would it be rude, but women obviously like unnecessary drama.

If she's fat or old, I'll know that without asking.

11 years ago

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Not rude at all.

11 years ago

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Whether it is rude or not depends on the person. For instance, I'm female and don't really give a damn. I'm 34, but don't know my exact weight because I do not own a scale and prefer not to obsess over a number that really tells very little about how healthy I am or not that looking in a mirror won't tell me.

However, I know that is a very rare attitude for women to have. Women actually tend to find the question rude because of the fact that a very large portion of females do not feel good about their bodies and asking them age and weight is implying you place importance on that and will find something wrong with her because of it. Either she'll be too skinny or too fat, or too old or too young. Really, it's best to just not ask about it, at best she's likely to lie about it, at worst she'll get upset.

11 years ago

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I find most women find an excuse to deem anything rude. Its nice to find at least one other example of a leveled headed female, the first being my SO.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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As a woman myself, I don't find it rude when people ask me my age. But that's probably because I'm in what people call the "prime" ages (21 atm, for the record I don't see what's so prime about it). But I can't see myself taking offense when I grow older either. Maybe it's because I'm Asian and most people judge me to be younger than I am.

As for weight... Again, personally not too picky about being asked about it. But I think the reason a lot of people are is because of the reasoning behind the question. It may or may not be your intention but when a woman gets asked that question it probably triggers a bunch of other questions in her mind like "why is he asking?" "does he have a weight limit or something?" "what if I'm over that limit?" "what if he thinks I'm fat?" "why does he even need to know this?" "how superficial can a guy be to need to know a woman's weight?" "is he wanting to compare me with someone else?" ..etc. It really doesn't matter whether your relationship with her is neutral or not.

11 years ago

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21 and Asian.. my lord expect some friend requests.

As for looking younger, this is a nice benefit from your genes, however the flip side of that is once you tip over 50-60, its reversed and you gain 10-15 years. Sorry if you find that to be rude at all.

11 years ago

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Nah, I don't find it rude. But my mom has reached 52 and she still looks really young (funny enough, her name is Young) as does my dad who's at 53. Also my sister who is 24 got mistaken for a 14 year old which is a bit much even by Asian standards. My aunt and uncle on my dad's side look pretty young for their age too (55 and 59 respectively). So yeah, my family looks younger than even typical Asians. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that we look slightly cutesy. The first thing any of my friends say after meeting my mom is "your mom is soooo cute!" ._.

11 years ago

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My SO is half asian, half white. She is 22, but is still mistaken for a teenager ha. Her grandma and mom on the other hand made up the rest of their years and then some.

11 years ago

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so rude you died

11 years ago

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It's not rude. Women are just irrational.

11 years ago

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Why would you want to know her age or weight? You have eyes, so just tap dat ass or move on.

11 years ago

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sometimes it's as rude as like asking a man for the length of his o|o

11 years ago

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man will say at least 16cm up to 20cm. It's not rude. We know what to answer already ;)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Age could be considered relevant if it's possible that you may enter into a sexual relationship with that person and want to make sure that they're considered old enough to consent. Otherwise, I don't see why you need to know.

Now, asking a woman her weight is rude as fuck. It's no one's business but hers and her doctor's - especially if you've just met. The subject of weight is fraught with issues for women and it's better to leave the subject alone. Most women I know would consider a guy they just met asking them about their weight to be supremely gross and creepy (even if they were on a date). Why would anyone even need to know that? The answer is: they don't. Different heights and body types have different healthy weights, so you may not even know how to interpret the number given even if a woman felt like answering such a stupid question.

You need to understand that women are constantly bombarded by friends, family, television, movies, magazines and advertising with messages that they're too fat, even if they're a healthy weight. Asking a question about their weight might reopen old wounds that you don't even know about. I have a friend who worries that people think she's fat if they bring up certain topics of conversation and if they ever directly asked her about her weight, she might have a breakdown (yes, she's in therapy - but it's still a shitty question to ask). You have no way of knowing if someone is bulimic or anorexic if they look like they're at a typical weight, and that kind of question could send a woman on a shame spiral that leads to further starvation or bulimic episodes even if you don't intend any harm by it. Leave it be and ask her how she is instead of how much she weighs. Be a friend, not an asshole.

11 years ago

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As a guy I feel its rude to ask me about my age or weight.

11 years ago

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The subject of weight is fraught with issues for women

And yet you have a nerve to call out half of SG as sexist pigs whenever you get a chance. Gotta love that tumbl feminazism

11 years ago

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totally besides the point, but I bet tarquin wears a fedora

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This thread is sexist!

11 years ago

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How dare you ask women about their weight, dont you know that you're opressing them that way!? Check your privileges and don't be so entitled!
Clearly OP wants to be the next Hitler and rape apologist.
Shame on you!

11 years ago

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You forgot to mention tumblr in some way.

11 years ago

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it's about 13 hens rude to ask her weight, and about 17.2 blues rude to ask her age

11 years ago

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It's rude. Socially acceptable behavior in this case is to get her drugged and to weigh her on scales. While doing it, you may also check her ID to find out her age.

11 years ago

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It's considered rude to ask her weight. I usually get a creepy vibe when a guy asks me even though I'm comfortable with my weight. My age is a non issue.

11 years ago

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you are an elf,age is never a problem for them

11 years ago

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It's rude only if women and men are not equal. You would not even ask us if that was your male friend, right?

11 years ago

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Hi, whats your age? Cuz u look 18.
Hi whats your weight? Cuz u look slim (and sexy).
Nope not rude at all. Its a compliment.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Oh my god this! ahah

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Bards.