Left 4 Dead 2 is great, but Killing Floor is pretty decent as well. I liked Left 4 Dead 2 more, but Killing Floor has a slightly better community, from what I've seen.
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Killing Floor if all you want is horde mode and standing around one place for around a hour.
L4D2 if you want to be forced to run forward towards end of map.
They look similar, but they are different games, with completely different playstyles.
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I like both honestly. The games my look similar, but they really play very differently. Left 4 Dead 2 is about getting from point A to point B while not dying to monstrosities on the way. Killing Floor is about surviving waves of monstrosities.
It's a tough call on saying which is better. I'd say flip a coin on it.
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Im playing both but i like killing floor more. It has more depth if you ask me.
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L4D2 - Run to the safehouse, cooperate with your fellow players by completing co-op actions to proceed further in levels or save your teammates from being killed by specials (you can't take these zombies alone, you'll need a second player for that), create clever strategies to beat higher difficulty levels.
Killing Floor - Horde based game, has 7 classes - each with his/her own selection of preferred weapons, you can select how long the waves would last until you fight the final boss, though there are no cooperation "actions" with enemies or the environment, you must always stick close, find the best spot to survive the wave till you'll get a chance to visit the weapons store to purchase gear in order to survive.
Contagion - Slower paced, resource management game where you and your teammates must work together to find things in order to progress the levels, conserve ammunition to survive long enough and watch out from the special infected. If they touch you, you'll transform into a zombie which will make you betray your teammates. Kinda similar to No More Room In Hell.
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Personally, I'd choose killing floor, because it fits my play style. It's fun and you can get custom guns from the workshop and from servers. The only downsides is that killing floor 2 is fixing all these issues what killing floor 1 had like: simple melee system (in KF2, melee system is now much better), not enough gore (now you can cut enemies in multiple of ways (take it like in "soldier of fortune" games)), only basic passive bonuses (in KF2, there are now perks which make your character dramatically better and useful in certain situations).
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Killing Floor 2 - wait for that to go on a sale
Or get L4D2 if you want a fast paced Hollywood Trope filled action game.
KF1 is kinda slow and if you aren't into a specific kind of survival game you won't like it.
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I prefer Killing Floor. The gameplay seems more refined to me, and the classes really make a difference in comparison to L4D2 where you can basically run from point A to point B without actually shooting anything.
In Killing Floor, you're no survivor... you're a god damn executioner. :D
That said I think the first one might not be that populated anymore, with the sequel being out and all, so I think you'd better get L4D2 if you intend to play online.
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"in comparison to L4D2 where you can basically run from point A to point B without actually shooting anything."
Nonsense, unless you are talking about some very poor quality public Versus games, which is not a good mode to judge the game's merit by. It is well established that the Versus community is very toxic and it is not really worth playing unless it is a friends-only game. Co-op on the other hand is good for the most part and I have sunk a ton of hours into it, mostly on community campaigns. Try playing some of the good ones on Expert (Realism, even better) -- running will only get you killed and you will certainly not get anywhere without slaughtering a ton of stuff.
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My experience with it is quite dated I'm afraid, tried it around the time it was released and never touched it ever since.
Mostly because I think that was a dick move from Valve and liked Left 4 Dead better.
Still, the L4D series is quite solid and even though I do prefer KF, I'd choose L4D2 over KF2 anyday.
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I get why that was some people's reactions to L4D2 when it was first announced and then released, but I tried to be open-minded about it. I also played L4D1 extensively, and I can honestly say that L4D2 does everything better and was/is superior in basically every way. The lone exception might be that one could argue that L4D1 had a more grim and darker feel to it, but that really is just one of those things that comes down to personal preference. I think much of that had to do with a change in color palette from one game to the other, people's affinity for the original survivors and being resistant to change, as well as the fact that all of the L4D1 campaigns were at night.
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Stay away from Contagion. Been a while since I last played it but I have to say that it's one of my worst purchase yet.
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Like I said, it's been quite a while since I last play the game. It might be in a better state now compared to when I bought it last year but my experience with the game is enough for me to shelve it aside.
If you really had to pick, might as well go for L4D2 (tons of players, mods, minimal bugs, decent graphics)
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As others have pointed out, KF and L4D2 play somewhat differently, despite having similar themes. KF is about fighting off waves and defending an area, whereas L4D2 is about traversing the levels and getting from point A to point B. Personally, I prefer L4D2 and have sunk a couple thousand hours into Co-op games (mostly Expert Realism mode), largely on the better community-made campaigns. Both games are solid choices though.
One caveat for L4D2 though: don't bother with Versus mode unless you have enough friends to make your own private game. The public Versus games suck and the community for this particular mode is very toxic. Co-op is okay for the most part though, aside from the occasional griefer.
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They look really similar, and i want to buy one of them since they are cheap on the sale. Which one do you think is the best and why?
I've added Contagion too since it has a lot of similarities.
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