Did you play on Nost?
You actually got through the late missions with strangers? I found it a lot easier to just do it with henchmen. They could coordinate (or you could coordinate them) so that monk elites could be taken down easily. In general, I found GW to be a lot easier with just henchmen than players.
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I mean Henchmen. Heroes were released after I stopped playing. Henchmen were very simple, they attacked what you attacked, and they would continue attacking that target until you targeted something else. They could easily be confused in case you switched target often, so your skill build had to be done with that in mind. I managed to henchmen through the late game on my Warrior, Monk, Elementalist & Mesmer, so it was quite doable, and once you got the hang of how the henchmen AI worked, actually stupidly easy. With a warrior, you needed a ranged weapon as a secondary weapon, in order to keep the henchmen in line. And if my memory serves, you also had to actually attack the target, and not just use a random spell on it, for the henchmen to react. I don't remember exactly what combination I used back then, as it was a long time ago, but it was something like 2 monks, 1 mesmer, 1 necromancer, 1 elementalist, 2 warriors, and always using the ones that had some form of story-importance when the choice was presented (so Cynn instead of the random other elementalist).
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I learnt how to use henchmen simply because going with randoms was just a toss of the dice. Sometimes you could get through a level without any real issues, but far too often you just ended up with people who refused to work together and just attacked their own target, which made monk elites (in particular if you were unlucky with the second Ring of Fire level and got a monk elite + another elite in the fort) a nightmare. Henchmen were consistent, I knew that I could easily beat a level if I had them with me.
I played the game at launch, so there were not really any skill builds to copy. I had to make my own.
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I've tried it long ago, so maybe they made it better with the new updates. My overall impression was for Pay2Win, because:
The good thing is, that almost everything can be unlocked with Turbine coins, but I can't even imagine what grinding this would be if you don't buy them. The game is pretty good, but at the time I've tried it sure wasn't free.
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I've been playing LOTRO since around 2008 and I've found it to be pretty consistant during that time. I've sometimes subscribed, sometimes played for free and although there are advantages to subscribing I've still made signifiant progress whilst playing for free.
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Sad thing... Vanilla WoW gaming has so much oldschool flair with it. The shutdown of a service this big is striking. The admins could have tried to resist (IMHO there is no real base for DMCA like claims) but i guess they don't have the funds to pay the lawyers.
At least they offered a data outtake option. Thats fair.
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especially since im fairly confident it also goes against their Tos
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I have never played a MMO before, but I can at least offer you a bump for your thread.
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afaik Blizzard always had a very much tight zero tolerance against private servers or in fact any servers that is basically giving people a way arond playing the game for free. Its not the first time that they initiated C&D against private servers and certainly wont be the last time either
admittedly Ive been playing on private realms myself back in the days but in all honesty, you gotta see that its simply not in the companys best interest to let what is basically "pirate servers" running around freely.
what could be a good compromise is if Blizzard would be willing to give an option for people who wish to play the classic game รก la Runescape instead of basically forcing people to resort to shady methods.
actually allow me to copypaste one of the CM comments on the subject:
" But no, Blizzard have already said no to it. - They want the game to keep moving forward and so on.
This is correct.
Since the old forums are no longer available, I will re-post one of the comments we posted on this topic in the past:
We are aware of the fact that some people prefer the old pre-expansion content over the newer content that has been added to the game with the last two expansions, but despite this we still have no plans for opening any classic realms at this point in time.
We also understand that some people would like to revel in nostalgia; however the developers are planning to keep the game moving forward as they want the game to continue to progress and evolve.
We regularly see requests for us to open classic pre-TBC realms, or vanilla realms if you prefer, and lately we have also seen requests for pre-WotLK realms and even pre-Cataclysm realms. We have answered requests like these before saying that we have no plans to open such realms, and this is very much still the case today.
We realize that some of you feel that World of Warcraft was more fun in the past than it is today, and we also know that some of you would like nothing more than to go back and play the game as it was back then. The developers however prefer to see the game continuously evolve and progress, and as such we have no plans to open classic realms or limited expansion content realms. "
So its basically a stupid situation where Blizzard is still stubborn on not giving legal alternatives but also makes sure that people have no resort to play classic Wow online either and users are understandably upset.
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Yeah as Dungeon Fighter Online has a couple of things which revisits otherwise gone content in a fashion. Considering how there's a time travel thing in lore/etc, you'd think they'd be able to add in some side content involving older content.
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DFO imho is a quite different beasts, for once being F2P and the fact that the dev team is probably more inclined to listen to what the players wants (especially after having saved the game from the dead and from the horrible fuckupery of Nexon)
Blizzard is basically sitting on what is a money printing machine, though with rumors about how their sub base is steadily dropping for WOW, they may wanna start listening to their customers.
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Agreed there, they ought to realize their era of dominance is ending, though no idea what'll fill the void WoW'll leave. Same goes for the FPS Genre. It's bad enough that they effectively dispoiled Warcraft lore particularly with enough conflict balls to fill a pachinko parlor.
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Played DAoC for a few years with great pleasure, then it was shut down in Europe in order to make players go to the new revolution in gaming that the publisher wanted us to buy. I don't even remember its name, only its huge failure. Never went back to MMOs after that :)
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Too bad mate. I personally never got into WoW, which is funny because I'm a big fan of the Warcraft franchise having played every game released previously. But when WoW was announced, instead of Warcraft 4, I must admit I felt betrayed by Blizzard. The lingering resentment coupled with a lack of interest in MMO resulted in me playing the WoW for all of 4 days. After that I quit and never played that game.
I still want my Warcraft 4 (T_T) ....
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this is just so shitty from blizzard... thats all i will say about it
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Compared to today, Vanilla WoW blows goats.
I've been playing WoW since release (with a few breaks.. I'm on a break now, actually... haven't logged in since Christmas, I think...) and I remember vanilla WoW.
Unless you had oodles of time to commit to 40 man raids, you walked around at level 60 in your mix of greens and blues and had nothing to do.
These people "reveling in nostalgia" need to grow the hell up.
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Nostalrius Begins was a very popular private "Vanilla" WoW server, and it lived for more than a year. I played in there and it made me pretty sad, so have a GA. You can read more about it here.
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