🍕 Fanatical - Spotlight Bundle 3 🍕

1 tier, 10 games

12 December - 26 December 2017

View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter,vg - Lestrades

Shine a light on 10 dazzling Steam indies in the brand new Spotlight Bundle from Fanatical, available for a limited time only!

Tier 1 - $2.49 / €2.59 / £2.29 / C$3.19

Game Ratings Cards Bundled Retail Price
Death Point 80% of 10 reviews - 0 $13.99
Eternal Winter 77% of 299 reviews 1 $9.99
Mold on Pizza 🍕 78% of 83 reviews 0 $5.99
Earthtongue 90% of 66 reviews 0 $4.99
Drive!Drive!Drive! 95% of 21 reviews - 0 $19.99
Hunter's Legacy 65% of 20 reviews 0 $6.99
Devil In The Capital 75% of 4 reviews - 0 $9.99
Divine Ascent 100% of 5 reviews Store page 0 $4.99
MegaRace 1 100% of 3 reviews - 1 $2.99
MegaRace 2 No user reviews - 1 $2.99

Note: Some people also received Divine Ascent - Map pack when they activated their Divine Ascent .

My personal assumption is that the keys provided to Fanatical were generated in separate batches: some were for the old Divine Ascent sub (to which the map pack was added on 31 August, after its launch; this sub was at the same time removed from the store) and the rest of the keys were generated for the the new Divine Ascent sub(which doesn't contain the map pack).


  • $82.90


  • 12.4350

Chart created with Lex's SG Chart Maker

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7 years ago*

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Can you spot the light?

View Results
Drive!Drive!Drive! straight to the purchase.
I need a Divine Ascent to help me decide wether I purchase this or not.
Mold on my library. I already own these.
I'm saving my money for the Eternal Winter Steam Sale. Skipping it.

MegaRace 1+2 really fast (höhö) in a bundle??? brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!! +2 retros :)

7 years ago

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Auf Englisch zu schreiben und dann Ö nutzen? Nur Deutsch nutzt Ä, Ö, Ü.

7 years ago

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Klar, ich kann das. :D

7 years ago

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Nur Deutsch? Mitä hölynpölyä!

7 years ago

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Auch swedish, (nicht ü doch) aber wir haben Å :)

7 years ago

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Might have to Buy!Buy!Buy! this one.

7 years ago

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Seems more like an Indiegala bundle :/

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

7 years ago

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$2.49 and C$3.19 - that's $2.47 (or 2.11€), so it's officially cheaper in Canada!!11111111
Have not had that in a long time, on BondleSters.

7 years ago*

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Wanted Drive!x3 and Earthtongue for a while. Glad it comes with other stuff I don't have.

7 years ago

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I'm driving away from this Divine devil LuL

7 years ago

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Let's see 1 stealth game, 1 open world survival game, 1 sim game, 1 strategy game, 1 platformer, 3 racing games, 1 hidden object game and 1 board game.

Can't tell if any of these would interest me. Can someone share their reason for buying?

7 years ago*

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"I don't have all these games yet"

Earthtongue and Mold on Pizza looked really good to me at the time. Mold I didn't enjoy though. It's not stealth or open world or sim or platformer or racing or HOG or board btw.

7 years ago

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I just check Mold again, and it is more of a strategy game.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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MegaRace 1 and 2! This is one great bundle! :D

7 years ago

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+1 just for the memories I didnt even knew that megarace is on steam !

7 years ago

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MegaRace 3 is supposed to be coming as well but it keeps getting delayed. I hope it releases soon. :)

7 years ago

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I have the two from it that I want most already (Earthtongue, Eternal Winter), so unless somebody sells me on the rest, I'll skip and save for the winter sale :)

Edit: No humble? That changes everything. Anyone want to convince me not to buy this one? ;) Except for the two I already have, they're mostly in the "yeah well I guess that sort of interests me" drawer and I have enough games to play, but then again the bundle is pretty cheap and I wouldn't mind having another Earthtongue for the kid, either :)

7 years ago*

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Buy it.

7 years ago

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and I have enough games to play

That says it all right there.

7 years ago

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Welcome to Barter ;>

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yeah, that's the only one I'm eyeballing as well.
Meh, will probably get the bundle for that.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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The Steam page for Death Point says it uses episodic storytelling. Any idea if this means if the game ends on a cliffhanger for future episodes? it defs looks interesting though, so I'm interested to hear how it is!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Not bad. Certainly not a "big" bundle, but it feels like the fruit of some careful selection. Eternal Winter seems nice but damn, still in E.A. after 3 years?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Looks like a nice indie bundle, but nothing stands out for me.to justify a purchase right now.

7 years ago

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hm...not exactly up my alley.

7 years ago

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then consider not posting...?

7 years ago

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You can consider not commenting...?

7 years ago

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Death Point, Eternal Winter, and Earthtongue all appeal, so I'll probably get it, too. sigh

Wow. ITAD says Eternal Winter was bundled back in 2015, and it's still in EA! It does look good, though ... .

7 years ago

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Looks like something I will buy, if I remember and are not too lazy

Edit: I'll probably remember, Death Point and Drive!x3 looks particularly interesting

7 years ago*

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Bought it, but I will not play it.

7 years ago

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I keep going back and forth on this one. 1/2 the games I want to add to my backlog. lol

7 years ago

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Thank you for posting, Sensualshakti! ^^

I was missing 7 games.

7 years ago

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So I finally got around to activate this bundle, and noticed that Divine Ascent also comes with the Map Pack DLC, which was only free for owners before August, 2017.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the info, I updated the chart accordingly.

7 years ago

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On what day and what time did you buy? :D
I bought Dec 12 and got the DLC. My friend bought Dec 13 and did not.

7 years ago

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Also bought Dec 12 and have the map pack in my account.

Looks like Sub 160049 contains the map pack and this is the one that I own according to steamdb.

7 years ago

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Yes, it's the old store sub; when it was removed from the store, it was given the previously-free map DLC.
I wonder if the dev messed up key generation or Fanatical had keys left over for some other reason (store?) and put those in first.
Both subs have the same name, so generating the wrong ones would be easy.

7 years ago

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My PayPal receipt says 12/12/2017.
I guess something changed on the 13th? That sucks for your friend. :/

7 years ago

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I bought Dec 15 and not have it too :C

7 years ago

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Warning: I tried to redeem Eternal Winter and the key no longer works. And Fanatical says they can't replace it anymore.

5 years ago

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Over 2 years later ... maybe not the biggest surprise

5 years ago

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I just tried my key that I had from the same bundle with the same result. Just wanted to confirm that yours was not a rogue key. Oh well.
For me it was a duplicate product code.

5 years ago

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Duped key here too, although I just revealed from Fanatical website.

5 years ago

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You just generated the key today?

5 years ago

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Did you just generate the key today or has it been generated for awhile?

5 years ago

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Yep. Freshly generated about a minute before posting the first message. Thanks for the info posted below. Makes sense now as to why fanatical aren't going to replace it.

5 years ago

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Yeah it really is a crappy situation. You paid for something, you should get it. :(

5 years ago*

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It was one of those keys I wasn't sure whether to make a giveaway or use the key so I left it unrevealed and I forgot about the key. I only looked to see if I had the key when the person above mentioned it and I realised I had not used the key so tried to see if my key would work or not. I had the other keys from the bundle so its not really a great loss overall.

5 years ago

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They would have gotten it 2 years ago when it was sold. It should never be the responsibility for stores to support traders and gifters just take a hit with them.

5 years ago

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Yeah people that keep bumping threads like that when they should know by now this happened a lot and noone goes to a regular store, buy a pair of shoes and then say can you store it 2 years for me.

5 years ago

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If all keys in bundles would have expiry dates of like 1 month after bundle ends, I bet we would see more and better games in bundles. Resellers ruining things for everyone once again.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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You're right to an extent. Although, even putting a 6-month expiry on them would be enough to thwart some of the worst offenders who grab hold of one-time bundled games and are still selling keys for them years after the fact. Or indeed, the same should really go for any keys that are sold on sale outside of steam.

5 years ago

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I contacted with the developer and he gave me a new key, i just had to present him the transaction receipt and the key. I can provide you with the developer's email for those who have the same problem but i don't know if i would break the rules by doing this.

5 years ago

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Thanks for letting me know. I'll add you on steam when I finish work later today and you can provide the email to me there. If you don't prefer that, you can put a message on one of my old giveaways and I'll receive it that way. Cheers for your help as I was about to go down the twitter route and see if I could get something that way but this sounds a lot easier and nicer for the developer also. :)

5 years ago

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Sure, add me when you're ready.

5 years ago

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Cheers for this. Managed to get myself a replacement key. Welcome to the whitelist KD :)

5 years ago

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Hi there, invite sent.

5 years ago

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If it's the email listed on the Artico website https://www.playarctico.com/ there's no need to worry, it's publicly available information so it's fine to share it :)
More information on this and revoked keys in general can be found here https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/Dgscb/

5 years ago

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Also receive a new key from the developer. Thanks to everyone who contribute with useful information in this thread.

5 years ago

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So after looking into a few things I see that the game isn't called Eternal Winter anymore, it's changed to Arctico. If I'm not mistaken the game's publisher at the time was Black Maple Games and when they stopped being the publisher the game was no longer being distributed to the Fanatical store. That's most likely the case with any other store was being sold on as well. When the developers chose to part ways with Black Forest Games they more than likely disabled any keys that were given to the publisher for sale on storefronts that weren't activated on Steam. So yeah, Fanatical won't be able to give you something they don't have access to. You might want to try contacting the developers, although it's been two years since you bought the bundle so it might not have a favorable result.

5 years ago

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I tried contacting them but with the same negative results. It is actually really shocking that such business practices are widespread these days - indiegala or Humble handle such things quite the same.
Basically buying a steam key should be no different from buying physical goods. Who would be happy with a merchant saying „yeah sorry you just found out the gold ring I sold you was fake but it was more than 2 months ago so I cannot do anything about it anymore“?
I do understand that in many circumstances they cannot offer replacements but they should make an effort to contact the developer they bought the keys from or at least offer a partial refund or discount towards the next purchase.

5 years ago

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It's more like going to a shoe store, buy a pair of shoes and then say i don't need them now, can you store them 2 years for me?
The ring in your case was usually never fake, there was a product, you just decided to not take the ring with you and use it.

Also Indiegala somehow ended up weeks in a row with duplicate keys, mistakes on their part rather then always deactivated keys, and if you mail them in time, they usually could provide you with replacement keys, but after a certain amount of time it's just not doable anymore.

5 years ago

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It's more like going to a shoe store, buy a pair of shoes and then say i don't need them now, can you store them 2 years for me?

In the real world, the store would have disclosure about their liability regarding storing shoes.

In the digital world though, key stores I know of don't write anything like "your keys can be revoked at anytime after purchase", so there's the consumer expectation of purchase resulting in entitlement to keys or digital goods in perpetuity. Perhaps they just tell people that at least the key thing is part of the broader Steam EULA?

5 years ago

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Like https://support.fanatical.com/hc/en-us/articles/207289349-Do-I-have-a-time-limit-for-redeeming-a-key- ?

Please note though that the longer you leave a key without activating it the less likely it will be that a replacement is possible should the key be defective - replacements may not be available for keys delivered more than 60 days ago.

5 years ago

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Yes, though who seriously is going to search for support articles before buying a key for a potential redemption issues especially for someone who is new to key stores that doesn't even know the risks or limitations of key purchases?

If this were in a storefront's EULA/TOS when you sign up with them, that would be much more clean cut than a buried reference to a store-specific psuedo-policy. I can't even find an equivalent statement in Humble's Top 20 FAQ or the first few pages of key redemption support articles.

5 years ago

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Took me like 20 secs to find and no need to search. So instead of it being very easily found with couple clicks from any page, you want it to be hidden inside some 200 pages of lawyer jargon nobody ever reads? How exactly would that make it clearer that you're supposed to buy bundles for personal use and not reselling 2 years later? New people do exactly that and give extras to friends, people hoarding massive amounts of keys for trading/selling later should know all this already.

And for all I know it might be in the terms&confitions, but like I said nobody ever reads them so you can look for it yourself :)

5 years ago

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