So recently i saw a video about poeple with vac bans couldnt enter DS2 for a while dunno if they still cant ( here is the video ) and i was thinking recently to go back to DS even tho its not a VAC protected game i google to be safe if dsfix can result in a vac ban somehow and i saw poeple arguing between dsfix got them banned or not. Any of you know if dsfix can somehow get you banned in a not VAC game like DS? cause if its true i remember its unplayable without it

9 years ago

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Can DSfix get you a ban like some are saying they got they VAC ban from?

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They are trolls who try to not take responsibility for cheating in other games
Potato (just adding this to please potato poeple)

Sorry for the -small- offtopic but what is VAC ban? I'm reading it alot in herea lately but i have no idea.

9 years ago

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in a VAC ban game like CSGO for example if you are using hacks you get banned for life from joining their servers and play the game plus you lose some ingame items and cant use the market for that game cheats are hooked files in dll form but the problem is a lot of cosmetic mods comes with hooked files and dll files that can result to a ban to that user even tho he is innocent but in valve defence a lot of hacks can come through cosmetics so its better not to use any mods at all at those games

9 years ago

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OK thank you very much I think I pretty much got it.
As said below, games without VAC (I guess games without multiplayer -skyrim, fallout, those ones get very modded) are safe right? I don't play any multiplayer ATM but I have both skyrim and fallout modded.

9 years ago

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dont worry about skyrim mine is modded beyond immagination and as you can see i am not VAC banned i bought a 1500 euro pc just so i can mod the hell out of skyrim in a funny fact the pc was that good that i was one of the few who could play batman arkham knight when it was released without frame drops or ever being stuck at maximum settings while 1000 euros pcs that are beasts aswell couldnt run it

9 years ago

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VAC stands for Valve Anti Cheat, if I recall correctly. So, to put it simple, it's just an anticheat system that you can find in valve games like CS GO and others. It would be very rare to find single player games like Skyrim or The Witcher to have an anticheat system.

9 years ago

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I don't know your answer but i used dsfix played around 50 hours.

9 years ago

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i think i will be safe too its just i recently run into the idea of games are not updated as vac protected and in general i dont mind cause i dont use mods except DS for the fix and heavelly modded Skyrim and Fallout , they will ruin my day if they ever vac skyrim or fallout

9 years ago

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You won't get a vac on single player as far as i know. So if you don't have recent play time on vac games you probably will be okay even if you get banned accidently.

9 years ago

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I play non of vac protected games like CS or TF the few VAC protected i have is RE6 and RE revaletions and the idea of playing with others doesnt interest me my idea of multiplayer games that i love are wow and diablo3, Just to clarify cause i didnt got exactly the meaning of what you said if i play skyrim one day and i close it and then log into RE6 i can get an accidental ban?

9 years ago

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No i mean if you didn't play it's easier to prove but i don't think you will get ban in skyrim or fallout.

9 years ago

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if there was a ban at skyrim almost 99% of ppl playing would have a ban (and a lot of people still playing) and valve would have remove it cause besides cheaters zero tolerance i am sure they have a we want you money above all else secret policy

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I played the game for 150hrs fairly recently without a ban. I think you're safe.

9 years ago

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thanks i think i took my answer by checking your profile

9 years ago

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You can't get VAC banned in a game without VAC protection

What VAC does ?
checks if there is something altering the game (external software like cheatengine, mods, etc...)
Using something like DSFIX in a server protected by VAC will grant a ban for sure

9 years ago

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DS1 is now a VAC protected game, which is always online, thus always connected to a VAC server.

9 years ago

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Are you sure ?
there is no tag on its page

9 years ago

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It's not listed on the DS2 page either and that game is definitely VAC enabled...

9 years ago

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i know that if the VAC is on it will result in a vac ban and also steam page has no info about if its on or off but i cant ignore this stupid video that clouded my mind with doupts

9 years ago

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When I played DS(1) there was no VAC protection and AFAIK
DS2 had VAC and then devs decided to disable it.

I don't know if things changed, imho if there is no tag, there is no vac protection but... dunno :\

9 years ago

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I think what he was saying is that Dark Souls 2 used to restrict multiplayer access for VAC banned users, and he was one of many who got VAC banned (unfairly according to him) using a graphic mod for Half-Life 1 that uses hooked dll files (whatever those are, but are responsible for triggering VAC). And on the other hand, the popular and essential DSFix also uses hooked files (like a hypocrisy from Bandai Namco/FromSoftware's part).

He said nothing about use of DSFix for Dark Souls 1 on it's own causing VAC ban.

9 years ago*

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I've only played DS1 for a few hours since the Steamworks conversion, (I played if for many more before), anyway, I used DSFIX and didn't receive a ban.

9 years ago*

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I used dsfix and only played DS1 for 80hrs, no ban at all.

9 years ago

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