So with Civ 6 being in the humble monthly i would have thought it would be all over the place here like the main games usually are.
But having not seen a single one (though looking at archives it has been), i'm assuming the vast majority have actually kept it rather than doing a GA?
I guess most people didn't already have it...

7 years ago

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There were plenty when the bundle was revealed, and there will be another batch once the monthly actually comes out. We are currently in the in-between period where those who got the early unlock has either used it or given it away already, and the rest won't get it until February.

7 years ago

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Weird... i barely saw any i think.. and it's on my wishlist, so it should show up in there...
Yeah.. only caught 1

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I know.. wonder why they didn't show up in my wishlist

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago*

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Keys being region locked doesn't help either. That's probably reason for most deletes.

7 years ago

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the main game on a humble monthly is a lot more likely to go for $4 or $5.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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how so? the last one with Quantum Break, DoW III and The Long Dark was one of the best monthlies ever. And Civ6 as an early unlock is already a great start.

7 years ago

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I think that's his point. That because the previous ones were so great we're about to have a lesser one.

7 years ago

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Maybe in March but definitely not this month if it started like this.

7 years ago

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Don't think so either, but that's how I interpreted BlackCat his comment :)

7 years ago

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but with Civ6 it is already great. and we had the same scenario multiple times. people see an awesome unlock and assume that the other games will be crap - but most of the time they really are not. well, who knows. we'll see in 2 weeks. :)

7 years ago

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Yes, I think civ6 is great too ^^ Imo people tend to be way too negative and sometimes forget that they are buying RANDOM games. It's not cause you already own some of the games or cause you don't like them that it's a 'bad' bundle.
Don't get how you can even complain when the first unlock is already worth the price you pay for the entire bundle, just sell or trade your key.

7 years ago

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absolutely right! i am always baffled how negative people here are. and i honestly hate when people post "shitty bundle", when in reality all they mean is they don't like or already have the games. it's simply dishonest to post it like that, if you ask me. most monthlies were pretty awesome, and all were easily worth the money.

7 years ago

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while they haven't all been my taste, they've all been good. There was maybe one monthly that was questionable, but the rest were great value for money.

Same with the regular humble bundle - a rebundle is great for people who haven't been religiously following HB for 5 years, and a themed bundle can be great if you like the them

7 years ago

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I saw a some GAs of CIV6 here and won one of them. What I did wrong?

7 years ago

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had better eyes than me obviously :)

7 years ago

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FWIW, it was a group GA he won.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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There will be at least one here on February :P

7 years ago

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Yeah i keep an eye on your thread..
though i'm totally lost with it for this month :(

yes.. i'm dumb

7 years ago

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Think extremely simple :)

7 years ago

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Got it :)
but i seem to have been a bad boy some how
I'm sorry.. :(

7 years ago

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Ended up just buying it :)

7 years ago

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Civ 6 is a pretty new game, released barely a year ago. Chances are people just kept it for themselves (same happened with Warhammer Total War IIRC).

7 years ago

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Yeah exactly. I would have kept it myself If I could afford the bundle.

7 years ago

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Too good to give it away ^^ I activated my copy. Good luck on upcoming gibs man

7 years ago

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Well, Civ VI is a big disappointment. Back to Civ IV or V it is....

7 years ago

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I've heard those lines uttered for every civ since Civ 3, pre expansion...

7 years ago

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Played them all, and liked them all. But this was the first time that some mechanisms in the game were more frustrating then fun. And that was a first-timer.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I think Civ6 has too good resale value and too high risk of getting big price slashes, so a lot of people also just resale it and get rest of a bundle for nearly free.

7 years ago

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I looked at my entered giveaways. I entered 12 Civ Vi giveaways and I check this site daily. Probably too fresh game to give away.

7 years ago

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I was saying that the Giveaways here are going down. & that something has to change to attract the giveaways. But NO. :D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That's not true. Last year we ended up seeing an increase in the number of giveaways of 43311 compared to the prior year. While we had a slightly weaker December than the year prior, September ended up setting the record as the month with most giveaways ever.

So with that information in hand, how are the giveaways going down?

7 years ago

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And adding to this, the end of the year did also see an improvement in the ratio of unbundled to bundled giveaways, meaning that more giveaways were made for unbundled games.

7 years ago

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Yes, Yearly. But check month to month giveaways! We're on a decline, like Bitcoins! :D

7 years ago

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Month to month as always fluctuated. You can't say anything meaningful by just looking at two individual datapoints, you need to look at the overall trend. This is one of the most fundamental things when doing any form of statistical analysis of something happening over time.

7 years ago

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I'm looking at overall trend. & it's going down from Sep to today! ;)

7 years ago

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September was an anomaly, it was the highest point ever, and it's the kind of point that, if you were making a serious statistical analysis, you might even have to test to disregard, because of what an anomaly it was. it's what you would call an outlier. After that, it's back to fluctuating.

7 years ago

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We're now at 41k giveaways with 2/3 of the month gone. So in Jan you're going to have about 60k giveaways.

Compare that to:
Oct - 84k
Nov - 63k
Dec - 75k

Or are you saying that even those months are anomalies? :D

7 years ago

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I don't see anything weird in fact that there will be less GAs than in Nov or Dec. November is time of Halloween, so making GAs for scary games. And December is time of Christmas, so time of giving to others in general.

And now think that people spent shitload of money in November and December, and deduce why they won't make as many GAs in January.

It's true to all shopping as well, after spending shitload of money in December people don't have funds to buy stuff in January. That's why it's dead season for shops.

7 years ago

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Yes, as Mskotor said, which month you're looking at matters, as people have a different amount of disposable income on different months. So you need to compare it to the same month during previous years, but you also need to take into account that the number of giveaways are going to vary wildly, depending on availability of cheap games. So the only way to really get any form of accurate data is to look at a longer period of time, like a whole year.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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& when it's not going to recover in Feb, then people are going to be asking questions. While we just say "told you so"! :D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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As we do have more, than in Feb 2017. The bubble is still growing, so there should be more! Check the World economics. ;)

Like I've posted, didn't play much games on I was playing ME-A recently, which is NOT on STEAM. :D

7 years ago

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Don't argue with him, he's an engineer who has no idea how to get any data out of a few month's worth of info without making highschooler mistakes.

7 years ago*

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Game is bundled for the first time, and is a good game. People like to keep it.
Only people got it who paid the monthly price in early - anyone having an active month-by-month subscription will only get it on january 26th, one week before release.
And last, but not least - quite a few people don't actively care about a monthly - they only check it when the full bundle releases on February 2nd.

7 years ago

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Wait for the auto-charge date or until all unlocks are released. Logically, those who bought it early wanted the game for themselves, whatever they do with it.

7 years ago

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I actually have a giveaway for it starting tomorrow.

7 years ago

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( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙)

7 years ago

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Maybe people actually want the game and redeem it themselves.

7 years ago

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If you manage to get 7000 coins on tremorgames, you could get it there. I don't know about region lock = which key you'll get, though.
Tremor Civ VI

7 years ago

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maybe people want to idle civ 6 cards, or +1 their libraries with it, or....

sg is dying!

View attached image.
7 years ago

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This made me laugh (the gif) :-)

7 years ago

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I gifted the keys to a friend, so we can idle it together <3

7 years ago

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