Everyone does have the same chance. Everyone has the same point income and they can enter however many times they want to. If you really, really want it, spend all your points, if not, don't enter, or enter only a few times. If everyone is supposed to have equal chances, why even bother with letting you choose where to enter, just automatically enter every person on the site.
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If you put 9 entries into one game, and I put 1 entry into that game. You then have a 90% chance of winning, where as I only have 10%, so in what world is 90% = 10% (and not smart arse replies like oh when you have 10% of 900 and 90% of 100 -_-). How would you then feel if every game you entered you had to spend 300p on a 5p game, and then you either get something stupid like 10k entries or someone entered with one entry and won (pretty sure you'd come onto the forums and complain about how you should be entitled to win something with all your extra entries and not getting it)
Because giving someone the freedom to choose, lets them pick games they will enjoy if they win, I'm not sure what you're tastes are but I dont quite see you playing Barbie Dress Up 2012
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Okay, so assuming I put 9 entries into a game, and you only put 1... I got a question, why'd you only put 1? Either you didn't have enough points, (Meaning you spent them on something else you also wanted to win, while I couldn't because I spent my points on this.) or you didn't want to enter that many times because you'd rather spend your points on something else. (Read the previous text between parentheses.) And as to how I would feel... I'm not saying you HAVE to spend all your points on one game. If I do however spend all my points and enter 60 times, and they win with 1 entry, bad luck. But I'll still have 60x higher chances of winning, so it would rarely happen.
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The site uses markdown. To have new lines you need to enter two of them. You can read more in the Formatting Help FAQ.
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While I'm not for this suggestion, I have to say that I can't trust people with that. There are some who would join any giveaway regardless, just to win something because they must have that 2012 Revelation. Some just want to win no matter what.
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Why spend leftover points you have on games you will barely play? If you don't have a interest in the game, don't enter. You just make the odds harder for the people who enter and genuinely want the game. Seen you already won 7 games, why not simply let your greed go and only enter the games you actually want?
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Why? Because of the 300 point cap. (Not suggesting to remove or expand that (yet), don't worry.) And it's not like me entering or not is going to make a difference with the hundreds or thousands of entries. It'll make the difference of 1 game I don't want going to 1 person who's probably not going to play it more than I would, less than once per month. Besides, you get further in life if you abuse and take advantage of stuff.
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You're worried about letting the points, which you receive for free in infinite supply, go to waste, and you have this attitude of, "you get further in life if you abuse and take advantage of stuff."
Yeah, you're a selfish idiot, and this is not the place for you. Let me counter your suggestion with the suggestion that you shouldn't make suggestions here. Suggestions from the selfish aren't going to improve a site based on generosity. Oh, and, "Because of the 300 point cap. (Not suggesting to remove or expand that (yet), don't worry.)" Guess what other terrible idea has been suggested a million times by other equally vapid, greedy people.
The cap is in place to stop people like you from entering for more things they don't really want than they already do, now please fuck off.
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I am selfish, yes. But I am far from an idiot. The cap doesn't stop those who visit regularly. While lowering it would cause points to fill more often and for more users, meaning more points get lost and thus fewer entries are made, increasing the chances. While lowering it is not a bad idea, I certainly think it's far from the best solution. And sorry you misunderstood me. Sarcasm is so difficult to understand through written text. I am not in favor of increasing the point cap, I would love for it to be lowered.
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Yes, sarcasm doesn't tend to translate well through a text-based medium. Yes, I'm on a rage bender today. Yes, seeing these things suggested over and over again pushes my buttons. Yes, I've been known to use the forum to vent my frustrations. It's still a terrible idea. The whole site is founded on the idea of equal chance. Anything that upsets that is forbidden. That's part of the reason you're not allowed to give away wins. People could recruit their friends to enter giveaways and have multiple entries by proxy. Just no.
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Your argument is valid only if what I'm suggesting would really make things less equal. But everyone will still have the same chance. An increased chance on one game means a decreased chance on another, and that's what's happening right now as well, since people can't enter every game. From what you're saying it sounds as if you want the point and entry system removed and everyone automatically being entered into every giveaway created. Then everyone has an equal chance at everything. But I highly doubt that's what the majority wants. I think people who gift games want those who receive their games to enjoy them, something that quite often doesn't happen with the current system.
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That's not true. See, it's not like you can magically enter a game multiple times, if you spend all points on one game, you increase your chances at winning it, but lower your chances at winning other games, increasing the chances of other people to win those games. Yours would mean an outcome not much different from mine.
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I don't see why this suggestion is being shut down like this.
I mostly see people not reading and just going blah blah fair chance.
This suggestion doesn't change anything about fair chance - everybody can spend their points the way they wish, either on 300 different Fortix giveaways or maybe put all 300 points into a single giveaway.
Personally I think it's working fine the way it is, and this suggestion would make it more complicated. But I don't see how it makes it less fair.
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Why fix something that isn't broken?
Just think about it - I put it into numbers: If there are 100 people entering a game and half of them want it really badly and enter it five times, 25% just want it somewhat and enter twice - we would have (50x5+25x2+25) 325 entries - in that case I would have spent five times the amount of points just to receive a 0.53% better chance of receiving it.
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Not really. If there are 320 entries, and you enter once, your chances of winning are 1/321 or about 0.31%. Now then, let's start increasing your entry amount. 2/322 0.62%, 3/323 0.93%, 4/324 1.23%, 5/325 1.54%. That means your odds increased almost exactly 5 times. Not sure where you got that 0.53%.
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You think about it in a different way I think - I compare it with and without the system...
...if the system you suggested isn't in place you have a chance of 1% if 100 people join as everyone has only one entry. But with the system you are lowering everyone else's chance to win to 0.31% as you mentioned. You basically lower the chance of everybody on this site to about a third and raise your chance by about 50% - your chance is not increased by 5 times.
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If this "system" (As you called it.) wouldn't be in effect, you're right, you'd have a 1% chance of winning if there were 100 entries. Now, with the system, you're not the only one with 5 entries in that previous example. 49 others also have 5 entries, and each has a chance of about 1.54% then there's 25 who entered twice, giving them a chance of about 0.62%, and 25 who entered once, giving them a chance of about 0.31%. So only those who entered once are having their chances lowered to 0.31%, and the calculations I was performing showed the increase of your chances with the system in effect. And, yes, now I see what you meant. Let me re-respond to that previous post. You would have, yes, spent 5 times the points with the system in effect, but you wouldn't have been the only one. The points you and those 49 people spent on entries for this game, can not be spent on entries for other games, meaning others who entered twice, once, or not at all have higher chances than you at those games.
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Oh, you so didn't. You had enough patience to look through my gifts and wins, but not any more. That is not a regift. Maybe take a minute to read the description of my giveaway. I won the DLC, and then activated it on my Steam account, later I found out, that the page where I bought a Magicka pack from, had given me 4 free DLCs, one of which was the one I won. So I was feeling quite sad, seeing that I had won something I already had. (Although I didn't know I had it at the time.)
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Then you should perhaps be more careful of what giveaways YOU enter?
And nowhere in the text: "Won this here on SG. Then found I have another one. So I'm giving it back. Will send key through mail. Additionally, it's my 1st giveaway." can be found that you stated that you activated it, and that you "gave it back" that sounds like regifting to me.
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How was I to know I already had that DLC. It wasn't in my Steam inventory, but on a site I only went to, to get a cheaper Magicka. Pure coincidence my friend sent me a game on there just a little while later, so I checked my account. So, okay I didn't say that in the description. That does not change my point. Had I not activated it, and instead activated the one I had before, what was I to do with the one I won? Keep it simply because rules don't allow regifting? The way I understand it, regifting is not allowed because people want those who win the games to actually play them, to discourage entering a giveaway for no reason, or just to gain contributor value. And that's what I want too, that's why I created this thread.
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So you're saying I should've given the one I found later, (Not the one I had won, because like I said, I had already activated it before finding I had another one.) to the one who I had won it from? Well, yes maybe you're right. Sadly it did not occur to me at the time, it is not listed in the rules, and was it really that bad that I wanted 2 dollars of contributor status after finding out I pretty much didn't win anything after all?
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How about, to keep both sides happy, allow creators of giveaways to specify the maximum number of times a user could enter? Then if they want to allow tons of entries per user, fine; but if not, then they can still limit 1 entry per user (which would be the default).
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Stuff doesn't have to be broken for it to be improved. People managed to live just fine thousands of years ago. Yet I don't think you'd prefer that to the life you have today. (Heck, maybe you do, in that case, I got no more arguments for that statement.)
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In our modern world we "improve" things all the time - often just to find out it was better as it was before but we changed it too much to go back and therefore "improve" it even further...
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So, uhm, I'm not sure where suggestions are supposed to be submitted, so yeah...
Anyways, what would you think of the feature to be able to enter a giveaway multiple times with one account?
Each entry takes the same amount of points and just adds another copy of your name into the list.
I thought it might be a good idea, because I've been getting very many points lately, meaning I can enter on all games I really want, and those that I slightly want, and still have points left over. Greedy as I am, I'll then spend them on games I know I'd barely play even if I won them.
So, it would enable people to have higher chances to win something they REALLY want to play, instead of stuff they might play for 15 minutes, and then never again.
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