Well, seems I own the base game but not the FotS DLC. Oh well. :P
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You're the only one who answered so far and I just wanted to make sure you don't have the base game confused (as it can be rather confusing!) and we're talking about the Fall of the Samurai expandalone. Also, I take it that you are interested in this DLC then?
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Nope, just the base game. I was given a code for it over chat if I remember correctly, never got the rest, like Fall of the Samurai.
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Please check that you own the right base game. This is not DLC for the "regular" Total War: SHOGUN 2 game, but for the expandalone.
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(or asked Steam support to manually remove the DLC from your account for some reason, you weirdo*).
What you're describing is impossible. The game+DLC is a single steam entry, the game (alone) is another.
In other words, you wouldn't be asking them to remove a DLC, but to swap one game for another [a similar example'd be swapping one regional entry for another- eg, asking them to give you a (eu) copy for your (na) copy.]
It's the same reason you can't remove specific games from Humble combined tier keys.
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I see. So you would need to have support remove the game + DLC package and then activate the base game only version to make the weirdo scenario possible, then. Admittedly not a likely case but I've seen stranger things...
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Hmm. Perhaps not even too unlikely:
You can activate both the ROW (no Germany) and [technically also ROW] (German purchase censored) versions of Gemini: Heroes Reborn to your account simultaneously. (I believe that's fairly normal for regional copies, as well).
If we assume something similar is possible here- ( eg: [Regional version (w/DLC] + [ROW version w/o DLC] ), they may have accidentally activated both to account, and deleted the one with DLC, not realizing the difference.
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I have 17 friends on steam who own FotS and 15 who own the DLC. Are you sure that the standalone always included the DLC? Both of the guys who own the standalone, but not the DLC, used to play avatar CQ in Shogun 2 with me and we didn't bother with unit pack DLCs.
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The standalone only included the DLC if you bought it from Steam directly, as far as I know. I'm guessing your friends who do not own the DLC didn't buy the game on Steam but got it from elsewhere. One hundred percent of the people on my friends list who own the base expandalone also own the DLC, so I wanted to know if there were still people around who didn't have it yet.
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Zero entries, although 13 people voted they wanted it ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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It just so happens that I have a copy of Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai - Tsu Faction Pack DLC that's been lying around in my inventory since circa 1878.
The thing is, if you bought the base game Total War: SHOGUN 2 - Fall of the Samurai from Steam - NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH REGULAR Total War: SHOGUN 2, THIS IS A STANDALONE GAME - this DLC was already included as part of the "Steam Special Edition". So the only way you wouldn't have this yet is if you got the game
illegallyfrom a third party reseller/retailer à la ModestBunchStore or StereotypicalAlienGaming or Gamehalt or whatever (or asked Steam support to manually remove the DLC from your account for some reason, you weirdo*).I'm also not sure if they actually shoved the Tsu faction down the throats of non-Steam version owners after the fact at one point free of charge, so that's another issue. (Do tell if you know of further information in regards to this). Anyway, this is just a quick poll to determine if there is any interest for this DLC, and depending on how many people who do not own this would actually want it, I may do a giveaway of some kind or just gift it to someone.
Again, I should mention this is intended for owners of this base game - and not this!! - only. If you intend to buy the game at any point, please refrain from voting in the poll, as you will most likely receive this DLC as part of your purchase.
For some reason, the site will not allow me to enable the "Require Game to Vote" option for this title, so I ask you to please be honest with your answers in the poll. Skewed vote results suck and giveaways with zero entrants don't help anyone and are just a waste of time and bytes. Thank you for your cooperation!
*The last option of the poll is for you. I may or may not take the votes for this option into consideration before I decide how to proceed.
UPDATE: Read all that? Let's get with the program then, link to giveaway (SGTools protected, runs for a week).
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