GTFO before you ruin everything. We're running just fine as we are. People who are contributing nothing are just as same as you who contribute therefore there is no need to 'filter' them further by doing as you suggest. We already have contributor giveaways, give few games, get it up and then go and get max cont. value since you hate "leechers" so much. Cheerios.
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This^ Just close you computer and never return.
Also welcome to the site.Now go away!
Because you are new, I think you consider 300 points a lot, but actually it' not so much.
The average game costs 15~dollars(I think) so it would take a couple of years to win something...
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A person is allowed to share ideas without being harassed. You could just say, I don't think that is a very good idea and won't work out, not asking them to leave. Anyways welcome to site :).
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I don't consider points worth much of anything at the moment. I've gained like 50 within 30 minutes which essentially means "$50" worth of entries.
So basically if I leave and come back, i'll have like 500 points (is that the cap?) and enter a bunch of stuff, and then leave, and repeat. I'm sure that's what most people do, and i'm sure many make fake accounts just to enter multiple times. (or have "alternate accounts") I just have one. ^_^
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300 is the Cap and they are pretty good about fake accounts. They can always track the ip. That is also why there is a $100 game requirement. If another person uses the same computer as you, you can send a ticket to allowed them to make an account.
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Max cap is 300.
i'm sure many make fake accounts just to enter multiple times. (or have "alternate accounts")
And those people get banned.
Yea, we get a lot of points pretty quickly(it's because lots of bundles going on at the moment.) But it will slow down. And people will start to value points.
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leave, comeback enter and win shitloads of games...yeah right...there are so many players here that your chances are around 0.05%
This is gifting site where everyone have a chance to win and, not trading between contributors site like gala...if u like it stay if u dont leave. rules here are fair(not everyone have money to buy games) and execution is fast and harsh, try to break them and u will see
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Yeah, I really do hate the absurdly difficult puzzles that get released on here. I feel like I need to read a puzzle guide or something. I think I'm missing some basic concepts that make these puzzles nigh impossible.
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Equal chances? In your giveaways? Not if I have something to say about it!
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Terrible idea. Most of this is why galagiveaways is bad.
But welcome to the site. :)
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This just cries for system abusement, even more than it's now with contributor boost.
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Welcome to the site! :)
If you want to reward those who contribute, make contributor giveaways. I'd wager that a major overhaul of the points system is not going to happen. Your comment and forum suggestions would encourage spam. The minimum giveaway length should not be raised, as having a wider time-frame gives giveaway creators more flexibility. One of this site's main rules is the activation of won gifts. The premise is that you're giving games to people who want to play them and will eventually do so, rather than allowing people to win and trade/sell them or pass them off to others. I doubt that's going to change.
There are already quite a few stats on profiles. I see no reason to tally points earned or spent as the numbers would be astronomical.
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Thanks :)
It's really just a list of ideas, and i'm glad you saw one thing that could be good. I'm literally like 30mins newborn to this site, so I obviously don't know how things work fully, I just sort of had a overview from reading the faq, and participating in a small way to test out the system. :P (first giveaway was just some bundle codes as a test to see how it works). ^_^
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Nothing wrong with ideas. I'd just advise sticking around for a bit first to get a feel for how everything works, because we've had a whole lot of suggestions over the site's life that have been debated furiously, some with merit and some without.
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Haha, i'm sure that's why this thread was flamed so quickly. Sorry :) Have no experience with giveaway sites of any sort.
Currently it "seems" like the only reason 99% of people are on here is to get 300 points, enter $300 of giveaways, and then repeat like everyday or however long it takes. Considering giveaways typically last 1 hour, it's a fairly decent chance of winning small things for doing absolutely nothing.
My that people shouldn't simply "get games" for free. It should be earned in some way, I did notice the contributor giveaways which is a very nice feature.
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I don't think they "typically" last 1 hour. Especially not the epic puzzle giveaways, in fact if you want to feel like users have "earned" entry to your giveaways, creating a quiz or puzzle to solve to get the giveaway link is a very good way to do that. Stay a while and see how things actually work before trying to change things :)
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Thanks :)
It's really just a list of ideas, and i'm glad you saw one thing that could be good. I'm literally like 30mins newborn to this site, so I obviously don't know how things work fully, I just sort of had a overview from reading the faq, and participating in a small way to test out the system. :P (first giveaway was just some bundle codes as a test to see how it works). ^_^
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Well, there's also many who "abuse" deals, and get things for free.
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You know that you can contribute to the community in other ways, not only by making giveaways. Also people here deserve the same chances to win games, if you prefer to make giveaways to "contributers" just set a minimum amount of Con value for your giveaways.
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yeah that really solves my problem I suppose. :) Thank you Hopefully later on i'll have contributed a lot more than what I have shown currently. (was just a test). xD
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Haha, I'm sure I'll be able to do exactly what you are doing soon. The "ease" of getting codes for free or at extremely low costs is pretty insane, but helping others who don't have the time or knowledge by giving away those codes is nice. :)
(Also, it takes too long to find good/honest traders when dealing with codes...even if your codes are worth a ton and are popular)
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Not BME lol...that was just a silly test. Considering the DLC is worthless. :)
^ (Because everyone who bought the $1 BME get's the DLC for a game they likely don't own)
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Was there really a need to wave that "$2000 contribution" e-peen around...? Honestly 2k isn't that much. Hell I'm actually more in value than you are since I actually bought all my games.
I won't mention any of your other post. As I don't feel like shitting up this thread.
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You are so full of shit I'm not going to give you the time for a proper response.
You aren't nice, you are a greedy shithead with a giant ego.
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Looks like he's suspended. I hope it wasn't for this post - after all, it's comedy gold.
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Points should go to (or more should be given) to the actual giver, than the entire community. (many of which are just trying to get free games...) I'd rather have it so that people giving games are giving to people giving other games, so that both parties win, and no one just gets stuff for nothing. :P Also other ways...
That is the point, to get free games, and/or give free games. What you describe is an exchange of games. There are other sites arranging that kind of trade.
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The point was more:
Player A) Gives 200 Games Away (Increases the amount of giveaways he/she can enter)
Player B) Gives nothing, earns points at a slower rate, but has the same chance of winning.
The difference between a Seeder and Leecher. :)
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so....basically you want this website over there? pretty much exactly? instead of steamgifts.
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try smaller, like maybe if gifters got points on their game(that specific one donated) at the old rate (10%)while the rest got it at normal(5)?
but I'm guessing it'd be no to everything.
to be more constructive heres a longer post:
min length 12 hrs: there is no reason at all to make longer givaways mandatory, its already an option to make it 12hrs if the gifter wishes, but why remove 1hr? why take away options from the gifter? its their gift let them decide the length.
multiple entries: maybe could work...yes it'd be nice if I could dump all of my points into a game I really want say the giveaway for mount and blade that just ended, I'd have fed in half my stock instead of only 15(maybe an optional rule for the gifter to choose to allow that?(it could help reduce liquid points spent on things just because they were there and shift focus only onto the fewer games you actually want like people keep saying should happen)), but not sure how well that'd be received with the rest of the tone of the site. it may work here because we're all working from the exact same pool of points so a point spent for an extra entry in one game is one not spent somewhere else. but still, not sure if or how the site would welcome that and I'm sure there'd be protests if it was.
so probably no but thats just a guess/ but probably no.
the rest are from an entirely different/alien website. they may as well close steamgifts and start over.
DEFINITELY not entries for giveaways you already own, that entirely misses the point of the site. I'm a noob too and even I knew this my first hour here.
that "i created a giveaway, click my paypal donate button" certainly doesn't fit in here, not even close.
the comments thing just promotes spam and its only made especially more so with the rest of your point reform. and creating an artificial point drought to force people to give would probably break the site(if you're gifting only so you can receive you'd have to give a ton of games to even hope to win one, so how does that work?) (also alot of the steamgifts point seems to be tied to we all have the same pool of points to spend)
(although I'll admit i could be biased on that last bit as i have yet to gift anything at all and when i do it'll probably be fairly cheap... >_> but still I think its what even the heavy gifters here will say)
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Welcome to the forums.
As you can see, 95% of the users are idiots. So I suggest not posting here again (because people think that a ton of comments and time on the site makes you, er... intelligent) taking your suggestions to the Support system (there's a tab called "suggestions).
On the other hand, try not to publicity tell that you completely abused Amazon deals. Abuses are not positive here, nor posting how to get stuff for free. So please, don't tell, and most obviously, DON'T DO IT. The Amazon guys were really cool to have put a nice promotion, only to be ruined by people like you.
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I'm actually one of those people who finds loopholes on sites like Amazon, and gets them patched so that others can't abuse them. ^_^
Not just Amazon though, and yes to find a loophole you have to test it to prove it is true. The person who reports it is highly respected as "honest" even if they gain something or another. If you are talking about the Bioshock Infinite thing...I'm likely the one who got that fixed. :P
Oh, and I posted here just to get opinions. See how the community is, do I want to give to all these people who contribute nothing? Probably not, but who knows. ^_^
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I highly doubt you're the one that got that "fixed". Amazon was well aware of the potential for abuse in the way they had the promotion initially set up, and went ahead with it anyway. They had a very specific threshold of legitimate to non-legitimate preorders they were looking for, and changed the promotion once they hit it. It was to test the waters and get some data.
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Well, if you know that JQP can't be trusted, you understand why your ideas won't fly here. Especially from someone who just signed up. No one likes change.
That being said, I like some of your ideas and they were well thought out. But asking for this site to change from what it is now is not gonna happen. Like I said they won't fly here but could carry over to yet another gifting side someone may be in the process of making - you never know.
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well theres a rather large difference between just testing and being the guy who thoroughly as possible abuses it but was smart enough to cover his ass by also reporting.
how many'd you get and how quick to report? who else did you tell? did you see the problem straight off and report?(the bioshock infinite gmg thing didn't need testing to see the issue. it was intentionally clear as day. a deliberate test by amazon to see how honestly people would treat their deals) or did you preorder with the intention of canceling and basically stealing 2 games or did that happen by accident and they let you keep it, ect
(not trying to accuse you, just clarifying what I mean by there being a difference. I lack the people skills to do so delicately and based on past experiences(i used to hang out with the mods of a game i played since before they became mods so they'd talk about idiots they had to deal with) some people will deliberately fail to see that difference and some even attempt to demand credit for reporting what they were already caught for doing)
on 2nd thought don't answer, I'm being rude....
welcome to steamgifts.
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But you still abused the system 39 "extra" times, for profit, one might be "tolerable" if you wanted to test. Yet you went ahead and kept abusing it. And you took away a nice offer for legit guys.
You need a ton of credit cars also, to do that, that who knows how you got them.
If I were a mod here, I would have suspended you for a year, at least. But since they have no way to check it... you get away with it, it seems.
And as I said before, don't mind the users here. I think that some of your suggestions are fine, but here is not the place to discuss it. Use support.
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Hey, and welcome to the site.
Now about the suggestion stuff- nope. The general idea of SteamGifts is for the people who want to be able to give to the people who can't afford it. Sort of like charity. Everyone have an equal chance. There is no point in giving people who contributed more advantages than the people who can't afford it since the part of the idea is to help those people. Sure, some people will try to abuse it, but there are restrictions in place to prevent that. If people come here just to spend their points, then so be it- nothing wrong with that! If you wanna rewards the people who contributed, then there are contribution giveaways just for that. Or alternatively you can make some puzzles if you wanna reward the people with specific knowledge/problem solving skills/whatever you make up.
So... yeah... I bet a bunch of people already pointed this out by the time it took me to write this. ^_^
PS: If you have future suggestions I'd say the forum is... um, not the best place for them. People kiiinda don't like suggestions. You can make a support ticket for that instead. :)
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Its good that you're thinking about the way the site works,stick around a bit, the current points system isn't to bad, sometimes I feel its to high but its not to bad. I disagree about the giving more points to people who are givers though, they already have higher chances thanks to contributer giveaways.
Enjoy your stay :-D!
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Yeah I realized the purpose of contributer giveaways after I posted this, but thank you.
But...I'm the type who would want anyone to be able to enter....and wouldn't want people are simply "taking" or "profiting" off games to obtain a game that is meant to be played. Example: Umm....Borderlands 2. Sure you could sell it for $20+ but I'd rather it go to the kid who actually wants to play it. Which means...I'd probably enjoy it more if I saw like 10,0000 people entering for 1 game, rather than 100.
(In other words, contributer giveaways "might" not be a good idea considering "why" people might want to be contributers to begin with...for example...someone could have "somehow" obtained 100000 keys, just to enter high chance drawings just to sell the games or not play them) <-- I'm guilty of the second part...have so many games, and have barely played any of them. Lack of time, but love insane discounts or free games i don't own so that one day I may have the chance to play them. xD (when I'm retired lmao)
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Understandable, but...
Realize how it is now. People who "contribute" are "probably" people like this:
Player A) Ha I have 1000000 keys to Random Game that's worthless to me, so I'll become a top cotributer, and be eligable for giveaways that not many can enter. Then I can sell the game or get games for free! hahahaha
Player B) I don't want people who don't contribute to have a chance, I'll put all my games at a high contribution amount so only people who deserve it get a chance.
(Problem, considering making a game "contributor only" is likely giving higher chances to people who don't really want or even play the game, i'd rather that system be taken out, first thing I saw were 'good games' as contributer only making me want to sell bad games to be eligible, than I thought about the good games I want to giveaway...and it seems making it public has a higher chance of it going to the "right" person (Ex: Kid who can't afford X game, but really wants to play it with his friends)
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Doesn't stop people from abusing the system.
Ex: I win a game, sell to friend for $5. No one knows. Especially if you win a gift copy...
One thing I was annoyed about to begin with is I couldn't enter most of the giveaways because I own a lot of the high rated new games, and many newer indie games. Why? Because I'd be actually interested in entering for a chance to get a game I could "give" (for free) to friends. Gave a friend over $200 "worth" of games yesterday for nothing. ^_^ Not because i'm wealthy, but because it's pretty common to get spare games or extra games I don't want, and would rather give to someone who will play them then someone who's trying to profit off it.
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Expect people would know and they will be banned.
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I wouldn't see how...considering the only way for someone to "know" is to check if the player actually activated the key/gift. (which would mean someone checking 1000's of people constantly or some sort of system to check which I highly doubt exists)
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There is a report system. When someone runs into a person who broke the rules, they can report that person. Person gets suspended/banned. Problem solved. Also you'd be surprised how the people who break the rules usually give themselves away by bringing attention to themselves. :D
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As everyone has said, the giveaway creator keeps an eye on the profiles of people who've won and if they don't activate it, they can report to SG support and get the suspended.
People also tend to do a bit of sleuthing when someone makes a whining thread in the forums and quite a few of the times, the person whining has broken this rule and subsequently gets banned/suspended.
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People get suspended and banned for this sort of skullduggery all the time.
It really isn't that hard to see if someone is cheating the system. Support are able to access sync records and other data to help them investigate suspicious accounts, and there are plenty of diligent community members who check the track record of giveaway winners and report on suspicious looking profiles.
If you're out to cheat the Steamgifts system, chances are you won't last long.
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To be fair very few people I have seen that have high contributer here fit into A.
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I think you misunderstand. I mean what's wrong with me giving 100000 copies of a game, becoming a top contributer (for free) while also making some people happy for not knowing whatever I'm giving was or is free, and then I'm now eligible to win "good" things just because I have access to codes?
^ Not saying I do, I probably have like $1000 worth of good games (people want) codes, and then quite a few indie bundle codes (that to me are worthless). Basically I don't expect people to think anything I own is worth more than what it can be obtained for. but, say a indie developer decides to release 10,000 codes to his game he priced at $20...or what if someone else had access to codes/gifts through loopholes. (very common)
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It's possible. I just don't do it, because I'm one of the few "honest" logical people around. I can see loopholes that most can't, and can see complicated "time consuming" methods of obtaining anything for nothing or close to it.
Especially when a company makes a mistake...(very common), I find them every so often, and tell them about it to get it patched. (some of which are huge problems that could result in 100000 copies of anything) Especially to the trained criminal mind who knows how to get away with it easily. (not me) I just know many things I probably shouldn't. A lot of this was actually taught to me as a kid...finding bugs/glitches in games or in game markets has a direct link to real life markets and trading (especially online) but also in physical forms. One time a cop even shared with me the easiest way to steal money from your bank...which I thought was so odd of him...
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Keys which can be mass obtained for free fall under the "exploited" key list. Basically submitting many of those is VERY obvious and gets the person doing the exploit banned. Really, there ARE systems against these sort of things. Don't worry, the site has dealt with stuff like that for a long time.
You could, of course, help by pointing these exploits to support(not on the forum, that's a bad idea) so they can keep an eye out for exploiters. :)
PS: Also, if you wanna be absolutely sure the winners of your giveaways are clean, you can always check for yourself and if they have done some abuse, ask for a reroll.
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I point them out to the companies themselves, no worries. I've had many things patched through many leading distributors. :) (besides Steam...because it's like impossible to talk to customer support with them..haha) I also don't help corrupt companies either...eww.
To someone logical enough to mass keys that no one else has...I'm sure he would span it out over time, and not all at once. 50 here and there isn't something anyone would notice.
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I still don't get you. Your comment I replied to came off as examples of 'huehehue I'm gonna take advantage of the system' or your second example of what I call normal. There's nothing wrong with giving a ton of games. I don't think you wrote quite what you meant?
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What I meant is I don't really know the community, but I know how the world is. The corrupt are wealthy and logical. I'm someone who's not wealthy, but very logical and I don't care about money, so I'm typically honest (which honesty is somehow considered a bad thing in many cases) <-- Don't ask xD
But, to me it's just a theory. If "I" can get....say $3000 of games for....$300 which is fairly true. And, if most good giveaway's are "contributer's only, than in most cases....people who 'give away' games, are likely people who "somehow" obtained the game for free or some insanely low cost compared to it's value.
A normal person however...not only doesn't care, but they would never "give away" games they paid full price for. (unless they are stupid, and want a chance at the contributor giveaways?) Lol, idk, I just know I can give a ton of things that hold no value to me if i wanted to...and the only purpose...would be to give to the people who are actually going to play the game...which means...I'd rather choose the best place, which is likely public not private (contributors)
On the other side, I would be eligible for giveaways that people are not typically allowed someone could just sell some "nothing" and get a lot of "something" by abusing the contributor giveaways.
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I think you're on board now. Pretty much nothing given here was bought at full price. Some are but most are sales or bundles. It's pretty transparent where most of it comes from. An exploit is quickly found usually and dealt with if that situation arises. Few 'get away' with anything here.
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373 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Furty
Hi, I just found this site, and have quite a few codes (not bundles) that i'll likely be contributing later on.
Anyway, I was looking at how this site works, and basically people get "points" when others create giveaways. I find this sort of odd...
Points should go to (or more should be given) to the actual giver, than the entire community. (many of which are just trying to get free games...) I'd rather have it so that people giving games are giving to people giving other games, so that both parties win, and no one just gets stuff for nothing. :P Also other ways...
Here's a basic idea to modify the point system:
20-Points = Making your account.
1-Points = Leaving a comment on a giveaway you have entered.
1-Point = Not winning a entered giveaway.
1-Point = Every X Amount of Forum Posts (Contributing to the community)
1-Point = Creating a popular topic of discussion.
1-Point = Every $1000 worth of giveaways. (Example: 200 copies worth $2000 = 2 points for everyone)
X-Points = Points entered in a giveaway could be put in a pot or something, and there could be "point" giveaways.
X-Points = The amount in dollars of games you have given away. (Example: Give $20 Game, get 20 points)
Min. Time for Giveaway = 12 hours, not 1 hour. (Gives everyone a chance, mimics the Diablo 3 AH bid time)
Multiple entries per person.
Entry to giveaways for games you already own. (In my mind, to give to friends if won...I shouldn't be locked out of most
giveaways just because I own a lot of games + the chances of winning are so low it's reasonable)
The ability to donate directly to a "Giver" (Perhaps even reward points for this 1 point per dollar donated)
The ability to donate points to another.
In any case, the main thing is people who are not contributing should not be earning much, while people who are "giving" and those that are actively contributing should be earning much more.
(It would also be nice if there were statistics on your profile: points earned, points spent, $ amount given, giveaways entered, giveaways won, $ amount won, etc.)
Basically how it is now, it's ~$1 per point. (even if it is just an entry)
With the system above, not only would people be more encouraged to create giveaways (because they would get a lot of points to enter in games they don't own) but it would make a system where everyone is gaining points slowly, AND if you contribute by leaving comments, posting on the forums, helping, etc. you will earn more points.
^ But, the people giving games should obviously earn the most "points". It filters out the bad, and creates a lot less entries.
Just feedback, and not meant to be "OMG DO THIS" haha. :)
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