Is DRM good for gaming?
Pirate the game this what I would do if I would like to play that game ... simple :D !
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Then you're the reason why they put Denuvo in the first place.
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That doesn't make any sense, especially that in most cases Denuvo is cracked in days. Implying that they put a not working DMR into a game to stop the pirates who easily crack it, while it hinders performance on valid copies is... questionable.
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Denuvo isn't meant to stop pirates forever, it's meant to stop them for a certain length of time in order to help publishers/developers sell their game in a time frame when the game will sell the most copies.. That typically last about 2 weeks - month.. After that the next time they see a spike is sales is during the first time it goes on sale..
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I know. But you said that the DRM's role is to stop pirates who want to pirate the game because the DMR of it is shit :)
They literally use Denuvo because it's a trend to use it. It gets cracked in 2-3 DAYS, almost without exception. Exactly this is why people don't understand why they even use it, because it lasts nowhere the time you also thought it's useful - and in many cases they just leave the denuvo there, while the cracked version (obviously) removes it - so it serves no purpose, yet hinders who bought the game.
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It works in some games, fails in others,, fact remains what it does is grossly over exaggerated by pirates.. It doesn't affect performance, it doesn't break hard-drives or SSD's, it literally sends a check with the server randomly to ensure you own the game.. Only reason pirates are so up in arms with the lies has to do with the fact they want to pirate their games on day 1 and denuvo prevents that in nearly every case.. Sure sometimes it gets cracked sooner, but Developers go into it with the intention of trying to protect their release window as best as possible..
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You probably need to check last link in the post then. Developers of the game said that it is causing framerate loss in Tekken.
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This being the case, why is Denuvo not patched our a month or two in?
Right now, legitimate owners are utterly reliant on the ongoing provision of a server by Denuvo. If, as will inevitably happen sometime in the future, Denuvo pull the plug, or shut down, only the pirates will be left with a working game. The rest of us poor suckers will be staring at an error message.
I regularly play 10-15 year old games. Luckily these pre-date this awful DRM method. Will Denuvo be around in 15 years, and still providing servers for us to access their games? Maybe they will, and maybe they won't, but why should paying customers be forced to take that gamble?
Even if they insist on including this idiotic protection method in their software, the moment Denuvo is cracked for their game, any responsible publisher should patch it out immediately.
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You wont be missed, specially since you judge and generalize a whole set of people, also your comment makes you sound extremely childish, like when you go to Disneyland with your kid and he gets angry because you didn't wanted to buy a soda for him and instead of calming down and enjoying the rest of the trip he keeps ranting about it and making silly faces. You are that kid, instead of letting go this "issue" and chill you go on and ruin your own fun.
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70 games given away.. 800+ games given away.. meh, but you're right.. Anyway, feel free to show me the overwhelming anti piracy sentiment on these forums? None exist, just a bunch of pirates whining about Denuvo stopping them from stealing their games for a week or two.. maybe I'll give more away when the piracy advocates leave..
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I do not need to show you anything, not interested in investing time for someone who brags about giving about trash and asset flip games. Have a good day kid!
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after some reflection, I shouldn't have called you things, maybe I do not agree with your views but thats it, ad hominem is always unnecessary, have a good day
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Nah you were right, bundle trash giver trying to lord the 800 games over your head like that means anything. I would not have entered any of his trash giveaways, no loss, whereas you are actually giving away playable games. Keep it up.
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Your choice, but I hope you are not suggesting that I am advocating piracy?
If so, read harder, pilgrim.
If you, or anyone else wants to defend a shitty, unnecessarily intrusive, anti-consumer DRM system, go as hard as you like, but I'd keep my expectations of any high fives or backslapping, even from non-pirates like me, extraordinarily low.
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wasn't talking about you in particular, You can be anti DRM and anti piracy.. It's the people who are going around talking about how they pirate games pissing me off.. Like why would that be considered acceptable to actively admit to pirating games and even flaunting the fact.. I've seen a few people in this particular thread pretty much brag about pirating games..
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Well, you won't find me advocating piracy, although protection methods like Denuvo which give the pirates a better, more functional and potentially longer lasting version of the game make it easier to understand why folks may prefer to acquire these particular games on the seven seas.
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not liking Denuvo is one thing, continually and actively bragging about stealing games is something that shouldn't be tolerated at all, on this or any other board.. I'm sorry but people who sit around and continually brag about their piracy have no real place outside of their pirate holes.. I don't mind Denuvo, haven't had a single issue with any denuvo game, and considering the only people using it are higher profile publishers/developers, if anything happens to the servers it's a pretty good bet it'll get patched out.. If someone doesn't like Denuvo that's one thing,, if someone is bragging about the games they've pirated and about how they'll continue to do so in the future, that's just messed up..
I mean how can you be taken seriously as a legit community about PC gaming, while you have people running around making topics bragging about piracy, and cheering on people who crack games.. That's some bogus stuff right there.. I personally think this board should have some rules against people openly bragging or admitting to piracy, kinda hard to get developers to take this site seriously and want to give away their games, when they see community members going around spewing vile about stealing games now isn't it..
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I have zero faith that Denuvo will be patched out of any games. None whatsoever.
Denuvo has long since ceased to serve any sort of useful purpose in most games it was employed to protect, but has almost universally remained unpatched. How much more likely is the DRM to be removed when the companies producing them have long since moved on to other games, the teams have been broken up, and maybe the entities involved are no longer even trading?
Again, the scurvy sea-dogs are left with a more functional, longer lasting version of the product than us fee-paying consumers. Since you are so vociferously opposed to piracy, I would have thought that having a version of the game at least as good as the one enjoyed by those who didn't even pay for it would be pretty high on your agenda? It's certainly high on mine.
A community like this is big enough to contain a huge cross-section of gamers. That is maybe one of the biggest attractions for developers trying to promote their games through giveaways.
I appreciate you are using hyperbole to emphasise your argument, but surely neither you, I, a developer, nor anyone else with even a shred of intellect is witless enough to try and fabricate some sort of communal "personality" to characterise such a diverse, fundamentally loose aggregation of individuals, any more than grabbing a thousand Amazon customers at random might characterise an " shopper"? ..
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If Denuvo goes down, the games no longer work.. No longer working game means it can't be sold.. Not being sold means it's not making money.. So it would be in the publisher/developers best interest to remove the DRM if the servers ever went down. Which is why your lack of faith is funny, publishers/developers are in the business of making money, having their games removed from stores because they can't be played isn't good for business.. So you know..
I'm ok with waiting it out, by the time Denuvo servers get shut off, if they get shut off, I'll likely have played and beaten the game anyway,, but like I said above, I have the utmost faith that nearly all the games will have the DRM patched out if it's neccesary..
A community looking to attract developers to give away their games on that platform, should take a hard lined stance against piracy. Why would a developer take this forum seriously when it's filled with people who have no problem with pirating/stealing their product, and then bragging about it?
Ok, the topics are there, the bragging is there, it's up for anyone to see,, I certainly know if I was going to give away a product I made for free to help promote it, I certainly wouldn't be doing it in a place that is an open and free haven for pirates to continually talk and even brag about how they pirate games.. but you know, maybe that's just me.. I'm not 12 and don't feel entitled to everything for free..
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"If Denuvo goes down, the games no longer work.. No longer working game means it can't be sold.. Not being sold means it's not making money.. So it would be in the publisher/developers best interest to remove the DRM if the servers ever went down. Which is why your lack of faith is funny, publishers/developers are in the business of making money, having their games removed from stores because they can't be played isn't good for business.. So you know.."
Tell that to the games that are still locked behind GFWL.
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Not if he is only resorting to pirating it directly because of Denuvo. And please don't take this to mean that I am in any way, shape, or form, advocating piracy in general. I'm just saying that that statement, due to cause and effect, doesn't make logical sense for such an individual in the example I have raised.
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Yep .. I am the reason and my 2k libraries in steam, gog , uplay and origin HB and fanatic !
Well you could say that I am the reason for pre-orders because I never did that !
Also I am the reason the game beeing so expensive for no buying at full price !
I am the reson for sesons pass and dlc because i only buy Goty packs at a barging price :D !
By the way I have more games on steam then you 1254 > 1189 and 13559$ > 12214$(you in 9years and I in 3years not even the same level :V )
Even if I would have 15k, more than the owner of the biggest account in steam I would still pirate some games because of their publishers or developers so again your POINT IS ??
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It was an example and sorry what ever you say EA, Ubi and Activision counter every time so bye !
Really now 2k library in 7 digital markets makes me cheap now LOL .. as I said need that 15k so I would STF all of you just for fun and would still pirate just for fun :D !
I don't know why many are against piracy but support crap games that sell for 110Eur cough Fallout 4, always online , DRM ,denuvo, seson passes , pre order , first day dlc and so one !
By the way I am a software dev and will still pirate and support what I want and not all software !
No reason to pirate ... what next you will say that pirating is stealing next :)) lame !
Also next time Pucker ... cry me a river first , maybe that will do the job :D and I will give a fuck of what you say :V !
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Because pirating means getting something without giving the developer and publisher their (in their eyes) fair shair, to let you play something they made. Although studies show no impact, this doesn't make it ethically right.
Its like stealing apples from an apple farm, because you don't like the farmer. Either pay him, or don't eat apples.
what next you will say that pirating is stealing
Yeah ... exactly. That is part of the definition of piracy
I am a software dev
Either not a real good one (so not experiencing piracy for yourself) or not working in a part of IT where piracy could even take place (IT services (special software for customer) e.g.), so I don't know why this information even matters.
And all I can think of, seeing you talk about "the big amount of games you got" is the last panel of this (can't crop am on mobile):
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In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
The definition is taken from Wikipedia (emphasis mine)so it won't quite match all jurisdictions.
Whilst related in that one theoretically leads to the other the "theft" and loss of income arent the same thing when considering digital media.
If I hacked a Dev and stole a list of keys then theft could be applied as in turn someone else wouldn't be getting the product whereas if I pirate a game everyone else still gets it. That's not even considering the argument that pirates wouldn't have bought it in the first place so there is no loss of income.
The major problem here is that copyright and other IP laws are severely outdated and are just applied to digital content with no consideration for the differences.
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This again piracy is not steal ... educate yourself ... in 00 they had demo that had 33% of the game now you have Arkam knight !
Nop not the same but what do I know !
I can give you studies that show piracy does nothing and works as publicity cough Game of throne but again what do I know :))
So as a conclusion piracy is bad but it is bad ... tanks for the information :V !
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you can show biased links created by pirate bootlickers.. Bottom line remains i look at pirates as scum, they take a hobby I love and spit on it.. I'm here supporting the developers, trying to get games I enjoy brought to the PC, but pirates just lounge about and give nothing back.. They enjoy the games people like myself ensure wind up on steam, while not helping in the slightest.. I have a degree in business management, I know how businesses think, I know why they do the things they do.. Thanks to pirates, many companies are reluctant or flat out refuse to bring their products to the PC.. Everything you've said has has been nothing but talking points directly from pirate sympathizers.. Sorry bub, get some new material..
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Did you not get bored by your rant !!!
Also I already gave and other examples of cracks used even by devs to fix their crap DRM aka UBI !
I have a E-business degree aka E commerce so your point is !
Sorry bub you are being uni dimensional if you believe M$, EA , Activision Bugtesda should be believed that they are the holy grail ... do support those companies and support their crap ethics !
I will pirate what I will not want to support and will support companies as CD project red so you have again zero points to make and is getting boring this rant of yours !
Alos that video was not mine as this one :
I borrowed them from other users that posted on this thread but you are too uni dimensional as I said :)) !
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Go ahead and say that piracy is torture - because you force devs into hunger. Or piracy is rape - because you violate them without their consent. Or piracy is murder, because they can die without income. Or driving to suicide. Or bullying. Or some equally stupid shit.
Piracy is copyright infringement and NOTHING more.
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I'm going ahead and say that you might not understood, what I explained.
Nowhere in my comment I stated something anywhere close to one of your ideas (the farmer wouldn't lose a lot of money if you get an apple without paying, right?)
Actually in my country it isn't illegal to download pirated software. Distribution on the other hand is.
As I can assume that Andrew doesn't "crack" those games by himself (I mean, I asked him indirectly), he advocates or better: is in need of somebody to do something that isn't legal where I live and in many other countries, which I don't find okay.
I'm okay with somebody to pirate a software if he wants to. He decided for himself what he means is ethically correct. I can understand others who don't choose to, too.
I actually linked a study that show that piracy does have no impact on sales.
But please, if you are doing something that needs a third party to do something not legal, keep it for yourself and not call for it openly. Especially if it puts the one he is talking to, maybe at risk (this obviously assumes the lack of "experience" of said person)
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like I said, advocating for piracy makes you a cheapo scumbag peasant.. don't like it.. oh well, don't be a cheapo scumbag thieving peasant.. You wanted to point out your game collection like it made you right, I came along, pulled out my massive e-peen and let you know your piddly 2k games mean nothing.. I have over 11k games on just steam.. probably over 20k if I included my console games spread out from xbox 360 to the original atari.. So excuse me if I"m not all shuttering at your 2k games.. As for pirating for fun.. really? Ok, whatever floats your boat.. if accessing things you shouldn't have access to is fun for you, then have at it.. Don't get offended when someone comes along and tells you it's wrong..
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i'm not the type to mince words when it comes to someone trying to excuse their crap behavior behind fake white knighting.. nobody is pirating because they are fighting some moral crusade, they are pirating because they are cheap people who want stuff for free.. My buddy is a pirate, he claims to buy games with content worth buying,, then played SKyrim and said he wasn't going to pay for it because the game had a lack of content.. That's pirates in a nutshell, finding excuses to not buy games, and making claims they are fighting the good fight, when the reality is they are just people who want free stuff..
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You're also claiming people in foreign countries with no access to those games are just cheap. As for other things you stated. It doesn't matter if you don't "mince words" if you're ignorant and wrong about piracy. Besides those people, those "99%" you mention are people who wouldn't have bought it in the first place which means there is no lost sale. You also clearly don't know what theft is.
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you claim I don't know what theft is, but I think it's you who doesn't know what theft is.. Theft - In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it...
Sounds to me like piracy is theft now doesn't it..
As for the rest of your point, I feel bad if someone isn't given access to games because of region restrictions or a game is no longer available for purchase, or maybe it was never released on said platform.. IE console exclusive games.. Most of the people out there advocating for piracy aren't doing it for those reasons, they are just doing it because they can..
That last point holds no water either, obviously they had interest or they wouldn't have bothered to pirate the game, sounds like more straw-man arguments. Oh well I wasn't going to buy it anyway, but I'll sit here and play it for 20+ hours ... because.. reasons..
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Actually I clearly know what theft is and the differences between both copyright infringement and actual theft. People who say it's theft are the ones trying to combine two different crimes into one. Not to mention even the dictionary definition of theft is different than what copyright infringement would be. Also you don't know what a straw man is. My argument isn't even close to a straw man since I never said you said something other than the country part.
It also definitely holds water since most people that don't care if they pirate wouldn't have bought it in the first place. Tell me how somebody who wouldn't have spent money on something is a lost sale. The only way something like that is a lost sale is if the person chose to pirate something they would have bought.
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if you can't afford something you aren't entitled to it.. People acting entitled to luxury items is funny to me.. like Video games are a luxury item. It's not a right.. People act like they'll die without the games.. oh well if half the pirates actually focused on school and got a decent job they wouldn't have to steal games anyway..
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when you play stuff that you don't legally own, and make excuses for why you can play them.. That's called being entitled.. Like.. oh I wasn't going to buy it anyway.. or i'm playing it because (insert random game publisher) is evil... This game has (insert DRM) so i'm going to play it for free to stick it to the man.. or any number of other excuses one will use to justify their thievery.. That's called being entitled.. they feel they should play the game no matter what..
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you're pretty much describing piracy in each and every post.. that's why the people who pirate feel they are entitled to the games they are playing... like they have the right to do it.. normally with some weak logic like the publisher did this.. or denuvo that, or I wasn't going to buy it anyway.. Well if you weren't going to buy it, then why are you playing it.. sounds like that logic doesn't work when you're there playing it..
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sorry bro,, weak ass cowardly pirate talk.. excuses to play pirated games are trash.. Pirates are just cowards, grow some balls and just admit you're stealing the game because you want too.. stop trying to make excuses for your thiery,, man up, grow balls and be honest..
If someone gets offended great, add me to your black list,, pirates are cowards, with no balls, who need to make up flimsy excuses to pirate stuff, no respect from me because they lack balls...
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why did you decide to reply to my post from over a week ago, on a post that has all but been dead.. also yeah, coward talk.. IE people who are afraid to just admit the truth, they play pirated games because they want too, not because of any noble cause or anything other then being a cheapass..
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I honestly don't care about anything you're saying, you keep bumping the topic and adding nothing, if you care about that sort of thing go to and chill.. I really could not care less about what you're saying, For like the last 5 post you are saying the same thing,, Why not give it a rest, try to jump out a 53rd floor window and catch the breeze..
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Telling someone to go kill themselves is crossing the line.
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You should leave him be .. he think he knows what he is saying but at best he is not :D !
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Meh ... I wounder how much is the number that I can call you a peasant ... also this implies that you are not so conformable on what you are saying and you only want to rant with that ... !
Again I give zero fucks of your rant ... you had zero arguments so bye :D ... go and entertain other people ... you are boring me :D !
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you advocate for piracy, so you're a cheapo peasant.. think it's an insult don't be one.. at the very least be quite about it, got people out here acting all crazy admitting to piracy, the worst part is other people seem to be ok with it.. whatever though..
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Zip it ... the industry need it !
The crap that they do they need a counter !
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you're not countering the industry, you're just being a thieving Pile of excrement.. If you enjoy being excrement, then have at it, trying to pretend you're some white knight fighting the good fight. Why don't you tell me, who are you trying to convince, others or yourself.. Feel that little twinge of guilt when you steal games, and need to boost up your own moral compass by pretending you're fighting the good fight..
pfft.. only person that needs a counter is you and other pirates like you..
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Well worked as a student for Ubi so yes I counter that crap company any time I want !
Also why so mad at life little one ?
Also read a book or something, you can not steal a game because it has no material form so can't steal it :D !
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you mean you did an internship? I somehow doubt that, if you don't even know it's called an internship, you're likely some piece of entitled excrement who lives off his mom and dad, in the basement or attic room, ultimately that's why you have to steal games.. I'm sure you're quite adapt at asking people if they want some fries, or to supersize their meal deals. psst.. i'm not mad at life.. my life is really amazing atm.. God blessed with with an abnormally large member,, I'm independently wealthy, and have an extremely gorgeous wife..
I've read many books, I also know what an internship is.. not worked as a student for Ubi.. Also if you pirate games you are stealing, just because you don't want to admit it because it makes you feel morally guilty doesn't mean it's not true.. Anyway, I tire of talking to excrement, i'm going to take my leave now, knowing that you've done nothing but waste far too much of my time and contributed nothing.. In fact I'd go a step further and say nothing you've said has been coherent and everyone who's read it has become dumber because of it.. You sir have a nice life stealing games and thinking you're a white knight..
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Nop it was a project not an internship!
After that I didn't want to work for them :D !
And that was 5 years ago :)) !
Read the books again and see that stealing is not equal to pirating a game !
WOW now I need to feel morally guilty because I pirate games, damn what a scumy individual I am for not giving a fuck :D !
I always have a good day every day, now I am enjoying trolling a stranger on a site !
How are you today ?
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so you did a project for like school or something.. So you literally went there, got some cookies and milk, they passed out some press kits, let you watch a few videos and you know the whole inner workings of UBISoft from that visit you had.. Jeez, at-least an internship I would have given you some leeway in thinking you might have some mildly insightful understanding of UBI.. but it was a project.. which was probably actually some youtube video you saw..
Alright dude.. you're not trolling you're getting burned, quite savagely if I do say so myself.. In fact I'm almost tired of burning you..
did you read my last post, i'm doing good.. how you doing..
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I like the way you project what I did because you were there ... interesting to say at least and after you use that as a base to justify your rant!
Me working with UBI is a better understanding that your knowledge of Ubi ... that was the point but as I have said before projecting your experience into others and using that to rant on a site :)) !
Do i need to read it, because all that you said is the same thing so what would be the point of that!
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Borrowing the definition of another member here to prove your ignorance :
"Actually I clearly know what theft is and the differences between both copyright infringement and actual theft. People who say it's theft are the ones trying to combine two different crimes into one. Not to mention even the dictionary definition of theft is different than what copyright infringement would be. "
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That's awfully aggressive of you, considering the fact that pirating games has almost no impact on sales.
Most people who pirate games are either dipping their toes in to see if they will like the game or not or were NEVER going to buy the game in the first place.
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no they aren't, they aren't dipping their toes, they are taking something they don't have a right to have and playing it.. 99% of pirates aren't buying anything they play, just using that as an excuse to help calm down their own moral dilemma at stealing.. It's ok though, if you want to pirate, have at it, but dont' come around waving your opinions around, then get all offended when people call you out for your crap behavior.. Just steal your games and STFU while the rest of us Honesty gamers keep the industry afloat so scumbags like you can have games to play..
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aside from the fact you've already purchased the game, so it's technically not really pirating, especially if the steam version is broken and the only workable copy you can find is from piracy.. I wouldn't know, think I played Resident 4 for a bit on steam, didn't notice any issues but don't think I played it for very long so who knows..
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This is useful. If you are free watch the full video, explains why many developer have stopped using Denuvo.
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Also for that crap shadow of war I wouldn't even bother to download too much used space for that crap :V !
Usually crap AAA get denuvo aka useless 50GB+ of space MEH !
When will they learn that TW3 was the right path to go :( !
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Well if more people would not buy crap games maybe they would stop with this shit but hey I am only one of many !
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Yep, DRM can be a real problem for legit customers. I actually avoided Steam (and PC gaming in general) for years because of it since I hate the idea of being locked out of products I've purchased. But unfortunately GOG is the only completely DRM-free marketplace I know of, which blocks good and well known games from their store and partially as a result are missing a huge number of quality PC titles.
More then 2/3 of the games I'm interested in for PC just aren't on the GOG store, and it lacks a platform comparable to SteamGifts, otherwise I'd probably spend most of my gaming $ on GOG instead of Steam.
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Their curation said: No. Their community said: Yes.
And now it's on their store.
Much better system than steam direct imho.
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Denuvo doesn't work and it only cripples the game's performance. There is no logical reason behind it's constant implementation unless piles of cash are involved.
Indie games that cost less than AAA ones and have no denuvo in them sell times better than AAA games. Piracy or not it makes no difference.
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it doesn't cripple performance, try to actually see for yourself.. All denuvo does is send a check randomly to the servers to ensure you own the game.. It at most takes like 1 - 2 fps AT MOST.. if you can't afford 1 - 2 FPS, you probably should lower the games settings or get a new PC as you're rocking a potato, probably only capable of playing games made 5 years ago.. and poorly at that..
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So let me see it takes 1-2 fps also had problems wit SSD's, it is expensive cuts from the budget of the game, it stops players from playing legit ones !
Inform yourself first :
But pirating is bad ... Meh little ignorant it must be nice in your small world :)) !
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sorry bro, all the negative effects of Denuvo have pretty much been totally and utterly debunked, but keep on spreading those lies because it makes you feel better about taking stuff that doesn't belong to you. I don't care if you want to pirate, but don't seat here and act like you're some riotous dude fighting the good fight, when the reality is you're just a cheapo peasant scumbag who likes to steal stuff.. So if you don't like being called out on what you are.. then STFU, play your stolen games, and stop trying to spread your lies and opinion which you aren't entitled to have..
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LOL some one got triggered ... you are too easy to tease and that is not funny !
Also provide some counter arguments or just zip it :D
You imply that I even care what you believe of me or not .. NOP I don't!
For me it is the tehnical part to use the crack . to even make the crack to twick to mod and so one !
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You forgot to say that I am a cheap one because I GA games :)) !
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So, if you use Windows, is it original? They made a lot of money pirating Mac.
All your pc's software is original?
All the movies you watch, you buy it or watch on netflix?
All the music you listen, you buy it or listen on spotify?
If you use WinRAR, is it original?
Most people have nice ideas, but they don't do what they say. And yes, I pirate games, software, movies, music, etc. And what? Am I fated to hell?
Also, YES, when I really enjoy the game, I buy it, but most of the games I just play for 2-4 hours and then I never touch it again. Except for indies, that I may pirate, but if I enjoy playing it for 30 min or whatever, I will buy it in the next sale.
If the game is great, it will sell lots of copies, if the game is meh, then the publisher blames the piracy.
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Bill Gates originally worked for MAC and created the original Windows,, he copied his own work when he started Windows, then paid Mac a fee for every copy of windows which was sold.. #themoreyouknow
all the software I have on my PC has a license which is either extended to me for free, or I purchase.. So yes, I'm legally entitled to have it and to use it..
I watch them on netflix.. Netflix pays the owners of that content a fee so they can stream their movies..
Spottily pays a fee for each listen of the music to the artist..
Are you even trying, you're naming stuff which has been licensed and or fees paid to the original artist,, nothing at all like piracy..
at-least you're being honest about your thievery, unlike other people who try to pretend they are doing it for a Nobel cause. You aren't "farted" to hell, whatever that meant, but you're likely still pretty garbage..
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I never said that it was wrong to use Netflix or Spotify, I meant that if you don't use it, probably you download the musics/movies.
You can think whatever you want, if I'm or not garbage, I really don't care. You can even block me, I still don't care, but block someone just because you don't agree with him is throw away the discussion and consider that your word is always the correct.
The question is: what is piracy for you? Depending on your country's law, download a game and play less than a half is legal without comercial purposes. But I already said in other words, I won't support shit developers, I'll test their game before buy and if the game worth it, I buy it. Watch reviews or gameplays isn't the same as playing, so I can't really know if a game is fun FOR ME, or good FOR ME before playing it.
Also, when you work for a company, whatever you do, your company owns, not you... #themoreyouknow
Calling people on the internet garbage based on forum comments is funny, you should review your concepts.
Also, I said fated to hell (there's no edit in my post *).
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yep, they do own the work, which is why Gates came to an agreement to pay for every version of Windows Sold..
I haven't downloaded anything in years, ever since Napster was around, before I actually understood it was stealing.. Now that I'm an actual adult, with a job I can afford to buy the media I want..
piracy is taking something you aren't entitled to and playing it.. The demo excuse also doesn't hold water as you can find hours and hours of footage on youtube for even the smallest of indie games.. Also have tons of reviews, and many games have demos..
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I assume by 'Mac' you mean Apple.
Bill gates never worked for Apple, and don't just take my word for it, here is one of the founders of Apple saying so:
As for your statement about him copying his own work when he started Windows (I assume you mean the work he 'supposedly' did at 'MAC' here?) and MS having to pay a fee to Apple for every copy of Windows sold, what an utter load of horse shit. I suggest you make sure you know what your on about before you post such bollocks.
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Bill Gates created the initial idea for putting windows in MS Dos.. Thus he created windows but didn't own the copyright, he used that technology when forming windows when him and Paul Allen started up Apple.. He bought the technology and paid royalties to Macintosh for every copy of windows sold as part of the agreement he made with Macintosh for using the copyright for windows (the idea of having windows in MS-DOS)
He created the idea of using Windows (the windows in MS-Dos, the infancy of the OS), then used that baseline to create the original windows operating system
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WTF! Mate, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, everything you have just posted is so laughably wrong.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen did not start Apple, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak did!
Bill gates did not buy any technology from Apple and did not pay royalties for every copy of Windows sold. There was no agreement struck with Apple (beats me why you keep calling them Mac or MacIntosh seeing as that is a model of computer) for using the copyright for Windows because Apple never owned such copyright.
Maybe you should do a google search for 'Apple vs Microsoft 1994' and then you will see that Apple took MS to court for infringement but was not successful. Xerox (the original creators of the windowing GUI) then tried to take Apple to court and where also unsuccessful.
I honestly have no idea where you come up with all this drivel. 5 minutes of research would show you that everything you have claimed is wrong. You said "the windows in MS-Dos, the infancy of the OS", what the hell is that supposed to mean? Windows was originally a shell built to run on top of MS-DOS and eventually evolved into a complete OS.
As I said before you should make sure you know what your talking about before you post.
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I've tested it with every game in my library that uses denuvo and the legit copy always runs worse. You are always welcome if you want to donate 1080ti and one of those high end samsung ssds though.
With that attitude nobody will ever take you seriously though especially when you provide no evidence of your claims.
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it has such a minimal effect on performance it's not even worth mentioning.. like litearlly 1 fps or some other minuscule amount. People are out here acting like super computers can't play the game because of Denuvo.. at most someone is getting 140 fps instead of 143.. Unless you're running the game on a potato you won't even notice.. Also you likely didn't test anything as other reputable people actually did test and saw it barely does anything.. As for SSD's, any failure an SSD has is a coincidence like you happen to be playing a Denuvo game and your drive fails.. likely was failing anyway and you missed the signs..
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I did my bachelor's degree project in CS on encryption and when I see this Denuvo crap I puke :( !
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I've seen a post by you claiming your a programmer, above in this very thread you say you have a degree in e-commerce and now you say you have a degree in CS.
Sorry pal, but reading these claims and the fact of how child like this post is makes me think the only degree you have is an imaginary one in BS.
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LOL, bachelor degree in Computers and master degree in E Commerce but hey the fuck I give if you believe me or not :))!
both are in Computer Science and related to programming :P !
Next you want to tell you the programming languages that I studied ...
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Then we are on the same page.
I usually don't brag at all. I was upset at that particular time and had a digital copy of my curricula that I used for a CV.
Glad to be of help.
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Hmmm, let me see.
This message is 2 weeks old, the time when 30 member blacked me aka having lost access to my GA's, well I only do group so no loss there.
On subject, sir I have a CS degree not English, read again.
Second, the foal that says that because his skill is so high that he doesn't understand a lower skilled English member is fooling himself at best, do know this, when you have higher skill in anything you should and must understand the ones will lower skills just by experience alone.
So again you look like foal from me perspective when you invoke a null argument as a higher degree in this kind of debate but do enjoy yourself thinking that you have such degree :D when your logic alone nullifies this!
PS: Don't bother me again BYE!
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Read again? I am referring to what you had posted in the past in a separate thread with me, this requires no reading of your current claims because I'm not directly referring to them, only your apparent habits.
I have made no claims of skill or expertise, and invoked nothing but a related observation, which seems to still hold true.
Not trying to attack you, but I guess I was being picky :p
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Fortunately, all those games were cracked but the publisher did not remove the protection so the legit owners will have to use the crack to play their games when the servers are disconnected.
That's how online auth DRM works and that's why cracks are so important for software preservation.
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I can give you 10 games that because of secure room and GFL need cracks but noobs say but piracy is bad because we know little to nothing about encryption or DRM or common sence but those are bad MEH ignorant fools !
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Even a publisher used the crack to give support when their own protection had troubles: Ubisoft Steals RELOADED Crack To Fix Its Own Game
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I know don't remind me ... but still piracy is bad FFS !
Wait did Ubisoft pirate the crack ... shame of them !
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DRM is anti consumer, as of course. Steam is DRM itself, and ALSO has third party DRM games, like Ubisoft, Warner Brothers, Square Enix, e.t.c. What happens when a company like EA does very nasty things to it's games? People will pirate it, even if they have money to otherwise having it as a response to bad practices.
With Steam Direct allowing ALL sorts of games from shovelware that has no game in it, to asset flips, to publishers liking DRM, to developers who don't even know English, and other nonsense such as "Russian politics games", or dead MMOs and whatever else crap they have prepared for us. GOG is much better nowadays, offering old school style of offering games, having a actual human curation, accepting dev's choices on releasing or not, but main problem of GOG is that it doesn't offer enough games and deals to compete with Steam, so you'll see people who say "Steam is the best and everything Valve does is great for everyone!" in discussion forums. Even though they let HDTF and Prospekt happen due to fact they "love" HL universe, but they are unable to judge crap from it. Yes, those 2 barebones HL2 mods are still in the store, even after fan backlash and heated discussions with creators banning critics. And HDTF had managed to become even more infamous after popular Youtubers expressed their regret at that project. There's more, but I'll not talk more...
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Steam is DRM itself
Steam can be DRM, it isn't always.
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The solution out of all this DRM mess would be easy: I personally wouldn't care whatever messed-up copyright protection a publisher chooses to use, as long as I could get a simple promise that they will remove it after a reasonable amount of time. It doesn't have to be removed when It's cracked, there doesn't have to be a strict limit like 2 months or 6 months, but I would like a promise that when I buy their game the DRM would get removed before the game gets so old that I don't even want to play it any more. And I would like them to keep that promise. The sole argument I always hear in favor of DRM like Denuvo is, that they should have the right to protect their work during that crucial time when a game is brand new and that this time is most important for whether the game is successful or not. Well then, let them protect it, let the ones who always need everything on the first day buy the game, let the pirates have their fun trying to crack that protection and give folks like me, who don't mind waiting, the chance to buy a clean DRM free copy at some point.
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They will never do this because they are lazy !
Look at BugTesda ported TES V for the nth time with the same bugs from 2011 :V !
There are so many broken games that are on steam because of DRM but noobs like this one thinks that piracy is bad because just that ... insert no reason :D !
So technically Ubi pirated a crack that they not made so ... !
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I know, it won't happen. Not sure if it's because they're lazy, though. It's more likely because there's some manager types sitting in the background at all the major publishers, who probably think that unprotected software comes with the same risks as unprotected sex. They basically have no clue why people buy games in the first place, or how software piracy works, they're afraid that when they remove the DRM everyone will start to copying their games instead of playing them. Commercial DRM like Denuvo is usually added post production, so it should be just as easy to remove for a publisher.
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I have some difficult to notice things so it's possible that i never noticed a Denuvo in my life.
BTW i found this curator that shows only games with Denuvo and i can confirm that i played a lot of titles, but i don't think that i had some bad experience about it, don't know exactly about what you're complaining for.
They should be investing in good titles that people will not pirate because they'll feel bad about that... And in most cases, piracy isn't permanent, some people are just kids that don't have money to pay for a $50 game, others are just testers and there's the ones that have a lot of priority going on, can't name all of them but it's a huge list. I like to think that people will always go legit at some point, but also understand that there's people who don't mind hurting a small indie team by stealing their hard work without any further retribution.
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Same I've never had any issues with it and I;ve played heaps of games onthat list
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Denuvo does nothing, it's just there, and pirates continually spread misinformation and downright lies about Denuvo to try and scare customers off.. Obviously the easier to pirate games the better for them.. I do agree though developers should be putting out good games, but even with amazing games, you'll have people who pirate.. Piracy happens with all games, it's just a matter of how much the developer wants to try and fight piracy..
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I've been remarkably consistent with never buying games with Denuvo. Denuvo=No Sale for me. Your game might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned. The only one I have is Mad Max, which I activated from HB Monthly before I realised (I would have given it away here otherwise). I've bought games that have removed it, like Inside, Doom, or Before the Storm, so I can forgive if a publisher makes it right, but I'll never accept its presence.
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According to recent reports, an interruption in Denuvo's DRM authentication servers cut off access to a number of games in Warner Bros. Interactive's catalog including older games like Batman: Arkham Knight and Mad Max, but also newer games like Middle-earth: Shadow of War. Apparently PC gamers were cut off from playing these titles until Denuvo's servers were brought back online, which they are at the time of writing.
Wow... what a piece of crap
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Now the only thing missing is a decent StarForce thread\discussion! :O
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Although I've never had any DRM stopped me from playing big time, I can actually understand the complaint. DRM that puts inconvenience on its customer needs to GTFO.
In that regard, even SecuROM is an angel than this so-called Denuvo. Yes I was stopped from playing my copy at that time (reformat then failing to activate), but a simple email to the Distributor and they gave me brand new key to use so no problem. Even SecuROM gave me a free activation after contacting them, albeit much slower than the distributor.
But for Denuvo, I've had my fair share of trouble when playing Batman Arkham Knight, the most visible one that aggravated me most was performance hit. I have zero sympathy when something controllable (Denuvo) gives me more problem that I can tolerate.
I don't care what you call me, I will always pirate Denuvo-related games, I don't mind buying when they pull this shit DRM.
And yes, I don't mind buying even always online DRM like Diablo 3.
And before you middle finger me, fuck off, I've spent thousand of USD to buy many legitimate copies of games. Keep your retarded argument for yourself.
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Batman's problem had nothing to do with Denuvo it was a horrible port job, the game wasn't removed from the store to fix because of Denuvo, that would have been an easy enough fix..
It had fundamental issues with the port job.. combined with lots of people who played the previous two games without any issue, then not having the specs to play the newer game because it was far more advanced and required more..
I'm not pro denuvo, i'm anti piracy,, lots of people would love for Denuvo to go away, but most people realize DRM is a necessary evil to help combat piracy.. I've never had an issue with Denuvo from a performance or being locked out standpoint. Performance issues are almost always an issue with a person's rig.. whether it be outdated hardware, outdated drivers, dirty fans, overheating or a failing GPU..
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is it?
what publisher try you to believe, and what is real are 2 different things.
look at
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Using the Witcher 3 as evidence that DRM doesn't matter is stupid, considering the Witcher 3 was going to sell like hot cakes whether it had DRM or not.. Trying to use that as justify would be like trying to prove that Nike was only successful because they signed Michael Jordan to an endorsement deal..
Also the first article you posted, doesn't say what I think you think it says.. You can't prove one way or the other whether piracy effects sales as you'd need a closed environment with which to compare it.. You can't compare sales for one game which didn't have DRM to a game which did have DRM.. even in the same series, as those stats are going to skewed by so many variables the data will be utterly useless..
Like say Batman, you can't look at the earlier games sales and then The Dark Knight and see it sold less copies, when the game was a complete and utter mess when it released.. Meanwhile the other two games were commercial successes..
A more telling stat would be looking at Cross Platform games.. like ones released on Xbone and comparing the sales to steam.. While piracy happens on the Xbone, more users are less likely to do it, as getting caught has some serious side effects. loss of your account, owned games, and access to gaming at all on your system.. In fact to game again you'll need a new system as they ban the system altogether when you're caught pirating..
You can even use PS4 as well, i'm fuzzy on piracy but pretty sure I've heard PS4 games can't be pirated, maybe that wrong..
Comparing the sales stats from those two consoles to the sales on PC... (Steam has far more users then both of the consoles combined, yet games almost always sell far less copies on the PC.... ) is it a coincidence Steam has more users, yet almost every PC copy of a cross platform game sells nearly triple the amount of copies on the console compared to the PC.. It gets even more telling if you add the piracy numbers onto the sales numbers, you'll get the results you should have, more PC copies..
but you know,, piracy has no effect on games at all,, except when you look at it from a business perspective which I do.. Know why we get so many console exclusives, and why many developers shun the PC.. because of Piracy, and you can't argue that.. it's been proven, by even some of the biggest gaming publishers.. like Rockstar and them waiting until a game has been milked to death before the PC release.. (GTA 4 and GTA 5, waiting before releasing on the PC) Red Dead Redemption not even getting a release at all). Without piracy these things wouldn't happen...
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ofc a big game that likely will have alot more of interest in being pirated doesn't matter. you cant say interest into it was so big it would sell enough, without thinking that the amount of people pirating it goes the same way up.
People still don't understand that pirating = not lost sale
for one because most people pirating wouldn't buy it even if they could not anyway.
"Comparing the sales stats from those two consoles to the sales on PC... (Steam has far more users then both of the consoles combined, yet games almost always sell far less copies on the PC.... "
beside that its easy as hell to pirate on consoles. hell for the wiiu u didn't even need anything simply put a certain address into their browser. they even let you download the games form their own shop server.
amount of users says nothing either. i don't want even to know how many % of that are alts and dead accounts.
but sure less sales on pc means pirating is at fault.
" Know why we get so many console exclusives, and why many developers shun the PC.. because of Piracy, and you can't argue that.."
I didn't encounter one console where u couldn't pirate yet. so yeah sure...
"it's been proven, by even some of the biggest gaming publishers.."
you mean the same publisher who pay alot of money for useless drm like denuvo that gets in most cases within days cracked?
sure their wisdom really is of use.
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It's easy to pirate on the consoles sure, if you mod your system, but a modded system gets immediately perm banned. and your account is immediately shut down, any games you've purchased are lost, any time you've purchased for either Xboxlive or PSlive, is forfeited. So sure you can pirate games, but good luck connecting to online with them at all.. A much higher risk comes with piracy on the consoles, then steam.. you pirate games on your PC and nothing happens to you.. nobody is there to hardware ban you, in fact you get the game for free with no issues at all..
Also Console game sales are almost always far more then the PC sales,, in spite of the fact steam has a whole lot more users then on either console.. why is that? because of piracy.. people can pirate games with impunity, I already told you the effects of pirating games on the console your 300 dollar system is now a brick which can only play pirated games and can't go online EVER again..
never said you couldn't pirate on the console, only said it has a much higher risk then piracy on the PC..
Also yes, piracy has a direct result on games not being brought to the computer.. If you want to say other wise, then cool, i'm not going to sit here and argue with you about it.. since at that point we'll both be trying to argue against opinions
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you can play online with cracked games either. thats no argument. if you only go by being able to play online you cant pirate almost any game on pc..
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I already said if you pirate console games you're console will be a brick incapable of being resold or being connected to an online service at all..
I don't know enough about piracy to comment about how widespread viruses are.. I'd hope it was pretty wide spread, but unfortunately the few people I've known who talked about piracy said torrent sites are fairly clean when it comes to viruses,, don't know how true that is or not as I don't pirate..
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I already said if you pirate console games you're console will be a brick incapable of being resold or being connected to an online service at all..
and i told you that you cant play pirated games online either in as good as most cases. so if you go with the online argument pirating is no problem anywhere.
brick is not really a matter, and i see it on the same chance level as pirating and virus risk on pc. and that only depending on console. on some it is that easy that theres 0 chance of bricking.
so saying consoles have more sales than pc because pirating is in my opinion plain wrong.
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Even worse than the customer-hating game companies who do this shit are the copyright enforcement drones who come out of their corporate warehouses whenever this topic is brought up and start spouting anti-piracy and pro-DRM propaganda. People like Pucker above. If you can even call them people. Such treasonous collaborators are a stain on gaming.
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It wont be a thing after we start giving severe sentences for pirates, one year in jail for each gigabyte.
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As soon the british government finish dealing with the assault butter knives problem, they will be the first dealing with this horrible crime.
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I actually see the reasons for implementing DRM into games. And since I always purchase my games legally, I do not have an issue with publishers delivering the games with it.. EXCEPT for if the DRM actually impacts the game's performance (Right, Ubisoft?).
Also, I generally boycott EA games and approve of pirating their shitty games.
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I haven't played an EA game in forever.. Probably since I stopped playing consoles.. only EA game I played was NCAA football, when the former college players sued them and caused EA to drop NCAA I never had another reason to play..
Madden has such small changes not worth it.. NCAA on the other hand, always seemed to have subtle differences that made the game well worth the new cost.. Oh well..
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Bad link. The hell I will pay 35 cents to be ad-free -.- Blacklisted because you posted such a shit link.
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This are old news, but I discover this notice today. I consider outrageous that a legal buyer can't play a game, or play a crippled version of it, while pirates have in improved version playable anywere, anytime, without FPS loses, and no limited activations.
I think that this DRM scalation nonsense must stop. I personally stopped buying games with denuvo, the only ones I have in my library are the ones that came with bundles.
It's now happening with Tekken 7 (thanks for the link MightDes)
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