I have had some keys lying around for about a year now, I am not sure how many of them are valid, most should be though. I will be adding them one by one for next hour or so so help yourselves. I would appreciate if those who get them could say something so that I at least know how many of them were actually valid.

I will also be changing some numbers or letters (you can tell which one since instead of it I will use $ sign) or just swap the entire chains together (move the first 5 letters to second position and so on). All of the keys should be valid, though some may be used, so you will know for sure if you hit the right combination.

That's it for talk, get ready for action.

Day 1

  1. 3FRM$-N9MP8-BIC$N - this one is missing two numbers (claimed)
  2. 4L6NY-FD7VM-P7VAH - I have made some changes in the structure here (claimed)
  3. $8FRJ-2EL4K-KMGCG - removed one letter here, to make it easier, it is a letter from the second half of the alphabet (claimed)
  4. 8WBNL-RVYLR-BI79I - the first part of this one is shuffled (claimed)
  5. Short puzzle - use "The" before the name of the third character, I used wiki since I have always been watching the show dubbed in my native language and was double checking the original names to avoid confusion. (claimed)
  6. Z$W5$-WXG4V-HGALY - Some basic numbers switching while I prepare more puzzles -> two numbers removed (claimed)
  7. Short puzzle (claimed)
  8. H2Y79-F28HR-K5M4$ - Removed one letter, again it is a letter from the second half of the alphabet (claimed)
  9. Short puzzle - You might want to consult wiki if you have problems with the first question. (claimed)
  10. CV6JC-XDVXF-T66ZM - Last part is shuffled. (claimed)
  11. Short puzzle (claimed)
  12. L$HJI-NVKI$-52M0$ - Key for Medal of Honor, 3 numbers removed.
  13. That's it for today folks since I aM pretty tired X_X and have To finish my 3ssay, I will be back tommDrow with the rest of my keys! I hoPe you hAve enjoyed thIs as much as I did, thank you all for bEing here with Me, Chatting and so on, have a good day or night depending on your timezone. Bye Bye For the tiMe being. ;) (claimed)

Day 2

Took a slightly longer break, sorry if I have dissapointed someone by not coming back yesterday, but the essay took a little longer than expected. So let's continue!

  1. Slightly longer puzzle (claimed)
  2. This one might be tough (claimed)
  3. 3G2DK-J25VE-DWT$$ - Missing two NUMBERS at the end (claimed)
  4. $W9EE-4TJJT-JV3YA - One letter from the first half of the alphabet missing (claimed)
  5. HATI6-BYMV4-JZRW6 - the puzzle is taking me a little longer than expected, so here is another key for the wait, the position of the 3 parts of the key is shuffled (claimed)
  6. Short puzzle (claimed)
  7. K$A$Y-$J$4M-7WRWQ - this one is missing 4 numbers although in reality they are just 2 since the two of them are in both cases same
  8. Hopefully a little harder puzzle - took me a while, hopefully it won't be too easy. There are some good games rewarded for beating this puzzle! (claimed)

Two more to go for today, n.7 I am putting in right now, n.8 will be a puzzle, not sure on what topic yet so it might take me some time before it's up so be patient please. :)

Anyways, that's it for today. It was kind of forlorn, but I guess those who were here did not mind since it meant bigger chance for them to grab a key. Thanks to all who have participated and had the decency to tell us that they had grabbed a key. I will come back tommorow with some more stuff.

Day 3
Gonna keep it short today, I have just finished writing another 8 pages long essay (damn exam period) after 12 hours of non-stop writing/reading through materials and feel kind of relieved, even though I have submitted it 10 hours after dead line (guess it was naive to think I would be able to wrap it up in two hours). To celebrate finishing it I have create a short puzzle with a giveaway on the end for a change. So feel no rush since it is going to run for another two days. There is no cv requirement so feel free to dig in. It should be quite easy. I will have to cut it short here for today so don't expect any other drops as I am exhausted and am just gonna relax playing something for change. I will check this place out from time to time so feel free to write a comment if you feel the need to inquire about something.

A little something to hold onto until I get to continue with keydrops (expired)

10 years ago*

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The capital letters at the tittle gave it way

Also thanks for giving away

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Damn, that was fast. ;)

You are welcome!

10 years ago

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i can't. i dont understand xD

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Sadly I imagine that will happen with most of the keys, anyways I appreciate and value anyone who takes his time to inform us about claiming the key. ;)

10 years ago

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Thnx, Crysis 2 Maximun edition

10 years ago

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You are welcome!

10 years ago

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Suspicious topic names usually give it away.
Thank you for taking the time to do this.

10 years ago

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Yeah, that's what I was aiming for. :P

And thanks, any appreciation is appreciated!

10 years ago

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You're welcome, Keenzor.
It's nice to see the few that actually try to make things a little more interactive. That, and the puzzles / random trivia can be quite amusing.

10 years ago

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Number 4 is claimed by somebody

10 years ago

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and Number 2 (which looks like it was Red Alert 3 btw).

Good codes! Cheers for the chance.

10 years ago

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Thanks for clarifying this as well, marked as claimed. ;)

10 years ago

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Thanks for clarifying that, marked as claimed. ;)

10 years ago

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Wow, thanks for doing this!

10 years ago

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Am I the only one confused with the first entry in the puzzle?
Nothing I try seems correct.

10 years ago

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Ah! Got it

10 years ago

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I didn't have it! Claimed!

King's Bounty: Warriors of the North

Thanks so much.

(by the way, if anyone else wants to solve it, note that Keenzor states he used Wiki to get the name. Look at what else he may have grabbed)

10 years ago

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You are welcome!

These were not grabbed by mistake though, they are too IMPORTANT to leave out. ;)

10 years ago

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He would definitely agree!

10 years ago

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Got the medal of honor one, thanks! ^^

aka : key 7

10 years ago

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Doh! Really want that and sooo close.

Steam has stopped my activating due to too many attempts though. :(

Any idea how long I have to wait to try again?

10 years ago

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A couple seconds , as far as i know :p

10 years ago

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same here :)

10 years ago

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  1. one is claimed, not by me.

Grr sorry witchery i type in 8 (eight) yet it shows as 1 somehow in that line.

10 years ago

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Thank you for info, marking as claimed.

10 years ago

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9 Got 2 overlrds. thanks. there's also damnation. others are duplicate

10 years ago

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9 all taken by someone else.

10 years ago

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btw, do you think you should name what they are for? Then people are less likely to claim games that they do not want.

10 years ago

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That's not a bad idea, I was leaving the without name for a surprise effect, but this might be more efficient I guess.

10 years ago

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Claimed 11. (FEZ in case anyone was interested.)
Finally, a TV show that I recognize. :)
Thank you Keenzor!

10 years ago

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Excellent post! Cheers for the keys!

Have a good night.

10 years ago

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Thank you!

10 years ago

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13 was red alert 3. taken. thanks anyway

10 years ago

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Thank you for clarifying that, marked as claimed.

10 years ago

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Haha! Didn't even spot that!

10 years ago

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How did my first post here got all the replies deleted anyway after Keenzor's.

10 years ago

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I don't really care about keys, I just wanted to compliment you on the Blackadder avatar. Good day!

10 years ago

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number 10 already claimed, but not me
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, already had btw

10 years ago

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Bump for more keys.

10 years ago

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Bumped for solved (was to slow though).

10 years ago

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Oh, well, congratulations on solving it and better luck in next one, there are more to come, actually there is one already!

10 years ago

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I got Dead Space. Thank you very much.

10 years ago

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Great, you are welcome sir!

10 years ago

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Meh, guess I am using too mainstream stuff. :O Even thought I am taking those pictures myself daddy Google still finds most of them with ease. Gonna try harder with next one. :<

10 years ago

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Solved the second one too, but too late.

10 years ago

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