Hello, please for example :

Doom is market not available in Moldova in Fanatical

If you try to activate the theorically region-locked Fanatical key with steam/account/registerkey and it's this sub
but this sub exists too region-locked to Moldova

Then please who is right, the key you purchased is unavailable in Moldova (Fanatical) or region free (according Steamdb) ?

outdated :

Hello, i just bought 2 keys to gift (from legit store) but the region-locks are not mentioned

For example, here i see
There are 2 subs
99746 global
168113 RU/CIS
so i'm tempted to gift global minus RU/CIS

Is it the way to avoid all the embarassment ? Is there an universal method to know the sub of a key ?

1 year ago*

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in normal store there is written about region locks on game purchase page

1 year ago

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Thanks for your answer, usually yes but here no.
It's from Humble store, there was just an option to reveal the key after, so no i can't guess from that.

1 year ago

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If you look at each of those 2 subs, the global is global, it has no region restrictions. They can be activated and used everywhere, including RU/CIS. So if you are sure you don't have the RU/CIS one, it's safe to put without any region lock.

In some shops, usually they mention region locks (e.g. Fanatical) somewhere. In Fanatical you can see a list of places where it's activated, IIRC. Humble Bundle is harder until you try to activate the key and know how to get the activated sub; if you have a locked one, it should be activable in your region (the one you chose in your user settings).

If you got the key off a bundle, go to Deals and look for the bundle, it'll list the region locks thanks to the busy people there, specially SensualShakti.

1 year ago

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"If you look at each of those 2 subs, the global is global, it has no region restrictions. They can be activated and used everywhere, including RU/CIS."

That's the problem, i'm not sure that a store gives automatically the global sub to all customers outside RU/CIS :-/

It's not from a bundle.
Fanatical is really good for that yes.
And SensualShakti too i agree.

1 year ago*

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No. Global is global. Without any restrictions

1 year ago

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Ah thank you it helps a lot


So 169964 can be gifted everywhere too ?

1 year ago

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From what I understand, they won't give a RU/CIS key to people outside of that region so unless you are from that region or use a bank./payment from that region it should give you the global one for this case.

1 year ago

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Ah thank you i couldn't have dreamt of better explanations for all of this.

1 year ago

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Let's say you are not in any of the RU/CIS countries. I think it's safe to suppose that you got a key that's not the one for RU/CIS. It would make no sense. And if it is, you should be able to refund it, or change it somehow.

A way to know what you're activating without using the key is if you have the game (the exact game/bundle) or one of your friends has it, try to redeem it in the browser using this method:

See the "packageid" number? Then go to https://steamdb.info/sub/55781/ or whatever number it gave you, and that's the sub the key will activate.

However, this method can be dangerous for anything but single game keys, and there's always the chance that Steam borks and still activates the key. It once happened to me with a bundle. For single game keys I think it's safe. If you trust your friends about it, ofc.

1 year ago

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Amazing thank you that's the method i was searching for ! ^_^

1 year ago

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Thank you it's 99746, thank you i keep your super method !

1 year ago

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I recommend not to contact Humble support about restriction. I did it once before purchasing Hogwarts legacy asking about it saying I have it as prize for contest. They threaten me by ban saying it is only for personal use.

1 year ago*

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Thanks for mentioning.
edit : ah i just have seen the messages above.

1 year ago

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As you live in France(?) afaik you'll get the global key automagically. Besides, if the winner isn't a total jerk he'd consent to delete the GA should any problems materialize.

1 year ago

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Ok thank you i tried JMM72 method but i think i'm just too stupid because i can't find.
I'll close the thread, search a bit and cross fingers ! :D

edit : oh it worked it's 99746

1 year ago

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Just for info here you go : https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/gxc51/wrc-6-fia-world-rally-championship (lvl+3 public)

Thanks to all those who helped i 💙 you, you're the best !!
💙 (for info you're actually 226 people) https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/bKe7r/rugby-18

1 year ago*

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bump please

8 months ago

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if your bumping for the Ixion question, I would trust steamDB(especially if you bought 2 and redeemed one) over what fanaticals region checker said(this is a good backup if you aren't sure on the steamDB package). Just take a little caution with some bundles bringing new games as they might have had a new unindexed subID made for the bundle(watch SG thread for those)

fanatical sometimes says things have more region locks than they really do(I have had ones where it says it only activates in the USA... and after checking once winner activated the game it was a far more open than fanatical said).

now on a second note... if fanaticals region checker is matching this subID: here I would be a little more cautious as they might not be guaranteeing you a region unlocked key.

to note: you can always check which subID a key is for if you own the game already.

8 months ago

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Thank you ! it's https://steamdb.info/sub/376746/
but both gmg and fanatical indicate the same region-locks :

Isn't it suspect that they both have the same locks ? :D
So i'm tempted to apply them because it's 2 stores vs steamdb. I think i'll go with prudence because better safe than sorry !!!

(It's the 2nd time you answer to help me today ! Welcome to blue !)

8 months ago

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Bump please

5 months ago

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  1. There is no way to know the sub of a key unless you activate it yourself with SteamDB extension (or read the information from F12 Developer Tool). And even doing so won't let you know the sub of a region locked key that excludes your store country.
  2. The region lock information is usually written on the store page, but the accuracy varies. Humble Bundle used to gives wrong region information for some bundle keys in the past, but they have been mostly accurate lately. Fanatical does handle region locked key but it is not very clear about it (you need to try selecting from the drop down), and it sometimes give wrong information as well.
  3. SteamDB is accurate about the region lock of a sub.
  4. SteamDB used to include all sub of an app, but due to change in Steam API, it can no longer see subs that the bot doesn't own. We used to be able to look through the list and determine possible sub of a key, but it's no longer fool proof if publisher decides to make new region locked subs.
  5. In the case of WRC 6, if you are buying from Moldova, you might get RU/CIS sub. On the other hand, if you can confirm that your key is global sub, you can gift without restricting country.
5 months ago

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Thanks for your precisions but i'm too stupid to understand 🤕
usually i check using the F12 developer tool.

Please let's take this specific case :
From the drop down list, Fanatical says not available in Russia/Ukraine/Moldova but available in Azerbaijan/Turkmenistan

https://steamdb.info/sub/99365/ says this sub is also not available in Azerbaijan/Turkmenistan

But if i buy from West Europe and F12 dev tool says it's this sub https://steamdb.info/sub/103396/ theorically global,
then... Fanatical is wrong ? The key will be available everywhere including RU/CIS ?

5 months ago

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The sub in F12 Developer Tool is the actual sub of the key, in which case, if you check Info tab, you can see that the key is almost global, excluding only Russia (other CIS countries can activate the key).

As mentioned before, store may give incorrect region information. You only know the sub of the key when you activate it, from which you can look up the region lock information on SteamDB.

5 months ago

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Thank you, whitelisted you !

Just so you know why, i asked for this specific game because i've seen a copy of Doom in the communautary train
and this copy had no region-lock.
From your answer i guess if the winner is from Russia, then the gifter will have a problem if the sub is 103396...

(edit : so i'll take no risk and chose another game)

5 months ago*

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Your key region is based on your Steam account region when you first connect to the Humble bundle
In this case: https://steamdb.info/app/458770/subs/
If you're steam region was from RU/CIS when you first connect to the Humble bundle, it's RU/CIS key
If not, you got the global key

5 months ago

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Oups sorry forgot to close the thread ! :d
Thanks for your answer (whitelisted), you're absolutely right about HB keys

Here we wondered about Doom from Fanatical :
Fanatical says global minus RU/CIS,
steamdb says it's global,
and nhahtdh explained it's global including CIS but minus Russia
Tbh i still didn't understand ! XD

5 months ago

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Closed 5 months ago by coleypollockfilet.